As I have mentioned it, I kind of am in a current love hate relation with the Druid, mainly because it is for my opinion way too much Astral Theme and too less Nature Theme.
Currently the Design feels like being a ratio of 80/20 towards Astral Theme and here I want to show ANet (and you), how the Design would work under my concept better when it would be designed more after a 50/50 ratio version concept.
So lets start:
(Part 1 – Skills)
1) Solar Beam – Fire a concentrated Beam of Light, damaging foes in line of sight and healing allies in that line of sight too.
2) Astral Wisp – Send a Wisp to attach to your foe, which encircles it, healing allies that it passes through, granting them on touch also Protection for 1,5 seconds
3) Vine Surge – Send forth vines, which immobilize foes, clenase conditions from allies and convert up to 3 Conditions from you over to the targeted foe.
4) Leaf Storm – Create at your Ground Target a Storm of Leafs, which peridically weakens foes inside of it and deals damage over time through razor sharp leafs that cause Bleedings also periodically in exchange with the periodic Weakness (Bleed > Weakness > Bleed > Weakness ect.)
5) Bestial Fury – Call for Beasts to cause a Stampede that knocks foes down in line of sight, while granting yourself and nearby allies Fury, Swiftness and Might for each foe that got knocked down by the Stampede (Max 5)
Class Mechanic
A concept, under which the Druid shapeshifts his own form based on various different natural, astral or bestial aspects, using all kinds of environmental sources that the Druids specialized Nature magic can make use of)
Astral Force is renamed now to “Essence of Life”
Essence of Life, that you need to activate the Aspects will be gained, whenever you heal yourself or Allies or remove Conditions from them and when you receive damage, but Essence of Life from receive damage will be minor compared to Essence of Life you gain ,when you heal Allies or remove Conditions.
F1) Aspect of Astrology
F2) Aspect of Nature
F3) Aspect of Beasts
Based on which Aspect Force you activate, whill you change your Weapon Skills regardless of which Weapon you use at the moment to practically “Aspect Skills”
Aspect of Astrology
1) Cosmic Ray – Call down energy onto the target area, that will heal allies and disables for a while there Effects from Enemy Banners, Nature Spirits, or passive Traits)
2) Ancestral Grace – Become a Wisp and traverse to your target location. Remove conditions at the target location from allies and heal them per removed condition. Blind enemies around you while you traverse as Wisp.
3) Meteor Impact – Call down a massive meteor that crushes down dealign damage and knocking foes down in its arena of effect
4) Interstellar Barrier – Create a Barrier Field of Astral Force, that grants Regeneration and Vigor periodically, which can’t be entered and blocks projectiles as long the Druid keeps the barrier up. But the costs for this skill are so immense, that the Druid will receive constantly stacks of Self Bleed, Cripple and Vulnerability for every projectile this skill blocks.
5) Astral Convergence – Channel your celestial powers to create an energy field, which peridically cripples and slows foes inside and which turns projectiles from outside when they enter that field into line of sight healing shooting stars for allies.
Aspect of Nature
1) Toxic Mist – Send out a Toxic Mist of Spores, which will Poison and Torment foes.
2) Seed of Life – Summon a Seed of Life at your Ground Target, which heals and removes conditions when it blossoms. Will revive downed allies if it blossoms near them.
3) Frozen Soil – Summon a Nature Spirit that causes enemies not being able to rally, while its up, as also allies periodicalyl cause Chill and Chill being 50% less effective against you and allies
4) Fertile Season – Summon a Nature Spirit, that increases the efficiency of passive Traits, Banners and Signet Passives for you and nearby allies, while its up.
5) Edge of Extinction – Summon a Nature Spirit, which deals whenever it receives damage (includes also condition damage ticks) also damage to all nearby enemies. Once it dies, it will send out all conditions it had on it at that moment of death to all nearby enemies.
