Delay on abilities, mostly the shortbow ones

Delay on abilities, mostly the shortbow ones

in Ranger

Posted by: Isabis.9561



I have like a second delay on most of my shortbow abilities, I think there is only one which is instant. When I pop Quickness and use abilities, my character stops auto-attacking for a second, uses an ability and then proceeds to auto-attack again. Is this intended?
Also, my abilities and auto attacks sometimes miss even though my target is really close to me and is not dodging.

It’s impossible to interrupt anything when your interrupt goes of 1 second after u press it.

(edited by Isabis.9561)

Delay on abilities, mostly the shortbow ones

in Ranger

Posted by: Leknau.1723


I remember I had this problem when my internet connection was really slow…but it wasn’t the game…it was my connection….so check how fast your ISP is.

Delay on abilities, mostly the shortbow ones

in Ranger

Posted by: WatchTheShow.7203

WatchTheShow.7203 is a good place to go to see if your connection is doing well.

Delay on abilities, mostly the shortbow ones

in Ranger

Posted by: Isabis.9561


I have ~100ms when pinging Frankfurt (GW2 servers location afaik) and no packet loss. That’s very good, so I doubt my connection is the problem. Is it possible that I am the only one experiencing this? :/