Do you think Druids will have pets?

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Gav.1425


I think no.

Each elite spec changes the class mechanic into an alternate style of play. Many rangers have requested this.

“But they can’t do that because of the Beastmaster spec line!” Then don’t spec in beast. You can only bring 3 lines anyways—I think you know the line to drop.

I’m anticipating a shapeshifter class mechanic to replace pets and the F1-F5 commands. The Druid spec will offer 3 ways to play it via trait choices. Adept, master, grandmaster will all offer traits to go shapeshift damage, shapeshift tank, or shapeshift support at each level respectively.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

They will.

Developers are proud of pets and them being a class mechanic.
Also – every single weapon and every single traitline has a mechanic paired into pet swapping or simply owning a pet.

And we have a 99% proof. The HoT promo video leaks a Druid using an Ice Wolf. So the druid was using a pet.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


I think no.

Each elite spec changes the class mechanic into an alternate style of play. Many rangers have requested this.

“But they can’t do that because of the Beastmaster spec line!” Then don’t spec in beast. You can only bring 3 lines anyways—I think you know the line to drop.

I’m anticipating a shapeshifter class mechanic to replace pets and the F1-F5 commands. The Druid spec will offer 3 ways to play it via trait choices. Adept, master, grandmaster will all offer traits to go shapeshift damage, shapeshift tank, or shapeshift support at each level respectively.

Druid in this preview has at least 1 pet (2:40).

Further, it has been confirmed by devs (somewhere) that rangers would keep their pets for the druid specialization. As much as they are a burden, there are far, far too many skills and abilities that buff the pet, or that rely on petswap, to remove the pet.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ariete.6509


Developers are proud of pets and them being a class mechanic.

As I am. In a way, ranger’s is the only true mechanic in the entire game. I mean, something with a true layer of complexity. Others range from glorified signets (Guardian) , skill modifiers (ele, necro+hp bar, rev) to straight up “more buttons” (warrior, thief, mesmer, engineer).

In ranger there’s a whole lot of managing and as soon as I started seeing my pet as an asset rather than liability, I noticed my “pet handling” awareness improve.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tragic Positive.9356

Tragic Positive.9356

Developers are proud of pets and them being a class mechanic.

As I am. In a way, ranger’s is the only true mechanic in the entire game. I mean, something with a true layer of complexity. Others range from glorified signets (Guardian) , skill modifiers (ele, necro+hp bar, rev) to straight up “more buttons” (warrior, thief, mesmer, engineer).

In ranger there’s a whole lot of managing and as soon as I started seeing my pet as an asset rather than liability, I noticed my “pet handling” awareness improve.

I love my pets. But I’m not proud of them. They are just like a younger sibling.

You wouldn’t bring him to any party you are going to attend.

“Observe, learn and counter.”

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


Maybe they get eychanged for a spirit version of the pet pr something…but they need to have pets cause there are simply too many skills and traits that involve pets….

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


It is an interesting question tough as all future elites will have to incorporate nature and pets somehow….therefore im already looking forward to my hammer wielding shaman with his totem in 2016

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


They wouldn’t have kept pet’s specific traits when they redesigned traitline into spec if that was the case. I believe that they have a little bit of selfrespect for their own work (which wouldn’t be the case if they were to remove the pet for any Elite Spec).

For any Elite Spec you need to keep :

- a Pet : Mainly because shout exist and Espec aren’t here to redisign existing skills. Also some trait are specific pet improvment.

- a [F2] skill that act as a command to your pet : because to many trait depend on this command.

- a pet swap because again there are a lot of traits involved.

An Elite spec need to work with all existing core profession traits and I would think really poorly of anet’s developpers if it wasn’t the case. A pet less ranger would need them to redesign the core ranger into a totally different profession with a very different core mechanism. If it was what they wanted to do they could have (Or more likely : they should have) redesigned the ranger in this way when they introduced the spec system a few month ago. It would have been pretty easy to take advantage of this opportunity replacing the beastmastery line by something else supporting a new mechanism and, why not, giving current pets to the upcoming elite spec.

Edit : Oh yeah… I forgot about specific effect on pets coming from weapon… another thing that tie tightly the pet to the ranger and any of it’s possible elite spec.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

(edited by Dadnir.5038)

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: yLoon.5289


I don’t really expect much from Arena since they have screwed up my favorite class -Guardian. Ranger is my second favorite, not surprise if they screwed this up too.

