Whoop whoop! My favorite class and my favorite game style.
1. The autopilotyness of ranger 1h sword skill one, where can it it be useful in PvE? Is there even a slight chance that we can get a PvE/PvP break in this skill to allow free movement in PvE only (because the chase mechanic is still useful in PvP)?
2. Why do you think it is that compared to warriors and other classes more rangers in PuGs seem completely unaware of the more useful DPS or supportive builds.
3. In order to stay competitive in the DPS field, our pets not only have to be alive but they need to benefit from buffs so that their percentage of our damage raises along with the rest. Do you have any comment on consumable buffs and applying them to pets?
4. Not a question, but don’t forget to mention: Due to the fact that ranger pets continue to do their percentage of the damage while the ranger is holding an object, power/precision rangers are likely to increase party DPS the most by picking up a conjured weapon than any other class.
5. Getting a ranger up near 100% critical chance is more difficult than with a warrior, how do you feel about purposely equipping Ruby Orbs instead of Scholar Runes to help raise critical chance?
6. In boss fights, rangers can often get stuck in a pet limbo where they have to deal with the 60 second pet resurrect timer no matter what. 20 seconds is often short enough to swap out a pet before it dies, but many fights are near impossible to maintain your pet’s health for the entire 60 second recharge if the previous pet had died. How do you deal with that? Is there any chance we may see the pet death timer reduced to 20 every other death (60, 20, 60, 20) to prevent an endless chain of 60 second timers until combat is broken?
7. When you play as a melee ranger, which ranged weapon do you prefer to bring as a backup?
8. Do you ever play solely ranged?
9. When you’re in a group that provides fury for you, do you prefer to bring an offhand axe instead of a warhorn?
10. Which is your favorite healing skill?
^ Uses Guild Wars 2 character screenshots for desktop wallpapers.