Chronix- I am back...WvWvW Roaming Ranger
Awesome! Nothing brings more joy than to see a confident thief bite the dust!
Nice video as well, like the music and editing!
(edited by OGDeadHead.8326)
What’s your build?
Terribad Ranger
Stormbluff Isle
You may think otherwise, but that does not make it wrong. That you managed to kill a few terrible players to say the least does not make a ranger viable.
Bear ranger, hb warrior, heartseeking spamming thief…. Not to mention the ele that well almost did nothing in ruins but eating your arrows.
You may think otherwise, but that does not make it wrong. That you managed to kill a few terrible players to say the least does not make a ranger viable.
Bear ranger, hb warrior, heartseeking spamming thief…. Not to mention the ele that well almost did nothing in ruins but eating your arrows.
I like rangers. I have always used a ranger on this game and I have builds for every occasion. Sure rangers might require good players to play them, but if you play them right they are much viable right now as of my opinion. I have been roaming a lot and that’s about the only thing I do…I have filmed a lot of good fights and they take forever to end. This is an entertainment video and it’s for those rangers who actually stick to the class no matter what ‘nerfs’ they get. I am a ranger and will always be one, I will always come up with a build that brings the ranger up to the top. Trust me a well done ranger build can beat any class/build in my opinion and experience.
(edited by Slic.9541)
So , whats the build ?
At the end of it all, I did enjoy 1 on 1 work with my Ranger, alas that wasn’t what I was doing most often in WvW. Therefore, I switched classes.
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ
You may think otherwise, but that does not make it wrong. That you managed to kill a few terrible players to say the least does not make a ranger viable.
Bear ranger, hb warrior, heartseeking spamming thief…. Not to mention the ele that well almost did nothing in ruins but eating your arrows.I like rangers. I have always used a ranger on this game and I have builds for every occasion. Sure rangers might require good players to play them, but if you play them right they are much viable right now as of my opinion. I have been roaming a lot and that’s about the only thing I do…I have filmed a lot of good fights and they take forever to end. This is an entertainment video and it’s for those rangers who actually stick to the class no matter what ‘nerfs’ they get. I am a ranger and will always be one, I will always come up with a build that brings the ranger up to the top. Trust me a well done ranger build can beat any class/build in my opinion and experience.
You really don’t have to defend yourself. You play the Ranger very well and adapt to make the class viable. The kitten ing and moaning of others that are too lazy to figure it out shouldn’t really be worth your time. Just being honest because I think you might be too nice to say it. Good work again on the video, I’ve always enjoyed them.
EJS I | Human Guardian
Tarnished Coast
or you could just post it, instead of acting like the gatekeeper of some big secret.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
Hey is the gatekeeper. Are you the keymaster?
The build appears to be something similar to the following:
The trait point allocation should be mostly correct. It is possible that 5 points are taken out of nature magic and skirmishing and placed in beastmastery, but it wasn’t easy to tell.
I am also not sure about the traits taken in nature magic and skirmishing, but nature’s bounty seems like a strong possibility, whereas things like primal reflexes and evasive purity can be ruled out.
The gear would be the hardest thing to determine, especially since things such as WvW world buffs come into play. However, there appears to be a significant emphasis on vitality, so dire gear would be a natural option. Precision doesn’t appear to be too high, but significant enough to get occasional crits, meaning there wouldn’t be a lot of rabid gear. Overall I tried to get the stats to approximate what was being observed in the video, but they’re likey somewhat off.
As for sigils and runes, there’s obviously a sigil of geomancy in the sword/dagger set. I thought there might be something like a sigil of earth in the shortbow because of some extra apparent bleed procs and an observed occurance of the sigil of geomancy not procing (which would occur if the sigil of earth had just proced), but it’s a bit hard to tell. Instead, it might actually be a sigil of malice to help maximize the condition duration, which seems to be +100% in the video.
I wasn’t sure about the other sigil in the sword/dagger set, although it’s unlikely to be another on-crit or on-swap sigil due to cooldown conflicts (though it could possibly be a sigil of earth). It doesn’t appear to be an on-kill sigil though, so I just threw a sigil of malice in there since that might also be used in the shortbow.
The runes are the ones I’m least sure about. The build seems to have a +100% condition duration bonus (at least while using the shortbow), but I wasn’t sure how to establish that properly. 50% from the traits and foods seem likely, although that means another 50% must come from runes or sigils. 20% can be acquired from lyssa and mad king runes, and an extra 10% could be had if the toxic oil/crystal/stone is being used. If the sigil in the shortbow is actually a sigil of malice, that could be combined with two nightmare runes for another 10%, but this only gets to 90%. Another 10 points in marksmanship would put it at 100%, but I don’t think this is the case since the pet does not appear to have opening strike. In any case, it seems to be likely that the runes are paired sets taken to maximize condition duration rather than a full set of something.
So yeah, it should approximate something like that, although I could be way off with the gear stats, sigils, and runes. The traits should be pretty accurate though, if not exact.
Condi/bunker ranger has been always kind of viable. Nothing that impressing, although I liked the into. Good work on this
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Well since you said you will create some new vids I am curious. I hope you take on some solid players in your next vid because your build does look like a good camp capper/ruins capper.
Man, those were very bad players in that video, like all of them.
Looks like either Apothecary/Settlers, probably mixed with some Carrion, and a trait setup of 10/0/30/10/20.
Could be wrong though. For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
I don’t think anyone would argue a roaming build ranger was nerfed. Everyone likes to play a certain way but if your looking to be effective in WvW, playing a roaming ranger isn’t the way to do it. You will almost always get run over by the bigger group.
On lower ranked servers.. it may not be much of a problem; higher ranked servers however.
I don’t think anyone would argue a roaming build ranger was nerfed. Everyone likes to play a certain way but if your looking to be effective in WvW, playing a roaming ranger isn’t the way to do it. You will almost always get run over by the bigger group.
On lower ranked servers.. it may not be much of a problem; higher ranked servers however.
I roam with a GS+s/d natures voice spec. Between those weapons and withdraw, I am very rarely overtaken by zergs. Its possible if I dont see them coming, or if someone scores a clutch movement impairment. I’d argue that my ability to reset a fight is somewhere below a thief and a dogged march warrior, but probably higher than any of the other classes.
The damage output / regen is balanced enough to take camps and win most 1v1’s and occaisionally outnumbered (I took a camp today that was defended by 3 players). There are bad matchups, mainly perplexity mesmers/engies/necros, but I dont think anyone has an easy time with those classes because of those runes right now.
Ranger is a great roaming class. Could it be stronger? Sure. But its hardly weak. Just too many weak rangers.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
Hey guys! More videos coming soon!
can u show us your build =)
His trait build is this:
thanks ! but why using power in armor :O condition would be better or not?
Man, those were very bad players in that video, like all of them.
They were indeed….