(edited by mintkola.3756)
Beastmore aura
I dubbed it, “Fartshroud”. I think if they removed the gassy part of it, it would be fine. In fact, other players in Beastmode don’t seem to show the gas part to me and it looks good like that.
I read “fart cloud” and now it’s forever in my mind. Didn’t seem that bad in the reveal videos, but now it’s very, very apparent.
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
eh guys we got a the new FartCloud with PoF! everybody congratulate! I’m sorry i can’t unread that is forever with me.
it really just needs to go altogether. its hideous
The Pinnacle of Resposibility [Mom]
Ranger or Gasseous Entity? http://imgur.com/a/YbqQ0
it really just needs to go altogether. its hideous
Agreed, Auras should never be forced down our throats, I would like to decide for myself how my characters visual looks.
I’d prefer if the aura dissapeared as well, you already have the buffs to indicate we entered beastmode, not to mention the missing pet but i doubt that’ll happen
Pretty much first thing that I thought when I saw it – Stink cloud. Then – Fart cloud.
Never gonna play this on my noble Norn woman.
Why it is permanent? It should be like 1-2 second animation and that’s it.
GW2 is a visual game. The aura will stay as a fast indicator in PvP. Same for the herold aura, many complains and it is still there.
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant
The herald aura, ugly as it is, doesn’t accualy obstruct anything.