Condi PvE Ranger
Because they affect all conditions and not just bleeding. Burning is the main damage dealer with it.
Got it, thanks.
Guang, what numbers do you get for sinister engi, if I may ask?
18.5k on a balanced Traveler setup, 19.2k on a DPS-only Nightmare setup.
Thank you. Just one last thing, can you provide me the rotation?
so then would this be the recommended build now for dungeons/fractals for ranger? Condi tends to be more fun anyway than the average power build but I don’t want to stat change all my ascended gear from zerk if it isn’t worth it to switch. According to Nike you’re averaging about the same dps just with an alternative setup.
I guess the question is, is there benefit to running a sinister build over a zerk build? the squish factor will remain the same
Do you only run with a premade speedrun guild group wherein everything goes perfectly, everyone always spends 1g per run on consumables, and you have multiple zerk weapon sets and potions available to switch to so you always get max DPS bonuses?
If so, zerk ranger is passable I guess, you might even sometimes get as much damage as a Sinister.
Guang, what numbers do you get for sinister engi, if I may ask?
18.5k on a balanced Traveler setup, 19.2k on a DPS-only Nightmare setup.
Thank you. Just one last thing, can you provide me the rotation?
Here’s his link on GW2 Guru that goes through the build (found on first post of this thread):
Also, you can go through his comments on Reddit, where this has been discussed for some time, and see where he explains it.
See you in Tyria.
so then would this be the recommended build now for dungeons/fractals for ranger? Condi tends to be more fun anyway than the average power build but I don’t want to stat change all my ascended gear from zerk if it isn’t worth it to switch. According to Nike you’re averaging about the same dps just with an alternative setup.
I guess the question is, is there benefit to running a sinister build over a zerk build? the squish factor will remain the same
Do you only run with a premade speedrun guild group wherein everything goes perfectly, everyone always spends 1g per run on consumables, and you have multiple zerk weapon sets and potions available to switch to so you always get max DPS bonuses?
If so, zerk ranger is passable I guess, you might even sometimes get as much damage as a Sinister.
Thanks for the reply, I tend to pug quite a bit so i’ll likely switch over my ranger gear. If this really is higher potential dps output than a zerk ele you and Nike have just created a new meta and i’m sure the community will thank you both for it.
30 second fight length…
Berserker staff ele is around 17.5k
That is without glyph of storm and without icebow, right?
That is with Glyph and Ice Bow. Human size hit box target.
Hell you’re not even gonna get 17k on that ele build without a ranger in the first place since you need Frost Spirit.
Have you ever seen a staff ele in an organized group? 17.5k is an understatement. It’s based on human size hit box targets, against larger targets it shoots up to 25-30k, plus there is nothing in the game that even comes close to the initial burst of an elementalist. FWIW, we don’t assume Frostspotter in our DPS calcs unless we are looking at Ranger specifically. If you add spotter and frost spirit ele would be even higher.
For any other situation where you don’t have a matching dungeon potion, don’t have an EA warrior and Spotter Ranger, aren’t downscaled, aren’t nighttime, mob isn’t 2600 armor, etc. ranger is going to be more overall DPS.
Oh please.
Which is actually what I just said, so it sorta sounds like we’re mostly in agreement on this.
Sorta except that 15.5k dps with perfect rotations in fully buffed parties is not really close to a very conservative 17.5k.
With absolutely perfect DPS rotations…
These are absolutely perfect optimized rotations, Condi beats berserker by about 700 DPS. Pretty nice. I don’t see much of a reason to ever use Berserker ranger unless they make some boss fights where conditions are useless, which I honestly doubt they will ever do again.
30 second fight length…
Berserker staff ele is around 17.5k
That is without glyph of storm and without icebow, right?
That is with Glyph and Ice Bow. Human size hit box target.
Oh, then Anet, pls, nerf Ice Bow so engi can take eles place.
30 second fight length…
Berserker staff ele is around 17.5k
That is without glyph of storm and without icebow, right?
That is with Glyph and Ice Bow. Human size hit box target.
Oh, then Anet, pls, nerf Ice Bow so engi can take eles place.
I’ve been saying that for a while.
They should nerf variable sized hitboxes. There is no reason an ele should do 17.5k dps vs Belka but 27kdps against Lupicus.
