I’ll begin with the egregious ones at the top and work my way down while avoiding complaining about the still useless function of Glyph of Unity outside of Celestial Avatar.
Quick Draw – Consumed by interrupted skills (Including self-interrupted, i.e. CA ending)
Celestial Avatar skills 3, 4, and 5 all have long cast times. Often times you will attempt to pull off a channel and hope to finish it just before your CA expires. However, leaving Celestial Avatar while casting, for example, Lunar Impact (CA3) will interrupt your Lunar Impact so the heal isn’t pulled off, but also consume quick draw while it is interrupted. This isn’t just on any Celestial Avatar skill, it’s also base weapon skills. Swap to staff in combat, use Astral Wisp and stow weapons before the skill finishes: Quick Draw will be consumed and lowered AW cooldown to 1.7~ seconds. So rangers are being punished for actively trying to maximize their healing while in CA because they lose QD often to try to pull out one more heal.
Glyph of Rejuvenation – Inconsistent Cast Times.
Outside of Celestial Avatar, it has a very smooth 1/2 second cast time. Inside Celestial Avatar, it has a very clunky 1 second cast time. This means, whenever I choose to use this glyph, I have to be aware of what form I’m in because they have varying duration, and this is the only glyph that does it (Elementalists do not get different glyph cast times based off of their attunement). However, the problem is when I begin casting the glyph and swap into CA, it remains a 1/2 second cast time but uses the Celestial Avatar form healing, while when I use it as I’m leaving CA, it takes a full second cast time but uses the normal healing. This results in the skill functioning differently half the time throughout prolonged times unless you always cast it as you enter CA almost as if it’s Continuum Split+Time Warp combo.
Ranger pets will occasionally refuse to listen to commands.
If your pet is using one of its abilities that you cannot control and you need to use its f2 ability, often times you will have to keep presssing f2 until it finally listens. This is a problem when things such as blind, taunt, or AoE heal is all linked to the f2.
Seed of Life from Verdant Etching doesn’t like jumpers
Finishing a cast of any glyph while having this trait as you begin jumping will often force the SoL to fail to spawn at all. Jumping during any cast time results in SoL from the trait being heavily delayed if it spawns at all. This is a problem against terrain where jumping may be required. or when content like VG allows you to jump over blue circles.
Warhorn 4: Hunter’s Call
Cooldown goes down from 25 to 15 seconds (40%) as opposed to 20 seconds (20%).
Ancestral Grace doesn’t like terrain
You can target Ancestral Grace on places such as ceilings or walls, and it will take you under the destination and then continue cast time as if you were still moving. Then, it will apply the blast finisher at said location instead of at your destination. The easiest way to see this is to go to your home borderlands, stand underneath the crafting stations, then 5+3 on the ceiling and see your blast healing originate from your water wall.
The problem here is that Ancestral Grace doesn’t just get stuck on elevated terrain but occasionally will get stuck on flat terrain. I’ve seen it happen many times on Gorseval and once on Sabetha. The AoE heal will still reach its destination, but my character will be stuck in the cast location—which can occasionally be deadly against eggs or firewall.
And for that matter, a problem with many elite specs currently.
New projectile attacks more often than not follow the ground rather than goes towards the enemy. For piercing attacks, this is generally great, but it ends up shortening the range of the skill if it has to go up and down bumpy terrain and falls off any cliff or jumping region. (Case in point: During harpy sections in Uncategorized Fractal, skills including Tempest Warhorn skills, Condi Berserker sword/longbow f1s, Reaper GS5, ChronoShield5, Rev Hammer 3, etc.)
Personal note:
Cosmic Ray is way too delayed to warrant using, hence the reason everyone prioritizes using 3 and 4, If the heal spawned anytime before the very end of the casting animation and the delay after finishing the cast to the heal landing could be lowered, it’d be much more usable.