Condition removal ? And Pets ?

Condition removal ? And Pets ?

in Ranger

Posted by: Twinlanceblack.1450


So I dipped my toe into WvWvW lately with my Warrior and my Ele. It reminds me a lot of Dark Age of Camelot warfare which I played a Ranger like class with . I have a Ranger in the 20s which I am taking out and one thing confuses me .

It seems like the Ranger has no active condition removal . There is the healing spring and the passive signet which when active removes conditions from allies . Do these work on the Ranger themselves also ? If not what do you do to get out of snares etc . Active condition removal seems to be a requirement for PvP .

Also what exactly are the pets for ? They remind me of the WoW style fire and forget pets which I dislike quite a bit . Is there more they can do besides that ?

Thanks for any help

Condition removal ? And Pets ?

in Ranger

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


The skill descriptions are very irritating, it seems allies is short for your allies, your pet and yourself, yet some descriptions explicitly state you and your pet, too.

edit: To answer your question, yes they remove conditions from you as well.