Bring back trap ground targetting

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Why necro wells, guard consecration have staple ground targetting but not ranger trap?

Seriously traps were already pretty bad compared to other classe’s condi fields but now.. removing the ground targetting make them completely useless in pvp.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Because they are traps and not grenades you throw at people. Stop complaining, traps are great now.

They are far from completely useless in pvp. They kind of rock now.

Also guardian traps and thief traps don’t have ground targeting either. Concecrations and wells have it because they are different types of skills.

Get over it WvW trap rune sheep.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


They need to be made dangerous. The new spike trap is ok. I don’t appreciate its +20sec recharge for a kd but whatever I guess.

The other 3 could use a longer CD and some love.

When I think trap I think something you leave in an ideal spot and then move. Right now traps are something you lay in area then wait like a spider for some prey. Is that bad? Guess not, just could use 1 more hard cc trap. Maybe have frost trap Ice Cube foe like frostbow 5?

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Because they are traps and not grenades you throw at people. Stop complaining, traps are great now.

They are far from completely useless in pvp. They kind of rock now.

Also guardian traps and thief traps don’t have ground targeting either. Concecrations and wells have it because they are different types of skills.

Get over it WvW trap rune sheep.

Necro staff lol at you 1200 range bigger radius longer duration

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Ye so what? You want traps to copy necro staff? You want it to be like staff ele? Wtf is wrong with you?

I kind of agree with what other people said in this thread that the trap effects are not ideal. They really need to be worth consuming a slot because often you cannot take more than 2 to still have decent condi removal etc.

Right now Viper’s nest does almost the same thing as Flame trap which does almost the same thing as bonfire. Frost trap has too little value to consume a slot being a very soft cc.

Flame trap could do some blinding (kind of like sun spirit). Viper’s nest then should actually do even more damage to compete with flame trap (currently it is almost same damage as flame trap on higher cooldown, poison better than burn due to anti heal though). Frost trap could maybe pulse resistance to allies inside?

(edited by Dojo.1867)

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


What is wrong is that ranger condi is kitten crap lol, it needs a buff.
I don’t want a copy but something that can compete with the other professions.
Having to drop a trap on your position is a huge penalty so traps should be more powerful than let’s say necro marks because they can’t be aimed. Which is not the case right now.

Poison is the worst for ranger simply because to maximize damage you need to put aside Empathic Bond and Amidextry. The 2 best traits of this tree.
Additionally Nest Trap tick duration is just too short, it can’t be used reliably to counter heals.

Spike Trap has this horrific cooldown, so basically only Frost Trap and Flame Trap can actually be useful, with luck.

In conclusion traps are worth running max 2 and only in organized team for their combo field which ranger can’t really use himself because of its lack of good combo finisher.

I like the the idea of adding additional effects like consecration skills

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Freeze trap is the worst trap. Exchange it for spike trap. Not only does it deal decent damage but also hard CC is way better.

There are other parts of the build that are very suboptimal.

Try this:;1FFx-v2ZEF-0;9k2O;1Z_a;0256137237;41417U;1l6Uwl6Uw1o

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


I’ve tried the wild survival variant’s and I don’t like using Carion to maximize fury and still hitting like a wet noddle, and the condi removal is actually meh compared to empathic bond.
With the shout variant you have more condi removal more sustain (shouts give regen and Rabid amulet gives toughness) , I use the dog and the brown bear for the condi removal and the immoblize and I switched for the taunt, which is pretty good actually.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


Nothing of what you say is true. WK condi removal is vastly superior to EB because EB often completely misses burn stacks of 5+ over 3 or 4 seconds.

Also the fury doesn’t really matter but it still goes rather well with the power carrion provides. Main damage source is the condi dmg anyway. If you want we can duel ingame and I will show you how much better my variant is.

But funny that you insist that yours is better and the proceed to make a forum thread claiming “traps are too weak”.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Cool story bro, I remove 4 condi every 10sec, you remove max 2 every 10 sec and you need to activate those skills at random times. You’re the one saying what you do is better I’m just saying another build
Very funny to call me a sheep

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


The point is you remove 4 condis when there is no reason to remove them. I have 3 skills that remove 2 condis when I need to remove them.

