Can we get a buff to shortbow now?
Range is fine. But skills definitely need some improvement.
Range is fine. But skills definitely need some improvement.
Care to elaborate? I do not want the thread to die.
But I do agree, damage is so pitiful.
Range is fine. But skills definitely need some improvement.
Care to elaborate?
I do not want the thread to die.
But I do agree, damage is so pitiful.
I think it is mostly a complete lack of damage skill.
3,4,5 are decent utilities. 5 may need a bit cd reduction. A bit underwhelming compared to lb4. 4 should be more than just a bleed condition from pet, need some damage increase as well.
So I would love to see damage increase to skill 2. Currently most SB rangers only spam 1 and using traps to do damage.
Light on Your Feet needs to at least work on evades instead of dodges only. I’ve also seen suggestions for crippling shot to apply torment which would be good for kiting. Quick Shot needs to be a skill shot so that it can be fired behind you or to the side without targeting an enemy.
Poison Volley needs to do something more than acting like Splitblade. Its ok I guess, but maybe it just feels weak bc the whole weapon is weak. The auto should have a damage buff so it can better use stat sets like rampager. I would also like to see the projectile chance to be increased from 20% to 50% so that sb can apply more pressure with fields (fire, poison, ice)
Rangers aren’t allowed to have nice things.
If you keep asking for a buff to shortbow they will nerf the rest of the weapons into the dirt to make it seem more appealing.
SB is also one of my favorite weapons, I think SB is fine damage wise and range wise. I think the utility of the weapon should get buffed. SB – 3 -> THE 3 sec swiftnees – make 3 sec super speed. SB -4 -> the 3 sec cripple – make it 6 sec cripple , SB -5 the 1 sec dze/stun -> make it 1.5 daze/stun like GS.
I got crazy idea regarding LOYF – while holding a SB, you can move backward and to the sides, with the same spee you move forward, 10% damage bonus while moving.
I use the toy sling shot skin for my shortbow and it changes everything. The range and damage really match the effectiveness you’d expect from it!
Save the Bell Choir activity!
I use the toy sling shot skin for my shortbow and it changes everything. The range and damage really match the effectiveness you’d expect from it!
lol plus it has that sweet rubber band sound
Next patch increase Shortbow range to 1000,
Day later fix animation bug that was causing Shortbow autos to cause damage.
Honestly, I think that the bleed on auto attack should be unconditional, perhaps with lower duration to compensate. It should be useful as a condition weapon in PvP, but it isn’t always possible to get reliable flanking there.
Here is how I would fix shortbow (and long bow).
Longbow would become more of a “ranged” weapon focused on DPS and opening fights.
Shortbow would become more of a control/evasive weapon set
1)Keep similar, but as damage goes up from further range, speed goes down. (or accuracy goes down). Add a trait to negate the negative effects of long range
2)Charge shot – longer the charge, more damage, but also longer cooldown
3)Evasive skill – fire a crippling arrow and grant Vigor
4)Keep same
5)Keep the same but instead of cripple, arrows cause bleed
1)As range decreases, speed increases, but damage also decreases. (This could offer some interesting synergy with certain sigils)
2)Replace with current LB 2
3)Poison shot plus grant stealth
4)Roll past the enemy hitting them in the back and inflicting bleed
5)Short duration confuse (Melee range – hits enemy with the bow)
Skill 1, Crossfire should auto bleed regardless of flank.
Skill 4, Cripple Shot should apply 5 stacks of Torment on top of the Cripple condition.
Skill 5, Daze/Stun should apply 3 stacks of confusion, 5 stacks if the player is successfully stunned.
These changes just makes sense as they already compliment the weapon skills as is already. They went ahead and nerf the weapon into the ground, made it a condition base, kiting weapon yet it supports only a poison and a non reliant bleed? WTF?
(edited by Jericho.4598)
I find it funny that anyone would think the devs care about making us a viable class. They hate ranger, it is evident in their body of work.
Kitten – Zerker Ranger –
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger –
Shortbow is one of my favorite weapons also. I always use it for my condition damage builds for ranged attack before switching to sword and offhand for melee, but I agree it could use some buffs. Concussion shot is usually weak and I like to see an increased chance at bleeding with Crossfire.
In all honesty, I’d like SB to become a pure direct damage +utility weapon, while Axe MH goes to complete condi.
Skill 1. Fast, smaller damage. Basically the opposite of LB 1, which is slower, heavier damage. Also, remove the bull-kitten fixed time delay. Quickness is no longer +100% activation speed.
Skill 2. Some sort of non-ground targetting AoE. Hits the target and splashes.
Skill 3. I kind of like this one.
Skill 4. Cripple is fine. I think it should immobilize if it hits someone already with cripple, though.
Skill 5. I like Conc Shot, but it could use a lower CD.
As for LoYF….
Just ditch the condi portion of it, and up the direct damage portion. Then, make it trigger on evade with a very small ICD.
1.) The shortbow needs is damage boost, why is that other classes AA do so much damage? Even mesmer scepter does more damage than Shortbow.
I feel like some devs wanna keep ranger bottom tier.
2.) Shortbow 3 needs to apply torment
4.) Crippling shot needs "Pets next 3 attacks deal 20% more damage and your pet gains swiftness
5.) Concussion shot needs to apply 5 stacks of confusion.
Rework LOYF then we are gold.
Just giving shortbow a -guaranteed- bleed on auto would fix it. giving a second on flanking might be op but, could be ok. One of those 2 could be changed for torment. It would automatically make shortbow viable, if not quite powerfull
Some confusion would be very nice. see above post.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
Make crossfire baseline bleed. The bleed-from-the-back is so clunky, unfitting to the combat system and wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy outdated.
We need buff to bleed, that’s all. And shortbow rework not buff.
buff range to 1200 back
you all remember?! sb was on 1200 range @ release.
ah and make auto attack give 1 bleeding without doing sports.
(edited by blubberblasen.3901)
Want to buff shortbow? Reverse the animation “fix” and reverse the range nerf.
I use the toy sling shot skin for my shortbow and it changes everything. The range and damage really match the effectiveness you’d expect from it!
I do the same exact thing, plus the sound it makes when firing seems so appropriate.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
+1. every weapon needs to be compatible with condi and power builds. SB needs a little bit more condi output, and a huge buff to its power scaling. the weapon is actually not too bad but requires a lot of tweaking. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while now, but it simply isn’t viable.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
+1. every weapon needs to be compatible with condi and power builds. SB needs a little bit more condi output, and a huge buff to its power scaling. the weapon is actually not too bad but requires a lot of tweaking. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while now, but it simply isn’t viable.
This I don’t really agree with. What seems to work more effectively in most cases is making a weapon either condition focused or power focused, rather than trying to make it both. A good example of this is engineer: pistol (particularly p/p) is obviously condition focused, and rifle is power focused. They coexist extremely well.
and I’m ok with that. thing is, I want the devs to have some vision and communicate it. it was created as a hybrid weapon. its AA used to do more damage and it worked really well with the old quickness. if they wanna make sb a condi weapon, then they should make it a condi weapon. it needs much more condi functionality. bearing in mind that REFLECTS are going to be spammed by every single elite spec in HoT. i would prefer if SB had some ground targeted attacks as well.
but in any case, we just need clarity.
and I’m ok with that. thing is, I want the devs to have some vision and communicate it. it was created as a hybrid weapon. its AA used to do more damage and it worked really well with the old quickness. if they wanna make sb a condi weapon, then they should make it a condi weapon. it needs much more condi functionality. bearing in mind that REFLECTS are going to be spammed by every single elite spec in HoT. i would prefer if SB had some ground targeted attacks as well.
but in any case, we just need clarity.
Many ground targeted effects (grenades, mortar aa) don’t actually bypass those. It would have to be something indirect a la barrage. At any rate, I was worried that a hybrid shortbow would step on the longbow’s toes, where a condi sb would open them both up for use (which I consider the ideal situation).
Just tossing my two cents on how I would like to see it changed:
Guaranteed Bleed on hit, more stacks if hit from the sides and back.
Poison Volley:
Turn this into an AOE skill similar mechanics to longbow Barrage. Creates a Poison Field similar to thieves. This will give Rangers another field they can combo off of with arrows or whatever else they want. Radius 200, little smaller than healing spring.
Quick Shot:
Add a leap finisher, Add 0.05 seconds of stealth, just enough to break focus, similar to mesmers when they pop clones.
Crippling Shot:
Change the bleed out for Slow
Concussion Shot:
Decrease the CD by 4 seconds, add 5 Seconds of Confusion.
Fort Aspenwood
Nerfing the Crossfire autoattack would be terrible. Shortbow, despite its weaknesses, is a great weapon for precision and condition damage builds because of its fast autoattack. Adding torment to one of the weapon skills would be nice and confusion to Concussion Shot would be good, but I would never want to see the rate of attack slowed down.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
I’ll say this, I think #2 needs to be ground targetable, and #3 needs to have a chill added to it. Not sure on #4…but it is kinda terrible at the moment. #5 is pretty fine.
Oh, and 1200 range. Like it used to be…otherwise #4 and #5 are quite useless if your opponent is smart and moves backward.
I don’t want to see torment on the weapon though. Torment and confusion are only good in high stacks, and we don’t have that kind of access. If they put torment on it, it’ll be like 1 stack for 3 seconds or something ridiculous.
Also, they are never, ever going to make it bleed on hit. That would get nerfed faster than HaO did.
Also, they are never, ever going to make it bleed on hit. That would get nerfed faster than HaO did.
It would, but not because it was genuinely OP.
You can only maintain ~7 stacks of bleeds. This would have been very powerful back before the condition changes but Crossfire never got compensated for when bleed ticks were reduced.
It’s only about half as damaging as it was and would in no way be OP especially given the large amount of projectile counters in the game now.
Also, they are never, ever going to make it bleed on hit. That would get nerfed faster than HaO did.
It would, but not because it was genuinely OP.
You can only maintain ~7 stacks of bleeds. This would have been very powerful back before the condition changes but Crossfire never got compensated for when bleed ticks were reduced.
It’s only about half as damaging as it was and would in no way be OP especially given the large amount of projectile counters in the game now.
Still, with the quickness access Ranger has, some dev somewhere would find this OP.
I personally think it is the wrong answer to put bleed on hit, as a good portion of the reason why SB is bad is because it is a #1 spam weapon. Move out of range, pop a block or reflect, and game over.
Utility is what the thing needs. Something like stealth access would have been nice, but they gave that to LB (for whatever reason). So I highly doubt they would give it to SB now.
I genuinely think the devs see the SB as a solid weapon, and this is why they have not touched it at all. On paper it looks good (stun / daze access, cripple, poison, high rate of fire, etc.). It’s very different in-game.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
+1. every weapon needs to be compatible with condi and power builds. SB needs a little bit more condi output, and a huge buff to its power scaling. the weapon is actually not too bad but requires a lot of tweaking. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while now, but it simply isn’t viable.
+1 because they are nearly the same changes as I suggested and included tooltips for, two posts above yours I didn’t use a leap finisher on Quick Shot though, I made it have a longer evade, Super Speed and vigor instead of Swiftness.
These sort of changes are pretty ubiquitous, so I think most people would be very happy with them, SB is fun, I like it a lot. The kiting playstyle is fun. The SB skills are not. With a few tweaks, it would be fantastic!
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
+1. every weapon needs to be compatible with condi and power builds. SB needs a little bit more condi output, and a huge buff to its power scaling. the weapon is actually not too bad but requires a lot of tweaking. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while now, but it simply isn’t viable.
+1 because they are nearly the same changes as I suggested and included tooltips for, two posts above yours
I didn’t use a leap finisher on Quick Shot though, I made it have a longer evade, Super Speed and vigor instead of Swiftness.
These sort of changes are pretty ubiquitous, so I think most people would be very happy with them, SB is fun, I like it a lot. The kiting playstyle is fun. The SB skills are not. With a few tweaks, it would be fantastic!
Torment has to be added to really get me interested in the changes proposed, the mechanic that torment brings as a condition just works perfectly to the whole SB approach to playing.
LOL would love to have torment stacking (like that would ever happen)
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Shortbow is now one of the worst weapons in the game, attacking with shortbow in a team fight, you might as well not even be there, and you are almost guaranteed to take more damage than you deal (lmao).
1. Slow down the Shortbow auto , but give it a guaranteed bleed, increased power scaling AND torment if hitting from 180 degrees behind target, this would make it way better in team fights, in 1v1s it wouldn’t be that much better since the target can usually face you.
2. This skill is fine as is in my opinion
3. Make this a leap finisher.
4. Change the bleeds from pet into torment
5. Add conditional confusion to this, also reduce the cooldown by 5 seconds.
Another possible change is to take the axe auto attack and give it to shortbow with bleeds on it, then give axe a real condition melee chain.
Seriously love yer ideas, would switch to SB in a heartbeat with those.
+1. every weapon needs to be compatible with condi and power builds. SB needs a little bit more condi output, and a huge buff to its power scaling. the weapon is actually not too bad but requires a lot of tweaking. I’ve been wanting to use it for a while now, but it simply isn’t viable.
+1 because they are nearly the same changes as I suggested and included tooltips for, two posts above yours
I didn’t use a leap finisher on Quick Shot though, I made it have a longer evade, Super Speed and vigor instead of Swiftness.
These sort of changes are pretty ubiquitous, so I think most people would be very happy with them, SB is fun, I like it a lot. The kiting playstyle is fun. The SB skills are not. With a few tweaks, it would be fantastic!
Torment has to be added to really get me interested in the changes proposed, the mechanic that torment brings as a condition just works perfectly to the whole SB approach to playing.
