Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Urug.2543


I looked at the Ranger forums and felt tired of seeing nothing but complaints, so I decided to write a detailed, comprehensive examination of Ranger traits. This thread should be a source of CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM on Ranger traits- what’s good, what’s bad, and how to fix things. It should be here as a source of feedback from a variety of users on any given trait, with the goal of making the Ranger a more balanced, enjoyable class.

NOTE: My posts are not intended to be “the final word” on how to fix Ranger traits. In fact, I want you to argue with any points that you disagree with (respectfully if possible…). If you think a trait is better the way it is and shouldn’t be changed, speak up and say why you like it!

I’ll get the feedback started. For each tier of traits, I have elected to focus on traits that are subpar or have problems. Traits not mentioned here are traits that I feel are probably fine in their current state.

Minor Traits- The Opening Strikes line is problematic as it stands currently. It won’t apply at high ranges, such as with a longbow. Additionally, the guaranteed crit mechanic is mediocre at best, since most burst builds will have at least 25% crit rate if not more. I would suggest the following, plus allowing it to apply up to a range of 1500 so it works with any weapon:

5- Gain Opening Strike- Your first attack in combat is an Attack of Opportunity. It also applies 3 stacks of vulnerability for 10 seconds.
15- Your pet also gains Opening Strike
25- Opening Strike now applies 6 stacks of vulnerability

Tier 2: Eagle Eye- This trait would be nice, except that the Longbow and Harpoon Gun fail to auto-attack at 1500 range. If that could be fixed, this trait would not be a problem at all. Additionally, consider increasing the bonus to 10% damage- the Longbow’s damage is somewhat low, and the Harpoon Gun’s direct damage isn’t going to be very high regardless of traits.

Beastmaster’s Might- The concept for this trait is good, but the execution is off. It grants 1 stack of might for 5 seconds, which is incredibly lackluster for a Major trait. It would be more likely to be picked if it granted, say, 3 stacks of might for 15 seconds. As of now, there is no reason to pick this over spotter even for a full signet build.

Tier 3: Remorseless- This is far too situational for a tier 3 trait, being terrible in sPvP and any other fights where deaths don’t happen often. A valid change would make the trait read:

“Gain Opening Strikes on kill. Gain Opening Strikes every 45 seconds in combat. You cannot regain Opening Strikes more often than once every 25 seconds.”

With this mechanic, the trait has a powerful effect in all types of fights, including PvP. It is still better when you can get kills, but it isn’t totally useless in a fight against a single enemy. This change would work with or without the other suggested changes to Opening Strikes above.

Signet of the Beastmaster- This trait is probably just fine, but it would be nice if it granted some additional effect to Signet of Renewal- maybe it could increase the pet’s pull radius for conditions?


Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Urug.2543



In general, it’s kind of odd to have the Trapping traits in the Crit/Crit Damage tree. It would make more sense to have them in Wilderness Survival or to swap the stats so that Skirmishing is Precision/Condition Damage and Wilderness Survival is Toughness/Critical Damage, but that might be too big of a change at this point.

Tier 1: Sharpened Edges- The bleed from this trait only lasts 1 second, which just isn’t enough to be useful. 2 or 3 seconds would provide a more valid source of bleed for non-shortbow weapons that want to splash some condition damage into their build (eg MH axe, Greatsword).

Trapper’s Defense- This could probably be combined with Healer’s Celerity in the Survival line and replaced with something else here. Both traits by themselves are fairly weak and not really worth taking over the alternatives, but together they would be a solid support trait.

Companion’s Might- This is another example of a good trait with bad numbers. 1 second of Might simply isn’t going to do anything of value for your pet, since many of them don’t even hit more often than once a second. If the Might lasted 5 to 10 seconds, this would be a small but noticeable buff to your pet, and make Skirmishing a good line to invest in to increase pet offense for all pet types (Pet’s Prowess for pet types with high precision, and Might for types with lower precision).

Tier 2: There would need to be a solid Major trait here to replace Trapper’s Expertise if we moved it to another line- perhaps another trait based on pet offense? I’m not sure what I would place here.

Tier 3: Again, if you DID move the trapping traits to another line, a potential trait for this slot would be:

“Opportunistic- Decrease the cooldown of weapon swapping by 3 seconds. Your first attack after swapping Cripples for 3 seconds and deals 10% increased damage.”

