Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


Background: I don’t have much time to gw2 hardcore anymore. So before I move on to other priorities in life, I want to help some of you guys.

Over the last few months I’ve developed a lot of relationships here. I’m a “say it like it is” kind of guy so I tend to be harsh. I’ve told people to learn to play or that maybe they just suck. No one needs that and I apologize (actually I just did this about 1 minute ago hehe sorry OP). So I’ve made and broken many relationships.

I want to give back so here’s how: I am willing to stream FOTM 48 runs, or do any dungeon of your choice with you. The goal is to show how I perform and to encourage others to put more trust in the ranger profession.

Please reply to this thread, I’m willing to play in game with anyone who struggles and needs help with ranger. Also, I’m in Prysin’s ranger guild. Join that and interact with other talented players on this forum.

You all have been great and when I do peel myself away, I’m going to miss you. I’ll miss the debates, the podcasts, watching the QQ develop on the forums—all that stuff. Thanks for sticking it out: you’re all still here! And playing ranger! That itself is aassive accomplishment since I love pets and I love nature themes, it’s so cool seeing others like me who don’t want to play their second favorite in a dungeon just because Strife said so.

You guys rock.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: AydenStar.4216


Sorry to here that Chopps You have been a great help to people in the Ranger community. It makes me upset from time to time that we are the scapegoat to others poor play. I haven’t PvE much since Christmas but in WvW I have played every spec from GS Marksman to Regen BM and I have to tell you, the forums don’t reflect the potential the Ranger has.

I remember back in beta a year ago, I was psyched to play a Mesmer in PvP until I started fighting against Rangers. I decided during the last beta weekend to play a Ranger a bit. Wow, I really loved the weapon mechanics to the class; although, I have to me the worst pet micro manager ever. After launch I leveled my Mesmer to 80 and got bored of it quickly so I decided to level my Ranger next. It was so much fun. The tears I saw on the forums was a mystery to me because I really enjoyed the profession. I leveled a guardian recently to help my guild out in WvW and I have to say that the Guardian is GW2 on easy mode. One spec can do it all, plus in WvW all you have to do is spam 1 on staff and survive and loot bags rain down. That is sad IMHO. I can only play the Guardian in WvW for an hour or 2 before I am bored to tears and I just want to go back the the ranger because IMHO that is where the fun is.

Thanks again Chopps for your helpfulness and good luck to ya!

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


:) thanks aydenstar—I’ll still be around!!! Just a changing of priorities. All this great content is making me question this change, no doubt, but it’s something I have to do because when you put this much into something like I have— well, real life moves on without you. One thing gw2 living story teach us is that change happens and we have to accept it. That’s an idea you mature into as you grow up, kids. Especially if you’re in college: get off this game and do your homework. Now!

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: RoidRage.1325


Hey Chopps, I actually haven’t played this game since beginning of 2013 and I recently made time to play it again during summer. I always wanted to make a ranger my main because I just like the concept of mobile characters and I was wondering if you’d also give tips on basics as well rather than dungeons only?

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: KINGSLAYER.4287


Hey, I just hit my first level 80, my ranger. I really like doing dungeons with my ele but i’ve noticed that when I try do run dungeons with my ranger, I feel next to useless. I was wondering if you could tell me what some effective dungeon builds are and what type of stats i should be looking for in my gear.

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: ilr.9675


(disclaimer: only addressing the rehetorical subject line… will comment on the specifics once the Video is actually made and available for review)

Struggle? Yes….
“Carry” Pugs at the same time? Yes…

It’s all in your perspective I guess? …the Dungeon community has this awful habit of defining “Carrying” by who did the most DPS, while never admitting that there’s LOTS of times when they’re getting Downed b/c no one ever dodges every single big hit 100% of the time. They don’t measure things by how hassle-free they are, or how little downtime you had in putting together a Sturdy group that basically got More Tokens with less standing around. They’re only interested in measuring SpreadSheets usually.

Saw this happen in real time in an AC Pug. …some minmaxxed Ele (who’s name I remember & started with Sal___, but I won’t finish here) was kittening everyone else out for not killing Burrows fast enough after this update that has them being “OBSTRUCTED!” again (lovely bug…). …then died anyway even though I was granting him Perma Swiftness & Regen. Ragequit instantly and no doubt still blames all of us (especially me, the Ranger) for it. ….as with most things… the vocal screeching minority, is often the least capable of living up to their own ideals. And they’ll remain in that fantasy world by blaming everyone else first.

Ranger can help with some tougher dungeons that other classes struggle with.

The 1st problem…. is that the level of skill involved, doesn’t match the Reward. Guardian is always, always, always better. No exception. The other problem is that the “skill” involved, isn’t even the same GAME that every other class is playing. We’re basically fighting our own A.I. and UI and everything else while everyone else gets to just …. y’know… FIGHT THE MOBS INSTEAD. (well except Engineers… they have similar isues too).


As a Guildwars Class?? …after 8 years now of Guildwars’ing?? No…
it doesn’t feel like a true Guild Wars Class. It definitely struggles
…always coming up a hair short of total victory. There’s no room for further improvement in PvE. We need key-bindable Trait+Pet Templates,, and AI scripting powertools if we’re ever going to customize our way out of this performance Deficiet

(edited by ilr.9675)

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047



You will never change my mind.

@Kingslayer @Roidrage

Whisper me in game on Saturday, or add me as a friend now and we can find a mutual time.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Quarktastic.1027


I think I ran with you once in the molten weapons facility. You died a lot.

Anyway, thanks? I guess.

Those armadillos would be a lot cooler if they looked more like real armadillos. mmm armadillos

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I think I ran with you once in the molten weapons facility. You died a lot.

Anyway, thanks? I guess.

I doubt it. Don’t you have physics homework, Quark?

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

Do you struggle with ranger in dungeon play?

in Ranger

Posted by: Doug.9628


taking a break is a good thing man, life > video games. You’ll come back with a new perspective; something a lot of people here could use.