Developer livestream: Ranger PvE guide
I have a few questions all kind of linked to one topic. I’d like to hopefully see one of these answered. I also understand that these aren’t very easy questions to answer. However, I think a lot of people would like to see some of these topics discussed.
1.) How do you feel from the design perspective the Ranger should play, such as styles or weapon paradigms? Does this match the current metagame of spirit/bunker Ranger with no bow or with a bow in the offhand just to provide fire while the target gets close?
2.) The Ranger is currently agreed upon by the community is being kind of a hodge-podge mess of traits with a very distinct dependency on their pets, keeping them totally useless in many scenarios, or absolutely required to build into Beast Mastery to help augment their pets. Are there any future plans to streamline the traits to allow players to build more in the way they want to outside of BM/spirit bunker builds?
3.) While obviously there is no distinct archer role in the game due to the desired open-ended-ness GW2 was made to encompass for its classes, do you think that the Ranger was designed to best fulfill this style of play? If yes, what efforts are being made to make this play-style viable (it currently isn’t in most situations due to the pet dependency), and if not, is it out of the question to give another class like the Thief or Elementalist the longbow to allow players to play a squishier solo-archer character due to the lack of effectiveness and real archer “feel” the longbow warrior presents?
4.) The Ranger community is very (and almost evenly) divided on the proposed idea which would allow for rangers to disable their pets altogether and be compensated for the damage lost. How do you stand on this debate? Do you believe that players should have their desired styles of play accounted for, or do you believe that the design of the ranger should supersede this choice? Is it possible to make other possibilities for this play-style with other classes, then?
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
yeah this it will be a LOL video. I saw the video of warrior and it was so LOL.
I want to see how Izzy will teach me how to use the worsk profession with the worst support utility, with the worst offensive utility.
Traps traits are in a power build line.
Pet mechanic is bad: pat can’t jump from a cliff, it is stupid, the F2 is slow, the other pet skill are used quite random. And the answer for make tham more controllable by players is: ppl isn’t good enough with ele they don’t know how to change armony and this is bad cause ppl that know how to use that skill will be stronger than others and this is bad.
Ranger need a totally rework.
Here i trow some suggestin but you should do what you feel because if you want a game where evryone can play it at the same level you will not give the change to become more skilled.
1. Change the pet making it like phantasm: only one attack evry X seconds. That attack is range or it is a leap (it never miss, unless it is blocked evaded etc…). Give the control of 2 skills (EX: Wolf F2=howl F3=Knowdonw Leap).
2.Make shouts like GW1: your pet will do this effect with the next attac. This mean they have to be istant and with low recharge. (EX Your pet telepor to you target, next his attack does cripple, your next attack does bleeding).
3. Stats of pets should linked to your stats. This is to prevent heavy damage bunker build that we saw in pvp. This mean something like:
From ranger stats:
Power+Precision+Condition Damage= Offensive Stats
Toughness+Vitality+Healing Power= Defensive Stats
To Pet stats:
Power= Offensive Stats x X
Precision = Offensive Stats x Y
Toughness= Defensive Stats x Z
Vitality= Defensive Stats x W
Than you can make some difference betwin pets changing X,Y,Z,W coefficent.
This Is what i think you have to do to make ranger a nice class to play.
But i want to suggest my idea of ranger:
1.Damage: It should does a mix. Half of his damage comes from his pet, this means that while the ranger is power can take a condition pet and vice versa. This allow the ranger to be quite versatile against heavy armor build or heavy condi removal build. Anyway it will never have spikes or a lot of DPS like a warrior or thief.
2.Support: Ranger have 2 of most powerfull fields Water and Fire. It should have a lot of projectile finishers. With spirits it can place a static boon that boost the team. It can spread a lot of Vulnerability allowing others to make more damage.
3.Control: It should have a lots of low duration stuns (1/4s, 1/2s) but they can pass trouth blocs and have low recharge. It can spam a lot of cripple and some chill. Some pets can knowdown. It can spam a lot of Poison to low the heals of opponent.
4.Defence: His defence come from a lot evasion with melee weapons, while with ranged weapons he can cripple enemies.
5.Weakness: He don’t have Stability. He spam a lot of attacks making him vulnerable to Confusion and Retailation. His defence come from dodge, the immobilize can counter it.
