Claviq - Ranger sPvP
gave you a like. nice build.
How do you deal with condition builds like Necro? >.>
Still watching the video, so far haven’t seen you fight any.
Thanks! I’m glad you like it.
I can’t really say,I haven’t fought any decent one yet in 1v1 .All footage was captured in one day,and I had no luck with Necros ,same with Thieves..I’ll propably make another video,but purely 1v1 against all remaining classes…
Will be interesting to see. Thieves I can can beat more often than not—Necros is really a race to the finish trying to burst them before their DS gets built up.
We seem to really be lacking in condition removal and it really sucks to get sucked into a 1v1 with a condition based enemy. At least for me it does; anything that rocks good condition damage (especially Mesmers) rock my world.
yep ,thieves aren’t that hard to defeat.But necros are pain in the a**
Here is my build which I’m currently using:
I’m sorry, but I think the build you are using is one of the worst possible builds for sPvP.
Eagle Eye is like a sucker punch for rangers. It seems like it must be good, but in reality it totally sucks. 5% damage is not very good, and increased range is a joke in sPvP.
Agility training does nothing.
Traps are not very good in PvP because the enemy can avoid them just by not stepping on them.
Moa is not a good pet. Jaguar is much better than leopard.
This build is a ‘glass cannon’ bow build (which isnt really a very good choice), but you don’t take quickdraw (bows skills 20% shorter cooldowns) as a trait or quickening zephyr (quickness) as a skill.
There are builds posted in the sticky at the top of this forum which are better; I recommend trying them.
Well its not bad actually,definitely not worst.Traps are amazing in PvP if you know how to use them,It fits my playstyle perfectly.
I’m currently using this build which I made today and i find way better than the old one so far.
Pets: Jungle spider and Hound
(edited by Claviq.7516)