Do the Devs even...
i guess they didn’t expect such a shtstorm after their nerfs, coz… you know… nobody at anet plays a ranger and obviously they need a scapegoat for what reason ever…
they just don’t want ppl to be happy
Actually I remember a Dev saying that his main is a ranger, during the Southsun Cove part of the Living Story.
It doesn’t matter anyway. I just want to know why they don’t want rangers to be played and, if they do, if they have any idea of what they just did.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
We should make a list of all the Rangers Anet killed with this patch.
I think my favorite quote so far has been Rangers are like Piles of Putrid Essence: Rare and useless.
see thread “we want Robert Hrouda back”
Until than..
The Ranger Class is Forever Gone
Had such high hopes for the ranger class,was my first 80..right now there as useless as boobs on a bull..Lets all roll a warrior since im sure thats what the devs want us all to play.
I think my favorite quote so far has been Rangers are like Piles of Putrid Essence: Rare and useless.
You made my day with that one.
Im firmly convinced that every single employee of Anet plays a thief. of course the thief community will scream otherwise..but until missing,being dodged, or blocked takes a thief out of stealth…i will continue to believe that the class is being coddled by the devs.
Currently looking for wvw guild@henge
Well, while the ranger ins’t useless…. wait, what am I saying, There isn’t anything they can do that something else an do better. Hell, a warrior with a bow does more damage with a bow even if the ranger can get further away. Rangers are apparently are meant to be reliant on their pets for damage, but then they went and nerfed them. Why is it only rangers are so dependent on their class mechanic? Why would anet nerf them? My main is gonna be on the shelf for a while.
Well, while the ranger ins’t useless…. wait, what am I saying, There isn’t anything they can do that something else an do better. Hell, a warrior with a bow does more damage with a bow even if the ranger can get further away. Rangers are apparently are meant to be reliant on their pets for damage, but then they went and nerfed them. Why is it only rangers are so dependent on their class mechanic? Why would anet nerf them? My main is gonna be on the shelf for a while.
Was this patch a nerf to pet damage in dungeons? Nope:
Jon Peters reads this forum from time to time.
But he couldn’t give two craps about PvE and he’d probably say that to us in all honesty as well in any room where there wasn’t a camera or an internet connection. …They’re still glomming onto this idea that they can make the game E-sport worthy without even realizing what Real big shift in “e-sport” actually took place lately.
E-sport USED to be about who had awesome skills in a game that had extreme learning curves. IE: your Starcrafts in Korea, your DOTA’s here for the custom map players, your Counterstrikes, Tribes/Quake2/Unreal Tourney & and SSBM Tourney kids. Basically all stuff that needed to be shoutcasted so you had someone do a “Madden” and explain what was happening to a couple of the people in the audience who didn’t understand what made a great play. But things changed when LOL came around… Viewerships jumped from 10,000’s…. to 10 millions….
B/c it was stuff people understood b/c they already used that same exact playstyle themselves. It’s the same reason Soccer is “the World’s Sport” while the rest of us here in the states only care about Hand-Egg, Hockey, or Nascar where you need super specialized gear and a personal support crew for every player on the field. E-sport is just plain old sport now. Infact the youtube vids that get the most viewership usually aren’t even about a great play, they’re usually about a Meme or something funny that happened instead. … or something trolly that everyone wants to immitate.
(edited by ilr.9675)
Game Design Lead
Yes, we care about the forums. We also care about all the classes equally.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer
(edited by JonathanSharp.7094)
ilr…. you are right about that e-sport shift. I am glad there is someone here that speaks my language.
I’m not listening, Jonathan! You just took away my victory duel yesterday!
Legendary Ranger, Simon
Then please show it with the next balance patch, Mr Sharp. Actions speak 1000x louder than words.
Thanks for all your hard work, Jon, I’m a huge fan and wish you guys the best.
Then please please please make the Ranger what it was advertised to be rather than the “wing it” profession is seems to be coming.
Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Sounds good. Now is there any plans to stop breaking already bottom of the barrel class in dungeons and wvw so you can get the spvp balance right?
edit. any plans to make pets able to hit moving targets?
