Bypassing Entangle?

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ungood.3054


What abilities allow classes to bypass Entangle. I just had an elementalist jump out of roots twice on me now and seemed pretty much immune to all my crippling and chill effects.

If anyone could shed some light on how to deal with a class that can bypass our elite skill, that would be handy.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


To me it feels like pretty much any movement skill, stealth skill or invulnerability skill does the job.

10% of the time people escape by actually destroying them.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Luriyu.6873


every time the bramble begins it’s next attack (visually it lowers) if they can invuln, or evade, or walk out at the right time they become free of the vines. this is possible by all classes

the key is to make them walk back into the vines so they are rooted again.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dojo.1867


every time the bramble begins it’s next attack (visually it lowers) if they can teleport out, invuln, or evade out at the right time they become free of the vines. this is possible by all classes.

Wow that makes it even worse. I still use the skill because every CC we can get is nice but it is so unpredictable, unreliable and random. I would actually prefer a single target simple 2 sec stun adding some bleeds over that.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Entangle is pretty much only useful vs other rangers!

Well not really, but almost. This elite is so easy to completly avoid/get out of for many classes it’s not even funny. Especially thieves and eles step right out of it. For an elite with 150 seconds cd, you’d hoped for a little more bang for the buck.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ungood.3054


So it’s broken and does not work right. Thanks. Was wondering what the problem was.

The description says: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.

Apparently that until the vines are destroyed is a typo.

Every Lifelong Journey Ends With a Gravestone.
Born and Raised in Eredon Terrace

(edited by Ungood.3054)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


P/D thieves can hit number 3 ability and teleport out of it..
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


I have noticed that entangle is just outright finicky and unreliable.

However, it CAN bug in your favor. Not sure if it ever has in my favor, but certainly in some of my opponents. Just a couple of days ago, I got entangled essentially permanently. Damage wouldnt destroy them, and I couldnt WP due to condi keeping me in combat.

Luckily some “kind” people came by and killed me. I certainly didnt object or put up a fight, haha. This all lasted a minute or two, as I remember (not too long).

I dont use the skill at all anymore, fwiw.

Henosis [ONE]

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: KrisHQ.4719


I’m pretty sure the most common way for people to get out of it is by cond. removal.
I didn’t know that you were able to directly walk out of it inbetween pulses, that would be a neat trick to master.

To practice!

Lysis Kawahara – D/D Elementalist
Zaphiel Faires – DPS Guardian

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: ChillyChinaman.6057


To those that think it’s bugged, or unreliable, it’s not. It’s just poorly designed.

The skill creates grasping vines which then apply bleed(8s) and immobilize(1) every second. In that split second window when immobilize ends and has not been reapplied, you can walk out of it. Also, if move out of the vines, the immobilize won’t reapply after the 1st second.

Personally I run with 20 Marksmanship for piercing arrows. The +20% condition duration helps mitigate walking out, but the plethora of teleports that some classes have(ele, thief, mesmer) lessens its usefulness against those classes. It is quite useful against everyone else who has to waste time killing the vines before attempting escape. Personally I would have made it immobilize(1.5s), bleed(8s), and cripple(3s).

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Linguistically Inept.6583

Linguistically Inept.6583

cond removal (if it removes the immob) and teleport skills (even minor ones such as mirror images) can get you/enemies out

Desolation: 80 ranger [Nightwither], 80 necro [Dusk Grimsoul]
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I’m pretty sure the most common way for people to get out of it is by cond. removal.
I didn’t know that you were able to directly walk out of it inbetween pulses, that would be a neat trick to master.

To practice!

I always do it, or swap to melee weapon to destroy it. Still, it’s best elite I have in WvW – if enemy doesn’t have some skill to get out, he nearly never destroys it. Soooo often I meet ppl just standing in it while I kill them from distance

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


The reason people struggle with entangle, I think, is that immobilize is a condition. For example, if out of no where I find myself Entangled, I will drop healing spring and escape.

See the problem? Condition removal will allow someone to escape the binds. The other issue is that the big damage comes from bleed stacks. If you’re not using armor with condition damage then it just won’t hit hard.

Knowing this, you begin to see the power of Entangle. You don’t just run into a fight and pop it. You use a condition build and instead wear down their ability to remove conditions first.

See, rangers can throw a lot of conditions at someone. You can easily have more conditions going at a your foe than they have removal. Getting your poison in while they try to heal helps a lot because of -33% healing effectiveness on poison.

So after wearing down their removal, you probably want to [Entangle] and then immediately [Hilt Bash], [Concussion Shot], or knock down with hyenas or fear with wolf or stun with spiders. Do whatever you can to keep the players rooted and eating those bleeds. A full entangle will hit for 20,000 (roughly) if you keep them in it.

In closing, in a duel, I would take moment of clarity for longer stun duration. In an army, I would take trap potency for faster trap throws. It’s nice to get a good amount of crits with a condi / trap build because your overall power will tend to be low.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


every time the bramble begins it’s next attack (visually it lowers) if they can invuln, or evade, or walk out at the right time they become free of the vines. this is possible by all classes

the key is to make them walk back into the vines so they are rooted again.

right on everything except the walking out part – this is a myth, probably came about because people with passive condition wipe don’t realise what happened.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


By the way, Entangle appears to successfully counter mist form escapes. Try that next time you fight an elementalist. They might stop their shenanigans when they realize they can’t mistform back into the keep. If anyone can confirm this, that would be great, since I’ve only done it a couple times and in large battles. But it seems to work…

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


I sometimes use Entangle while protecting a gate in WvW, I come close to the gate, use Entangle to root some people outside then use my traps and barrage at the gate, all hit players that got root and some others attacking the gate too, and it works with players above the wall too.
Entangle is also good in the middle of a zerg fight since many won’t see you casting it and wont evade, but if you are in a small group fight then most players with a minimum of knowledge will be able to dodge your elite.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I sometimes use Entangle while protecting a gate in WvW, I come close to the gate, use Entangle to root some people outside then use my traps and barrage at the gate, all hit players that got root and some others attacking the gate too, and it works with players above the wall too.
Entangle is also good in the middle of a zerg fight since many won’t see you casting it and wont evade, but if you are in a small group fight then most players with a minimum of knowledge will be able to dodge your elite.

Dodge it? Dang! You must play with some great players. I don’t know many players capable of recognizing animations like that. I’d say if you can dodge player’s abilitiea like that, you’re doing really well and should consider trying some competitve play. However, like I said above, by the time you pop Entangle, your enemy should already be out of condition removal and endurance.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


They should make it so that the vines are solid objects so even if they invuln/teleport they can’t move through them and they HAVE to destroy them, i mean, cmon what kind of elite can be countered as easily as entangle? You can dodge it, you can simply condi purge it, you can tele out of it, you can invuln out of it, you can just walk out of it like i’ve done on countless occasions… it’s so stupid how easy it is to get out of it…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I sometimes use Entangle while protecting a gate in WvW, I come close to the gate, use Entangle to root some people outside then use my traps and barrage at the gate, all hit players that got root and some others attacking the gate too, and it works with players above the wall too.
Entangle is also good in the middle of a zerg fight since many won’t see you casting it and wont evade, but if you are in a small group fight then most players with a minimum of knowledge will be able to dodge your elite.

Dodge it? Dang! You must play with some great players. I don’t know many players capable of recognizing animations like that. I’d say if you can dodge player’s abilitiea like that, you’re doing really well and should consider trying some competitve play. However, like I said above, by the time you pop Entangle, your enemy should already be out of condition removal and endurance.

Yeah… when i get hit by entangle i either get ambushed by random SURPRISE!! rangers (that’s what i call ranger roamers, they ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS lead with entangle…) , or am out of endurance and/or swap my LB out thinking “Oh i’ll hit em with my sword now!!” And then on my turret engi as long as i have turrets up i just don’t even bother dodging it, i’ve learned that my flame turret will roast the roots on me like nuts open an open fire and i’ll be out before even 5 bleeds get stacked up…. And then my ele/mes, well my ele doesn’t know what “endurance deficiency” is, and my mes has a tele on an 8s CD…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Arpheus.6918


-65% condition duration and you can just walk out of it if the ranger using entangle doesn’t have lots of + condution duration.
Happened to me alot of times while I was running around with -65% condition duration. Entangle simply didnt work against me. It kept me like 0.3 sek and then I walked out. After 1 sec I think it would again try to entangle me if I was close to the roots but that wouldn’t keep me in them.
Bad design in my opinion. It should rather immob for 3-4 sec and not reapply. That way condition duration modifiers would not make it completely useless.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