The size of hitboxes is likely to hamper development of challenging raids. Imagine a 10 man raid with 7x Ice bow, glyph and Meteorshower vs a Lupi sized hit box. How much HP do they plan to give to a boss to survive that? They need to figure out how to standardize hit box sizes.
Wouldn’t this completely fall apart if the target is moving compared to zerker?
There are only a few bosses I would be worried about moving so much that I would have to adjust how I played. And for those, it’s a matter of anticipation.
30 second fight length…
Berserker staff ele is around 17.5k
That is without glyph of storm and without icebow, right?
That is with Glyph and Ice Bow. Human size hit box target.
Oh, then Anet, pls, nerf Ice Bow so engi can take eles place.
I’ve been saying that for a while.
They should nerf variable sized hitboxes. There is no reason an ele should do 17.5k dps vs Belka but 27kdps against Lupicus.
The size of hitboxes is likely to hamper development of challenging raids. Imagine a 10 man raid with 7x Ice bow, glyph and Meteorshower vs a Lupi sized hit box. How much HP do they plan to give to a boss to survive that? They need to figure out how to standardize hit box sizes.
Knowing them, the easiest solution is to nerf Icebow
Knowing them, the easiest solution is to nerf Icebow
IceBow was OP long time ago…
And instead of nerf it, they buffed it again in last patch.
Wouldn’t this completely fall apart if the target is moving compared to zerker?
From my experience, moving battles usually work in favor of conditions. While you don’t get quite as many stacks up, you’re still applying damage in the process of transition. Power attacks that miss or are out of range drop much harder much quicker. You’d have to be fighting a moving target that you can maintain all attacks on for Power to not take a dip, and this dip can be far more drastic, depending on which attacks miss.
This must be one of those builds that generally makes conditions OPed. Can’t wait to see all the other OP’ed condition builds for the other professions.
In the zerk condi comparison why wouldn’t you start with path of scar then weapon swap. While Rapid fire does have better dps trigger quick draw for rf is better than triggering it for path of scar or am I missing something.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
In the zerk condi comparison why wouldn’t you start with path of scar then weapon swap. While Rapid fire does have better dps trigger quick draw for rf is better than triggering it for path of scar or am I missing something.
Because then you’re stuck in LB for 10 seconds?
With two rapid fire 2 aa and a barrage I cant imagine the damage is all that bad. Calculation the two rapid fires and the barrage the damage comes out 1k higher than a/s but I could see that the damage may not remain as consistant. with that said it would be better to proc opening strike on path of scar rather than rapid fire.
If s/a is that much better why not double up on them.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
In the zerk condi comparison why wouldn’t you start with path of scar then weapon swap. While Rapid fire does have better dps trigger quick draw for rf is better than triggering it for path of scar or am I missing something.
You need to give time for your ele(s) to freeze your boss target. (otherwise they’ll get mad and “kitten ranger be gone xxx voted to kick yyy”)
In the zerk condi comparison why wouldn’t you start with path of scar then weapon swap. While Rapid fire does have better dps trigger quick draw for rf is better than triggering it for path of scar or am I missing something.
You need to give time for your ele(s) to freeze your boss target. (otherwise they’ll get mad and “kitten ranger be gone xxx voted to kick yyy”)
The issue isn’t the timing of the attack but what attack.
everyone should fear becoming mentally clouded and obsessed with one small section of truth.
Thanks Guang. And thanks DnT.
imho. Trait in to traps don’t worth it if compare, that BleedOnCrit will do additional good dps, because it has no ICD (on some bosses bleed tick goes up to 7k) without it, it goes up to 2k.
bleedOnCrit can trigger from every pulse of FireTrap and up to 5 times from 1 threw Axe2.
Does anyone have a video of that build in PvE?
I’d like to see it in real action before changing my zerk asc set to sinister.
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
The main criticism I’d have of these PvE condition builds is that they’re highly dependent on koi cakes (or rare veggie pizza). Lose the 40% condition duration from that and your condition DPS drops by about 25%. (It’s not quite so bad since the loss is mostly in duration, so your initial condition “burst” is the same, it just doesn’t ramp up to as high DPS after about 10+ seconds.) By comparison, a berserker build losing its food item only loses about 5% DPS.
Pizza is currently about 20 silver, koi cakes about 13 silver. So running this build will cost you about 0.4 gold per hour. Not that big a deal, but an annoyance nonetheless. Koi cakes are left over from the Dragon Bash and Zephyrite events, so its price has gradually been climbing too. And if you don’t notice your food buff has expired…
imho. Trait in to traps don’t worth it if compare, that BleedOnCrit will do additional good dps, because it has no ICD (on some bosses bleed tick goes up to 7k) without it, it goes up to 2k.
bleedOnCrit can trigger from every pulse of FireTrap and up to 5 times from 1 threw Axe2.
Let’s see. Flame trap with the trap trait 4×2803 damage applied every 12 seconds, or 934 DPS (skill application rate, not damage application rate). Without the trait it’s 4×1604 damage every 15 seconds, or 428 DPS. So losing the trait costs you -507 DPS. (I’ll assume single target since you can’t throw traps anymore.)
The bleed trait does 631 damage each time it procs, so it would need to trigger every 1.25 seconds to offset the loss to flame trap DPS. You have a 50+5% chance (silly profanity filter) to crit with this build, and it triggers 66% of the time, for a net proc rate of 36% of attacks. So you need to be hitting the target at a rate of 2.21 attacks per second or faster for the bleed trait to be better than the trap trait.
Bonfire will hit once per second for 8 seconds (accounting for 0.8 attacks/sec). Flame trap will hit 4 times per 15 sec (0.27 atk/sec). Throw torch once per 15 seconds (0.07 atk/sec). Splitblade roughly twice, and ricochet about 7 times in the remaining ~7 sec every 10 sec (0.7 atk/sec). Without splitblade that’s 1.83 atk/sec.
It really boils down to if Splitblade is bugged with sharpened edges like it was with sharpening stone. If only one of the 5 axes can apply the trait bleed, then you’re only up to 2.03 atk/sec and Trapper’s Expertise is gives more damage. If all 5 axes can apply the trait bleed, then you’re at 2.83 atk/sec, and Sharpened Edges does more damage (assuming all 5 axes hit).
Your pet will bleed on crits too, but damage, is based on its condition damage not yours, so I’m not sure how much DPS that’ll get you. It may drop the threshold down to 2.03 atk/sec making the two traits equal even with a buggy splitblade.
That’s for this particular build. Since we’re dealing with two different damage formulas (bleed vs burn) with two degrees of freedom (condition damage and duration), you pretty much have to analyze each build like this individually. Though I suppose you could do a 2D color plot that covers all possible builds.
(edited by Solandri.9640)
That math is suspect as all hell.
That math is suspect as all hell.
Solandri has always been pretty good when it comes to the maths.
He is right about the food buff though. Losing 40% of your condition duration is a huge loss in longer fights.
Reliance on expensive food buffs is one of the reasons why I haven’t switched from my zerker/scholar build. The others being: I’m too cheap to regear my whole character, and, I still prefer the playstyle of the ranger’s power based weapons.
That math is suspect as all hell.
All it is is number of attacks per 10 seconds or 30 seconds, normalized to 1 second. I left out the gory details, but it’s pretty much the same as what you’re doing to to calculate damage during a skill rotation. You take that damage and divide by the rotation’s length in seconds, and you get DPS. I just took the number of attacks during that rotation, divided by the length in seconds, and got atk/sec.
Just for the record, I’m not saying I’m opposed to this build. Variety is the spice of life, moreso if all the variety is viable. I had to stop playing for close to a year so most of my DPS calcs are out of date, but I’ll take your word for it that it’s competitive with berserker.
This seems like a good time for me to try a condition build. The mordrem husks have been driving me nuts since they make my zerker ranger hit like a wet noodle. I couldn’t believe koi cakes were about 50 copper a couple years ago when rare veggie pizza was around 4 silver. I was sure there had to be a catch I was missing which the market knew about. I triple checked to make sure the stat bonuses were in fact identical (they’re 20 min while pizza is 30 min), and convinced myself the market was in fact wrong. I bought 10 stacks of the koi cakes which have since been sitting in my bank. So cost of the food isn’t an issue for me.
All it is is number of attacks per 10 seconds or 30 seconds, normalized to 1 second. I left out the gory details, but it’s pretty much the same as what you’re doing to to calculate damage during a skill rotation. You take that damage and divide by the rotation’s length in seconds, and you get DPS. I just took the number of attacks during that rotation, divided by the length in seconds, and got atk/sec.
Your math is wrong. Don’t calculate on paper. Just try PRACTICE.
Practice show me that IF i take off ALL sigils that trigger Bleed and leave ONLY SE as bleed trigger and i did NOT used Splitblade at all, then i can keep up 1900-3400 Bleed/tick in FOTM on bosses, and i specially used Hawk(not cat) to not apply aditional bleed from any skills.
So, it CAN’T be 300dps trait as you have sayed… So 300DPS and 2600Averge DPS is a bit differen nubmer. and if add Splitblade ti these rotation, then it will become only MORE powerful.
And about pet’s Bleed. Why noone counting it?
Allmost all say, that noneed to count pet’s bleed… it has no base condition damaga etc…
Why you count so?
You have to count, that pet will have 95% of time 22-25 stacks of might.
All it is is number of attacks per 10 seconds or 30 seconds, normalized to 1 second. I left out the gory details, but it’s pretty much the same as what you’re doing to to calculate damage during a skill rotation. You take that damage and divide by the rotation’s length in seconds, and you get DPS. I just took the number of attacks during that rotation, divided by the length in seconds, and got atk/sec.
Your math is wrong. Don’t calculate on paper. Just try PRACTICE.
Practice show me that IF i take off ALL sigils that trigger Bleed and leave ONLY SE as bleed trigger and i did NOT used Splitblade at all, then i can keep up 1900-3400 Bleed/tick in FOTM on bosses, and i specially used Hawk(not cat) to not apply aditional bleed from any skills.
So, it CAN’T be 300dps trait as you have sayed… So 300DPS and 2600Averge DPS is a bit differen nubmer. and if add Splitblade ti these rotation, then it will become only MORE powerful.
And about pet’s Bleed. Why noone counting it?
Allmost all say, that noneed to count pet’s bleed… it has no base condition damaga etc…
Why you count so?You have to count, that pet will have 95% of time 22-25 stacks of might.
Because anecdotal evidence always beats hard data…..always.
Lose the 40% condition duration from that and your condition DPS drops by about 25%.
So running this build will cost you about 0.4 gold per hour.
Super Veggie Pizzas – 36% condi duration and cost 4s per hour.
All it is is number of attacks per 10 seconds or 30 seconds, normalized to 1 second. I left out the gory details, but it’s pretty much the same as what you’re doing to to calculate damage during a skill rotation. You take that damage and divide by the rotation’s length in seconds, and you get DPS. I just took the number of attacks during that rotation, divided by the length in seconds, and got atk/sec.
Your math is wrong. Don’t calculate on paper. Just try PRACTICE.
Practice show me that IF i take off ALL sigils that trigger Bleed and leave ONLY SE as bleed trigger and i did NOT used Splitblade at all, then i can keep up 1900-3400 Bleed/tick in FOTM on bosses, and i specially used Hawk(not cat) to not apply aditional bleed from any skills.
So, it CAN’T be 300dps trait as you have sayed…
You have to calculate it instead of measuring it by testing because of the random nature of the trait – 66% chance to trigger. You can get lucky and have it trigger a lot and get much higher DPS. Or you can get unlucky and get lower DPS.
The only way to get the average DPS is to calculate it, or to test it about a hundred times (which will get you within about 10% of the average). I don’t want to test it 100+ times so I calculate it.
I did say those figures were for that exact build only. Since the bleed trait proc rate is tied to criticals, if you get a bunch of precision buffs on you in a party, that will make it proc more often, helping swing the balance in its favor. There are just so many variables here that unless you can conceptualize a 4D or 5D graph there’s no way to cover every possible build and situation with a single post. The best you can do is delineate the points at which one becomes better than another, which is what I’m trying to do by calculating these tradeoff points.
And about pet’s Bleed. Why noone counting it?
Allmost all say, that noneed to count pet’s bleed… it has no base condition damaga etc…
Why you count so?You have to count, that pet will have 95% of time 22-25 stacks of might.
Because I just started playing again and I have no idea what the pet skills do anymore, how often they bleed, nor how pet bleed damage is calculated. So all I did was mention that you have to factor it in.
The might stacking brings up a good point though. It’s never been a factor in berserker builds because it will boost normal and crit damage by the same percentage, so could be ignored. However, bleed and burn do not scale the same with condition damage, so having a might stack on you will change the tradeoff point as well. Gimme a bit to look it up…
Alright, bleeding is 22 + 0.06CD, burning is 131.5 + 0.155CD. So might (additional CD) favors burning by a factor of 2.58 per condition stack. That is, for might to affect bleeding and burning equally, you need 2.58x as many bleed stacks as burning stacks. If you have, say, 3x more bleed stacks, then might will favor bleeding. If you have only 2x more bleed stacks, might will favor burning.
Super Veggie Pizzas – 36% condi duration and cost 4s per hour.
That might work. I think Guanglai’s build overshot the necessary condition duration. Other similar builds I’ve seen though are right on the threshold and losing 4% duration will drop some of your burns by 1 tick. e.g. If a 5 sec burn becomes a 4 sec burn, you’ve just lost 20% of your DPS from that skill.
Yup, just looked up his build again. The only DPS you lose by dropping to 71% duration is the Entangle bleed drops from 14 to 13 sec (and weakness is 1 sec shorter). It looks like 65% condition duration is the magic figure you want to reach. The 3 sec and 6 sec burn and bleed skills on axe, torch, and sun spirit then become 4.95 and 9.9 sec, which (according to the game rounds up to 5 and 10 sec. The 2.5 sec flame trap becomes 4.125 sec (60% or maybe even 55% duration would be enough to keep it at 4 sec). Even the earth sigil should stay at 8 sec (8.75 sec @ 75% duration, 8.25 sec @ 65%).
Someone should test it in-game to see if it actually does round up the 4.95 and 9.9 sec durations. I learned last night that I need to complete the season 2 living story before ascended sinister trinkets show up for purchase, so I’m busy slogging through that. If 65% does work and if you are using koi cakes or rare veggie pizza, you could actually go for 1/5 trapper/nightmare runes, instead of 2/4. Lose the unneeded 10% condition duration, pick up 100 condition damage. Should get you about an extra 3%-4% DPS.
Hmmmm….I prefer zerk to condi builds. Still I’m not touching my ascended zerk gear since I still suspect they are going to nerf burning. Maybe a bit after HoT’s release when it seems safe I might swap over and try it out. Or maybe I’ll try crafting an exotic set of sinister to have on the side. Or does this only work in full ascended?
Ugh, I hope they buff ranger sword/greatsword so I can stay in zerker. I really don’t want to switch to axe, I hate that weapon. And I really don’t want to do the living story achievements, I hate solo instances and their gimmicks. That dumb labyrinth was NOT fun as a necromancer.
I finally did the ls achievements and it wasn’t that bad.
You don’t have to do seeds of truth and that is the worst one.
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
Been toying with it for a bit after rumours of burning being so strong… fast but meh at lupi, p2 is a dodgefest like warr and p3’s stupid condi cleanse drove me insane, but the damage was so much more consistent throughout the dungeons – and you can kittening DODGE FREELY. (I did notice some fumbles while using axe 2, but it may be my connection). Not unlike engi, you have an initial burning burst that is pretty amazing… if they nerf burning, tho, it’s gonna be kinda crappy.
Strong contender to zerk if they don’t, and I’m curious to see it in hot: no more need for the suicide sword in high level fractals and all the mobs will be huge toughness bags cus anet can’t balance anything so woohoo conditions.
Right, I forgot it’s disgustingly boring to play and I hate playing stupid condi.
kitten, why can’t I stop hurting myself, I hate this godkitten class but I can’t stop playing it
…druid help me. Be awful plz.
You love it. Deep down inside, you know you do.
But yeah, I’m not thrilled with condi ranger being the best. I’m hoping HoT isn’t too bad with pushing the condi builds and that zerk is still a great alternative. I would really love if they buffed the remorseless specs somehow.
You love it. Deep down inside, you know you do.
But yeah, I’m not thrilled with condi ranger being the best. I’m hoping HoT isn’t too bad with pushing the condi builds and that zerk is still a great alternative. I would really love if they buffed the remorseless specs somehow.
They can buff it by making remorseless a major, making steady focus take the place of pets having opening strike and making that baseline.
Or better yet, remorseless should be godkitten ed baseline. Opening strike shouldn’t remain garbage without a GM trait, it should function in PvE and continued engagements like any other class traits do.
But as usual we gotta pay in grandmasters or utilities for what other classes get baked in or at lesser costs/merged.
I don’t even know why steady focus is based on full endurance instead of spent endurance like the warrior. Steady focus just creates bad habits where you don’t want to dodge to keep your damage modifier whereas the warrior version rewards you for using dodge.
Steady Focus and Light on Your Feet are even contradictory traits.
You love it. Deep down inside, you know you do.
But yeah, I’m not thrilled with condi ranger being the best. I’m hoping HoT isn’t too bad with pushing the condi builds and that zerk is still a great alternative. I would really love if they buffed the remorseless specs somehow.
They can buff it by making remorseless a major, making steady focus take the place of pets having opening strike and making that baseline.
Or better yet, remorseless should be godkitten ed baseline. Opening strike shouldn’t remain garbage without a GM trait, it should function in PvE and continued engagements like any other class traits do.
But as usual we gotta pay in grandmasters or utilities for what other classes get baked in or at lesser costs/merged.
I don’t even know why steady focus is based on full endurance instead of spent endurance like the warrior. Steady focus just creates bad habits where you don’t want to dodge to keep your damage modifier whereas the warrior version rewards you for using dodge.
Steady Focus and Light on Your Feet are even contradictory traits.
I think steady focus is designed to force you to use those weapon evades.
You get fractional condi ticks now so duration thresholds aren’t an issue.
Ugh, I hope they buff ranger sword/greatsword so I can stay in zerker. I really don’t want to switch to axe, I hate that weapon. And I really don’t want to do the living story achievements, I hate solo instances and their gimmicks. That dumb labyrinth was NOT fun as a necromancer.
Labyrinth is easily done by getting a friend to just repeatedly kill the lurcher for you over and over. You only need to clear the path from Rox to the wall you need her to break, then from there you can just run past everything else to tag the other NPCs.
You can similarly do any of the other “Don’t get hit by X” achievements by partying with someone and letting them do the actual fighting while you just AFK. It is still a pain (especially the long-kitten unskippable talky bits that will hopefully not be in HOT story) but the actual skill tests aren’t that bad. They’re actually kinda fun when they don’t require a slog of waiting through terrible dialogue.
Other similar builds I’ve seen though are right on the threshold and losing 4% duration will drop some of your burns by 1 tick. e.g. If a 5 sec burn becomes a 4 sec burn, you’ve just lost 20% of your DPS from that skill.
You don’t lose one tick in that case, last tick just do less damage.
Judge’s Intervention 3.6s (3s+20% duration from trait):
4 ticks, but last has x0.6 damage.
(edited by Altwazar.3708)
So, funny thing: flame trap inflicts 5 stacks of burning, not 4. It’s weird, I know, but whenever I test it out, the first hit stacks 2 burning, and then afterward it pulses 3 times.
Other similar builds I’ve seen though are right on the threshold and losing 4% duration will drop some of your burns by 1 tick. e.g. If a 5 sec burn becomes a 4 sec burn, you’ve just lost 20% of your DPS from that skill.
You don’t lose one tick in that case, last tick just do less damage.
Judge’s Intervention 3.6s (3s+20% duration from trait):
4 ticks, but last has x0.6 damage.
Cool, they modified the burning mechanic then.
I just tested it and it does seem to act that way. It’s kinda messed up though:
So, funny thing: flame trap inflicts 5 stacks of burning, not 4. It’s weird, I know, but whenever I test it out, the first hit stacks 2 burning, and then afterward it pulses 3 times.
Yeah, you get an extra pulse (call it the 0th second pulse).
The numbers I’m getting in the combat log are really messed up though. The tooltip for flame trap says 2 3/4 sec (I had 10% condition duration on), and the damage per pulse is listed as 634. But the numbers in the combat log are:
Playing with those numbers in a spreadsheet, I can duplicate them if:
0th pulse
(first tick is missing)
159 (equal to 0.5 sec worth)
1st, 2nd, and 3rd pulses
238 (equal to 0.75 sec worth)
1) You get 4 pulses, not 3. But the 0th pulse is always equivalent to a 2.5 sec duration flame trap, and is missing the first damage tick missing.
2) Each pulse actually lasts one second more than the tooltip indicates. Tooltip said 2.75 sec, but I got 3.75 ticks worth of burns per pulse.
3) Tooltip is missing the fraction of a second damage. i.e. It lists damage as if each pulse only gave 2 seconds of burn. They probably never updated the calc in the tooltip when they added fractional second burns.
This completely messes up the math I did above because it seems the tooltip damage is substantially less than the actual damage. I need to get to sleep, but I’ll try to test it again tomorrow. If I have time I’ll test the sharpened edges trait to see if its tooltip info is wrong too.
(edited by Solandri.9640)
Ok, I can’t make heads or tails of this. Did the exact same test as in the previous post, except this time I turned on the Trapper’s Expertise trait for 60% longer trap condition duration (I already had a base 10% condition duration). This raised the tooltip duration to 4 1/2 sec. The burn damages were:
Even though the trap clearly pulses 4 times in the animation, this combat log shows it pulsing 5 times. The burn ticks back this up too.
0th pulse
(missing 0th tick)
Yup, last tick is 0.75 seconds worth. Best as I can figure, 0.5 * 1.6 = 0.8 => 0.75. It seems to be ignoring my base 10% condition duration.
1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th pulses
Last tick is 0.4 seconds worth, which I guess is close to 4 1/2 seconds. But I can’t figure out why 0.4. 2.5 seconds * 1.7 = 4.25 sec. For whatever reason it’s calculating this as 4.4 sec, and displaying it as 4 1/2.
(edited by Solandri.9640)
You get fractional condi ticks now so duration thresholds aren’t an issue.
Ugh, I hope they buff ranger sword/greatsword so I can stay in zerker. I really don’t want to switch to axe, I hate that weapon. And I really don’t want to do the living story achievements, I hate solo instances and their gimmicks. That dumb labyrinth was NOT fun as a necromancer.
Labyrinth is easily done by getting a friend to just repeatedly kill the lurcher for you over and over. You only need to clear the path from Rox to the wall you need her to break, then from there you can just run past everything else to tag the other NPCs.
You can similarly do any of the other “Don’t get hit by X” achievements by partying with someone and letting them do the actual fighting while you just AFK. It is still a pain (especially the long-kitten unskippable talky bits that will hopefully not be in HOT story) but the actual skill tests aren’t that bad. They’re actually kinda fun when they don’t require a slog of waiting through terrible dialogue.
Oh nice, didn’t think of that. Thanks for the tip ;D.
Took this build for a spin today for the first time. I have a couple thoughts I wanted to share that I think Pernix missed and I don’t think Guangli mentioned either. Though of course if this is already common knowledge then consider this post just a little positive reinforcement.
The builds damage goes up significantly in cases where you can precast the flame trap. Double flame trap is a lot more burning obviously. Low hanging fruit is precasting in a stack while pulling mobs. Any boss encounters where the boss has to “wake up” first will let you pre cast the trap as well.
The active of sun spirit is always worth it in short encounters, or at the end of a longer one. Keeps the damage high to the finish. Helps give you that finishing burst for the photo finish.
would prickly pear pie be useful or better in tough encounters or is the 33% chance too low to be of use?
how does prickly pear stuffed nopale compare dps wise to super veggie pizza? the crafting cost of the too is about the same but you get to keep that 4% condi duration plus power.
Since you are hitting like 3 times per second, with 58% crit chance and the food has a 1s CD, it should trigger quite frequently. That is like 3 rolls at a 20% chance each second. Each time it does trigger, it deals 325 damage as well as healing you for 325 so it likely does more damage than 70 condition damage will also. No actual math done on that though.
Why aren’t the runes Smoldering + Malice? Is there a sigil interaction that I fail to see? Or is it that easy to hit the personal condi cap?
(edited by Sina.9208)