This is why you don’t make dumb threads like this. The devs find a way to make a post without answering any of our actual questions.
On a side note: Love the game, love my ranger, keep up the good work gents.
[Bush] – Dragonbrand
I have nothing but resent to show.
You’ve managed to simultaneously (almost) obliterate my 2 mains. Ranger and Mesmer in one patch. While at the same time, plenty of buffs to … Guardians…..
I’m usually typing on my phone
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
1) Then why did pets get nerfed instead of being split in PvE like mesmer phantams? Pets actually needed to be buffed in PvE.
2) Any plans to make pets hit moving targets, AKA attacking while moving.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
We also care about all the classes equally.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Sounds good. Now is there any plans to stop breaking already bottom of the barrel class in dungeons and wvw so you can get the spvp balance right?
edit. any plans to make pets able to hit moving targets?
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
Read up on my high level fractals build. It’s basically permanent 15+ might stacks in addition to repeated 25 might stack spikes. It’s way better than what we had before and it uses shortbow which is still one of our premier weapons. Turn that frown upside down brotha. It’s really powerful. Better than before no doubt. Sometimes a buff comes in the form of boon stacking or traits.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
1) Then why did pets get nerfed instead of being split in PvE like mesmer phantams? Pets actually needed to be buffed in PvE.
2) Any plans to make pets hit moving targets, AKA attacking while moving.
Hah, the moving target thing is great! I absolutely love when my pet runs by an enemy then has to turn around to get them. If you take a trait to make them faster it isn’t as big a deal; it helps you catch runners and get your pet out of trouble too.
We also care about all the classes equally.
So you basically call a game designer (who is nice enough to post) a fool by that comment while also implying that they put in professions they don’t want to balance? Seriously? Why would they do that? Time is money and I am willing to bet all my gold that ANET devs/employees are time and money limited. And yet you say they would waste time on a profession they don’t care about? So disrespectful and short sighted.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
1) Then why did pets get nerfed instead of being split in PvE like mesmer phantams? Pets actually needed to be buffed in PvE.
2) Any plans to make pets hit moving targets, AKA attacking while moving.
Hah, the moving target thing is great! I absolutely love when my pet runs by an enemy then has to turn around to get them. If you take a trait to make them faster it isn’t as big a deal; it helps you catch runners and get your pet out of trouble too.
I run Perma Swiftness build for my pet, pet has issues landing hits on enemies with swiftness or even speed signets.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
1) Then why did pets get nerfed instead of being split in PvE like mesmer phantams? Pets actually needed to be buffed in PvE.
2) Any plans to make pets hit moving targets, AKA attacking while moving.
Hah, the moving target thing is great! I absolutely love when my pet runs by an enemy then has to turn around to get them. If you take a trait to make them faster it isn’t as big a deal; it helps you catch runners and get your pet out of trouble too.
I run Perma Swiftness build for my pet, pet has issues landing hits on enemies with swiftness or even speed signets.
Sounds like you need a Predator’s Instinct or a greatsword/frost trap for your BM build. Let’s see them outrun you in frost trap…hehe
We also care about all the classes equally.
So you basically call a game designer (who is nice enough to post) a fool by that comment while also implying that they put in professions they don’t want to balance? Seriously? Why would they do that? Time is money and I am willing to bet all my gold that ANET devs/employees are time and money limited. And yet you say they would waste time on a profession they don’t care about? So disrespectful and short sighted.
Actions speak louder than words. And from the words that came for rangers in most patches, I can understand why he used the word, “nonsense.”
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Well, while the ranger ins’t useless…. wait, what am I saying, There isn’t anything they can do that something else an do better. Hell, a warrior with a bow does more damage with a bow even if the ranger can get further away. Rangers are apparently are meant to be reliant on their pets for damage, but then they went and nerfed them. Why is it only rangers are so dependent on their class mechanic? Why would anet nerf them? My main is gonna be on the shelf for a while.
Was this patch a nerf to pet damage in dungeons? Nope:
I did notice that trait. I went out of my way to get my precision up to get that buff for my pets, but even with it I would still ask why the pet damage was lowered. While I am not going to claim I have extensively tested this new perk and it’s effects on our damage, I still wonder if our damage will still be rather low?