-65% condition duration and you can just walk out of it if the ranger using entangle doesn’t have lots of + condution duration.
Happened to me alot of times while I was running around with -65% condition duration. Entangle simply didnt work against me. It kept me like 0.3 sek and then I walked out. After 1 sec I think it would again try to entangle me if I was close to the roots but that wouldn’t keep me in them.
Bad design in my opinion. It should rather immob for 3-4 sec and not reapply. That way condition duration modifiers would not make it completely useless.

what used to happen is the roots themselves lasted for 20 seconds and every 2 seconds it applied 4 seconds of immob, but that was before they did bleeding damage and were changed to do 1s of immob every second once the bleeding was added… i miss the old roots…

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


Any skill like lightning reflexes will break the entangle as well. If you want to see them first hand you could try the TA path with the trees in the boss fight (path 2?). I think as long as the roots remain they can trap the same person if they (carelessly) walk into back range, or perhaps even trap other players.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Belzebu.3912


Dodge it? Dang! You must play with some great players. I don’t know many players capable of recognizing animations like that. I’d say if you can dodge player’s abilitiea like that, you’re doing really well and should consider trying some competitve play. However, like I said above, by the time you pop Entangle, your enemy should already be out of condition removal and endurance.

Or they dodge, or escape very fast or I’m so noob, very likely, that I cast entangle while my target is dodging, but anyway, I end seeing people evading it very often.

Charter Vanguard [CV] – HoD
Bardy Belzebuson – Ranger Sir Belzebu – Herald
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


-65% condition duration and you can just walk out of it if the ranger using entangle doesn’t have lots of + condution duration.
Happened to me alot of times while I was running around with -65% condition duration. Entangle simply didnt work against me. It kept me like 0.3 sek and then I walked out. After 1 sec I think it would again try to entangle me if I was close to the roots but that wouldn’t keep me in them.
Bad design in my opinion. It should rather immob for 3-4 sec and not reapply. That way condition duration modifiers would not make it completely useless.

hmmm i never considered this as it’s less of an issue in pvp, but i know you can still get some -condition duration and hence walk out – interesting point about countering with + condition duration too.

As for the animation + dodging, it depends what race you play – as a norn, my animation is sooooo obvious, ppl always recognize it, literally 100% of the time if the other player is a ranger. But this forced me to adapt – now i almost exclusively use it during wolf fear or with quickness, good luck dodging that

By the way, Entangle appears to successfully counter mist form escapes. Try that next time you fight an elementalist. They might stop their shenanigans when they realize they can’t mistform back into the keep. If anyone can confirm this, that would be great, since I’ve only done it a couple times and in large battles. But it seems to work…

in my experience it seems that the immob already on them still works but new ones can’t be applied as they are trapped for a second or two then float out.

(edited by Wanderer.5471)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Taym.8326


The skill creates grasping vines which then apply bleed(8s) and immobilize(1) every second. In that split second window when immobilize ends and has not been reapplied, you can walk out of it. Also, if move out of the vines, the immobilize won’t reapply after the 1st second.
For quite some time this ability has been on a 1.5 second timer with 14 stacks of bleeds max and a 1.5s immobilize.

right on everything except the walking out part – this is a myth, probably came about because people with passive condition wipe don’t realise what happened.

Incorrect, if you evade or block a pulse you can walk out until the ability pulses again. Since it is a 1.5s pule it is a fairly noticeable time.

Dodge it? Dang! You must play with some great players. I don’t know many players capable of recognizing animations like that.

Entangle is one of the few animations for ranger that has a jump. If we are talking about sPvP it is much easier to pay attention to 4-5 players than 100+ and culled opponents.

As for counters directly (to the OP) after it lands, Condi removal, Block, Evade (distortion) Attacks, Having a Gsword Warrior around, Invulnerabilities (not endure pain type), and teleports. For abilities beforehand … many more

(edited by Taym.8326)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Wanderer.5471


right on everything except the walking out part – this is a myth, probably came about because people with passive condition wipe don’t realise what happened.

Incorrect, if you evade or block a pulse you can walk out until the ability pulses again. Since it is a 1.5s pule it is a fairly noticeable time.

i meant that there is no point in the animation at which you can simply walk out (as someone was claiming – see quote at bottom) – you have to do something such as invuln or evade as you suggested.

I was then saying it can “appear” that you’re simply walking out without mitigating the imob with evades etc because of passive condition wipes for example empathetic bond

every time the bramble begins it’s next attack (visually it lowers) if they can invuln, or evade, or walk out at the right time they become free of the vines. this is possible by all classes

(edited by Wanderer.5471)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Entangle isn’t bugged or anything, it’s a condition based Elite, so any class with on demand condition remove and just walk right out of it in first second you lay it.7

It’s hopeless vs Ele’s/Thief’s/Mesmer, or anyone with on demand condition remove.