Well guess EB works for hotjoin. As I said. Feel free to add me and fight me ingame.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthony.8056


I liked having having ground targeted traps just because you like them now doesn’t mean I have to and I recall it was an option for people to have.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Go make you D size competition somewhere else wilderness survival has also issues but you don’t listen omg.
Bear activates when i’m condi bursted so yea there is partial control on my build on yours however you need to use skills like entangle or L reflex (your only stunbreak lol) at the wrong time if you want to counter a condi burst. Then ur left with no condi removal and all skills on cooldown…
Oh and with 0 toughness a nice freekill basically.

You should not use troll onguent without toughness anyway think just a sec.

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Kolache.3964


I really miss the old traps w/ rune. I adapted to something entirely different and am having fun (and more effectively), but it’s a shame that it feels like one less play-style option after using it for so long.

Traps are strong (for now), but so are most conditions. Even so, I would have chosen a damage penalty for being able to throw them if it came from a rune or trait.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


I liked having having ground targeted traps just because you like them now doesn’t mean I have to and I recall it was an option for people to have.

No you don’t have to but there is a reason they removed it:

First it just doesn’t make sense to promote a grenade like playstyle for traps. You are supposed to prepare them before the fight starts and ground targeting does nothing here.

Second they want traps to feel consistent across all classes. Thief traps won’t get ground targeting and neither will guardian traps. They are supposed to be traps. In gw1 you couldn’t even cast them if someone was attacking you. They don’t want them to be another generic AoE circle damage effect you throw at people.

Last but not least the annoying part is people claiming traps would be underpowered/unplayable now while they are actually really strong.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Anthony.8056


They may be strong now but for how long until they nerf that into the ground I’m not hear to argue with people all I’m saying is why take away something optional for those of us who liked it. The thing about it not making sense is an opinion a lot of things in this game don’t make sense like every fantasy game out there and ground targeting may do nothing for you. My point is you took away something that was optional in favor of something that i’m sure will be nerfed later on.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Ranger traps could be compared to marks because they both pulse aoe conditions.
The difference is that ranger traps don’t have ground targetting therefore they should deal more damage which is not the case atm.
I’m not asking for a necro nerf at all, but just saying ranger traps could use some more pulse (longer duration) and a shorter cooldown for spike trap.
Also I’d trade healing spring condi removal for pulsing resistance and more base healings since it has the highest cooldown and the least heals of all.

About my current build I’ve found the Settler Amulet (1200 toughness 900 healing 900 condi dmg) to work much better than Rabid.
Also Drakehound + Beastly warden is a must have for trapers.;0sEFy-a2gEV-0;9V2R;1Z_b;0256136236;41_VFE;1jwmAjwmA9s
Note that some stats are wrong on ITM
Strength of the pack has 48s cd and 12s duration
Regen ticks for 242
Heal as One heals for 7420
And Brown Bear cures 2 conditions not 1

(edited by RevanCorana.8942)

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Ranger traps could be compared to marks because they both pulse aoe conditions.
The difference is that ranger traps don’t have ground targetting therefore they should deal more damage which is not the case atm.
I’m not asking for a necro nerf at all, but just saying ranger traps could use some more pulse (longer duration) and a shorter cooldown for spike trap.
Also I’d trade healing spring condi removal for pulsing resistance and more base healings since it has the highest cooldown and the least heals of all.

About my current build I’ve found the Settler Amulet (1200 toughness 900 healing 900 condi dmg) to work much better than Rabid.
Also Drakehound + Beastly warden is a must have for trapers.;0sEFy-a2gEV-0;9V2R;1Z_b;0256136236;41_VFE;1jwmAjwmA9s
Note that some stats are wrong on ITM
Strength of the pack has 48s cd and 12s duration
Regen ticks for 242
Heal as One heals for 7420
And Brown Bear cures 2 conditions not 1

Marks are horrible.

Bring back trap ground targetting

in Ranger

Posted by: RevanCorana.8942


Learn how to use putrid mark then