(edited by Dexter.3459)
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
While that is true, and I do use dogs specifically for that reason + knockdowns, the pet still has wonky pathing and AI decisions, gets lost and stuck while you move around, can’t attack targets up on or down from walls, and stops moving while charging up to release it’s F2 skill – which allows anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention enough time to move out of range from whatever is about to happen.
It also doesn’t help the fact that unless they are on passive, in any encounter medium in scale or larger they run off into the sea of invaders only to get cut down by AoE’s, have no intelligence built in to keep them at a safe distance while attacking even if they have ranged attacks at their disposal, do not have the ability to dodge – at all – and siphon off ~40% of our potential damage with no returns when they die or are on passive mode in order to prevent them from dying.
In short, Ranger pets are only useful in small scale sPvP style encounters, anything truly WvWish turn them into a detriment, and no amount of micro managing or skill with the pet can turn them into anything other than that. Their best use is as a passive pet that has access to some sort of AoE buff that can fire off on the F2, which in my books is not a fair trade off for the damage and functionality we are losing for the privilege (and I use that term loosely) of having a pet/companion.
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
1) Then why did pets get nerfed instead of being split in PvE like mesmer phantams? Pets actually needed to be buffed in PvE.
2) Any plans to make pets hit moving targets, AKA attacking while moving.
Hah, the moving target thing is great! I absolutely love when my pet runs by an enemy then has to turn around to get them. If you take a trait to make them faster it isn’t as big a deal; it helps you catch runners and get your pet out of trouble too.
I run Perma Swiftness build for my pet, pet has issues landing hits on enemies with swiftness or even speed signets.
Sounds like you need a Predator’s Instinct or a greatsword/frost trap for your BM build. Let’s see them outrun you in frost trap…hehe
No sounds like they need to fix pets hitting moving targets. Me and my pet has Perma Swiftness and the enemy is running away. If i use sword so i can perma cripple my pet still has issues hitting the target about 50% of the time if the enemy has Signet or Swiftness. If the enemy uses a leap or port i swap to GS and swoop. Pet catches up and im landing all my GS hits but since i dont have sword to cripple my pet misses most of his attacks.
If i as a player have NP hitting the enemy my pet shouldnt. They nerfed pets because apperently they hit more reliably now but that only works on stationary targets.
Jade Quarry – Team Savvy – #1 NA WvW Solo Guild
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
If this is true, can we then please have some communication from your team? As you can see, your community is feeling very angry, a bit mislead, and extremely confused. It would be very helpful for one of you to sit down and detail to us what your actual vision of this class is. Right now we can’t really find anything we are better than anyone else at, no role that we can fill that others can’t fill better. People are actually being turned away from parties in some cases because of their class, because the vision of what role the ranger could fill in any group setting is very cloudy.
All we have to go on is a months old developer quote saying that Ranger is probably the most broken class, and the writeup on your professions page on the main site. The skills/traits given along with the adjustments to traits and weapons over the past 9 months does not reflect in even a small way the class that is presented in that write up. So clearly that descriptions is wrong. In it’s place, we need a description of either what we are, or what we are going to be after you are done carving us up.
And we would really appreciate some comments on these pet changes as well as the absolutely crippling problems many of us have with pets in larger encounters in WvW. How does ANet feel about these problems, and do they even view them as such? Do you plan to address them?
Even if the answer is “We don’t have an overarching vision, we feel that you are as powerful as you need to be and that your role is fulfilled. Live with it.”, it’s better to know where we stand so that those of us who are angry and disappointed can move on either to a different class or a different game rather than sitting around wondering what happens next…
Ehmry Bay – The Rally Bot Vortex [VOID]
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Sounds good. Now is there any plans to stop breaking already bottom of the barrel class in dungeons and wvw so you can get the spvp balance right?
edit. any plans to make pets able to hit moving targets?
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
Read up on my high level fractals build. It’s basically permanent 15+ might stacks in addition to repeated 25 might stack spikes. It’s way better than what we had before and it uses shortbow which is still one of our premier weapons. Turn that frown upside down brotha. It’s really powerful. Better than before no doubt. Sometimes a buff comes in the form of boon stacking or traits.
- Every class can cripple, chill, and stun all day long
- Dogs don’t hit moving targets, I thought they did but they do not, ever
- Sick em still doesn’t catch targets, neither does a pet on guard either
None of these matter anyway when the pet is dead. The only way your keeping the pet alive in WvW is either:
A) You keep it out of battle completely on passive
B) You spec as a BM bunker build
If you’ve traited into BM bunker, then your drastically limiting your potential in the group. Your either going to get run over solo roaming, or you going to be next to ineffective in a group.
With that said, with the SB and LB no longer being viable at all for reasons not even stated in the patch, it seems to me going the BM bunker route is really the only thing left.. even though your WvW effectiveness is in the tank.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
You and yours have an awfully quirky way of showing it.
so if you care about zookeepers why the hell you do things like
switch zephyrs speed on beastmastery 5 with the fail trait called instinctual bond.
whould it not better to remove the trait instinctual bond and create a usefull one?
also why we have fail traits like
stability training (staby for the pigs)
i have try it, my pigs dont become staby, buged?
also dont need a pig with staby because nobody use pigs and why the hell my pet need staby? better when the ranger become staby or not?
masters bond (pet become stronger after enemy kills)
this trait is fail because we have to switch much time our pets.
compassion training (pet heal is better)
well but we have no realy pets which heal when i press the f2
maybe full pet controll whould be usefull for this trait?!
enlargement (pet get more big when i have 25% life)
just wow, usefull trait-.-
healers celerity (i and my mates become swiftness when i go rez)
wow i rly need move speed when i stay around because i rez my mate-.-
soften the fall (less fall dmg and muddy terrain after fall dmg)
rly usefull!…
the trapp traits in skirmishing
not best idea for create a strong enough trapper build atm!
trappers defense (spike trap, when i rez my mates)
not rly usefull.. and each other trait is more interesting
spotter (150 preci when i use this trait)
but just fail to dont become as ranger also preci when i use this trait
and maybe its also more fun to have it in skirmishing
beastmasters bond (i become might and fury when pet become 50% health)
but i dont whant my pet die all the time or get low hp
because im nothing without my pet dmg atm-.-
and with longbow you can buff dmg and arrow speed as much you whant
this weapon will stay bad, because the skills are joke-.-
longswords and offhand axe will also stay not good weapon, if u dont rework some of this skills.
atm ranger feels not like a ranger, it feels like a zookeeper.
pls rename ranger to zookeeper next patch.
why you anet guys dont have make it like in gw1?!
only a pet when i whant to be a zookeeper
if i dont whant to be zookeeper or beastmaster, i whant to be the strongest bow user ingame.
thats because it called ranger?!
seriously, pls make builds working for ranger
which feel like ranger…
because if you whould care ranger forum you would see how broken the ranger class is atm-.-
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
so if you care about zookeepers why the hell you do things like
switch zephyrs speed on beastmastery 5 with the fail trait called instinctual bond.
whould it not better to remove the trait instinctual bond and create a usefull one?also why we have fail traits like
stability training (staby for the pigs)
i have try it, my pigs dont become staby, buged?
also dont need a pig with staby because nobody use pigs and why the hell my pet need staby? better when the ranger become staby or not?masters bond (pet become stronger after enemy kills)
this trait is fail because we have to switch much time our pets.compassion training (pet heal is better)
well but we have no realy pets which heal when i press the f2
maybe full pet controll whould be usefull for this trait?!enlargement (pet get more big when i have 25% life)
just wow, usefull trait-.-healers celerity (i and my mates become swiftness when i go rez)
wow i rly need move speed when i stay around because i rez my mate-.-soften the fall (less fall dmg and muddy terrain after fall dmg)
rly usefull!…the trapp traits in skirmishing
not best idea for create a strong enough trapper build atm!trappers defense (spike trap, when i rez my mates)
not rly usefull.. and each other trait is more interestingspotter (150 preci when i use this trait)
but just fail to dont become as ranger also preci when i use this trait
and maybe its also more fun to have it in skirmishingbeastmasters bond (i become might and fury when pet become 50% health)
but i dont whant my pet die all the time or get low hp
because im nothing without my pet dmg atm-.-and with longbow you can buff dmg and arrow speed as much you whant
this weapon will stay bad, because the skills are joke-.-longswords and offhand axe will also stay not good weapon, if u dont rework some of this skills.
atm ranger feels not like a ranger, it feels like a zookeeper.
pls rename ranger to zookeeper next patch.why you anet guys dont have make it like in gw1?!
only a pet when i whant to be a zookeeperif i dont whant to be zookeeper or beastmaster, i whant to be the strongest bow user ingame.
thats because it called ranger?!seriously, pls make builds working for ranger
which feel like ranger…
because if you whould care ranger forum you would see how broken the ranger class is atm-.-
Good points, but you english is really bad. You dont mind if I grab those points you made and re-write them right?
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Why the nerf to pet damage across the board instead of just in PvP? Rangers have a hard enough time in PvE. The first thing I saw when I logged in yesterday (seriously) was someone saying in chat they would refuse to group with a ranger in the new dungeon.
I also love Ranger and that play style, but now other players don’t want to take me to the party. On normal dungeons I’m weak on new dungeon (living story with pirates) I am complately useless. Pet dies because of lasers, and nobody want’s to have me in the party. I think I will also take a break from playing as a Ranger until Anet buffs us to the point where we can actually do some damage and be useful…
Warrior on bow is a lot better than Ranger, how is that possible???
(edited by Futrzasty.6034)
so if you care about zookeepers why the hell you do things like
switch zephyrs speed on beastmastery 5 with the fail trait called instinctual bond.
whould it not better to remove the trait instinctual bond and create a usefull one?also why we have fail traits like
stability training (staby for the pigs)
i have try it, my pigs dont become staby, buged?
also dont need a pig with staby because nobody use pigs and why the hell my pet need staby? better when the ranger become staby or not?masters bond (pet become stronger after enemy kills)
this trait is fail because we have to switch much time our pets.compassion training (pet heal is better)
well but we have no realy pets which heal when i press the f2
maybe full pet controll whould be usefull for this trait?!enlargement (pet get more big when i have 25% life)
just wow, usefull trait-.-healers celerity (i and my mates become swiftness when i go rez)
wow i rly need move speed when i stay around because i rez my mate-.-soften the fall (less fall dmg and muddy terrain after fall dmg)
rly usefull!…the trapp traits in skirmishing
not best idea for create a strong enough trapper build atm!trappers defense (spike trap, when i rez my mates)
not rly usefull.. and each other trait is more interestingspotter (150 preci when i use this trait)
but just fail to dont become as ranger also preci when i use this trait
and maybe its also more fun to have it in skirmishingbeastmasters bond (i become might and fury when pet become 50% health)
but i dont whant my pet die all the time or get low hp
because im nothing without my pet dmg atm-.-and with longbow you can buff dmg and arrow speed as much you whant
this weapon will stay bad, because the skills are joke-.-longswords and offhand axe will also stay not good weapon, if u dont rework some of this skills.
atm ranger feels not like a ranger, it feels like a zookeeper.
pls rename ranger to zookeeper next patch.why you anet guys dont have make it like in gw1?!
only a pet when i whant to be a zookeeperif i dont whant to be zookeeper or beastmaster, i whant to be the strongest bow user ingame.
thats because it called ranger?!seriously, pls make builds working for ranger
which feel like ranger…
because if you whould care ranger forum you would see how broken the ranger class is atm-.-Good points, but you english is really bad. You dont mind if I grab those points you made and re-write them right?
no np im happy when you do that :P
sry for bad engl
Spirit Ranger Yilvina Darnus
Bunker Guardian Morwenna Darnus
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
lol. If you say so…
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Sounds good. Now is there any plans to stop breaking already bottom of the barrel class in dungeons and wvw so you can get the spvp balance right?
edit. any plans to make pets able to hit moving targets?