Only effective way to use Entangle is stack someone with conditions first wait till they clear with there demand condition remove, then follow with Entangle.

It’s a garbage Elite shouldn’t even be an elite skill. RoA is our only real viable skill when comes to PvP.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tuluum.9638


Entangle isn’t bugged or anything

It can 100% bug.

Like I said, I just recently was “perma-tangled.” After a bit of time, some enemy players came by and kindly put me out of my misery. Was a lot like getting stuck in a wall!

Damage did nothing, healing spring did nothing, team mates attacks did nothing (by that time, the caster was spiked). I wasnt going anywhere until I died.

Henosis [ONE]

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: wookie.8934


Destroy them or, if you’re a mesmer, blink and wait a second or two and continue about your business.

Havok Legion [HL]
Fort Aspenwood

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Entangle isn’t bugged or anything, it’s a condition based Elite, so any class with on demand condition remove and just walk right out of it in first second you lay it.7

It’s hopeless vs Ele’s/Thief’s/Mesmer, or anyone with on demand condition remove.

Only effective way to use Entangle is stack someone with conditions first wait till they clear with there demand condition remove, then follow with Entangle.

It’s a garbage Elite shouldn’t even be an elite skill. RoA is our only real viable skill when comes to PvP.

Nah, it’s not garbage. Entangle is a finishing elite. You just have to know when to use it (after wearing down their endurance and removal) and once entangled, you must stun/daze/fear your foe to make them eat the bleeds. Take some responsibility for losing a battle and/or misapplying entangle, right? Sometimes it’s the player’s fault as opposed to ANETs perceived poor design choices. In closing, use entangle with stuns/condition builds and use RoA for power/precision/crit builds. I’m glad they gave us a powerful condition based elite, ya know? As a player, I have to be able to recognize if an opponent is running tons of condition removal, right? Or else bring a physical damage player or someone on your team that can make up for you speccing in traps and conditions.

How well do you understand the mechanics of other professions, Sol? I’m not saying I’m awesome by any means, I’m just saying that the better you understand other professions and what they are doing to defeat you, the better you will perform in general.

Edit: Warriors tend to go down in entangle, as well as thieves, and elementalist mistform will get stuck in it, which is kind of nice and a good reason to have rangers around (everyone whines about how OP mistform is). Don’t use entangle right away. Don’t use it against a guardian (you can, technically its more complicated than this). Don’t waste it on mesmer clones—make sure you get the mesmer. Don’t use it on a ranger sitting in healing spring or a neceo sitting in a condition to boom well. These are things I think about when I run entangle.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

(edited by Chopps.5047)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Entangle isn’t bugged or anything, it’s a condition based Elite, so any class with on demand condition remove and just walk right out of it in first second you lay it.7

It’s hopeless vs Ele’s/Thief’s/Mesmer, or anyone with on demand condition remove.

Only effective way to use Entangle is stack someone with conditions first wait till they clear with there demand condition remove, then follow with Entangle.

It’s a garbage Elite shouldn’t even be an elite skill. RoA is our only real viable skill when comes to PvP.

Nah, it’s not garbage. Entangle is a finishing elite. You just have to know when to use it (after wearing down their endurance and removal) and once entangled, you must stun/daze/fear your foe to make them eat the bleeds. Take some responsibility for losing a battle and/or misapplying entangle, right? Sometimes it’s the player’s fault as opposed to ANETs perceived poor design choices. In closing, use entangle with stuns/condition builds and use RoA for power/precision/crit builds. I’m glad they gave us a powerful condition based elite, ya know? As a player, I have to be able to recognize if an opponent is running tons of condition removal, right? Or else bring a physical damage player or someone on your team that can make up for you speccing in traps and conditions.

How well do you understand the mechanics of other professions, Sol? I’m not saying I’m awesome by any means, I’m just saying that the better you understand other professions and what they are doing to defeat you, the better you will perform in general.

Edit: Warriors tend to go down in entangle, as well as thieves, and elementalist mistform will get stuck in it, which is kind of nice and a good reason to have rangers around (everyone whines about how OP mistform is). Don’t use entangle right away. Don’t use it against a guardian (you can, technically its more complicated than this). Don’t waste it on mesmer clones—make sure you get the mesmer. Don’t use it on a ranger sitting in healing spring or a neceo sitting in a condition to boom well. These are things I think about when I run entangle.

There are so many things right now I would like to say, but you can dig your own holes……..

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bri.8354


Pretty much anything which breaks immobilize (which traditional stun breaks like lightning reflexes do not do), allows you to teleport somewhere while immobilized, or makes you go invulnerable will allow you to escape entangle.

I’ve found some classes like the thief break out far too easily while others like the ranger are basically screwed if they get caught in it as most builds do not have effective methods of escaping it.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Bailey.6892


So it’s broken and does not work right. Thanks. Was wondering what the problem was.

The description says: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.

Apparently that until the vines are destroyed is a typo.

It is just one more thing anet screwed up on. Sadly the biggest problems the ranger have is anet.

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Pretty much anything which breaks immobilize (which traditional stun breaks like lightning reflexes do not do), allows you to teleport somewhere while immobilized, or makes you go invulnerable will allow you to escape entangle.

I’ve found some classes like the thief break out far too easily while others like the ranger are basically screwed if they get caught in it as most builds do not have effective methods of escaping it.

No stun break in the game breaks immobilize. Why? Because immobilize is a CONDITION not CROWD CONTROL. Sorry for caps but the emphasis is needed.

And sol, pal, I’ve watched your duels on youtube. You have a lot to learn. And that’s ok. Everyone does.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


So it’s broken and does not work right. Thanks. Was wondering what the problem was.

The description says: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.

Apparently that until the vines are destroyed is a typo.

It is just one more thing anet screwed up on. Sadly the biggest problems the ranger have is anet.

It may be. Note the the vines are a physical, literal immobilize in that they physically box someone in. At least that appears to be the reason it works on mist form. From what I understand, the Immobilize will keep them from escaping the physical binds via stealth or whatever other abilities let you get out of physical binds. More clarity on this sure would be nice.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Sol.4310


Pretty much anything which breaks immobilize (which traditional stun breaks like lightning reflexes do not do), allows you to teleport somewhere while immobilized, or makes you go invulnerable will allow you to escape entangle.

I’ve found some classes like the thief break out far too easily while others like the ranger are basically screwed if they get caught in it as most builds do not have effective methods of escaping it.

No stun break in the game breaks immobilize. Why? Because immobilize is a CONDITION not CROWD CONTROL. Sorry for caps but the emphasis is needed.

And sol, pal, I’ve watched your duels on youtube. You have a lot to learn. And that’s ok. Everyone does.

Sounds like your just mad cause we had disagreement on a topic, real smooth mate..

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: Kasama.8941


Vines are basically immobilize, so any condition/immobilize removal, will remove the effect of the vines. What makes vines superior to immobilize, is the increased duration time and reusability.

So it’s broken and does not work right. Thanks. Was wondering what the problem was.

The description says: Entangle your foe. They are immobile until the vines are destroyed.

Apparently that until the vines are destroyed is a typo.

If ArenaNet had to type “unless that foe uses condition removal” next to all condition effects, the skill descriptions would become ridiculously cluttered.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: FrouFrou.4958


Pretty much anything which breaks immobilize (which traditional stun breaks like lightning reflexes do not do), allows you to teleport somewhere while immobilized, or makes you go invulnerable will allow you to escape entangle.

I’ve found some classes like the thief break out far too easily while others like the ranger are basically screwed if they get caught in it as most builds do not have effective methods of escaping it.

No stun break in the game breaks immobilize. Why? Because immobilize is a CONDITION not CROWD CONTROL. Sorry for caps but the emphasis is needed.

And sol, pal, I’ve watched your duels on youtube. You have a lot to learn. And that’s ok. Everyone does.

Chopps, do you happen to have any videos up of your wubwub gameplay? Also would love to see your build/gear setup. You seem such an amazing player that has mastered the most OP class that has no flaws at all in it, just a matter of l2p things for the rest of us noobs out there, so I’d love to see you in action!

Froudactyl // Herp Derp Druid // Judge Legends [JDGE] // Seafarer’s Rest

Bypassing Entangle?

in Ranger

Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Sol, don’t feed the troll anymore (Chopps), since (s)he’s clueless. I will start reporting his/her posts, since they’re classic trolling posts that kitten es people off by going off topic and trying to imply people don’t know anything.

It’s annoying and tiresome.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user