Bill Freist and pet command lag

Bill Freist and pet command lag

in Ranger

Posted by: Expiatus.4210


Bill Freist, ANet game-play programmer, dropped by an optimization thread to discuss causes and fixes to skill lag. He specifically brought up Ranger Pet commands.

“Though, not all “Skill Lag” scenarios are a product of the bullet points stated above. There are other causes of input delay, and a good example of this would be Ranger Pets. I’m sure plenty of you agree that their responsiveness has been arguably, well, next to none. I recently spent time working on improving the interaction Rangers have with their Pet using the Command Bar. I’d love to hear your feedback on this once it ships. Issues like this are something I definitely plan to continue improving upon.”

No specific date given but good news is they are working it and will be looking for feedback. Should be interesting.

Thread here:

Anvil Rock – Out manned, out gunned and no repair costs, so Leeroy up and dive in.
See you in Tyria.

Bill Freist and pet command lag

in Ranger

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


That is what was referrenced in the talking points about the upcoming balance patch that is supposed to focus on the Ranger… f2 responsiveness was one of three outlined if I remember correctly. Not new news, but who was actually doing the programming is the new news.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Bill Freist and pet command lag

in Ranger

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


The whole Petsystem in GW2 is creppes…
whoever thought the “switcheroo” of two animals is nice has no clue why people in general play “animal” pet classes …

And the whole CDI is going exactly as I thought it would go.
Allie seems to be a nice person, but honestly she is more then over her ears with the topic.