Anyway, the only thing i hope for is – - – → GIVE US THE FREE WILL TO CONTROL MY WOLF’S KNOCKDOWN SKILL, its just pure stupid if they didn’t give us that, OP engineer got till F4, and we only got F2 with useless F3 & F4

12K AP
Level 54 Bear Rank

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nike.2631


Of course they have pets. And something that counts as a pet swap.

Direct pet buffs:

  • Alpha Training Pets have Opening Strike.
  • Expertise Training Pets deal extra condition damage and have their condition durations increased.
  • Shared Anguish Incoming disables are transferred to your pet instead.
  • Empathic Bond Pets periodically take conditions from you.
  • Allies’ Aid When you begin reviving an ally, you use search and rescue on them.
  • Vigorous Training Pets grant vigor to nearby allies when activated.
  • Invigorating Bond Your pet heals allies in an area when executing a command [F2] ability.
  • Pack Alpha Your pet is more powerful, and their skills gain recharge reduction.
  • Companion’s Might Your critical hits grant might to your pet. Critical strikes from your pet’s basic attack cause bleeding.
  • Go for the Eyes Your pet gains toughness. Your pet’s command [F2] ability causes blindness to foes around it.
  • Loud Whistle While your health is above the threshold, your pet deals more damage. Your pet swap gains recharge reduction.
  • Natural Healing Your pet gains natural health regeneration and improved healing.
  • Wilting Strike Your pet inflicts weakness on their target(s) when executing a command [F2] ability.
  • Pet’s Prowess Pets move faster and deal more damage on critical hits.
  • Beastly Warden Your pet taunts foes near them when executing a command [F2] ability.

Pet swap procs~

  • Clarion Bond Cast Call of the Wild when you swap pets.
  • Poison Master After swapping pets, your pet’s first attack will inflict poison; Your poison damage is increased.
  • Zephyr’s Speed You and your pet gain might and quickness when you swap pets.

Shared pet buffs~

  • Brutish Seals Activating a signet grants might to you and your pet. Signets recharge faster.
  • Moment of Clarity Gain an attack of opportunity for you and your pet on interrupting a foe. Daze and stun durations you inflict last longer.
  • Predator’s Onslaught You and your pet deal increased damage to disabled or movement-impaired foes.
  • Companion´s Defense You and your pet gain protection when you dodge roll.
  • Refined Toxins While you are above the health threshold, your strikes inflict poison. While your pet’s health is above the health threshold, its strikes inflict poison.
  • Bark Skin You and your pet take less damage while your health is above the threshold.
  • Bountiful Hunter You and your pet deal more damage per boon that is on you.
  • Fortifying Bond Any boon you get is shared with your pet.
  • Lingering Magic Boons applied by you and your pets last longer.
“You keep saying ‘its unfair.’
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jahman.1625


Hopefully not. Playing pvp and WvW I love the playstyle of my ranger, without the pet. As many have said the pet is generally worthless for the game types I play. The long range archer archtype has always been my favorite class to play, And Anet has done a great job with it.
That being said , many many rangers find the pet to be more of a hinderance than anything else. And it would be better for everyone if we at least had the OPTION to play petless.
And to all those who say bla bla bla the pet is to tied into the class/trait design, it’s not hard to rewrite those traits, especially considering most of the ones in question buff “you and your pet”. Give Rangers an option to play petless and you’ll see a resurgance of the class.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


you could alter pets into spirit version or something or make them work like spirit weaons – that is a possibility…but it wont happen

we already “know” through datamining that druids will have aspects – the background picture confirms that…so its very likely you will swap your aspects for skills or buffs for you or your pet…what we dont know yet is the new utility mechnanic group and the skills…

if you ask me i’d rather have a shapeshifting melee brawler to make use of the fantastic shape shift animations – but nobody asks me

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Killyox.3950


They will have them.

No elite spec took away class mechanic. Scrapper still has toolbelt, Chrono hkittenters, Reaper has shroud although changed, guardian still has virtues, zerk still has burst skills, daredevil still has stealth skills.

Not having them would invalidate a ton of traits, weapon skills, utility skills, elite skill, heal skill.

Maybe you will get a thingy to empower your pet magically or perhaps call one more version of it to assist in a fight for some time :P

(edited by Killyox.3950)

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nicknobreak.7543


They will definitely still have pets with the Druid spec. The developers made this clear but I can’t cite anything specific. I know I’ve read as much some where that pets were an integral part of the class and wouldn’t be removed.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Hopefully not. Playing pvp and WvW I love the playstyle of my ranger, without the pet. As many have said the pet is generally worthless for the game types I play. The long range archer archtype has always been my favorite class to play, And Anet has done a great job with it.
That being said , many many rangers find the pet to be more of a hinderance than anything else. And it would be better for everyone if we at least had the OPTION to play petless.
And to all those who say bla bla bla the pet is to tied into the class/trait design, it’s not hard to rewrite those traits, especially considering most of the ones in question buff “you and your pet”. Give Rangers an option to play petless and you’ll see a resurgance of the class.

I’m just saying that it would be a waste of effort from them to end up with a petless specialization after redesigning the trait system into what it is right now. Now, if you don’t use half of your profession and think it’s better to not gain quickness, 3 might, fury and regen on pet swap, I’ve got no issue with that. If you think that the [F2] command to your pet that can also blind, weaken, taunt, aoe heal on top of it’s effect is also an unneeded feature, it’s also okay. Just, don’t mind me but only using your longbow, you should perhaps try to play a rifle warrior (or a rifle berserker since it will give you even more aoe damage).

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dolt.2731


I am hoping so. Despite horrible pathing; micro-managing the pet is a lot of fun. For me at least. Also, being able to control more than just one of their abilities, would add another level of game play to the class. Not holding my breath though.

Ebenezer Smee, Ranger SBI

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jahman.1625


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

You all make solid points about aspects and what we have seen this and that. But really, we all know if they wanted to Anet could make a petless ranger viable without too much trouble. I’m aware that I am most likely beating a dead horse but I can Dream kitten it.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Zatoichi.1049


its true we would get locked out of beastmastery entirely without the pet, wilderness survival has a significant amount of pet traits, as does nature magic. Skirmishing and Marks have some as well.

if we lost the pet entirely, they would also have to change MH axe, longbow, greatsword, shortbow, MH sword. All have skills that effect pet.

Its likely we will lose pet swap and gain aspect swap, so 1 pet that his harder to kill, and aspect buffs to self and allies is my guess.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Do you think pets will have druids?

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Randulf.7614


In the background is a shadowy something. Could be landscape, something more spiritual, maybe a large pet?

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Nemesis.6938


wonder if we will ever see new pets…i doubt it, but a griffon would be lovely…

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: BuddhaKeks.4857


It’s pretty safe to say Druids will have pets, but they might no modify how we use them with this specialization. Let me explain what I mean. There have been 3 categories of specializations so far.

1. the swappers: Necro, Guardian and Ele. These have their profession mechanic replaced by a new yet similar one.
2. the modifiers: Mesmer, Warrior and Revenant. These have their profession mechanic intact, but they have a new option added to it.
3. the twofers: Thief, Engineer and probably Ranger. These have their old profession mechanic and on top of that a new one. A third dodge in the thief’s case and the function gyro for the engi. I suspect Druid will fall in this category.

You don’t win friends with salad! Sorry I just got caught up in the rhythm.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jahman.1625


Maybee are simply that in they give you the likeness of the Animal spirit/pet you sacrifice.
i.e. Bear aspect gives you some sort of armor/protection boon.
Wolf gives you some utility.
Cougar gives you damage.
Raven give you _.
At the cost of your pet of course…

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: anduriell.6280


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Inverse to Apple: SBeast is the worst yet.. jurl jurl
I’m all in for Team Irenio!

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


3. the twofers: Thief, Engineer and probably Ranger. These have their old profession mechanic and on top of that a new one. A third dodge in the thief’s case and the function gyro for the engi. I suspect Druid will fall in this category.

It’s also my guess. I’m pretty sure we will see some pets that are specific to the druid.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dastion.3106


They’ll definitely have pets. What we know is:

1) Rangers are getting a 2H weapon (Staff). Thus they will not get new mechanics (Like Chronomancer F5, Tempest overcharges, etc) but will instead get modified existing mechanics. Such as retooled Virtues(Dragon Hunter), Deathshroud(Reaper), Dodge(Daredevil), Res/Stomp(Scrapper), etc.

2) Data mines indicated Rangers will get Glyphs which are affected by the current active Aspect. How the Ranger determines this aspect is unsure. It could be that each pet will be given an aspect by default or perhaps the Ranger selects the aspect for each pet in the pet Menu. It could an F5 toggle but that steps into the area of “new” rather than modified mechanics.

So my guess is that you get to associate an Aspect with each pet (either you choose or it’s predefined" and swapping pets acts as an Aspect swap as well. What the aspects do I’m not sure of.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jahman.1625


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Engies can trait for 1500 range grenades but you will never hit anything at that range except an NPC. Ele’s dont have 1500 range on any weaponskills, icebow is a shortbow (900). Unless you are counting the projectile dissipation distance (like arrows and fireballs travel a little further than the limit), but grenades dont benefit from that (ground target) and 1500+dissipation arrow is still longer than 1200+dissipation fireballs. the only 1500 range skill on an ele is the arcane blast, but that’s not spammable and generally a bad choice to slot.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Engies can trait for 1500 range grenades but you will never hit anything at that range except an NPC. Ele’s dont have 1500 range on any weaponskills, icebow is a shortbow (900). Unless you are counting the projectile dissipation distance (like arrows and fireballs travel a little further than the limit), but grenades dont benefit from that (ground target) and 1500+dissipation arrow is still longer than 1200+dissipation fireballs. the only 1500 range skill on an ele is the arcane blast, but that’s not spammable and generally a bad choice to slot.

grenades dont go 1500, they are 900 base and the grenadier trait only increases the velocity and blast radius of them.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Engies can trait for 1500 range grenades but you will never hit anything at that range except an NPC. Ele’s dont have 1500 range on any weaponskills, icebow is a shortbow (900). Unless you are counting the projectile dissipation distance (like arrows and fireballs travel a little further than the limit), but grenades dont benefit from that (ground target) and 1500+dissipation arrow is still longer than 1200+dissipation fireballs. the only 1500 range skill on an ele is the arcane blast, but that’s not spammable and generally a bad choice to slot.

grenades dont go 1500, they are 900 base and the grenadier trait only increases the velocity and blast radius of them.

isn’t mortar kit 1500?

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Engies can trait for 1500 range grenades but you will never hit anything at that range except an NPC. Ele’s dont have 1500 range on any weaponskills, icebow is a shortbow (900). Unless you are counting the projectile dissipation distance (like arrows and fireballs travel a little further than the limit), but grenades dont benefit from that (ground target) and 1500+dissipation arrow is still longer than 1200+dissipation fireballs. the only 1500 range skill on an ele is the arcane blast, but that’s not spammable and generally a bad choice to slot.

grenades dont go 1500, they are 900 base and the grenadier trait only increases the velocity and blast radius of them.

isn’t mortar kit 1500?

yeah but he wasnt talking about them

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Raven.9603


Yea no, simply put, no other proffesion has close to the same ranged playstyle that a ranger has, dragonhunter included. So unless they change some other proffesions ranged weapon to 1500, there are always going to be players who want to play ranged without a pet and are left hanging.

Engies and eles has a range of 1500 units.

Engies have it on their elite kit which recently had it’s damage nerfed.
Elementalist get 1500range on Icebow ? Unless something changed and staff also get s1500…

Engies can trait for 1500 range grenades but you will never hit anything at that range except an NPC. Ele’s dont have 1500 range on any weaponskills, icebow is a shortbow (900). Unless you are counting the projectile dissipation distance (like arrows and fireballs travel a little further than the limit), but grenades dont benefit from that (ground target) and 1500+dissipation arrow is still longer than 1200+dissipation fireballs. the only 1500 range skill on an ele is the arcane blast, but that’s not spammable and generally a bad choice to slot.

grenades dont go 1500, they are 900 base and the grenadier trait only increases the velocity and blast radius of them.

isn’t mortar kit 1500?

yeah but he wasnt talking about them

they used to be 1500. guess things change. points still stand, ranger is the only real 1500 ranged class.

SBI | Oceans | Ranger – Thief – Ele – Eng – Nec – Guard – Rev
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Navi.9308


Pets and minions yeaaaaahhh!!

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Jahman.1625


Bump for the many players who want a petless ranger. 1200 range warrior/DH longbow won’t cut it. Aspects can just remove the pet entirely and give a compulsory buff coinciding with said Aspect. Make it happen ANET, at least for ONE aspect.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Removing the pet would break over half the ranger’s traits, an entire utility line, and several weapon skills.

It’s not going to happen. Best you can hope for is access to an elite spec where the pet only has to be active most of the time and not all.

Do you think Druids will have pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: Dradiin.8935


Dang i was kinda hoping that we would still keep our pets but the druid elite would “meld” or lack a better description “were” with the pet, taking on a humanoid/animal combination. Giving the druid similar but slightly modified skills.

Would really be cool adding in the Moa’s and other strange pets.

Pipe dream i know but still woulda been a sweet thing given to the ranger community that has been so mistreated for over 3 years.