Combo effects with weapons

Combo effects with weapons

in Ranger

Posted by: Fafnir.5124



The normal effects have combo finishers on a lot of ranger weapons are you able to stack effects with combo fields with these? the combo finisher on them seems broken?

Combo effects with weapons

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffball.8307


Some of the projectile finishers have a percent lower than 100, and it says that in the skill description. The sword has a couple leaps that aren’t leap finishers, but Monarch’s leap is. Just read the skill descriptions.

Combo effects with weapons

in Ranger

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

example pvp setting, your on point (just entered the cap circle on the edge) your in melee with S/D + lighting reflexes on bar. with a secondary longbow/shortbow.

(the 20% chance for finisher on the short gets made up for its faster attacks)

shoot/get into melee combat> f2 chill leap while rooting your target with cripples, and roll around/evade so your back is facing inwards on the cap point plant your chosen field type or use one thats already in place then sword leap 2 swap and pew pew , daze , cripple apply bleeds while healing most people or apply burning on your Chilled, crippled, dazed target (when using a shortbow)

some of the combos you can pull are amazing but need to be timed perfectly well, or you’ll loose 2-3 skills on cooldowns.

then lightly kite around back towards melee again or something like that.

Combo effects with weapons

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


The normal effects have combo finishers on a lot of ranger weapons are you able to stack effects with combo fields with these? the combo finisher on them seems broken?

Combo finishers are labeled in the description of the skill (as well as if it has a lower than 109% chance which only autos do). Rangers have a ton of projectile finishers, and a handful of leaps + a single blast finisher (excluding drakes) and a single terrestrial whirl finisher (WD).

This paired with our wide array of fields (I believe we have everything but smoke, light, and dark) gives us a lot of conditions and other effects we normally don’t have in abundance.

However, you CANT stack fields and “multi finisher” IE: if you shoot through a fire AND and water field it’ll only gain the effect of one field.

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