Biggest dissapointment

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: kevin.8026


I’ve played alot of games, I’ve read and posted on alot of forums for the class I played, but I’ve never seen one class so ignored, that 700+ concerns over a glitch+nerf is being swept aside, the only response I’ve seen to any of our posts about the change was to cancel the entire thread, noone has commented on it or any other of the many ranger bugs, I love the game I really do, but my biggest dissapointment with the game so far, is Anet.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: LazerEagle.7209


I completely agree. I assume they are working on something to make Ranger worthwhile for people except Bots, however I think they should at least tell us that they are.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: nerva.7940


i can only hope theyre working on something big for the Oct. 22 patch, otherwise im just gonna throw my hands up and walk away in frustration lol. only to come back when they address it. Heart of the Swarm is coming out soon for my pvp needs. too bad i got so attached to a broken prof!

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

(edited by nerva.7940)

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Cloud.7613


A lot of game has classes that even the developers don’t care about. Huge MMO fan so I’ll always play one, but I don’t feel wanted with the disrespect the class I began to like is pretty much scrapped.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


The bots don’t really care about the nerf. They don’t do pvp. They are still there en masse at lvl 10 running in the 70-80 zone all attacking Dolyaks and other weak mobs over and over and… Well you get the point. This move wasn’t done to do with them. If they even wanted to attempt at reaching them, they would of proudly declared: ‘’We are nerfing the ranger’’ and not gone at it by trying to hide, cover up and lie about this nerf.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Governor Toothpaste.1582

Governor Toothpaste.1582

This move wasn’t done to do with them. If they even wanted to attempt at reaching them, they would of proudly declared: ‘’We are nerfing the ranger’’ and not gone at it by trying to hide, cover up and lie about this nerf.

I would have to disagree. I don’t think they would have done that.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Prev.4879


Hah, you didn’t play a WoW druid. Waiting breathlessly for the next expansion. Some crumb that your broken profession would not totally suck (dps). First break the profession, then the player. That won’t wash anymore.

My problem is that I’m finding playing a warrior just because it’s mechanics work isn’t satisfying. I’ve parked my ranger, but not willing to write it off. Not only the profession that I love, but all the baggage that goes with a main, crafting development, best dyes etc. So my disappointment is that I’m soldiering on when I’d rather to be rangering!

The thing is silence and non action is an answer of sorts. I guess a couple of months is reasonable to wait to see what Anet does. In this fast leveling game, that’s a long time. My biggest disappointment will be if Anet still doesn’t want to bother with balancing a ranger and pet and proves it by inaction.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Governor: Then what was the point to do a nerf and try to cover it up with lies, Governor? I don’t get it. How is this supposed to make the bots all angry and go away?

Prev: I agree. There are a ton of people out there with the ‘’you must suck theory’’ and to them I say, I chose the ranger because I enjoyed playing it with the bows. You have fun with your traps and spirits that last .2 seconds in aoe’s or other broken weapons? Great! I don’t want to take your fun away. You deserve to have fun just as any of us do and I hope you’re having a blast. I’m not. I especially don’t like being lied to.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: ekn.6572


The bots control ANet’s every move in the current state of the game.

HAHHAHAHAHAHa. Is your tinfoil hat on too tight?

Second, they probably didn’t intend to nerf the SB so hard. It’s been two weeks since the nerf was made, and if the nerf doesn’t get lessened, they will likely find another way to make up for it.
Traps/spirits/etc are still being worked on.
This all takes time and y’all need to chill.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


It does, ekn. I think that an appology for lying to it’s customer base is the first step into repairing the broken bridges. They can even make an kitten appology like most companies do: Things got lost in translation and some intern made a mistake and he posted something he wasn’t supposed to post and aliens took over our game for 5 minutes and…well in the end we’re sorry. It wasn’t really our fault as you can see but we’re still sorry. See how great we are? It’s not even our fault and we’re saying we’re sorry.