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
Read up on my high level fractals build. It’s basically permanent 15+ might stacks in addition to repeated 25 might stack spikes. It’s way better than what we had before and it uses shortbow which is still one of our premier weapons. Turn that frown upside down brotha. It’s really powerful. Better than before no doubt. Sometimes a buff comes in the form of boon stacking or traits.
sorry, but the shortbow nerf was not needed, why should a class that is defined as range specialist need to suffer a penalty in range for using any range weapons that the class can use?
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
While that is true, and I do use dogs specifically for that reason + knockdowns, the pet still has wonky pathing and AI decisions, gets lost and stuck while you move around, can’t attack targets up on or down from walls, and stops moving while charging up to release it’s F2 skill – which allows anyone paying even the slightest bit of attention enough time to move out of range from whatever is about to happen.
It also doesn’t help the fact that unless they are on passive, in any encounter medium in scale or larger they run off into the sea of invaders only to get cut down by AoE’s, have no intelligence built in to keep them at a safe distance while attacking even if they have ranged attacks at their disposal, do not have the ability to dodge – at all – and siphon off ~40% of our potential damage with no returns when they die or are on passive mode in order to prevent them from dying.
In short, Ranger pets are only useful in small scale sPvP style encounters, anything truly WvWish turn them into a detriment, and no amount of micro managing or skill with the pet can turn them into anything other than that. Their best use is as a passive pet that has access to some sort of AoE buff that can fire off on the F2, which in my books is not a fair trade off for the damage and functionality we are losing for the privilege (and I use that term loosely) of having a pet/companion.
Bears or drakes with stability training and/or stability boon are good in zergs (drake utility aoe or bear condi removal or aoe weakness/chill). So are pigs because anyone in the zerg can pick up the forage (assuming they fixed the fact that enemies can pick up! Bugged!). It’s not a fiery greatsword, but, hey, I’ll eat plasma for all boons. Who wouldn’t?
By the way, get an ele in your havoc squad in wvw so you can get that fiery greatsword. Raises ranger DPS so so much. More so than anyone else, from what I understand, due to the way weapons scale for ranger and the fact that fiery greatsword is independent of that scaling.
so what we learned…
they do care.
chopps is a real pro and also is quite happy (and very condescending – but thats because he is pro and all the whiners are very noob)
So actually all is good.
Nothing to see here… Rangers are fine.
Shortbow got what it needed … pets also…
Longbow is cool now
Pets also
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Please, go to Lion’s Arch and type in the map chat:
“Hey guys, what do you think about the Ranger in PvE?”
Or, better yet:
“Anybody needs a Ranger for any dungeon right now?”
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Sounds good. Now is there any plans to stop breaking already bottom of the barrel class in dungeons and wvw so you can get the spvp balance right?
edit. any plans to make pets able to hit moving targets?
Moving targets in wvw:
that’s why ranger can cripple, chill, and stun all day long. That’s why we have swiftness / fortifying bond. That’s why we have guard and sick em or aignet of the hunt. There’s so many options for a faster pet. And if you don’t like those options, run a dog. Dogs have been proven to land attacks at a flat pace as opposed to cats/birds who really need speed boosts.
Read up on my high level fractals build. It’s basically permanent 15+ might stacks in addition to repeated 25 might stack spikes. It’s way better than what we had before and it uses shortbow which is still one of our premier weapons. Turn that frown upside down brotha. It’s really powerful. Better than before no doubt. Sometimes a buff comes in the form of boon stacking or traits.
sorry, but the shortbow nerf was not needed, why should a class that is defined as range specialist need to suffer a penalty in range for using any range weapons that the class can use?
Because with all the buffs we just got, the balance team appears to have felt that a 1200 range borderline melee weapon was overpowered and rendered the longbow less useful. Note that in dungeons and dragons, standard shortbow range is 600 inches and standard longbow range is 1000 inches.
So don’t feel bad that you get 900 range SB and 1200 range LB. They’re both really good and shortbow is already almost as effective as sword so…are you starting to see it, now?
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
Please, go to Lion’s Arch and type in the map chat:
“Hey guys, what do you think about the Ranger in PvE?”Or, better yet:
“Anybody needs a Ranger for any dungeon right now?”
The solution may seem easy for you…Just buff every skill..Make me do dmg,make me do support,take everything other classes are having and give it to Rangers…But for him is a bit more complex.Warrior stayed out of pvp matches for a long time,still tho was the king in pve..Rangers was in a very good place in pvp and in a just good place in pve.
Lets wait and see how the meta will evolve,i dont think Anet want to destroy Rangers..
I also love Ranger and that play style, but now other players don’t want to take me to the party. On normal dungeons I’m weak on new dungeon (living story with pirates) I am completely useless. Pet dies because of lasers, and nobody want’s to have me in the party. I think I will also take a break from playing as a Ranger until Anet buffs us to the point where, we can actually do some damage and be useful…
Warrior on bow is a lot better than Ranger, how is that possible???
If I were home right now I’d post the screen shot I took yesterday of someone refusing to group with rangers in the new dungeon and a ranger getting kicked from a group for it. This isn’t anything new.
I mostly play PvE (dungeons) and WvW. I am seriously considering rolling a warrior. I have 1600+ hours in my ranger and after the new patch and this new dungeon I just can’t take it anymore. Let us hide pets in combat. This is the #1 reason why people hate taking rangers into dungeons. Why am I forced to use my pet all the time? There are so many encounters in the game where pets are a pain in the kitten for groups. Every time I do Maw in fractals a guildie gives me crap about it. If you want to add more mechanics into future dungeons like the new one you NEED to let us hide pets in combat. Heck, I’ll even take the dps hit for it.
It’s not that they don’t favor one class over the other.
It’s that they don’t favor the ranger at all.
They gutted a class that was already bad in PvE by further nerfing their damage potential and not compensating it anywhere else.
Now way another 2-3 months for a significant balance update to begin atoning for the damage done this patch to the class.
Yes, we care about the forums.
We also care about all the classes equally.
If this is true, can we then please have some communication from your team? As you can see, your community is feeling very angry, a bit mislead, and extremely confused. It would be very helpful for one of you to sit down and detail to us what your actual vision of this class is. Right now we can’t really find anything we are better than anyone else at, no role that we can fill that others can’t fill better. People are actually being turned away from parties in some cases because of their class, because the vision of what role the ranger could fill in any group setting is very cloudy.
All we have to go on is a months old developer quote saying that Ranger is probably the most broken class, and the writeup on your professions page on the main site. The skills/traits given along with the adjustments to traits and weapons over the past 9 months does not reflect in even a small way the class that is presented in that write up. So clearly that descriptions is wrong. In it’s place, we need a description of either what we are, or what we are going to be after you are done carving us up.
And we would really appreciate some comments on these pet changes as well as the absolutely crippling problems many of us have with pets in larger encounters in WvW. How does ANet feel about these problems, and do they even view them as such? Do you plan to address them?
Even if the answer is “We don’t have an overarching vision, we feel that you are as powerful as you need to be and that your role is fulfilled. Live with it.”, it’s better to know where we stand so that those of us who are angry and disappointed can move on either to a different class or a different game rather than sitting around wondering what happens next…
I agree 100% this^^^ give us something at least. I like my ranger but the direction it’s headed us so unclear. I loved my ele but that got kitten d to a total support build and now ranger is op and takes a hit. Just give us some clarity on the class.
The solution may seem easy for you…Just buff every skill..Make me do dmg,make me do support,take everything other classes are having and give it to Rangers…But for him is a bit more complex.Warrior stayed out of pvp matches for a long time,still tho was the king in pve..Rangers was in a very good place in pvp and in a just good place in pve.
Lets wait and see how the meta will evolve,i dont think Anet want to destroy Rangers..
I don’t think the solution is easy at all. I just don’t get why they can’t nerf Rangers ONLY in PvP, not in PvE. It makes no sense at all, sorry.
I don’t want any of these things that you said and I have no idea of where are you coming from. What I DO want, however, is to have bows with proper range and pets that are able to dodge (before telling me that it is impossible, there are quite a few npcs that can dodge). Would dodging pets break PvP? FINE, make it so that they can only dodge in PvE. If it can’t be implemented at all, alright, I can deal with it.
If I think it is easy? Not. At. All. But going back to where we were before all the nerfs (in PvE only) would be a great start.
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”