Aspect of Beasts
1) Scavenger Strike > Serpent’s Quickness > Symbiosis
Attack the foes nearby with a Scavenger Strike, which will cause Vulnerability, followed by Serpent’s Quicknes,s letting you evade and deal a poisoning hit that grants you also for 2 seconds Quickness, followed by Symbiosis, which is a Combo Attack with your Attack, which grants you Boons and Effects based on which Pet Class you use.
2) Predatory Season – Summon a Nature Spirit, which raises all Stats of your Pet, while its up and lets your Pet leech health with its attacks, that you gain then. Conditions of your Pets last also longer while this Spirit is up.
3) Predator’s Pounce – Call for a stealthed Predator(Panther), which will pounce out of Stealth with a Lunge attack, knocking foes down and causing Bleeds. Your Pet will gain Fury, Might and Swiftness if this Attack hits successfully.
4) Bee Swarm – Summon Swarms at your Target Area Swarms of Bees which home into nearby enemies and follow them arround as long their duration runs (that Mordrem Bee skill) Enemies in contact with Bee Swarm will constantly receive damage and get weakened and slowed
5) Eagle Sight – Summon a Pair of Eagles which will follow you for the next 20 seconds and attack like homing missiles automatically nearby targets following them until they hit, causing with their attacks Bleedings and Blindness. On activation, causes strealthed enemies to get revealed as you gain also the sight of your eagles (and they oversee nothing!)
Utility Skill – Glyph
Glyph of Rejuvenation – Heal yourself significantly and nearby Allies gain Regeneration
Under Aspect of Astrology – Heal significantly nearby allies and you gain Resistance
Under Aspect of Nature – Heal yourself significantly and nearby Allies gain Resistance.
Under Aspect of Beasts – Heal yourself, gain Vigor and nearby allies lose up to 3 Conditions and get a minor Heal
Glyph of Nature Nearby Foes receive damage and become immobilized, poisoned and slowed
Under Aspect of Astrology – Convert up to 3 Conditions on you and nearby alliers into Boons.
Under Aspect of Nature – The Conditions of the Glyph will be 50% more effective.
Under Aspect of Beasts – Summons a Wild Beast (also underwater) at your side for 20 seconds, that will help you in combat.
Glyph of Universe Dazes nearby foes with so much knowledge about astrology, TMI
Under Aspect of Astrology – The Effect of the Glyph will be 50% stronger and causes additionally Confusion
Under Aspect of Nature – Burns and Chills on nearby enemies will get extended by 3 seconds.
Under Aspect of Beasts – Poisons and Weaknesses on nearby enemies will get extended by 3 seconds
Glyph of Beasts Increases Damage of outgoing allies (includes Pets, Minions ect.)
Under Aspect of Astrology – Increases outgoing Healings of nearby allies
Under Aspect of Nature – Using Healing Skills lets your allies regain 50% Endurance and gain Vigor and receive Heals on next Weapon/Attunement/Kit Swap
Under Aspect of Beasts – The Effect of the Glyph is 50% stronger.
Glyph of Tides Push nearby enemies away from you.
Under Aspect of Astrology – Pull nearby enemies to you.
Under Aspect of Nature – Grant Stability to yourself and nearby Allies and stun break them.
Under Aspect of Beasts – Your Pet and allied Pets/Minions gain Quickness for 1 second whenever you deal critical damage.
Elite Glyph
Glyph of Unity Tether yourself to nearby foes. Whenever you receive damage, deal damage to all tethered to you foes too.
Under Aspect of Astrology – Tether yourself with nearby allies. Heal them as well, whenever you get healed.
Under Aspect of Nature – Tether yourself with nearby allies. Convert Conditions for them to Boons, whenever you remove a Condition or gain a Boon.
Under Aspect of Beasts – Tether your Pet with nearby allies. Whenever your Pet deals damage, tethered allies will leech health from that attacked enemy.
(edited by Orpheal.8263)