I’d take it because that would mean they at least acknowledged that something went wrong. For now, I feel like they called me stupid and are getting away with it.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Governor Toothpaste.1582

Governor Toothpaste.1582

Governor: Then what was the point to do a nerf and try to cover it up with lies, Governor? I don’t get it. How is this supposed to make the bots all angry and go away?

Agree to disagree then? Unfortunately we have no facts to back our theories up as ANet is no longer a creditable source for information on their patches. This is just our opinions.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


Touche. The patch notes are in fact mere opinion. I’ve switched phone companies for being lied to in the past. If I was paying a monthly sub for this, I’d be long gone and so would many others. Not buying gems anymore that’s for sure. That’s like rewarding a child after a tantrum.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: nic.5720


A little integrity and courtesy to your customers goes a long way. I’ve not seen any evidence of either so far.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


A little integrity and courtesy to your customers goes a long way. I’ve not seen any evidence of either so far.

Well said. I’ll admit to buying into the hype surrounding this game. I enjoy it in some respects, but the lack of innovation in regards to communication is pretty irritating. I’m not trying to come across as entitled, but it’d help a lot of Arena Net were honest and acknowledged that they need to work on some of the broken aspects of the game.

What happened to the in-depth information we got during the beta period? Was that just fancy marketing hype as well?

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Grundar.2894


I still can’t believe they havent just made a post acknowledging the concern of their hottest topic post on the entire forum and instead get a moderator to just close the thread and hope it gets dusted under the carpet…. 796 replies from Rangers concerned about their class… over 78 000 views.. and they cant even give us an explanation or ANYTHING AT ALL …..

Anet Devteam1: " We see 250+ new users joining our Ranger forum community after our most recent hotfix to the shortbow.. And all these new users seem to be expressing their concern in only one thread. "

Anet Devteam2: " wtf should we do…."

Anet Devteam1: “Quick close the thread…”


Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vorkk.4927


People were loud and bothering them with actual facts. I’m not even sure if they understood the math that the mathematicians amongst us gave out. Next are going to be mass suspensions from the boards or even then game. Some people already got them. More will come. I’m sure they have a list of the louder people and I’m on it for calling them liars quite often because well…they are! That is most likely going to be their strategy over fixing things. A few suspensions and bans are far easier to do than say ’’sorry’’. Let’s see how long before this message gets deleted. They don’t usually like what I have to say. I guess the truth isn’t fun for them at the moment. It’s better to be off in LA LA magical land where they don’t lie to their customers.

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: gadenp.7586


Biggest Disappointments in a descending order:
1. Pets Dodge abilities
2. Pets inconsistent dmg abilities
3. Longbow, slow speed & ridiculous range penalities
4. Greatsword, dps
5. Sword, cannot dodge
6. Invulnerable, miss, obscure bug
7. Spirits, ease of death
8. Shortbow, Nerf to condition stacking
9. Beastmaster Trait

Biggest dissapointment

in Ranger

Posted by: Vialator.4981


People were loud and bothering them with actual facts. I’m not even sure if they understood the math that the mathematicians amongst us gave out. Next are going to be mass suspensions from the boards or even then game. Some people already got them. More will come. I’m sure they have a list of the louder people and I’m on it for calling them liars quite often because well…they are! That is most likely going to be their strategy over fixing things. A few suspensions and bans are far easier to do than say ’’sorry’’. Let’s see how long before this message gets deleted. They don’t usually like what I have to say. I guess the truth isn’t fun for them at the moment. It’s better to be off in LA LA magical land where they don’t lie to their customers.

Your not far off there – I got a temp ban for a day on the forums for posting in the joke post that got closed! -said temp ban for posting stuff that wasn’t relevant to ranger forums- yet the joke is that it was relevant as it was jokes about rangers – facepalm!

Anet getting annoyed with people telling the truth so if they cant close their posts- they ban them and threaten perma bans!
This game company is a joke- worse then bioware tbh!
