Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: bigo.9037


ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.

and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.

Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: bigo.9037


ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.

and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.

Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again

sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…

all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.

some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.

and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.

Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again

sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…

all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.

some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work

What was your crit chance when you tested it in SPvP? Were you running sigil of earth? What was your condi damage that makes you claim your bleeds do no damage? Were you running hidden barbs to increase your bleed damage?

From your other thread it really doesn’t seem like you think about how certain traits and sigils compliment and enhance each others performance. This isn’t just a theory crafted build, it’s one I’ve been actively using in game in which I win multiple outnumbered fights on a daily basis, and Justine’s video proves I’m not alone in this.

As for my opponents being of equal skill or better…. wtf does that have to do with any build? Do you think a full power build would somehow carry me against a better player?

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: LughLongArm.5460


While the damage gap between power condi seup(refering to Justine build) can be debatle for the LB (You disscued alot on this point), for the staff damage, the condi setup is much supirour if you can keep 3 stacks of bleeds on average while shooting (and i think the video deonstrate you can do more than that).

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


I was messing with this build the other night, I was also skeptical but the bleeds really do stack up rather quickly. A lot of fights ended rather quickly as people ignored the bleed then found themselves down, it’s deceptively strong damage if you can get an ancient seeds proc with a rapid fire and the bleed utility. I found scrappers almost impossible to damage with it, that might be a class matchup thing more than anything though. Mesmers and thieves were a lot of fun to hunt though.

And I main S/P thief, it’s an underrated build. Bound and pulmonary impact with draining sigil really opened up the build into something more than mindless 3 spam. I find D/P thief about as interesting as meta druid though, so maybe I just like being odd.

That’s weird, do you remember what kind of scrapper it was? I haven’t really found them to be a counter.
I haven’t really found any class in particular that hard counters this, but I have run into a few roamers with a crap ton of sustain and condi removal where we couldn’t kill each other unless one of us made a mistake. Those were mostly ele’s and wars though.

I could see a marauder scrapper with defender runes being a tough fight for this build, but they’d still have to do a kitten good job of managing their condi clears, and they’d still have a hard time closing the gap on you.

It’s more about the reflect from my experience. Failing a pbs/rf on a scrapper draws the fight out even longer. That probably has more to do with the fact the scrapper I have is like 3hrs old at max unlock though.

Yeah, it was a hammer power scrapper, so reflects. He was running elixir gun and toolkit, and didn’t seem to use gyros, but either way the reflects and blocks made it hard to do any damage to him before he closed the gap. I know from playing my own scrapper I can pretty much ignore longbow rangers as long as I avoid the knockback shot, and I’m not the best ranger to begin with lol. He was chasing me with a druid when they eventually got me, and the druid was nearly dead from bleeds. I should probably have focussed the scrapper more on staff instead of bow, but I’d only been playing the build a half hour by then lol xD

The build has potential though, especially if, like me, you dislike greatsword and started playing ranger for the bow. The mobility from the staff and skirmishing grandmaster trait is fantastic, and I love the range on the bow already.

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

Yup, the hybrid build works really well when fighting outnumbered and having to kite around for half the fight.
I flipped a camp, sat outside of bay and repeatedly killed groups of 2-4 players. It got to the point where they built a bali to….. I honestly don’t know what they thought the bali would do…

You on Ebay?

One of my accounts is but that account doesn’t have HoT so I run a vanilla power ranger on Ebay.

Roger, got it. I saw the guild tag. Some good people in that guild. Figured I’d ask

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: bigo.9037


ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.

and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.

Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again

sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…

all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.

some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work

What was your crit chance when you tested it in SPvP? Were you running sigil of earth? What was your condi damage that makes you claim your bleeds do no damage? Were you running hidden barbs to increase your bleed damage?

From your other thread it really doesn’t seem like you think about how certain traits and sigils compliment and enhance each others performance. This isn’t just a theory crafted build, it’s one I’ve been actively using in game in which I win multiple outnumbered fights on a daily basis, and Justine’s video proves I’m not alone in this.

As for my opponents being of equal skill or better…. wtf does that have to do with any build? Do you think a full power build would somehow carry me against a better player?

even if you do that… your dmg will still remain the same…

i mean dmg doesnt just come out of nowhere.. power dmg is essentially taking 100 % of your potential dmg and making it physical. this build takes 60 or 65 % of your potential dmg as physical and the rest as condi.

either way, condi is over time. bleeding is a condition that usually takes longer than other conditions to deal its dmg. and using a utility skill for hidden barbs is just stupid imo, as every time i tested it, it just didnt add enough bleeding dmg to worth a ~ 30 sec cooldown with not much else to offer.

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

ah that’s not what I mean though.. I’m just trying to explain how and why, for pure dmg stats, zerker would still be better than this condi spec etc..

