Devourer Pet Build
Devourers are good, but you don’t really need a full specific build around them. I mean, I wouldn’t use one if I had 30 specced into BM since you might as well run a higher damage pet with an investment like that, but even then, you’d be fine.
If you do run at least 20 in BM, be sure to pick up Rending Attacks.
I run a direct damage bow build with 5 in BM and frequently bring a devourer in dungeons when I need a ranged pet.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that melee pets tend to get stomped by anything of higher level than veteran.
Good vote on the Rending Attacks thing. Didn’t realize that also applied to devourers.
I always keep a Devourer as one of my land pets. You never know when you run into a situation where sending in a melee pet is just suicide for the poor beast. Even better, Devourers possess a dodge back skill AND a push back skill, which makes them a lot more hardy than you might expect. I do wish that Devourers had a higher chance of causing Poison with their normal attack, but as it is, the additional extra Poison is a nice bonus.
My current strategy is just to pelt opponents with arrows from a distance while my pet tanks, but then again, I’m still only level 43 so I don’t have that many traits unlocked, and I’m going for a split build where both myself and my pet deal damage (30 Marksmanship, 20 Precision and 20 Beast Mastery).