LOL would love to have torment stacking (like that would ever happen)
Torment is the quintessential condition for Ranger in general, its literally perfect for bow play. No idea why we don’t have access to it.
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
(edited by Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582)
^indeed. s/t a/d combo has always been clumsy. I would also like a more comprehensive, two-handed condi weapon. something that spams condis, like engie’s pistols.
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
Yes I would agree on reasonable, but it does not scale well with the power stat. Thats the thing, if you wanna go SB with high dps, you can’t. (I know there is LB, but how bout people who want to play SB)
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
Yes I would agree on reasonable, but it does not scale well with the power stat. Thats the thing, if you wanna go SB with high dps, you can’t. (I know there is LB, but how bout people who want to play SB)
We need a dedicated condition weapon and something is going to have to give.
Necros don’t use scepter in a power build and neither do Mesmers. Same for Warriors and 1h sword and Engies with certain kits.
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
Yes I would agree on reasonable, but it does not scale well with the power stat. Thats the thing, if you wanna go SB with high dps, you can’t. (I know there is LB, but how bout people who want to play SB)
We need a dedicated condition weapon and something is going to have to give.
Necros don’t use scepter in a power build and neither do Mesmers. Same for Warriors and 1h sword and Engies with certain kits.
For mesmer I respectfully disagree.. Ive mained mesmer for 3 years, Scepter works great for power, every skill scales so well with the power stat.
For warrior, Sword is used in both a power build and condi build.
How I’d like to see SB, skill wise.
Would be happy with something like this.
Ahh rats, it didn’t x-fer the picture as well
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
Yes I would agree on reasonable, but it does not scale well with the power stat. Thats the thing, if you wanna go SB with high dps, you can’t. (I know there is LB, but how bout people who want to play SB)
We need a dedicated condition weapon and something is going to have to give.
Necros don’t use scepter in a power build and neither do Mesmers. Same for Warriors and 1h sword and Engies with certain kits.
I was literally typing that same response heh. Yeah, you can’t have a good condi weapon that also has good direct damage. Its either one or the other, or a balanced hybrid.
A decent condi build does not focus on one condition that is then easily cleansed off, it needs multiple applications of multiple conditions and SB is the perfect candidate for this.
I love all you guys’ ideas, But is it only me but we need a increase in base dmg the shortbow does, i think its most weak Dps weapon out of all classes.
I don’t think so, I want more condi application so it is LESS hybrid than it is now. It does reasonable direct damage now because of the rate of fire, so although I would buff that slightly, I’d prefer to see it get more condi. We don’t really have a good condi weapon, except torch, but that’s 2 skills. SB also needs its CDs reduced, 4 & 5 particularly.
Yes I would agree on reasonable, but it does not scale well with the power stat. Thats the thing, if you wanna go SB with high dps, you can’t. (I know there is LB, but how bout people who want to play SB)
We need a dedicated condition weapon and something is going to have to give.
Necros don’t use scepter in a power build and neither do Mesmers. Same for Warriors and 1h sword and Engies with certain kits.
Warriors 1hand sword crit up to 12k from 3th skill and up to 4k from f1.
I really like the idea of changing the 3s swiftness on SB to super speed. And while they’re at it, change/add to Light on Your Feet trait, so that it extends all super speed duration.
This is are some of the thoughts I have had ever since they reduced the range of the SB:
1) increase the range to 1050
It makes it a longer range then an axe, but short enough to be still considered a short bow. It would mimic thief pistol range.
2) remove the flanking requirement on auto attack bleeds *
This one is something that is self evident considering there has been a pretty big power creep in relation to auto attack application. See necro scepter for reference.
3) Increase the back track range for Evasive shot *
This skill is quite funny. It is supposed to be a retreat sort of skill but all it does is move you one or two steps backwards.
4) Instead of a 3 second cripple give Crippling shot a 1.5 second immobilize
This skill is about Ranger-Pet synergy yet if fails at it simply due to the fact that the pet cant reliably deliver the hit. This will also make the Trap- SB Skirmishing line make far more sense as a whole. More synergy and all that jazz…
5) Simply reduce the CD of the Concussive shot from 25 seconds to 20 seconds
The skill is fine other then the pretty long CD.
So, as you guys can see, my suggestions are not as drastic as adding new conditions or overloading the SB with obscene damage. It is simply increasing the quality of some skills, skill 1 and 3, and pushing some pet-ranger-trap synergy.
Point 3 reminds me of the rotation I like to have fun with sometimes, its Quick Shot, swap weapons, Hornets Sting, Hidden Pistol, Lightning Reflexes its a LOT of backwards movement haha!
I can’t say I like your change to Crippling Shot though, tbh.
I think Concussion Shot CD could even go shorter than that.