It’s kind of wierd to question the OP’s build that obviously works. The build she use seems to be effective in outnumbered fights when the one you actually use is not, or is maybe less effective (i also watched your vid), cuz in a pure power build, you have no damage while kitting.

I am not a fan of the build she use, not my playstyle, but i like the very specific choices and the theory craft work on it.

As regards the OP’s question, you could move in T1 where roamers are more aggressive to test your build. Just an idea.

On a side note, i would have appreciated some music (i think i can remember an old vid of yours with good songs).

“obviously works” well ofc it can work.. but i mean cmon. you say my build is less effective? what? have you read my earlier posts on this thread? i explain in full detail why it is that you dont actually have “more” dps just because “it ticks even when kiting”

it ticks when kiting. yes. but all youve done is SPREAD the damage over a longer window of time. you did not increase your dps in any way. ALSO. i have tried using the survival bleed utility. it adds no dmg at all. almost entirely useless.. even with krait runes.

and as for other people saying they achieve 2.5 k ticks when they arent hitting… thats simply not true. i mean unless you think fighting training golems is fun. youre never going to reach 2.5 k on any half decent enemy.

2.5k is 20 stacks of bleed, or basically 1 entangle/mad king proc, or 1 ancient seeds/rapid fire with the stacks they already have on them from the auto attacks.
Remember every hit is 1 or 2 bleeds, it’s really not that hard to keep them up.

20 STACKS OF BLEED….??? yea. id LOVE to see you keep TWENTY ****** STACKS of bleeding on an opponent. holy ……… what have you been smoking? you think you can maintain 20 stacks of ANY condition on an enemy? WTF?
i know this build’s idea is fun to play and interesting, but it just isnt more effective than full power.

basically youre saying that you like fighting training golems. ok. i get it.

you would have to hit EVERY single thing, and pop all your stuff at once. then youre left with nothing. and it only takes like.. idk… 2-4 condi cleanses and its all gone. now youre all on cooldown. GG.

this build is only gonna be good in wvw when youre fighting the zergers that died and are trying to get back to their commander. i mean its like stealing candy from a baby.

do you not understand how its impossible to do this?

I just told you how you how popping entangle alone will net 20 stacks… how does that equal “popping all my stuff at once”?
You have to remember every single hit is 1-2 bleeds, roughly every 10 seconds your stacking another 5 stacks + immobilize, vuln and poison. They have to cleanse constantly to keep the bleeds off of themselves, and most players don’t realize what’kittenting them because they see the rapid fire hitting them and assume the bleeds are just the normal ancient seeds ones that do no damage on a power build.

so you ARE talking about killing clueless players. ok.

do yo know what evading is? its when you press V and you evade an attack to avoid dmg. yea.. ppl do that.

they will not let you freely hit them for 10 seconds straight if they are not target golems.

even the training npc’s ( ranger, guard, mes etc. etc. ) wont let you hit them for that long so easily.

i mean im not against the fact that you want a build for killing wvw players, but youre dismissing my point entirely by saying stuff that isnt even true.

and also. I LITERALLY just tested entangle . it pops 4- 5 stacks. im talking about the elite. what. you think people are gonna stand there, immobilized not do anything. JUST STAND THERE.. AND LET YOU HIT THEM? what the kitten man.

the druid trait that uses the same sort of entangle pops 4 stacks. if you let them stay full duration. that doesnt happen very often. people will cleanse it off. immob is a high priority condition to cleanse, so if they just cleanse 1 or 2, it will most likely be removed.

my point STILL remains. this build is not as efficient as a full power build.
im not saying dont run it, just that you could be better off in a fight with a pure power build isntead of this.

Holy crap….how new are you?
First off, you draw out their dodges, and you keep track of them so you don’t waste your valuable skills. You save your heavy hitters for moments when they are vulnerable, like right after you catch them with a cc or right when they are ending a dodge.

and yeah entangle by itself does 5 stacks….. but the mad king proc hits 16 times, between sharpened edges and sigil of earth kitten near every hit gives you a bleed. Even if they avoid some of it they are still usually taking around 20 bleeds, especially since you can keep attacking them while the birds are hitting.

Also when I said you will inflict all those other conditions every 10 seconds, I wasn’t saying you are standing still free firing on someone. 10 seconds are the cooldowns before the traits/skills that inflict those conditions are ready to be used again

sharpening edges deals like no dmg.. the bleed from that is so low.. and the mad king proc only does 4 stacks from what i just tried in spvp. and about the dodging part.. you are CONSTANTLY theorizing about how you can easily outplay. you never take into consideration your opponents might be of equal skill or at least avoid your dmg better than what youre making them out to do…

all the dmg you get from this build you couldve gotten with power too. and that would make the dmg instant, where as the conditions take a while to deal their dmg.

some builds will get countered by this hybrid stuff sure. but most of the time not. you make too many sacrafices to make this work

What was your crit chance when you tested it in SPvP? Were you running sigil of earth? What was your condi damage that makes you claim your bleeds do no damage? Were you running hidden barbs to increase your bleed damage?

