Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


I typically only play my Thief except for 1v1’s then I like my ranger condi/regen build. But seems all my characters end up condi SO I’d like to convert Ranger to a high dps burst build that somehow maintains survivability. I’m wanting to use longbow and greatsword but i’m open to a different secondary weapon.

I like 30 in beast master for the regen, I have clerics armor now, haven’t committed to jewelry yet, zealots longbow as well.

I"m not looking for max dps because I know the more regen I have the more I will sacrifice in the damage department. But I’m hoping with 30 in Beast Mastery the pet damage will make up for it.

I have a very aggressive playstyle (which gets me in trouble a lot) so being semi tanky is helpful for me. I only WvW and I only roam (and rare occasion 1v1). Never zerg or play in large groups. Any help you can give would be great. Ill link what I have so far, but def up for changes depend on what you guys think. Thanks

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


You’re hella short on condi removal there. People almost always take either empathic bond or survival of the fittest.

The semi-meta LB/GS build is 6/x/x/6/x for SotF. The other option is to go super high damage LB and s/d and you can get away with just SoR and possibly HS (maaaybe even a bear .) It’s not terribly far off the SotF build because, IMO, SotF sort of sucks. You don’t want to spam condi removal with LR for obvious reasons, so that is a huge percentage decrease in the amount of on demand condi-clear.

The other power builds that may interest you are dual melee. s/a + GS goes really well with moment of clarity. So x/6/6/x/x or so. And the other popular variant is s/d+GS 2/0/6/6/0 for barkskin and SotF. Barkskin is kitten amazing.

One final note, I think not taking a regular wolf is a mistake, but I guess that’s personal preference. IMO wolf blows all other pets completely out of the water for competitive.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Trueshots.9456


Fluffball, thanks. I’m looking now if i come out of the crit line and get survival of the fittest, that drops my crit chance from 50% is to 40%ish…would 40% be enough, if i’m still fairly tanky?

~Poison Caltrop~
I apologize, If you didn’t outnumber me, it wasn’t a fair fight

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

Try this out.

Marsh drakes poison really helps out against regen bunkers, and if you pop rampage as one before using the f2 it will build might stacks incredibly fast. You can easily hit 25 stacks when flipping a camp.

Guard will give you and your pet about the same regen you were getting with your build but it also gives you perma swiftness and protection/stealth for your pet.

Plus this build will deal way more damage.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Dropping those 2 points only lowers your crit chance from 52% to 47%, and SotF gives fury as does RaO (although you probably want entangle if you take SotF, especially after this tuesday.) You’re extremely tanky with that build and your pet will be a huge source of your damage, so it sort of doesn’t even matter.

If you want to stick with a tanky as hell BM, I’d drop the compassion training. Your pet won’t have any trouble staying alive when roaming, especially with natural healing. I would personally drop nature’s bounty for nature’s protection or 2-handed training as well.

MT and entangle for SotF will help your pets stay on target.

Edit: Ya, Jim’s build will do a lot more damage and still work just fine. I think you’ve gone a bit overboard with the tankiness.

Another thought, just for fun I ran for a while with a combo of your natural healing + SotW and Jim’s nature’s voice for ridiculous regen. I was in full berserker and still basically unkillable. The downside is that condi-overload can’t really be dealt with. The upside is that you have perma-swiftness and high mobility so you can just leave the necros or whatever is condi spamming you. That’s a pretty fringe for-fun build though and not something I normally would use.

(edited by Fluffball.8307)

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


If you want to go healing/beastmaster/power build, you must relay on boons to be your your damge fillers. Might and fury are your best freinds, not only they empower you, they can also be apllied to your pet(if build correctly). I realy recommend celectrial for your gear, works realy good with regen/might stacking builds for the obvious reasons, “intimidation training”+eagle very likly to be the next hot thing(if will work as hoped).
With this setup you’r more tnaky(more armor/hp and good condi removal) and have much more damage potential. You saied you’r open to other weapon sets, so consider s/t to make good use of your condi damge with 15 might stacks also consider Sb over LB although LB will work as well.

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Slavi.9137


Here, I think when it comes to power/regen/beastmaster build nothing beats this, maybe when the axe starts applying might you can work that in but for now this seems to be the best. I’ve tried other pets but if you are going to put 30 points into BM, cats with Pets Prowess are the way to go. Also with lynx and rending attacks, you will have more bleeds than an eagle.

(edited by Slavi.9137)

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: glad.3610


if u need assistance with builds tips and tricks with ranger head on over to to watch ranger game play live

Clueless Ranger, Help with Build Please.

in Ranger

Posted by: Eurantien.4632


This is actually pretty decent imo. What you should do:
To Improve your Build:
Swap chill wolf, for either drake hound or fear wolf, Jaguar, or one of the birds (probably owl).

You don’t NEED signet of the hunt, with lb hunter’s shot your pet has perma swiftness so you pet doesn’t need it, and with swiftness on wep swap you will have swiftness when you need it.
As others have pointed out you don’t have quite enough condi clear so I would take Signet of Renewal over Signet of the Hunt, and that should be enough.

Your sigils on the GS:
Intelligence is good,
Accuracy is meh, you already have some fury on wep swap. So consider energy, doom, stacking sigil, etc.

Sigils on Longbow:
Longbow doesn’t need intelligence or accuracy and would probably be better off with fire/air for dps.

You don’t need runes of the ranger, if you want the stats then runes of the Pack would be better for you and would give you almost perma swiftness and fury from proc/wep swap.

If you want MORE damage. I would consider the following option:
Strength runes, battle sigils on both weps, mighty swap over rending strikes.

Also, I would mess around with the traits in NM to figure out what you like, I’d also drop rending strikes for mighty swap or the swap gives vigor trait.