This is a constructive post, i hope it will be usefull to you. Anyway Izzy keep trying to teach us some build, maybe you see something that we don’t.
Keep working on this game you have to shape this diamond.
Due to my pet I am able to take on 2 targets at the same time. My pet attacks the one target while I attack the other.
How do you get your pet to attack the “other” target and not the one you are attacking? Please do tell.
Pressing F1 while targeting the one you want your pet to attack will get your pet to attack that target and only that target even if you change your target.
edit: fyi targets going into stealth will not break this from what I seen. The pet will stand around and wait for the target to reappear then reengage. It only resets if the target moves out of range from what I seen.
This does not work for me.
Not sure how to help you there but it has always worked for me. Only other option is if we were both in game I can show you it and see if we can get it to work for you.
This mechanic worked far, faaaarrrr better back when we had the useful leash range. Whatever they did when they kitten pet leash ranges has caused the mechanic to be much more sluggish than it once was. I used to be able to count on my pet automatically realigning to a thief when they leave stealth and now the pet just flops around like an idiot just like they did back before when they would always lose aggro on stealth.
Why can’t we get a land shark? (:p) Sharks are the coolest pet we can get currently.
We do have landsharks.
Oh, how I miss the landshark. Some things should never be patched.
Patched? This was a couple nights ago.
Really?! I thought it was patched a year ago or something. If I remember you’d summon in water and then attacked something on land while still under water. Follow the shark and as it went to attack and it staid out. Is that how you did it?
See you in Tyria.
Couldn’t really hurt to focus more on balancing the ranger and let the players create the guides. We already play the game better than the dev team; our guides are probably going to be on-par.
Give them a break guys. I take that as tiny step towards positivity. At least we are not completely forgotten. Lets comment on it after we see the video.
Give them a break guys
. I take that as tiny step towards positivity. At least we are not completely forgotten. Lets comment on it after we see the video.
Do you honestly think Izzy has that much more insight than a large portion of the player base? The top players (I use that phrase lightly) in this game run circles around the dev team, and quite a few of them have guides for professions/builds/etc.
It’s not that this isn’t well-intentioned; it’s just unnecessary. The time spent on this is just precious time taken away from other things that actually need doing.
Lol this will be a comedy treat :P Can’t wait. I bet you they will not touch Ranger in WvW, and even if they do it will be about how Rangers are “roamers” and are not part of the zerg, etc etc.
Ok mi do have few questions.
1 Did anyone at Anet level up their ranger higher than lvl 20? If yes, did you guys use that scrolls to do it?
2 Why you don’t read ranger forums were people do post nice ideas how to fix this class?
3 Why we have the weakest utility skills in this game with long cds?
4 Why we don’t have more F2 skills that we could chose for our pet.
5 Why Mesmer and necros minions have AI superior to ranger pets?
6 Why any other class in this game does not have to trait to use active signets effects?
I can continue like this for pages. I do have 3 other lvl 80 guard necro and eng, ranger is by far the weakest class in this game. It is not LTP problem it is devs fault and you don’t admit that. Now you are going to show us how to pve? Lots of peps play this game since lunch and tbh we probably know ranger class way better than anyone at Anet. Show us rather your mad skills in wvw, were we are laughing stock. Ascended grind and last two ranger non substantial updates somehow made me lto ook around for new mmo.
ps. sorry for my English.
For the love of all humanity, if you show a dungeon run on the stream, please DO NOT run a bearbow set up and chill at 1200 range with a longbow…
PS if you do do a dungeon, try using the sword auto attack on like… any boss and tell us how you feel it is…
“…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.”
-Benjamin Franklin
(edited by lightning.8039)
For the love of all humanity, if you show a dungeon run on the stream, please DO NOT run a bearbow set up and chill at 1200 range with a longbow…
Don’t worry. They’ll be chilling at 1500 range to maximize the effectiveness of the longbow.
Bravo! Anets finally playing rangers Hope we’ll be getting more attention now.
I have several questions…
First, if a Ranger wants to focus on traps, they pretty much are forced into placing 30 of their trait points into the Skirmishing tree in order to pick up the two major traits that affect them. This leads to granting the Ranger 300 Precision and 30% Crit damage, two attributes that do not contribute to a trap build in any way. Wouldn’t these two traits lean more towards the Survival tree, not only because traps are not really something one would imagine being used in a Skirmish, but because that tree at least benefits the actual play style by incorporating condition damage?
Second, while I understand the Ranger has several interesting utility skills, why must they invest in entire trait lines in order to make full use of these skills. If they want to be affected by signets… 30 points. If they want spirits to move… 30 points. Traps to be useful… 30 points. Shouts to be… well… less bad… 30 points.
Third, why does Master’s Bond have to be removed on swapping pets? If the pet dies that is understandable, you have formed a bond with your pet and then let it down. As it currently stands, the trait is borderline useless in almost every situation. Oops, you entered water; stacks reset. Oops, you picked up certain environmental weapons; stats reset. Oops, you wanted to swap your pet out to save its life and keep your cooldown at a minimum like a good ranger; stats reset.
Finally, why did you make it so we can’t cancel out of the auto attack chain of sword? This is absolutely devastating to anyone who wants to be able to melee with this weapon. Not even the other two skills which are designed to get you out of the way can interrupt the chaining from the second to third attack.
(edited by Malos.2081)
So, assuming this is going to be a simple open-world demonstration, I do have a question;
With rangers substantial lack of power based AoE that isn’t being crippled by poor scaling coefficients, how are rangers expected to clear content in a manner that makes the experience with the class an enjoyable one based of the level of effectiveness of what is being used?
What is the design philosophy behind the ranger, what is the ultimate balance goal, and what does the future of the ranger profession look like as of now? For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc
(edited by jcbroe.4329)
I have several questions…
First, if a Ranger wants to focus on traps, they pretty much are forced into placing 30 of their trait points into the Skirmishing tree in order to pick up the two major traits that affect them. This leads to granting the Ranger 300 Precision and 30% Crit damage, two attributes that do not contribute to a trap build in any way. Wouldn’t these two traits lean more towards the Survival tree, not only because traps are not really something one would imagine being used in a Skirmish, but because that tree at least benefits the actual play style by incorporating condition damage.
Actually i love the fact that precision is in the trap trait tree. Running full rabid gear with 30 in skirmishing gives a very high crit chance when I have fury up. Combine that with bleed on crit trait and sigil you’ll end up getting bleeds from your vipers nest and flame trap. Not to mention that you can get 3 stacks of bleed for every shortbow attack.
But i do agree that critical dmg is bit weird on that line and should be swapped to cond dmg or duration.
Will this include WvW with the PvE? It’s hard to keep track of things as one day WvW is PvP and the next it’s PvE!
But I’d have to say the most important issue for me with Rangers right now is how you could go in the WvW forum right now, ask people to rank the classes from most to least valuable, and every single person will rank the Ranger as last place. Why? Can/will anything ever be done about this?
The next big sticking point with Rangers is the Sword’s #1 attack with the leaps. This is a very difficult mechanic to use for new players which turns a lot of player’s off the weapon/class. The only way to use it is to turn off auto-attack which means the player is going to have a direct DPS loss on their highest DPS weapon!
Next up is pets… even with additional health (why no in WvW btw?), they are still more of a hindrance than an asset to the class. With poor pathing, their inability to hit moving targets, unresponsive F2 abilities, their inability to dodge, and the fact that the Ranger loses between 25-40% of its damage because it’s balanced under the presumption the class will have the pet up 100% of the time… which is impossible. Will pets be improved?
Next up is utility. The class offers some reasonable utility with Spotter (a tree that’s mostly there to help Ranged attacks, which are awful in PvE) and Storm Spirit (which requires a 30pt investment to actually be functional), and a waterfield (which recently had its duration reduced), but that’s about it? Does this utility offset the fact that the class does so much less DPS and the horrible pet mechanics?
The next thing I’d love to hear discussed is why the class is so passive in nature? We have other classes that are actually fun to play with engaging skills that need to be combo’d or timed perfectly that have amazing effects on the class and your group. The Ranger not so much… you kinda select something, hit f1, and auto attack. Why aren’t the weapons as engaging as other classes? The ranged weapons in particular!
That’s about all I’ve got for the PvE (slanted toward real PvE and less about WvW for now
I am all about WvW now mostly because the achievements are confusing and clutteringly done in a way that one can’t tell what to do “next”.