This keeps with the weapon swapping feel of the tree and adds a small amount of DPS (via increased uptime on Fury from Minor Traits and the 10% damage), and some utility (increased Swiftness uptime and Cripple).

-Moment of Clarity- I like the use of Attacks of Opportunity here, since interrupts are present on 3 of our weapons. I would suggest allowing pet interrupts to also gain Attacks, giving this trait more synergy with pets that can apply Daze, for example. Attacks of Opportunity would probably be better with a system of a stacking buff that is consumed with each attack made (at the moment it just overwrites itself, so that Hilt Bash only gives your pet one Attack when you interrupt, even though Hilt Bash gives one and the interrupt with the trait gives one).

Tier 1: Healer’s Celerity is not very strong (as mentioned above). Merge it with Trapper’s Defense and put it here to give Rangers a powerful support option in this line.

Vigorous Renewal- Consider making this apply different amount of Vigor based on the heal used. Troll Unguent could apply vigor for 5 sec (since it’s already our strongest “selfish” heal), Healing Spring could grant 4 sec each tick (since it is immobile), and Heal as One could give a flat 10 seconds (granting it the highest uptime unless you manage to sit in a Spring for the whole duration). This would make the trait most useful on our weakest heal, giving Heal as One something to differentiate it.


Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Urug.2543



Tier 1: Circle of Life- This trait occurs on downed, not on death. This is fine, just change the tooltip!

Nature’s Protection- The condition for this trait (20% of max health in a single hit!) is really restrictive given the 30 second cooldown. 10 or 15% would be more appropriate values and make this a more viable choice compared to your other options in this tier.

Tier 2: Spiritual Knowledge- The increased chance is somewhat pointless given the internal cooldowns on most of the spirits. I would either have this trait reduce the ICD much lower (say to 4 seconds), or I would have this trait also provide 2 seconds of Regeneration on spirit proc (with an ICD of 10 seconds across all of a Ranger’s spirits, so that stacking multiple spirits doesn’t provide perma-regen).

Nature’s Vengeance- This trait is probably fine, but could be boosted by reducing the cooldown of spirits by 10-20% to keep it competitive with Spiritual Knowledge.

Tier 3: Evasive Purity- Blind and poison just aren’t very common, and I would never dodge roll to remove Blind- if I have the time to do either, why would I waste a valuable dodge to remove blind when I could just attack once? This trait could probably just remove one condition on dodge on a 10 second cooldown, since rangers could use another source of condition removal. An interesting alternative to this would be to make dodge remove all Cripple, Chill, and Immobilize on yourself and nearby allies, on a 20-30 sec cooldown. Either one would be a powerful ability and make me consider going 30 points into Nature Magic even without a Spirit build.

Minor Traits- Zephyr’s Speed is amazing and almost feels mandatory for Rangers. This could be problematic if every ranger feels obligated to take it- mandatory traits don’t seem like an interesting design. Consider baking this in to pet swap without the trait, or consider moving it farther up in the tree to make it less of a no-brainer (although moving it up farther without any other compensation would lead to many Ranger tears…).

Tier 1: Commanding Voice and Speed Training overlap in role and could probably be safely combined (20% on F2, 10% on the other abilities).

Tier 2: Stability Training doesn’t have much use- Bears, Porcines, and Armor Fish are all fairly low-damage, beefy pets with maybe 1 CC ability. What are they going to do with 3 seconds of stability? Be tanky at them? A number of options could replace this, such as granting the pet and yourself Retaliation on F2 use, stunning in a small aoe when disabled, etc. On a related note, the pet training abilities are flavorful but feel oddly limiting when selecting a pet- if only one pet benefits from the trait, it feels like a wasted slot. Perhaps we could consider making each Training apply to a wider number of pet families (or even to all families) for greater customization?

Tier 3: Instinctual Bond- Having a Tier 3 trait that only activates when you go down seems very awkward and too situational. Tier 3 traits are supposed to be empowering! Perhaps this trait could be moved down to Tier 2 or removed entirely? Pets don’t revive very fast even with the Quickness, and their revival skill doesn’t work very reliably. A replacement trait might deal with Shouts- for example:

“Command: Shouts have an additional effect-
-Sic ‘Em- Applies 10 stacks of Vulnerability for 10 seconds to target.
-Guard- You and your pet take 10% less damage while standing in the guard radius.
-Protect Me- Grants 1 charge of Aegis to all nearby allies on use.
-Search and Rescue- Pet and revived ally gain Regeneration and 3 stacks of Might for 10 seconds on successful revive.”

(This might be far too strong and/or wordy, it’s just here as an example of how you might make Shouts a more interesting choice for a Beastmastery-heavy Ranger.)

Remember, the point of this thread is to provide constructive, reasonable feedback on TRAITS (not skills or pet AI). If you want to flame developers, complain about pet AI, or suggest 50% damage increases on all ranger abilities, please go to one of the dozens of other threads on the ranger board.

Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: mamourrir.9641


I’d rather just have my pet be able to hit moving targets than ALL of these changes.

Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Electro.4173


I would absolutely make all of the Tier 2 major traits apply to all pets, not only certain families. I appreciate the idea of trying to make families different, but specific traits that apply only to certain pets is not a good way to go about that. It just limits you and makes you use only certain pets if you ever want to use any of those traits. On traits that are already mostly situational, restricting pet choice on top of that is awful. I want more pet variety, not less.

I agree with most of your other points, except for a couple.

One that I disagree with is Remorseless. Its situational, but with Opening Strikes working its a very good skill in those situations where it does work. And there are other traits like it in the game (Guardian has one that renews Virtue of Justice). However, I do think its subpar for a grandmaster major trait, so how about making it the grandmaster minor trait (considering the one you proposed is pretty meh) and adding a new major trait?

The other I disagree with is the general idea of putting trap traits in Wilderness Survival. I really don’t think that traits and stats need to match up in that way. Just because traps do condition damage doesn’t mean they need to be in a tree with condition-related stats. Maybe if the trap traits were weak then it would be nessicary to have the extra condition boost, but the trap traits are quite good and nicely arranged in a single trait tree (unlike something like pet traits or even something like Guardian spirit weapon traits which are spread all over the place) so I think its good as-is without needing to move them around for condition damage as well.

And lastly, Eagle Eye. Now the auto-attack, that certainly needs to be fixed, I agree 100% on that. But I don’t feel the damage boost needs to be raised. 1500 range is already a nice boost and 5% damage is alright considering that, I think. Longbow does need a buff I think, but I’d much rather have Longbow damage get increased in general (so that everyone benefits) than have the trait bonus raised.

I do have a few more trait-related comments of my own.

Honed Axes. Why do axes get a situational 10% damage boost, when most damage-boosting weapon traits usually get a flat 10% damage boost (or a 5% boost and other bonuses)? Seems a bit lackluster. I’d say make it a 15% crit damage boost to make up for the situational nature, or the usual flat 10% damage boost, either way.

Primal Reflexes. Even putting aside that its a rather lackluster skill outclassed by the other sources of Vigor or general endurance regen speed (Vigorous Renewal / Natural Vigor) Ranger’s have access to already, it really seems pretty bad. Requires you to be taking hard hits and doesn’t really do anything to help you survive those or give you any immediate benefit. I would say either have it regenerate a certain portion of Endurance instantly (maybe up to 50% so that it gives you an immediate dodge if you’re down below 50% already) or have it proc something more useful, like perhaps Stability since Rangers otherwise have little access to it.

Oakheart Salve. I assume the point of this trait is as a counter-DoT without actually removing the condition, but because Regeneration tends to be weaker than these DoT effects I think most of them are probably doing more damage than is being Regenerated, and 5 seconds of Regen on a 20 second timer is low for a 2nd-level trait. I’d say to kick up the Regen time to 10 seconds.

Strength of Spirit. I’d say make it a10% instead of 5%, since thats what Nature’s Wrath is. 5% isn’t much as a standalone trait.

Comprehensive Ranger Trait Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Durzlla.6295


a lot of the changes you suggested were what they were previously, however they were changed in the Beta due to being too strong…

That being said i agree with a large amount of the changes you suggested!! (especially the quickening zephyr one)

They sing dark, delicious notes about power and family.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna