Condi Ranger or Zerker Ranger in PVE

Condi Ranger or Zerker Ranger in PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: ZhuanXu.6214


Hello guys,

Just wanna ask your opinion on this. I’m still kinda overthinking on this, either I go for condi or zerk in pve. Currently using zerk now but I wonder how condi ranger perform in overall pve. S

Condi Ranger or Zerker Ranger in PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: InsaneQR.7412


For dungeons and low fractal zerker is better.
For high fractal is condi better.
Raids idk.
Openworld you can use pretty much both, zerker kills faster in openworld but both is viable.

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Condi Ranger or Zerker Ranger in PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


For dungeons and low fractal zerker is better.
For high fractal is condi better.
Raids idk.
Openworld you can use pretty much both, zerker kills faster in openworld but both is viable.

No, I don’t think so. Condi kills much faster, but you have very little utility to work with. Zerker has better range and utility options. Condi is close range and VERY high damage. You would use as much Vipers as you can and use sinister for everything else. Also you need to eat food for +20% duration.

You should build both sets so you can use all Ranger weapons. With zerker, you can use Sword, GS, offhand axe, and Warhorn. With Condi, you can use SB, mainland axe, torch, and dagger. Just leave one 20 slot invisible bag for the alternat armour, trinkets, and weapons.

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(edited by Archon.6480)

Condi Ranger or Zerker Ranger in PVE

in Ranger

Posted by: bearshaman.3421


For dungeons and low fractal zerker is better.
For high fractal is condi better.
Raids idk.
Openworld you can use pretty much both, zerker kills faster in openworld but both is viable.

No, I don’t think so. Condi kills much faster, but you have very little utility to work with. Zerker has better range and utility options. Condi is close range and VERY high damage. You would use as much Vipers as you can and use sinister for everything else. Also you need to eat food for +20% duration.

You should build both sets so you can use all Ranger weapons. With zerker, you can use Sword, GS, offhand axe, and Warhorn. With Condi, you can use SB, mainland axe, torch, and dagger. Just leave one 20 slot invisible bag for the alternat armour, trinkets, and weapons.

+1 this. Agreed on all points.