Condi/Regen build video

Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: Liberater.3047


Hey guys just wanted to share my short video on my current ranger build. I’d love some advice on what I can do with the build and with future videos. I already know about the sound quality so don’t worry about that, will be fixing that for the next video. I will be producing quite a bit more content in the future.

Here’s the vid:

And here’s a link to the build:

Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: Sunt.6835


only problem i have with this type … Dps is so low. not enough conditions to spam unless you go for trap

i ended up adding more power i still didn’t like it. maybe it may work with plex runes. i never use this rune


Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


I like it, its close to my personal build but I will tweak it around and see how it flows. I wonder what everyone else will say. In my opinion you could use shortbow here, there is a lot to this build but one thing that is tricky is your own personal sacrifices to DPS. Since you focus more on staying alive this suggests you tweak it around for roaming from time to time, am I right?

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW:

Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: ItIsFinished.9462


Man, and I thought I was sitting on a goldmine. Right when I saw your utilities I thought….NOOOOO. Anyways, I have been running a build like this for a month and a half or so. It’s a crazy build. You won’t be able to take on an equally skilled PU mesmer in WvW though. In fact, a well played PU mesmer is probably the only class you’ll have trouble with. Every other class is cake. I approve this build. Also, you can hit 2200 condition damage with WvW guard buff, 25 stacks of corruption, and 6% sigil increase.

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Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: Demus.4218


only problem i have with this type … Dps is so low. not enough conditions to spam unless you go for trap

i ended up adding more power i still didn’t like it. maybe it may work with plex runes. i never use this rune

I had the same issue. There is a kind of inherent problem with Axe and Sword condi builds, being that the Axe and Sword are strong power weapons. I found a solution though. Instead of just adding power, use celestial with the skirmishing/survival lines and dwayna runes.
Crit, Condi, Regen. A nice bonus of celestial is the crit damage. Without fury you can pretty easily hit 50% chance and 80% damage, about 900 damage per hit on auto. Condi sits at a healhty 800. Crits proc bleeds and pet might.
With axe/horn sword/torch almost everything you do applies a condition. The play style is almost exactly the same, but you’ll be doing more damage and wont have to fuss with guard for regen and swiftness.

Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: Liberater.3047


@Sunt Yes the dps could use a bit of work, It’s not the fastest build when it comes to kills but is good at wearing someone down and has lots of poison from sword and dagger to keep them from healing up so much. As for plex runes I have seen build with them although most stop at 5 runes because we don’t have many interrupts so the sixth ability is not of much use.

@awge Yes I have tried the shortbow with this build and I do like it. the added evade, bleed, and poison are very and I do swap it in every now and then. Also yes I primarily use this build for roaming, i’t also works well in small group situations.

@ItIsFinished I like those utilities over pretty much all the rest. Except for guard with I personally don’t like as much, but it has it’s uses. As far as difficulty with other classes mesmers can pose quite the threat along with fear/torment necro’s. You tend to have to trait heavily into BM and run in circles around the necro letting your pet do the damage.

@Demus I haven’t really considered celestial as a valid option although I may give it some consideration in the future. Dwayna runes are definitely a good option. I have used them in the past and they are quite helpfull.

Condi/Regen build video

in Ranger

Posted by: awge.3852


If you are going to depend heavily on condition damage, I suggest you do all you do right now, but add in lots of fire damage. With the condi damage you have listed there you should easily see 700 ticks per second, which is equivalent to a regular auto attack from sword or axe, without the critical damage, but that is also compensated with the other conditions you’ll be applying + your pet. The only real issues you will find are: mesmers, all rangers will always find some form of struggle here regardless of your build, and high condition removal builds from other professions (namely super tanky warriors).

Mon Fils — Favorable Winds [Wind] — Blackgate
Ranger’s guide to PvP/WvW: