(Deleted) misleading title

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Kodama.6453


It isn’t that easy to do, because the possibility to kill the pet is a needed balance to counter some skills. Rangers down state 3 skill is REALLY powerful and would get totally op, if you are not able to counter it by killing/ccing the pet. You wouldn’t be able to interrupt any f2 abilities of rangers at all.

And I really doubt they will do anything like this. Ghost weapons of guardians were invuln. at launch and they removed it to give counter play.

I agree, the pet needs improvement, but this is the wrong way to go for me. I hope we will see an upcoming elite spec, which will give your pet the ability to dodge.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Vyce.2014


It isn’t that easy to do, because the possibility to kill the pet is a needed balance to counter some skills. Rangers down state 3 skill is REALLY powerful and would get totally op, if you are not able to counter it by killing/ccing the pet. You wouldn’t be able to interrupt any f2 abilities of rangers at all.

And I really doubt they will do anything like this. Ghost weapons of guardians were invuln. at launch and they removed it to give counter play.

I agree, the pet needs improvement, but this is the wrong way to go for me. I hope we will see an upcoming elite spec, which will give your pet the ability to dodge.

That’s my point though… what F2 abilities are SO POWERFUL that removing the ability to stop it would make Rangers OP? If there are a few, then balance those. And the downed 3-skill would of course need some tweaks too…

But to your guardian spirit weapons point (along with mesmer phantasms and necro minions), that’s entirely different. When you can spam them and walk around with an army, that would of course be a problem. But we’re talking about ONE pet here with ONE extra utility skill.

Again, what other professions have their F-Skills shut down so easily?

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Again, what other professions have their F-Skills shut down so easily?

And that’s my point. ^^
I really understand why you are thinking that way. But I would rather like to see an upcoming active mechanic to prevent damage to the pet instead of just making it invuln.
There are several ways to go here, giving the pet traits or utility skills which gives you an effect while also making your pet immune to conditions for a period of time. There is a thread in here for a new ranger rifle set (I don’t like the idea of a ranger with rifle but that’s not the point) with an attack that gives your pet dodge frames.

These active defense mechanics are much more fun for me than simply don’t let the enemy attack the pet by default. But that doesn’t mean I want the pet to stay as vulnerable as it is.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Again, what other professions have their F-Skills shut down so easily?

And that’s my point. ^^
I really understand why you are thinking that way. But I would rather like to see an upcoming active mechanic to prevent damage to the pet instead of just making it invuln.
There are several ways to go here, giving the pet traits or utility skills which gives you an effect while also making your pet immune to conditions for a period of time. There is a thread in here for a new ranger rifle set (I don’t like the idea of a ranger with rifle but that’s not the point) with an attack that gives your pet dodge frames.

These active defense mechanics are much more fun for me than simply don’t let the enemy attack the pet by default. But that doesn’t mean I want the pet to stay as vulnerable as it is.

If they institute pet evasion (which they really, really need to), it has to be available in all weapon setups.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Kodama.6453


Again, what other professions have their F-Skills shut down so easily?

And that’s my point. ^^
I really understand why you are thinking that way. But I would rather like to see an upcoming active mechanic to prevent damage to the pet instead of just making it invuln.
There are several ways to go here, giving the pet traits or utility skills which gives you an effect while also making your pet immune to conditions for a period of time. There is a thread in here for a new ranger rifle set (I don’t like the idea of a ranger with rifle but that’s not the point) with an attack that gives your pet dodge frames.

These active defense mechanics are much more fun for me than simply don’t let the enemy attack the pet by default. But that doesn’t mean I want the pet to stay as vulnerable as it is.

If they institute pet evasion (which they really, really need to), it has to be available in all weapon setups.

Yes, of course. I was just giving an example of a suggestion in this forum, but pet surely should be able to evade without the requirement of a specific weapon.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

This topic does not really have the correct name, because this change is not required.

It would ruin lots of usefulness of Pet Tanking in PvE (even high lvl fractals tanking Mai Trin) and some mechanics would get totally changed with this (protect me comes to mind).
Taunt would be useless without this (forcing to attack a target that can’t be attacked is a logical breadown in coding).

This change is not required. If possible, rename the topic to [Change Suggestion].
We don’t need immortal pets.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

The solution to this is, of course, simple. The mechanics are already in-game and just need to be applied to pets.

If they can code protection to begin at the beginning of the dodge roll with Companion’s Defense then they can easily code some evade frames for the pet when the Ranger dodges. That part fixed.

Then the pet just needs some blanket damage reduction due to it being dumb AI, but that must be balanced. They need to implement the Mistlock Instability: Playing Favorites for the pet. a 50% damage reduction when it is not targeted. That way it really helps pets survive splash and AoE damage, but is also able to be easily killed by anyone who so chooses.