From your other thread it really doesn’t seem like you think about how certain traits and sigils compliment and enhance each others performance. This isn’t just a theory crafted build, it’s one I’ve been actively using in game in which I win multiple outnumbered fights on a daily basis, and Justine’s video proves I’m not alone in this.

As for my opponents being of equal skill or better…. wtf does that have to do with any build? Do you think a full power build would somehow carry me against a better player?

even if you do that… your dmg will still remain the same…

i mean dmg doesnt just come out of nowhere.. power dmg is essentially taking 100 % of your potential dmg and making it physical. this build takes 60 or 65 % of your potential dmg as physical and the rest as condi.

either way, condi is over time. bleeding is a condition that usually takes longer than other conditions to deal its dmg. and using a utility skill for hidden barbs is just stupid imo, as every time i tested it, it just didnt add enough bleeding dmg to worth a ~ 30 sec cooldown with not much else to offer.

Yes but that bleed damage isn’t affected by their toughness or protection (or invuln to physical damage) and the speed at which the bleeds reapply, not to mention cover conditions, makes keeping those bleeds cleansed incredibly hard to do.

You need to accept the fact that there are very few people you can burst down as a ranger. We have mediocre dps and there are way too many counters in the game now. This build is tougher to hard counter and it stretches the damage out so they can’t just heal back to full while you are forced to kite.

And if you look at the screen shot I posted earlier you’d see sharpening stone isn’t on my bar.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I tried an exotic variant of the op’s build in WvW. It’s really fun and effective as long as you aren’t being focused by thieves and mesmers.
However, I cannot figure out how to fight against s/f fresh air eles. My opposing server has a guild with 4 of them, and they face roll me.
This build would be amazing if sharpened edges had a more reasonable cooldown (45 untraited!??). Way better vs thieves and warriors 1v1 than full zerk.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

(edited by Cecilia.5179)

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I tried an exotic variant of the op’s build in WvW. It’s really fun and effective as long as you aren’t being focused by thieves and mesmers.
However, I cannot figure out how to fight against s/f fresh air eles. My opposing server has a guild with 4 of them, and they face roll me.
This build would be amazing if sharpened edges had a more reasonable cooldown (45 untraited!??). Way better vs thieves and warriors 1v1 than full zerk.

S/f is my white whale. Haven’t fought one yet as druid. Atleas not one that I recognized as one before mowing them down. Couple years ago when I started playing lb ranger there was one I think on SBI [CAT] that I called dragon head because of their choice of head gear, but ya they were unkillable and did a million dmg, perhaps upto 2 million.

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Allison The Strange.4519

Allison The Strange.4519

When even after its buffs… You realize longbow is still a better flat damage, condi damage, and utility weapon than shortbow…

Good vid btw

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Urdfexe.9147


What is the advantage of mad king over kraith runes?

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Jim Hunter.6821

Jim Hunter.6821

What is the advantage of mad king over kraith runes?

The birds hit 16 times on 3 targets. With the entangle it usually ends up being 20+ bleeds.

Also known as Puck when my account isn’t suspended

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Me finishing off a condi chrono with sharpening stone/SotP/solar beam,

It was a pretty nasty burn and if he hadn’t stealthed/ went into downed state it probably would have been a 25-28. I didn’t realize until after I saved the video for uploading, but I didn’t even have my condition duration food (+20+10).

Madking Runes being power based, it doesn’t matter since longbow is a power weapon. And its condition duration is actually +35% bleed and +5% all conditions which is better for condi builds in general. The birds with SotP are crazy might stackers for your pet too !

Condi Longbow: 1vX roaming (vid)

in Ranger

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


I tried an exotic variant of the op’s build in WvW. It’s really fun and effective as long as you aren’t being focused by thieves and mesmers.
However, I cannot figure out how to fight against s/f fresh air eles. My opposing server has a guild with 4 of them, and they face roll me.
This build would be amazing if sharpened edges had a more reasonable cooldown (45 untraited!??). Way better vs thieves and warriors 1v1 than full zerk.

S/f is my white whale. Haven’t fought one yet as druid. Atleas not one that I recognized as one before mowing them down. Couple years ago when I started playing lb ranger there was one I think on SBI [CAT] that I called dragon head because of their choice of head gear, but ya they were unkillable and did a million dmg, perhaps upto 2 million.

That’s fortunate. At least vs d/f, kiting means not dying, but the s/f ele runs you down and kills you while invuln.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW: