Can we beat necros 1v1?

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nikasaur.4713


Hi guys been doing some dueling recently and I can’t seem to beat necros. I run a spirit build (SB, axe/torch) which is great in team fights but I loose against necros 1v1. Any ideas for a counter necro build? I was thinking long bow power/precision and trying to keep them at distance…

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Rufy.6093


A good necro? No way. An okay necro? Maybe. A bad necro? Of course.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


A good necro? No way. An okay necro? Maybe. A bad necro? Of course.

You can totally beat a good necro in a 1v1, they’re not as broken as people seem to think (granted they are kittening strong).

@OP: Are you running the meta spirit build? Or are you running your own variation of it like I am? If you’re running the meta spirit build vs the meta necro build YOU WILL LOSE because that build hard counters the spirit build due to it having extremely good condi counter AND condi pressure ontop of the spirit build having poor condi counter because everyone refuses to activate their sig of renewal.

If you are running a power spirit build keep them at a range until they drop their marks(if they have staff) and then go in for the kill through sun and storm spirit. Keep in mind the longer you let the fight go on the more likely that necro will win, so you need to either have REALLY good sustain (both damage and survivability) or some burst, which power spirit builds do.

Also keep in mind Spirit of Nature can be activated to purge ALL condis instead of just to Rez. That helps out a lot.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


BM works just fine against a necro. It does require you to actually know how to play your ranger though and not just survive off of your build.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ryan.9387


You will fare much better with sword / dagger than the shortbow because you can evade spam the necro’s fear spam.

Second note, if you really want to beat necro’s bring melandru runes to remove the threat of fear chaining.

Another thing you can do is cast healing spring early in the fight, to use to to catch random fears and bleeds thrown at you.

Ranger | Elementalist

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I’ll add my own uninformed opinion too, I don’t know what’s new with necros since the patch but I haven’t really noticed much diffrence, they are like engineers to me get to close and something will go “zoom” and instantly kill you but keep your distance they will die almost everytime.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: hyjaxxx.1584


in wvw my Re-port331R has no problem with necros of any skill level.

In spvp ( 1v1) My Re-portV works like a charm. While testing the V i have gone 24-2 in 1v1’s ( 24-3 if you count the fight that people ran through the center of and ruined the fight)

Im having a great time with the Re-Port Series of Builds and ive surprised many a player with its versatility and potency.

Whoajaxx the Ranger
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nikasaur.4713


@ durzzla, yes running meta build or similar I think . Seems as if power BM is the way to go.

@hyjaxxx Ill look up your builds

ty for help will let you know how it goes ill be against 2 necros in a row if i get past 1st and then maybe another one!

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I’ll add my own uninformed opinion too, I don’t know what’s new with necros since the patch but I haven’t really noticed much diffrence, they are like engineers to me get to close and something will go “zoom” and instantly kill you but keep your distance they will die almost everytime.

That’s them throwing all their marks right at their feet and then fearing you lol, in absolute worst case scenario you get hit by all their marks twice because they behave similarly to traps.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: elprimo.4398


I have a pandemic necro(I did b4 it was cool hispter glasses on) nah but seriously they get kitten tons of condi clear and tranfer. Everytime I dueled condition stacker I was happy.

We have a lot of dodge and stuff but you can’t dodge conditions =( that said every time I beat a necro I know he is a baddie.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


I’ve only lost to one necro after the patch, who switched over to that Condition Transfer Signet after I beat him 4 times in a row, I could of easily swapped over to my SoR though to cancel that out though.

But yea, if you have SoR and you’re BM, you shouldn’t have trouble with most Necro’s

However if a Necro adds on your fight, you best see him coming and be prepared to run.
Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Manekk.6981


I’ll add my own uninformed opinion too, I don’t know what’s new with necros since the patch but I haven’t really noticed much diffrence, they are like engineers to me get to close and something will go “zoom” and instantly kill you but keep your distance they will die almost everytime.

That’s them throwing all their marks right at their feet and then fearing you lol, in absolute worst case scenario you get hit by all their marks twice because they behave similarly to traps.

That might be it, it’s often hard to know what killed you when you don’t play all other classes beyond lvl 10 alts and it angers me to rage sometimes how useless the combat log is barely anything show up in it sometimes, only yesterday or the day before I got pretty much instagibbed by a small pack of other roamers and tried looking in the combat log because there wasn’t really anything visible that could have killed me so fast and sure enough total damage it had recorded was like 1795 lol I mean wtf! also add my bloody pet in there so I can see what the ashhole is doing! >.<

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: IBountyHunterI.4601


I’m yet to have an issue as a might ranger.

I have had multiple duels with power necros condi spam necros and fear necro’s every time I can melt them for 16k in 1 spike from me and my pet. The trick is to watch your conditions and try to avoid corrupt boon. Seeing as I play a Necro myself a fair portion I know what to avoid.


Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


I have a pandemic necro(I did b4 it was cool hispter glasses on) nah but seriously they get kitten tons of condi clear and tranfer. Everytime I dueled condition stacker I was happy.

We have a lot of dodge and stuff but you can’t dodge conditions =( that said every time I beat a necro I know he is a baddie.

You can dodge the condition application, it’s what I have to do lol since I refuse to take empathetic bond.

@Manekk I’m an sPvPer, so I’ll look at my Death Log while I wait for my CD to pop up and let me Rez, or in absolute extreme cases of “WTF happened to me?” I’ll drop into spectator and stalk the guy giving me trouble so I can figure out what’s going on (I only play Engi, ele, ranger, mes other profs are 100% alien and ranger and engi are only 2 I have a really good grasp on concept AND playing), it helps A LOT.

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna

(edited by Durzlla.6295)

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Energy sigils, healing spring, empathetic bond, and signet of renewal. Just keep dodging and if you need extra condition removal healing spring will remove one every 3 seconds..

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


Dodge when they try to transfer condis. Interrupt their heal with SB 5 so they eat more of those conditions before they cleanse. Use SoR to cleanse burning or a condi burst and swap pets so they don’t get hit by epidemic. Keep them CCed if you can.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Actually a ranger is probably the best class to beat a necro if you’re running spirit build for example. Take two cc pets (wolf/hound) with SB/Sword+Torch, energy sigils on SB and sword with 0/0/30/30/10 and you should be able to tank heal/evade their current opness. Two necros would be too much but one is fine. Solo roamed for like 4h on my ranger couple of days ago in wvw, seen many necs and never went down under like 60%

edit: all in apothecary’s gear

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nikasaur.4713


Well managed to win against 2 necros so into later rounds. I used similar build to hyjaxxs Re-portV build. I won all matches in a downed state though hah. we were not allowed to use shaman or cleric runes so I used carrion. We are certainly very strong in a downed state!

Final few matchs are looking like thieves so I’m going to have to look into beating them, when I fight them I seem to be winning then they stealth heal to max and come back.

ThankQ for all the helfull comments guys.

Can we beat necros 1v1?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Necros are a garbage 1v1 class. If you’re losing to them the problem is on you and you may just be inexperienced with them. They have no self-sustain whatsoever, once you’ve depleted their pool there’s no recovery for them. They can be CC’d to hell.

Most importantly, just standing on your healing spring makes it an I-win button against a necro, as by the time it takes him to overwhelm healing spring, empathetic bond, and signet of renewal plus spirit elite you could have killed him twice.

Necros are only really a pain in team fights where you might have a thief or ele riding you, forcing you into a defensive mode while the necro can sit and turret conditions at you unmolested on top of the spike you’re eating.