

in Ranger

Posted by: animalmom.1062


I’m not sure anyone has ever complained about rangers in this forum. We complain about Mesmers and Elementalists, and thief nerfs.

And really, nobody listens to thieves anyway.


in Ranger

Posted by: Cruces.3280


Sweet Bryzy…thanks!
Now how about you pick up a towel, dry your face off and start acting like a man.


in Ranger

Posted by: dzeRnumbrd.6129


I don’t remember any thieves seriously QQing about beastmaster rangers.

If anything the thief forums are the most accepting of other professions being considered OP – because we are constantly accused of being OP.

Your anger is misdirected.


in Ranger

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


I would guess that the thief subforum gets more requests for nerfs than any of the other class subforums. Thieves also have been nerfed quite a bit since the game has been released, and I would guess probably more so than any other profession (a lot of the nerfs were completely warranted). So I understand why you would be upset about a potential for a nerf (no one enjoys having their class nerfed), but I’m honestly not sure how this applies to thieves in any way or why you chose our subforum to vent. Rangers will still be a viable class after this update whether the leaked notes are true or not.

Edit: spelling changes

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:


in Ranger

Posted by: Kyrion.2749


He must be a thief hater in first place…. So, of course, thieves have the fault of everything.

… Rangers have to constantly adjust their builds because of all the nerfs we get. Thieves and other Elite classes don’t…

ROFL, you truly don’t have any idea about what your are talking about, do you? And on top of that… thief ‘Elite’ class… Haha… thanks for the morning laugh….


in Ranger

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


The problem is we are too busy defending ourselves to complain about other classes. Your argument is invalid.


in Ranger

Posted by: Wonderer.1790


Nobody on the thief forums really complains about rangers. Whenever I check out the ranger forum its always rangers whining about thieves. Thief players are too busy dealing with people trolling our class and hating. Feels good.

Please cry more though, thieves love that.

80 Thief, 80 Warrior, working on Mesmer.


in Ranger

Posted by: DanH.5879


i always said that rangers being OP, but on one believed me !


in Ranger

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


i always said that rangers being OP, but on one believed me !

No you didn’t.


in Ranger

Posted by: bladie.5084


I’ve never heard of any of the thieves say that Rangers were OP. If anything, we’d usually target them first because they’re easy and predictable.

You have it wrong. These “leaked” informations have mixed feelings. It’s a 50% nerf this and nerf that while 50% small buff here and there.


in Ranger

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

My short bow got nerfed and my underwater abilities got castrated.

I don’t think I got what I wanted. Unless you expect all thieves to be D/D or D/P stealth abusing specs.


in Ranger

Posted by: randomfightfan.4091


My short bow got nerfed and my underwater abilities got castrated.

I don’t think I got what I wanted. Unless you expect all thieves to be D/D or D/P stealth abusing specs.

I wouldn’t call it stealth abusing if the thief is actually attacking from stealth and not just chain stealthing to troll groups. Big difference between the 2 groups of people.

@ op, your hate is misguided. Guess it’s good that you dropped it here in the thief forum. We’re used to random players hating on us for the sake of hate. The tears of other classes sustain us.

Check out my page for some good thiefisms :)


in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


…And some of us playing thieves that are serviceable but not flavor-of-the-month-bandwagon builds are quite pleased by the wall-to-wall 100% buffs we’ll be getting if those patch notes are correct.

My Ranger will get tweaked a little in response to the changes, but my pets (Fernhound, Hyena) were there for regen and pounce much more than for damage output.

In fact with my having 80th level characters for 7 out of 8 classes, the notes look like an absolute smorgasbord of potential for finding new or reviving old builds that can now compete on a more even footing with the 5-6 overpowered freaks that people try to use as the baseline for “viability”.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.


in Ranger

Posted by: Shemsu.8721


…And some of us playing thieves that are serviceable but not flavor-of-the-month-bandwagon builds are quite pleased by the wall-to-wall 100% buffs we’ll be getting if those patch notes are correct.

My Ranger will get tweaked a little in response to the changes, but my pets (Fernhound, Hyena) were there for regen and pounce much more than for damage output.

In fact with my having 80th level characters for 7 out of 8 classes, the notes look like an absolute smorgasbord of potential for finding new or reviving old builds that can now compete on a more even footing with the 5-6 overpowered freaks that people try to use as the baseline for “viability”.

non flavor of the month? you just picked the wrong month, You unicorn build isnt special just because it isnt currently meta anymore. as far as wall to wall 100% buffs, tell me how sword/pistol having its most useful condition on auto being REMOVED, its most viable stunbreaker being REMOVED would be wall to wall buffs?


in Ranger

Posted by: bobross.5034


what thief hates ranger pets? they’re a free cloak and dagger. And they help the shortbow get another bounce. keep em coming.

As far as thieves qqing on other forums, maybe this post belongs on those threads. I’m sure there are a handful of whiny thieves out there, but honestly, I (and I imagine 95% of the thieves on this forum) never complain about another class being OP’d. As others mention we get enough qqing about thieves here. I just try to learn to counter it. So the person who made a mistake here is you, by taking something one jerk said and generalizing it to all the people who play thieves.


in Ranger

Posted by: Frenk.5917


… Rangers have to constantly adjust their builds because of all the nerfs we get. Thieves and other Elite classes don’t…

ROFL, you truly don’t have any idea about what your are talking about, do you?

Pretty much this.

Frenk – EU
All is vain


in Ranger

Posted by: style.6173


I originally had this post in the Elementalist forum but you guys really take the biscuit when it comes to complaining so I moved it here

Assuming patch notes are real then ranger pets are getting nerfed into the ground and cutting overall ranger profession power damage output by at the very least 15% depending on build. But you guys i guess are happy about this since it was because you elite professions kept talking smack about ranger pets because you were too lazy to learn how to dodge their attacks.

Rangers have to constantly adjust their builds because of all the nerfs we get. Thieves and other Elite classes don’t; they stick with their one-true-build and tell Anet to nerf Rangers so they don’t have to go through the effort of adapting their builds. We managed to find two viable ones (trapper and BM bunker) because our DPS is apalling and then we get yelled at for being OP because we adapted.

Well anyway this patch will pretty much kill any BM build so I guess you got what you wanted. I wouldn’t worry about the regen bunker rangers either – yes they’re difficult to kill but it’s not like they’re going to kill you first is it? Anyway, you’ll have to start working on ways to get Anet to nerf trapper rangers as you’ll probably be seeing more of them soon. If you can manage that then you’ll probably manage to kill the profession altogether!

If you are concerned about changes to rangers, you should post it in that forum.

@Mods, this thread seems to be in the wrong place. It is labeled as a thief thread but is focused on changes to rangers


in Ranger

Posted by: RyuDragnier.9476


There’s one thing about the patch notes that gives me some hope…it didn’t label whether the changes were across the board or PvP only. If the pet nerfs are PvP only, we’re fine, and we can all take a deep breathe of relief. If it’s a blanket nerf, then we really need to cuss out the guys in charge.

PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald


in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


non flavor of the month? you just picked the wrong month, You unicorn build isnt special just because it isnt currently meta anymore.

Kickin’ it old school, yo?

Given how effective I’m finding it, and how well it suits my play speed (which I have the feeling is just a little slower than the current meta) I’m just happy to have found a thief I could operate. And that particular brand of thief is getting huge buffs.

as far as wall to wall 100% buffs, tell me how sword/pistol having its most useful condition on auto being REMOVED, its most viable stunbreaker being REMOVED would be wall to wall buffs?

Easy: I don’t use a sword/pistol. Its wall to wall buffs for ME, because I don’t happen to be operating the over-performer getting the nerf bat.

“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.