Boon / condition bar for pet
This has been needed since forever and we still haven’t gotten it. It’s been sorely needed for proper pet management. Know what else is needed? Keybind for stow/unstow, albeit, not as much as the what the farq is going on with my pet bar.
Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…
Yeah I also wanted this from the point on I started playing ranger. Hope dies last…
Agreed. It has been frustrating for a while not being able to see what boons/conditions are on the pet.
Can we please get a boon / condition par for out pet?
This gets even more important with the druid where we can copy all the boons of the pet to ourself.First focusing the pet to see how much might it has is really not practical mid-fight.
Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]
^^^ This
Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]
yes, its amazing we dont have this at this point