At least in WvW I know the objectives, I still get some experience and I can run with people that in the long run, can get to know me… Oh but wait, they don’t pay attention to Rangers in WvW… ugh.
barkskin does it reduce damage from conditions at all? If so, does it reduce those applied prior to the effect being triggered my the health treshold or only those applied while barkskin is active, or even both?
Does it have any internal cooldown? For instance: i drop below 25%, it triggers, i heal above that percentage, i drop again within seconds does it activate again regardless of any cooldown?
This should be interesting. Since wvw is considered pve too I imagine there is no problem to join a wvw server and start a few matches?
i do met couple of Anet rangers who are playing rangers since “the queen’s speech”
but it is nice that they started to pay attention to rangers.
Circle of Life is a trait that states that we create a healing spring on death, since my character has never died, only has been downed and defeated, in what situation can i rely on this extra healing spring to pop?
Healing Spring doesn’t work underwater, so does this mean this trait is completely useless below the surface?
Any other tooltip…er… ambiguities that you’d like to clear out for us?
^ good one @@@@
im gonna watch it
Ranger is the most exciting class to play for me, the diversity of pets with what each one can offer to their master is awesome, rangers and their chosen pets represent harmonious fellowship as they fight as one.
1– Regarding to Ranger, would be nice increasing some potential already exist and offer something new, this what occurs right now:
1.1- Why ranger aren’t allowed to use rifles or pistols, since we are the ranged class for excellence in most Massive Multiplayer On-line Role Playing Games (MMORPG)?
1.2- If we can’t use rifles and pistols, why then other GW2 classes use bows (thief + warrior)
1.3- Longbow, been the weapon of choice of this class, should have long range shot of 1800 (standard) and with the use of the “Eagle Eye” trait, increase our range to over 2100.
1.4- Why we don’t have a skill that provides “camouflage” (become invisible as long as you remain in place without moving), similar to Villagers (Halloween / Mad King’s Labyrinth / Lunatic Inquisition) “Hide in Shadows”, provides 10 second self-stealth skill as long they stand still?
1.5- Concerning to Longbow, reduce the cool down of “Point Blank Shot”, 15 seconds to knockback again your foe is too long. During living story – Blood and Madness, while fighting 1 “green veteran skeleton” inside bloody Prince instance, that foe was able to knock back me every 3 seconds. If this foe can have this powerful attribute, why ranger can have the CD of 5 seconds for “Point Blank Shot”?
2– Regarding to pets, they really need some attentions from the game developers, here some tips:
2.1- whenever pet dies or remain death, would be cool the ranger inflict 25% more damage
(this can be awesome in PvP and WvW zones, for example, the opponents of ranger think twice whenever they targeted 1st the pet, knowing doing this will give Rangers more DPS)
2.2- if ranger chose to stowed their pet, that pet must remain stowed until the ranger release him again
(would be useful at PvE areas, because sometimes a ranger wants to simply run fast from a crowded mob/foe area without been slowed by the pet keeping him in “combat mode” for long time – add to foes who get stucked/bugged while chasing pets)
For your concern, sir Isaiah Cartwright and crew of developers
Should we take bets about today’s video being cancelled because we don’t have a single question in here about how awesome the ranger is in PvE?
Do you mind if I call you that, or do you prefer Mister Cartwright? (I’m probably 20 years older than you, so it won’t be Sir)
About six months ago I started playing this game and a ranger main for all the wrong reasons and I’m too stubborn to quit. How will the changes ArenaNet has planned for the ranger retain me as player for the next six?
Regardless, this should be comedy gold… if you like black comedy that is…
Ranger | Necromancer | Warrior | Engineer | Thief
Replace the 5 point Skirmishing minor trait with~
Lone Wolf: You gain +25% damage while your companion is stowed.
Fix the stow companion command so that when we stow a companion it stays stowed until we click the button again.
This would be ridiculously OP… if ANet ever decides to give you something without pet, expect around the 3%-5% increased damage without pet. They will always favor people using it.
Um, why do you say so? We’ve been told that the class has a -30% to -40% DPS modifier applied to it to offset the damage provided by the companion.
No companion, no penalty. Seem like a fairly equitable exchange. You can’t stow pets in combat, so it’s not like you can fight ‘til your pet dies then swap to this (and easy enough to set the fix “Pet Stow” command to not allow you to summon them in combat either). You’ be locking out a whole slew of (annoyingly) unavoidable pet effects, like giving up the pet’s first strike if you are invested in the Marksmanship line.
It creates a recognizable archetype and playstyle with pretty minimal changes.
I base my conclusion on 2 things:
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
2) Ranger damage is not that low if that it’s what you are seeking. Get a sword, horn, full zerk and you can kill things as fast as a warrior. I have both characters, a warrior and a ranger, both have full zerk dps builds and I can’t tell a difference. Warriors numbers are much bigger but ranger attk speed with sword is amazing. Both takes around the same (if not the same) time to kill something. +25% damage would be to much, waaaay to much.
I just think ppl missed the point of this thread entirely… I just hope my questions do get addressed regardless of all these clutter noise
Sun Spirit is pretty much my go-to spirit for offensive play since i run rampagers instead of Berserk, so i think the burning hurts more than extra 10%, unless i get a guardian or an ele focusing fire attunement are either around.
Question is: does the burning my allies apply scale up from my stats or their own?
Also: if my gear is focused on condition damage should i allow for my spirit’s buff to surpass the for example cleric guardian/ele or is it a first applied “first damaging” basis?
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
But its ok to be a Ranger with Stealth – Thief
But its ok to a Ranger with Heavy Armor – Warrior
Damage increase with pet dead or stowed isn’t OP. Period.
Replace the 5 point Skirmishing minor trait with~
Lone Wolf: You gain +25% damage while your companion is stowed.
Fix the stow companion command so that when we stow a companion it stays stowed until we click the button again.
This would be ridiculously OP… if ANet ever decides to give you something without pet, expect around the 3%-5% increased damage without pet. They will always favor people using it.
Um, why do you say so? We’ve been told that the class has a -30% to -40% DPS modifier applied to it to offset the damage provided by the companion.
No companion, no penalty. Seem like a fairly equitable exchange. You can’t stow pets in combat, so it’s not like you can fight ‘til your pet dies then swap to this (and easy enough to set the fix “Pet Stow” command to not allow you to summon them in combat either). You’ be locking out a whole slew of (annoyingly) unavoidable pet effects, like giving up the pet’s first strike if you are invested in the Marksmanship line.
It creates a recognizable archetype and playstyle with pretty minimal changes.
I base my conclusion on 2 things:
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
2) Ranger damage is not that low if that it’s what you are seeking. Get a sword, horn, full zerk and you can kill things as fast as a warrior. I have both characters, a warrior and a ranger, both have full zerk dps builds and I can’t tell a difference. Warriors numbers are much bigger but ranger attk speed with sword is amazing. Both takes around the same (if not the same) time to kill something. +25% damage would be to much, waaaay to much.
Clearly you’re not as skilled at pushing 1 with your Warrior as you are with your Ranger. Damage isn’t comparable. The gap is made up for by the pet. The loss of the pet is why he’s asking for 25% more damage. 25% more damage isn’t going to compensate for the 1000dps difference between a sword ranger and a dagger thief.
snake trap some ppl claim it’s limited to 3 targets cap, regardless of the usual 5 target cap for AoE’s, in a related note:
barrage is an easier skill to spot its effect and i can swear it doesn’t have a limit, i’m pretty sure i can cripple a swarm of enemies (and rightfully so, it feels great to slow down a mass of enemies). Therefor i bet this is working as intended.
Although could you elaborate on these AoE variations on target cap and clarify so we better make use of such abilities?
Replace the 5 point Skirmishing minor trait with~
Lone Wolf: You gain +25% damage while your companion is stowed.
Fix the stow companion command so that when we stow a companion it stays stowed until we click the button again.
This would be ridiculously OP… if ANet ever decides to give you something without pet, expect around the 3%-5% increased damage without pet. They will always favor people using it.
Um, why do you say so? We’ve been told that the class has a -30% to -40% DPS modifier applied to it to offset the damage provided by the companion.
No companion, no penalty. Seem like a fairly equitable exchange. You can’t stow pets in combat, so it’s not like you can fight ‘til your pet dies then swap to this (and easy enough to set the fix “Pet Stow” command to not allow you to summon them in combat either). You’ be locking out a whole slew of (annoyingly) unavoidable pet effects, like giving up the pet’s first strike if you are invested in the Marksmanship line.
It creates a recognizable archetype and playstyle with pretty minimal changes.
I base my conclusion on 2 things:
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
2) Ranger damage is not that low if that it’s what you are seeking. Get a sword, horn, full zerk and you can kill things as fast as a warrior. I have both characters, a warrior and a ranger, both have full zerk dps builds and I can’t tell a difference. Warriors numbers are much bigger but ranger attk speed with sword is amazing. Both takes around the same (if not the same) time to kill something. +25% damage would be to much, waaaay to much.
Clearly you’re not as skilled at pushing 1 with your Warrior as you are with your Ranger. Damage isn’t comparable. The gap is made up for by the pet. The loss of the pet is why he’s asking for 25% more damage. 25% more damage isn’t going to compensate for the 1000dps difference between a sword ranger and a dagger thief.
lol I know, I need to push 1 better… but srsly; my warrior can kill a lvl 80 mob in a few axe hits (I use 30 0 0 10 30) build or just 1 100b. That is ~2 seconds (counting zero). My ranger melts things with the sword/horn (30 30 10 0 0 0). 25% would be too much.
And talking about thieves… to be honest… even though I have a ranger and not a thief; I would feel bad if we can do the same damage at melee. I don’t think a sword ranger and a dagger thief should be equal in dps. It just doesn’t feel right, as it wouldn’t feel right if a warrior can do the same damage with a LB than we do.
My plea to ANet would be to increase Rangers, Eles, Engies, Necros and Mesmer range damage to be as close as possible to other classes melee. If you think about it there is absolutely none range damage in this game meta and I think it hurts its design. Even though I love the concept that melee hits harder than range because its more risky, the damage difference is too high for certain classes and creates gaps like the ones we are discussing here. I mean, I’m sure something can be done to return the flavor of playing a ranged class.
Simple question, when are we going to see fixes for…say every issue that has been existing and reported multiple times since launch without fixes, and the messed up and jumbled trait lines that are so mix-n-match it’s not even funny?
Or when’s the expected due date for all of the revamps and fixes we were informed were coming “soon” over a year ago by your lead designer mr. Peters who quickly went awol from this sub-forum after his little teaser post?
As reference to those who were not around since then (The thread has been locked due to the constant asking of when/b!tching that ensued after extended silence)
I’m not bitter or anything lol I just lost all motivation to play my ranger and most of this game for over half a year now due to empty promises and teases of upcoming fixes.
(edited by Faolchu.1629)
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
But its ok to be a Ranger with Stealth – Thief
But its ok to a Ranger with Heavy Armor – Warrior
Damage increase with pet dead or stowed isn’t OP. Period.
Of course, just because you say so. Your authority on the matter allows you not to provide arguments to your point. Perfect.
Ps. We don’t have thieves stealth capability and warriors don’t have our damage with bows. Don’t be like that.
(edited by Mesket.5728)
Give them a break guys
. I take that as tiny step towards positivity. At least we are not completely forgotten. Lets comment on it after we see the video.
They’ve had their free breaks. They have to earn them now.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Sure would be funny if during the livestream the pet pulls 2 extra mobs to the dev’s ranger and kills him. So many AI issues. Lag issues.
Maybe the Ranger can be effective in WvW using a pet, but if so, it is a rarity I’m not seeing. Every bow battle v. a ranger I’ve won on my Warrior, not even close. Wrong pets? Wrong spec’s? No clue.
Live stream some WvWvW battles with your ranger.
Check that, the Question I would ask is, how is Anet going to handle the natural limitation on our Stats with Ascended Gear because it doesn’t effect the pet?
Heavy Halo, Warrior JQ
Because you haven’t gone into Beastmaster to improve your pet and you insist on using melee pets against bosses/large scale encounters. The beginners stream may be just what you need.
Which leads so logically into the question ‘Why do I suffer a 25% hit to my DPS for a class mechanic that only (vaguely) works right if I sacrifice 40% of my trait points on the altar of beastmastery and even then only if I’m using a type of pet that makes up less than 20% of the range of choices?’
The issue of “why do I have to have lower dps without a pet” isn’t the same as “why does my pet suck if I don’t trait to support it”. My response was due to the poster having issue 2, you respond to mine bringing in issue 1. A seperate issue you can address to Anet since I did not create the issue you want to bring in.
1—How do you guy’s feel about the performance of the Ranger Pet system at the moment?
2—If you were to compare, say, a warrior or a guardian to a ranger: What would be the advantage of having a ranger in a party over a warrior or a guardian?
3—What is your favorite thing about a ranger, and what is your least liked area of a rangers performance?
Ps. We don’t have thieves stealth capability and warriors don’t have our damage with bows. Don’t be like that.
Are you kidding? Traited Warrior longbow is devastating. And plain old more interesting, as the individual attacks actually synergize with each other (both starting and completing combos just with weapons skills) and you have actual potential to spike. With greater armor and a massive hit point pool, they are also far more forgiving of the slightest mistake or missed dodge. And a sizeable chunk of their damage potential never stands in an AoE until dead.
I enjoy my ranger for light duty and zerging, but my warrior is a more effective presentation of the “archer” archetype and gameplay I thought I’d be getting from the ranger.
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Replace the 5 point Skirmishing minor trait with~
Lone Wolf: You gain +25% damage while your companion is stowed.
Fix the stow companion command so that when we stow a companion it stays stowed until we click the button again.
Clearly you’re not as skilled at pushing 1 with your Warrior as you are with your Ranger. Damage isn’t comparable. The gap is made up for by the pet. The loss of the pet is why he’s asking for 25% more damage. 25% more damage isn’t going to compensate for the 1000dps difference between a sword ranger and a dagger thief.
I’m with ya. The +25% I’m suggesting is actually lowballing the value needed to restore parity to the ranger’s attacks, but I think its also within the realm of reason as a new option to enable a playstyle many of us were looking for from the Ranger profession.
Its not a request to make pet-less rangers uber compared to other Ranger builds (it won’t). Its a request to “Please, please give us the tools to create dungeon-friendly builds where Fluffy no longer embarrasses us in front of the rest of the party because of dodge-or-die fight mechanics!”
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
I went to check and noon seems to be 20:00 in my time shift. Will somebody be recording this so i can watch it past 22:00 GMT (Portugal/England) or can i watch it later on the same twitch channel? My android app doesn’t seem to work with the wifi connection here plus (big plus actually) I’ll be working.
I went to check and noon seems to be 20:00 in my time shift. Will somebody be recording this so i can watch it past 22:00 GMT (Portugal/England) or can i watch it later on the same twitch channel? My android app doesn’t seem to work with the wifi connection here plus (big plus actually) I’ll be working.
It will be on their blog.
Ps. We don’t have thieves stealth capability and warriors don’t have our damage with bows. Don’t be like that.
Are you kidding? Traited Warrior longbow is devastating. And plain old more interesting, as the individual attacks actually synergize with each other (both starting and completing combos just with weapons skills) and you have actual potential to spike. With greater armor and a massive hit point pool, they are also far more forgiving of the slightest mistake or missed dodge. And a sizeable chunk of their damage potential never stands in an AoE until dead.
I enjoy my ranger for light duty and zerging, but my warrior is a more effective presentation of the “archer” archetype and gameplay I thought I’d be getting from the ranger.
I wont argue about the massive HP difference. Armor’s are about the same if you dont trait and gear for it. The difference between heavy and light if both are zerk is minimal. Now, talking about bow damage… you are delussional. Warriors may have a nice burst if they burn their cooldowns but warrior LB sustained damage sucks, they will never crit as hard as a Ranger LB at max range. I tried my warrior with bow many many times (even wasted 250 t6 on the carcass cause thats how much I like using the bow and the reason I rolled a ranger later) and it doesnt come close to bow rangers.
5% is reasonable.
25% is the end of pets
I would love for the devs to take a look at this video
This might help them understand how most (or some) of the GW2 community feel about rangers. Woodenpotatoes hates rangers so much, and even mentions that they are poorly designed. Most people feel this way, and I wonder if the devs are dismissing this as a massive hallucination or something similar.
(edited by Aden Celeste.3650)
Additional question: 1) How does your ranger perform a. at max range, b. outside max range where their LB does less damage and c. in melee? Which is supposed to be our forte?
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
But its ok to be a Ranger with Stealth – Thief
But its ok to a Ranger with Heavy Armor – Warrior
Damage increase with pet dead or stowed isn’t OP. Period.
Of course, just because you say so. Your authority on the matter allows you not to provide arguments to your point. Perfect.
Ps. We don’t have thieves stealth capability and warriors don’t have our damage with bows. Don’t be like that.
No need to go into details, since its already been covered many time.
Warriors don’t have Ranger damage with bows? LOL. You are kidding right?
1) Anet want you to have a pet. Not to be a thief with long bow.
But its ok to be a Ranger with Stealth – Thief
But its ok to a Ranger with Heavy Armor – Warrior
Damage increase with pet dead or stowed isn’t OP. Period.
Of course, just because you say so. Your authority on the matter allows you not to provide arguments to your point. Perfect.
Ps. We don’t have thieves stealth capability and warriors don’t have our damage with bows. Don’t be like that.
No need to go into details, since its already been covered many time.
Warriors don’t have Ranger damage with bows? LOL. You are kidding right?
No, I’m a warrior and recently moved to the ranger’s world and amazed by how many biased lies I’m reading.
Not gonna disagree that ranged damage as a whole in this game needs a bump but from there to warriors better than rangers with longbow is just too much.
Basically last months warrior got Anet love. Basically most of the irritating issues they have have been fixed now. The class is almost officially ‘complete’ now. If i where to main warrior, i’d probably be incredible happy with warrior.
Will ranger get the same attention/bug fixes/‘weakness of profession’-bandage? Like warrior have no (real) weaknesses left after you boosted their condition counters. Ranger has less hp/armor/passive healing but has worse (with timing possible) condition removal. Will we be ‘bandaged’ as wel? Hammer (warrior) 4, went from clunky to super usefull. Will sword 1 and 2 get same treatment?
Will you clean up the animations of pet skills, like you did with warrior hammer skills to give rangers ‘quality of life’ improvements?
Can we expect more brutal nerfs?
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
@ Mesket, having played both (lb warrior/ranger), i can say this.
Warrior wins:
Combo finishers, (with trait every skill is combo finisher and auto attack dual GARANTEED finisher), crazy. And you got a superior blast finisher every 10 sec.
Aoe damage. 3x F1 (or more with cd reduction), + 3x skill nr 3 = massive damage, while barrage does a lot of damage, the amount of control, and over time pressure really can’t keep up with this. Aoe = warrior wins.
Hybrid fully viable. Go conditions? With burning you’ll kick butt (and pin down, 6x bleed!), go power? works. Go hybrid work. While SB is more the counter part to it, it sucks incredible compared to warrior LB in this regard.
Ranger best:
Range, we ‘outrange’ warrior.
Auto attack damage (more then dual shot).
Bonus utility stealth and the push back are a bit more usefull then pin down (although i really miss immobalize on ranger sometimes), and the pure damage skills.
I guess it’s a tie. But consider this, in scarlet events, all you need to do was tag to get loot. And trust me spamming the F1 every 8 secs, give much better loot then, barrage every 30 (24) seconds. I think that gives the warrior lb an edge for most people. But the blast finisher and the high damage modifier on skill nr 3, really makes warrior LB weapon nasty. Still ranger weapon stands it own (but still needs improvements).
The most ironic thing about this though is: ranger were intended to be ranged, warriors just got this weapon to fill their set, a warrior is close combat period, their ranged weapon should not be superior to ranger weapon. I guesss this is the part why people really complain about it. of course, if anet want warrior to be good in everything (seems so latley), then other professions needs same treatment, so anet boost our melee/fix their issues please
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Honestly, I think Ranger with melee weapons is at the very least adequate design at the moment, I quite love it. However, the ranged needs some help, so here’s my questions, provided there’s time to touch on questions in the guide:
1. Are you satisfied with the axe’s role? It is a great support weapon but do you think the damage tradeoff/useability of Splitblade is fair?
2. Longbow damage (and really, any other weapon such as mesmer greatsword that uses range to alter damage); are you satisfied with how this system works out in practice? The damage can be really good, at the cost of buff range and unreliability. That it is unreliable, and that you can’t swap it out in combat (out of the slot), is a pretty big reason not to risk its use.
3. Almost forgot, pets. I love pets, but is it not possible to a) make stow pet a true manual toggle (for running around) and b) make F2 more responsive?