Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Hey I’m jay I’m a new player about a week or so on and off. I just made it to 60 and I was really starting to put some serious thought into some different types of builds. However I’d like to build a different type of ranger than what I’ve seen and read about so far.

Melee Ranger with some mid range capabilities.
Set 1: Sword and Torch
Set 2: Double Axes

Utility: Spike Trap, Flame Trap, Zephyr
Heal: Spring
Elite: Entangle

My goal is not to build a burst damage ranger but to focus solely on Condition damage and duration. Increasing his Vitally and Toughness as well. I have a clear mind of what I want to build, however I’m not experienced enough to actually piece it all together. I understand there are better builds out there I’m sure some elite player has some super speced gear set up etc etc… Not going for that. I don’t like the feel of the rangers ranged capabilities I spent a lot of time with them and well I find it boring. I want to build a higher skill cap. With the primary source of damage being his DOT for bleeds, poisons, burns.

So what I need is to decide on the Rune set I’m going to use to achieve this, Best weapons to shoot for as well as weapon upgrades. The trait path I should pursue and what pet features (if any) I should consider as well as what would be the best pets for this type of engagement.

As of now I’m debating Debuffing types that cause blindness, bleeding, knockdown, or snares but I’m not sure if that’s what I should go for.

As this is a dot build I’m planning on keeping the ranger in the fight for an extended period of time so a focus on survivability will be a must.

I’d really like to see what some of you more experienced players know that could help contribute to this idea. Thanks!

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Sword Torch and Axe Dagger is what you want.

Something like this.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


While the axe offhand in open world pve might be fun, its not that great unfortunately in wvw, and it also doesn’t give much to a condition build. A dagger offhand provides an evade that poisons, and ranged cripple that bleeds. I currently run this build. Its not the most survivable, but it can deal tons of condition damage. I tend to swap out signet of the hunt for viper’s nest when I flip camps. I also swap axe/dagger for a rampager shortbow with superior sigil of earth, and swap the traps for Sharpening stone and Zephyr when I run into some large group fights in wvw. Being a trapper doesnt give you much use out of Zephyr, although it is a stun breaker. The traps have a 1s cast, but not worth popping Zephyr for that.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Anyone know what Castaliea is going on about?

btw the bm bunker build was really awesome I watched the video and the guide he posted. A lot of information there to take it. That was a great resource and I learned quite a bit.

the axe torch and sword dagger applied all the conditions I was looking for, and the damage was enough that you really don’t need the damage from the traps either opening up space for signets for survivability. I think I’m going to model my build after that one.

However I can’t make up my mind between the birds and cats. If I’m going to dedicate myself to a certain path I’m wondering if runing two birds, or two cats would be wise. Should I always have a tank pet say a drake or a cc pet like a dog or spider. Only rotating to the bird to use his ability?

Again I’m not really sure how I should tackle that.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jay The Dude.5830

Jay The Dude.5830

it’s nice to see another Jay joining our forum this class needs more Jays

I have to agree with some of the above posts axe/dagger is the way to go, the main thing i noticed with your goal was a lack of poison, if you want a condition based build then A/D will let you apply poison, chill and about 12 stacks of bleed(splitblade,crippling talon,spike trap) very quickly, combined with burning from your torch this is some serious CDg.
I would focus on skirmishing and WS for your traitlines as you use two traps in your build and from these traitlines you can get better traps, 10% more crit with axe MH, and faster offhand and sword cooldowns, WS also builds onf ur survivability and adds more dmg for ur conditions.

There could be some use to the axe offhand, with flame trap and Spring you will be able to take advantage of all the combo finishers in axe/axe adding more burning and some regeneration to your build, I still agree with above about this however as Dagger brings more to your build,

you could fill the gap where poison should be with a pet, since your looking for increased survivability while you wear enemies down you should consider a Jungle spider, it comes with an immobilize to hold enemies in place while you apply bonfire and traps and the spider will spit out poison fields which your can throw axes through granting poison, you can also leap with the sword for more weakness which is about to become very good for survival if the leaked update is to be believed.

Finally a suggestion for runes would be Runes of the Undead? they are probably the best for condition dmg with 5% of your toughness becoming CD, you can rune around with settlers or apothecary gear and have all the survival and Cd you want

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Puandro.3245


Anyone know what Castaliea is going on about?

btw the bm bunker build was really awesome I watched the video and the guide he posted. A lot of information there to take it. That was a great resource and I learned quite a bit.

the axe torch and sword dagger applied all the conditions I was looking for, and the damage was enough that you really don’t need the damage from the traps either opening up space for signets for survivability. I think I’m going to model my build after that one.

However I can’t make up my mind between the birds and cats. If I’m going to dedicate myself to a certain path I’m wondering if runing two birds, or two cats would be wise. Should I always have a tank pet say a drake or a cc pet like a dog or spider. Only rotating to the bird to use his ability?

Again I’m not really sure how I should tackle that.

Wait until tuesdays patch to pick a pet, pets are getting nerfed pretty hard.

GW2 Videos WvW Ele/Thief/Mesmer/Ranger/Warrior PvP Videos
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


I had posted my comment on the wrong tab lol. Was meaning to reply to a completely different thread. Sorry about that guys!

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Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Wow GREAT success!!!

I found what I was looking for and the damage out put is 100 times greater that I expected!

