Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Chicken Fro.6953

Chicken Fro.6953

I think (and truly hope) that this is the right place for this thread. I am posting this on behalf of the entire MOO guild on NSP, and this is for everyone to show their support of dolyaks as the new ranger pet. It would be primarily pretty tanky and be the first pet with a reasonable F2 knockdown/charge skill. To avoid making it over-powered it could have a long recharge such as that of Flesh Golem’s “Charge” skill (about 40 seconds, or even make it 60 seconds). If the model is too large, then the size could be reduced to the size of a smaller Festive Dolyak. Anyway! Feedback/support/criticism for it goes here. Thanks!

Leggo My Drago, Ranger, leader of the Dolyak Tippers of Tyria [MOO] on Northern Shiverpeaks

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: trunks.5249


i want a lion before i would want a dolyak

master jedi david

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Tank A Riffic.1398

Tank A Riffic.1398

The Dolyak would be a great addition and a Norn favorite for obvious reasons. I agree that a with Chicken Fro on the stats recommendations.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Archon.6480


Another slow pet that can’t land a hit? Na I’ve got dozens of those…

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Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Primed.2607


This would be awesome for MOO, for the obvious reasons, but this animal is a landmark for all in Tyria. I also agree with stats as stated by LeggoMyDrago. Diversity of choice is a players best friend, and recognition by symbols are a guilds best friend.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Doof.5207


As a member of Moo and a Dolyak fanatic I support this.

We have way too many pets that roar,claw, jump, pounce poison etc..

A nice solid charge with a head butt is a welcome change an an awesome addition to pets for Rangers.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: totemcougar.2307


Considerimg the dolyak calf wintersday mini, the season one wvw mini, and the dolyak finisher; this would be the perfect completion for this year. It is a standard for Tyria, especially world versus world. But with the constant presence of dolyaks everywhere, why would rangers not learn how to tame one. They don’t have to be lightweights in the damage department. They hurt when I fight them in wvw. Obviously the stats would be up to the developers. Headbutting, or dropping medkits from packs, or other skills could be developed for it. Creativity is open for this one. I vote yes on dolyaks.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Axxon.1576


I, Axxon, give my vote for this addition to Guild Wars 2. Even though I main a warrior, the Ranger class has always intrigued me, and I was considering to create one. Being a memeber of the guild which Chicken Fro leads, I have heard his desire for the Dolyak as a charmable pet loud and clear. I will kindly ask that this request be at least considered.

Norn Warrior Main of the Northern Shiverpeaks
Memeber of The Dolyak Tippers of Tyria [MOO]

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Aero.2651


I agree, a dolyak pet would be awesome! I highly encourage ANET to support this idea!

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Bardeloza.5782


This is a great idea. Dolyaks are a staple to this game. I would love a Dolyak pet and then turn into a dolyak and then pull out the dolyack mini. Basically This is idea is very much a goal of what this game is about which is to have fun. I strongly urge Anet to put this concept into play.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Feiron.7465


Agreed. Rangers, NEED dolyak pets. I support the stats recommended by ChickenFro.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Fishy.2678


I agree with the stats that ChickenFro provides for the dolyak as a charmable pet. Dolyaks are all over Tyria already and technically “domesticated” by NPCs, it would make sense that a ranger would be able to do the same thing. I think the dolyak would be a fun pet to add to a rangers inventory of pets. My support with with ChickenFro and I hope this gets considered!

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Jinjaweed.1729


For some reason I agree to this…idk if its the lottery I am about to win but I will say yes to Yak Rangers

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Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Razor.9872


I approve of this completely!

No ranger should roam dolyak-less.

NSPride <3

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Ranger Mastre.2714

Ranger Mastre.2714

AGREE TOTALLY i need me my dolyak

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Sckullzz.2581


Yesssssssssssssssssssss….. Dolyak pets OP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This should be a thing.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


I love the idea. Anet plz.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Thebeginning.7053


I, Thebeginning, Approve of the idea that rangers should get a dolyak pet. It is over-due that rangers gain a new pet. And in my opinion there is a great deal of skill sets that dolyaks could have.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


Not opposed to this idea, but I want a Griffin or Basilisk pet before a Dolyak.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Immolator.5640


Guys post this in the Ranger CDI topic in Profession Balance, it’ll probably be more likely to be considered then. Possibly in conjunction with a ‘make it actually mean something when a pet is there’ suggestion in general.

Commander Ezekiel The Paladin
Underworld Battalion [WvW] Leader (retired) – Gandara [EU]
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Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Storm.4013


I also agree with having Dolyak as pets! Would be awesome to have them as companions

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: Swarfigo.9304


I, Godric, support his. As a Yaktain in MOO I feel it is my duty to voice my opinion. Dolyaks are a staple to this game, so it is only natural that they should be a tamable ranger pet.

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: H Clan VonDoom.4158

H Clan VonDoom.4158

I think the MOO players are onto something here…. Dolyaks would be a boost to a profession that would be interesting. Not only that, but offering new ideas to the pet selections itself would also stir up more play from the Ranger category. PLUS, not something that would need a lot of work to accomplish since the code needed for this is probably already there. This is an idea that could offer more pets from the land of Tyria to make an appearance on the Ranger list as well……

I throw my vote in for this as well but you don’t have to stop with Dolyaks either !!

Dolyaks, the New Ranger Pet

in Ranger

Posted by: runeblade.7514


I think (and truly hope) that this is the right place for this thread. I am posting this on behalf of the entire MOO guild on NSP, and this is for everyone to show their support of dolyaks as the new ranger pet. It would be primarily pretty tanky and be the first pet with a reasonable F2 knockdown/charge skill. To avoid making it over-powered it could have a long recharge such as that of Flesh Golem’s “Charge” skill (about 40 seconds, or even make it 60 seconds). If the model is too large, then the size could be reduced to the size of a smaller Festive Dolyak. Anyway! Feedback/support/criticism for it goes here. Thanks!

Many F2 skills are around 40-60 seconds. It is not really long.

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