Done. Rangers everywhere cry tears of joy.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Hubris.7436


I am 100% against this proposal. With beastmastery, having a pet die effectively puts it on 50s cooldown. A ranger needs to manage his own health and that of his pet. If you see your pet’s health getting low, swap it out before it dies. Instead of getting a 50s cooldown on your pet swap, you get a 15s one.

Bottom line, pet death is necessary for ranger counter play. If you are having problems with your pet dying, control it better and use it more defensively.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I considered invulnerable pet viable solution. What is a ranger without a pet (in this game).

I probably would have removed their dmg and left them as little utility bots. I’m not sure I would add any stats to ranger though.

Pretty lame way out. Certainly not the worst idea when you take into account all the [change required] threads.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


The solution to this is, of course, simple. The mechanics are already in-game and just need to be applied to pets.

If they can code protection to begin at the beginning of the dodge roll with Companion’s Defense then they can easily code some evade frames for the pet when the Ranger dodges. That part fixed.

Then the pet just needs some blanket damage reduction due to it being dumb AI, but that must be balanced. They need to implement the Mistlock Instability: Playing Favorites for the pet. a 50% damage reduction when it is not targeted. That way it really helps pets survive splash and AoE damage, but is also able to be easily killed by anyone who so chooses.

Done. Rangers everywhere cry tears of joy.

Maybe they give a minor trait in bm where pets gain 100% effectiveness to protection some day.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

I considered invulnerable pet viable solution. What is a ranger without a pet (in this game).

I probably would have removed their dmg and left them as little utility bots. I’m not sure I would add any stats to ranger though.

Pretty lame way out. Certainly not the worst idea when you take into account all the [change required] threads.

Your idea about pets being pure utility slots without damage, and passing the damage onto the ranger was amazing (Ranger would need the DPS to compete in PvE). Not realistic, though.

There’s zero chance ANet’s gonna implement that change in this game. Maybe if Guild Wars 3 comes out (which I see probably in 4 years time) – that would be the only possibility of such radical changes being made.
Currently every single weapon buffs some part of pet’s attacks – which makes that proposal totally denied on the spot.

[Change Required] threads have all higher chances of becoming reality if developers happen to stick their noses in here.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

I considered invulnerable pet viable solution. What is a ranger without a pet (in this game).

I probably would have removed their dmg and left them as little utility bots. I’m not sure I would add any stats to ranger though.

Pretty lame way out. Certainly not the worst idea when you take into account all the [change required] threads.

Your idea about pets being pure utility slots without damage, and passing the damage onto the ranger was amazing (Ranger would need the DPS to compete in PvE). Not realistic, though.

There’s zero chance ANet’s gonna implement that change in this game. Maybe if Guild Wars 3 comes out (which I see probably in 4 years time) – that would be the only possibility of such radical changes being made.
Currently every single weapon buffs some part of pet’s attacks – which makes that proposal totally denied on the spot.

[Change Required] threads have all higher chances of becoming reality if developers happen to stick their noses in here.

So remove those aspects and give another effect to those skills. It isn’t as if anyone uses hunter’s shot for pet swiftness, anyway (as an example).

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

So remove those aspects and give another effect to those skills. It isn’t as if anyone uses hunter’s shot for pet swiftness, anyway (as an example).

You believe ANet who considers visiting forums for a healthy player-developer interaction for feedback as a waste of time because HoT is coming will really re-create and change effects on every single weapon in the game ?

Don’t know about you but I’m a realist.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

So remove those aspects and give another effect to those skills. It isn’t as if anyone uses hunter’s shot for pet swiftness, anyway (as an example).

You believe ANet who considers visiting forums for a healthy player-developer interaction for feedback as a waste of time because HoT is coming will really re-create and change effects on every single weapon in the game ?

Don’t know about you but I’m a realist.

Hey, you’re the one with the threads about extensive pet reworks; I’m just putting my own ideas for it out there as well.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Yes More ideas out there and rehashed/debated is a good thing. Whether extensive or minor just putting it out there is a step. And accepting that your idea is not the end all be all is just as important. There is not a singular vision that matters other then anets.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Yes More ideas out there and rehashed/debated is a good thing. Whether extensive or minor just putting it out there is a step. And accepting that your idea is not the end all be all is just as important. There is not a singular vision that matters other then anets.

Well, I’m just trying my best to do what I can and I’m saying what I’m saying because I already have experience in this field.

I was one of the few hardcore Hunter players back in WoW who gathered the intel and ideas from players addressing the company – and most of the ideas got implemented as precise as copy>paste.
That’s exactly what I’m trying to do here. I’m not doing it for my personal enjoyment, only. From an objective perspective – ANet is busy with HoT expansion and rebalancing the new specializations. They clearly won’t redesign a whole category of Ranger utilities 3 months after so many changes they made before HoT and asking that from them is not quite tactful, either.
They might, however, band-aid them if the community agrees that shouts are in a horrible state and need attention. If they become viable, okay, cool, awesome. After all – we wouldn’t really make them change their own vision of the game, we would stick with their ideas bringing balance feedback onto the table.
If they still suck after band-aids – there’s gonna be plenty of space to ask for a whole class-redesign as a reaction to failed creation into which you stuffed money and time. Petition of large-scale unhappiness with part of their product will not give us right to demand it – but will alarm their awareness of loss of potential customers – probably listening to what we have to say.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Yes More ideas out there and rehashed/debated is a good thing. Whether extensive or minor just putting it out there is a step. And accepting that your idea is not the end all be all is just as important. There is not a singular vision that matters other then anets.

Well, I’m just trying my best to do what I can and I’m saying what I’m saying because I already have experience in this field.

I was one of the few hardcore Hunter players back in WoW who gathered the intel and ideas from players addressing the company – and most of the ideas got implemented as precise as copy>paste.
That’s exactly what I’m trying to do here. I’m not doing it for my personal enjoyment, only. From an objective perspective – ANet is busy with HoT expansion and rebalancing the new specializations. They clearly won’t redesign a whole category of Ranger utilities 3 months after so many changes they made before HoT and asking that from them is not quite tactful, either.
They might, however, band-aid them if the community agrees that shouts are in a horrible state and need attention. If they become viable, okay, cool, awesome. After all – we wouldn’t really make them change their own vision of the game, we would stick with their ideas bringing balance feedback onto the table.
If they still suck after band-aids – there’s gonna be plenty of space to ask for a whole class-redesign as a reaction to failed creation into which you stuffed money and time. Petition of large-scale unhappiness with part of their product will not give us right to demand it – but will alarm their awareness of loss of potential customers – probably listening to what we have to say.

The problem with this is that this dissatisfaction has been expressed continually since the game came out. Ranger has never been in a particularly healthy place, as far as I can remember. They just haven’t been listening. Hell, they haven’t even bothered to fix the root and animation lock on the sword auto attack, despite promising to do something about that. They just changed their stance on that from ‘will be fixed’ to ‘working as intended’, without bothering to justify that. Many ranger players are just sick of being ignored, and of having promises broken, and the fact that Druid might not even get a single BWE (much less 2 or 3) isn’t helping matters. Ranger needs the most feedback and adjustment, not the least.

(Deleted) misleading title

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

The problem with this is that this dissatisfaction has been expressed continually since the game came out. Ranger has never been in a particularly healthy place, as far as I can remember. They just haven’t been listening. Hell, they haven’t even bothered to fix the root and animation lock on the sword auto attack, despite promising to do something about that. They just changed their stance on that from ‘will be fixed’ to ‘working as intended’, without bothering to justify that. Many ranger players are just sick of being ignored, and of having promises broken, and the fact that Druid might not even get a single BWE (much less 2 or 3) isn’t helping matters. Ranger needs the most feedback and adjustment, not the least.

Well, from my experience, straightforward demanding for something so edgy as a complete skill category redesign will never result in an expected way.

I can completely agree with what you say but that’s not going to get this class anywhere (you yourself said that). Arena-Net doesn’t have such a high money income as other game companies and that’s mostly because they let you play a game for free after the purchase. Because of this – they can’t really afford to hire hundreds of new people, considering that Dungeon-crew hasn’t been to be seen for 2 years.

I know that what you say is true but with the dissatisfaction about Ranger class I don’t remember many solid realistic and complex topics saying how to fix the problem in one go.
We had several interesting ideas that were mentioned here and there but never put together. Most of them were only mentioned as a reply to the topic about something completely irrelevant to the change mentioned.
Proposing changes that Ranger community likes (and it can be seen in forums, which leads me to conclusion that these discussions do not help it) helps developers to see which ideas are worth taking time to consider.

If you feel like being so dissatisfied like all of us are – I believe starting a petition is a good way to go. Every one of us have their own way of doing things and since I was successful this way before – I’ll keep trying for the sake of all of us because that’s what I can do. I dare to say it’s still more than a vast majority of other players.
The changes I make serious thread about like these are those that players either proposed themselves improving them with time, or those that got really good feedback. Drastic changes like a complete redesign change people’s play-styles and those are usually against them (and you have to consider it when asking for changes).

“Observe, learn and counter.”