I want to share my findings after playing around.
The bm bunker build is a really powerful without a doubt, the information shared there was a boon. However I myself like to know I’m doing damage myself in the event my pet goes down.

So I’d like to call this build the BT build (Beast trapper)

We’ll of course for weapons run
Sword and Dagger to apply condition’s and be a slippery kitten
Axe and Torch for ranged

For healing I’m running troll salve I swear it makes pets unkillable even my eagle is tanking mobs and dealing out tons of hurt

Utility I’m running
Flame Trap
Spike Trap
(Healing Regen wild one?)

For traits
30 skirmish;
-pet prowess
-trap expertise
-Trap Potency

20 WS;
-Vigorous Renewal
-Offhand Training

30 Bm
-Compassion Training
-Rending Attacks
-Natural Healing

It Just so happens I’m playing a norn and going lore friendly Culture armor and culture weapons adding to my healing power is working out great.

I’m going to spec my weapons with Geomancer for extra bleeds. When swapping weapons.

I haven’t decided on a rune set yet, I think I will make try to find something that does extra condition damage with a critical hit perk somewhere as I’m noticing I am criting aA LOT with auto’s.

I’m going to spec my accessories on healing and condition damage.

I’m debating Dropping Trap potency for Carnivorous appetite as of right now I’m running Lynx and Eagle both dealing tons of bleed damage with their active and lynx causing vulnerability synergies well with my autos.

With this build I’m soloing champion type group event monsters without breaking a sweat and they are dropping in a matter of minutes, my pets are not dying and mobs fall in a matter of seconds. For fun I turn my pet on passive I’ll run around in the wild getting the largest mob I can to chase me. Pop entangle, drop my traps, hit my combo. The Dps is so high I don’t even have time to switch weapons before the mob is dead most of the time.

I am VERY happy with this build crossbow days are over for me. Melee ranger from here on out! Dear god that damage is insane…

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


I’ll be fine tuning this as the weeks roll on, building more synergy with weapons and runes. Trying to make the most of on these on hit effects and crits. As of right now I’m really happy with my damage out put and my pets. With my items and traps I’ve got a perm cripple that never runs out and constantly adding bleed ticks, poison, burns, and criting for decent damage myself. I still have some mild kiting ability with the axes if I don’t want to go melee. The only problem with this build is it’s Lack of escape and hard cc.

However with my focus on survivability and massive damage output I DON’T think that’s going to be a big issue in team play. I may suffer in pvp 1 v1’s with a total kite build that is until I land that first cripple than It’s cripple all day. The thing I like the most about this build, is You can only run for so long. I’m GOING to hit you with a cripple sooner or later and than you can’t run. Your going to HAVE to out damage me to survive and to be honest I don’t see that happening.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Oh… and THANK YOU ALL for you input and expertise! This was very rewarding for me, I hope to fine tune this some more and share more findings with you all. Hopefully you’ll find something useful you’ll want to try for yourself =D

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Forzani.2584


Wow GREAT success!!!

I found what I was looking for and the damage out put is 100 times greater that I expected!

I want to share my findings after playing around.
The bm bunker build is a really powerful without a doubt, the information shared there was a boon. However I myself like to know I’m doing damage myself in the event my pet goes down.

So I’d like to call this build the BT build (Beast trapper)

We’ll of course for weapons run
Sword and Dagger to apply condition’s and be a slippery kitten
Axe and Torch for ranged

For healing I’m running troll salve I swear it makes pets unkillable even my eagle is tanking mobs and dealing out tons of hurt

Utility I’m running
Flame Trap
Spike Trap
(Healing Regen wild one?)

For traits
30 skirmish;
-pet prowess
-trap expertise
-Trap Potency

20 WS;
-Vigorous Renewal
-Offhand Training

30 Bm
-Compassion Training
-Rending Attacks
-Natural Healing

Gotta teach me how to have 80 points to spend on traits

When someone uses the word ‘Meta’, a kitten dies. Don’t do it.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


how many do I get? I figured with 80 levels I got 80 points? like I said I’ve only been playing for a week.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: jubskie.3152


how many do I get? I figured with 80 levels I got 80 points? like I said I’ve only been playing for a week.

you can only use 70 points. The first 10 levels don’t have trait points.

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Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


hrm =/ well scratch that idea…

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Castaliea.3156


hrm =/ well scratch that idea…

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Sempai Said I Was A [QTpi]
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Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jayw.1045


Sweeeet I already got my membership. Say could I borrow your keyboard… I don’t really feel like bashing my head against my own.

Brainstorming ranger, need some brains.

in Ranger

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Do note that weapon swap/on crit sigils share their cooldown. So not sure if slotting geomancy/earth into each set makes sense. I have sigil of impact (+10% damage on stunned/knocked down foes) in my torch, as I run 2 dogs, and corruption (although only a major one) in my dagger. I can reach a condition damage of 1600 with food, but without might stacks. Burning on 1600 condition damage hurts. If you’re looking for more survivability, take selttlers/apothecary. But it will only be any good with Dwayna runes, without them you don’t have much access to regeneration. Also take your ranger into wvw, and see how it works against players. Your opponents will need to be CCd so your pet can hit them, and most people run at least 1 condition clear. So be prepared to work hard for melting the enemy there I do think a condition ranger needs the traps as well, otherwise you’d run into long attrition fights, and those will become harder if you’re not running a regen ranger.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF