Change to Class Mechanic: Non-Permanent Pets
Don’t get bored again.
I don’t really agree with any of the proposed “fixes” to our class mechanic. I feel like pets should have never been a class mechanic in the first place. Pets always get relegated to using monster AI, which is always dumber than a sack of bricks. And to some extent, all classes and races get their very own “pets,” which really aren’t that much different from ranger pets in terms of functionality. The only difference being, ranger pets don’t have a time limit, and we can (partially) control what they do.
I would have liked to see rangers get a more unique class mechanic…perhaps spirits or traps, with pets functioning more like necromancer minions or summoned elementals. But the damage is done, and it’s likely that we’ll be stuck with our special needs pets for a long time to come.
Just image how the overall game community would take all monsters hitting on the run. First was the bot-based ranger hate, next would be ‘was this change worth it?’ hate.
Just image how the overall game community would take all monsters hitting on the run. First was the bot-based ranger hate, next would be ‘was this change worth it?’ hate.
That monsters might one day hit on the run is simply a suggestion in an attempt to create some kind of balance to the broken pet system. All solutions will come with problems, but yeah you are likely right in that it would be very hard to control specifics if you make the pet AI work too well.
That may be the case. I wonder what fixing the pet AI would break as we observed with the current patch traps which had not been part of the fixes somehow were bugged by something they did.