[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


hey guys,

i have tweaked the build i use in wvw a little bit and want to share it with you. the build is made für group purpose in a size of 2-10 players ( modification for solo roam is to remove the horn and use dagger offhand ). spezial thanks go to hyjaxx for his re-port builds who gave me the inspiration for this setup. i hope you enjoy the ranger as much as i do. good luck and have fun with trying what i have came up with ( i dont insist to be the first who played this setup )


i would love to read your thoughts and ideas of maybe how to improve the build

( excuse my english :P )

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Aznspeed.6730


I like the weapons, but I’m kinda confused on why you would utilize conditions when you have a sword/horn combo. Both those weapons are better off power weapons. Also in my opinion short now would works so much better with condition duration because of its constant bleed when attacking from the side or the back. The axe torch just doesn’t have that much potential.

The Guardian of Hope [GoH]- Maguuma
Aznspeed-Ranger; Säber Pendragon-Guardian; Aüster-Ele; Titänià- Warrior

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


I like the weapons, but I’m kinda confused on why you would utilize conditions when you have a sword/horn combo. Both those weapons are better off power weapons.

horn is for the group support and the blast finisher with the fire field. also horn 4 is something like a panic triggerer for your enemy, he waste his endurance to evade the low dmg attack and you are ready to unleash your condition burst with axe2 and torch4

Also in my opinion short now would works so much better with condition duration because of its constant bleed when attacking from the side or the back.

i have a more defensive playstyle. sword is a movement and evade monster and has a nice poison for weaker healing

The axe torch just doesn’t have that much potential.

have you ever played a bm? i can take on 2-3 LB ranger at once

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


It looks good. The only thing I would change, is add a trap to your utilities for more condition damage, instead of Lightning Reflexes. You already have stun removal from Shared Anguish, and even if someone manages to stun you, you should still be able to survive with over 2k toughness, and a ton of healing power. You also have plenty of evades from sword and 50% increased endurance regeneration, so you really don’t need the extra evade either.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


i use pain inverter instead of lightning reflexes for the confustion

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


i use pain inverter instead of lightning reflexes for the confustion

That sounds fun =)

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Aznspeed.6730


what do you mean beast master, I thought your traits were 10/0/30/30/0? Also, true that a defensive playstyle would benefit from the evade of the sword, however I meant instead of Axe/torch take shortbow. That way, you dont have to wait to unleash “burst” condition damage, but have it on him all the time.

It just seems to me that you’re relying on condition damage a lot but the thing is you only have 1251 condition damage. I like Kasama’s idea of using a trap because esp in 2-10 man fights, you want to have aoe damage along with a fire field to blast off of. So I was thinking shortbow with flame trap instead of Axe/torch and signet of the wild. Or if you want to do beastmaster ranger, try putting point into the last skill line and take away the healing points in the runes and take another stat.

All my thoughts, dont have to listen to me. Just a suggestion

The Guardian of Hope [GoH]- Maguuma
Aznspeed-Ranger; Säber Pendragon-Guardian; Aüster-Ele; Titänià- Warrior

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Miiro.3124


If I wanted to run this based on how I feel with ranger, I would drop the shout because I think with dwayna runes and the boon duration from the trait line keeps me with regen most of the time. That way you could use a different utility if you wanted, perhaps a trap for another combo field with your sword/horn combos possibly more condi dmg.

If you dropped the shout you could go 0/20/30/20/0 picking up Sharpened Edges, and Trapper’s Expertise. The trap you use could be up to you and your group setup as you know.

Armor wise I would run rabid armor with apothecary jewelry, the healing power will still be fine enough for me and give you more crit chance for bleeds or sigil bleed procs if you want.

These are all just thoughts, take what you want thanks for sharing.

[SAV] Miiro 80 Ranger
Jade Quarry Champion Hunter
Solo/Small man WvW

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


i have fough many ranger with a spec like the one you posted, i have never lost to a single ranger yet. the shout is not to buss just me, im not that selfish in our roaming group setup. i buff every one in my group and that with great success.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


I like the weapons, but I’m kinda confused on why you would utilize conditions when you have a sword/horn combo. Both those weapons are better off power weapons. Also in my opinion short now would works so much better with condition duration because of its constant bleed when attacking from the side or the back. The axe torch just doesn’t have that much potential.

Axe/Torch is so much better than Shortbow IMO. Yeah you’re not pecking your target non-stop, but with axe/torch you do so much more damage.

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Miiro.3124


i actually ran something really similar to your build last night in spvp, the shout was nice cus i had like 1min of regen after a long fight with a thief (he didnt steal it) but yeah i think more builds are stronger but i tend to 1v1 more but in a group setting it could be nice.

[SAV] Miiro 80 Ranger
Jade Quarry Champion Hunter
Solo/Small man WvW

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Erro.2784


Think I’ve seen you around Coarr. I recall facing a Buka ranger that had insane regen… Why don’t you run renewal though, seems it would supplement the build you have a little better?

[VII] – Aurora Glade
VII youtube channel
Erro youtube channel

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


i dont know what to drop for the signet of renewal. lightning reflexes is a life saver in 5vs5 situations when you have the enemys attention ( and you will have them often coz ranger is still considered a soft target ). when i roam solo i often use pain inverter, works still pretty good for me but i will gibe the signet a chance for the group condition remove.

in the end i support my team the strongest the longer i live. last man standing always win.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


small scale group version ( 2-10 ppl ):


zerg version:


duell version:


alternatives for the radiation field are:

muddy terrain
lightning reflexes
signet if renewal ( recomment this only in small scale roaming )

one more pro for the radiation field: each tick has a chance to crit = chance to proc your weapon sigil

enjoy the testing

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!

[Buka]Rheij roaming build + variations

in Ranger

Posted by: Coarr.3286


first tests were very successful. absolute overwhelming results. the small scale build is enough to destroy everything you come across. had an intense fight with a phantasm hybrid mesmer, a few thiefs, s/s lb warrior, stun lock warrior ( warrior fights were both with the duel spec ).

and then the really shiny part: small scale fights. we ran with a setup of: 2x mesmer, guardian, thief and me. it was so enjoyable to rofl stomp all the warrior/guardian/ele pain trains

last but not least: i see a lot i can improve. i’ll work on it. rangers have a bright future in wvw. really.

[care] Coarr Ix – Ranger
Stomp some Piken!