Druid... Event credit ?
It is a big deal.
Truth be told, Rangers have less problems with this because they can grab the 1st ranged pet in mind to tag 3-4 mobs and never see the copper again.
But the issue you are mentioning is there. It definitely is a topic to discuss.
As someone who primarily plays a Support/Healing Elementalist…..
Yeah, this is an issue.
I only ever realized how much rewards I were “missing” when I first played WvWvW with another class. It’s really weird that healing doesn’t give you credit.
I am hoping that maybe we can get some positive movement on this. Seems like it has been ignored long enough by the Developers.
I have included this issue in my feedback thread, encourage posting there so I can add your concerns to the OP there. In my sig.
Agreed. It is rather puzzling as to why DPS > HPS when it comes to getting shinies. Why go full Druid heals and not be properly rewarded in the end?