Druid Glyph Skills Feedback

Druid Glyph Skills Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Some feedback and suggestions about druid glyph skills, both celestial and non-celestial. Other feedback threads focused on their titular subjects:
Celestial Avatar Form – Mechanics and Skills Feedback
Druid Staff Skills
Druid Mechanics and Traits (coming soon)
Druid Glyphs – Celestial and Non-Celestial

Slightly underwhelming, interesting concept, having them ‘flip’, but could use some effects.

G_L_Y_P_H___O_F___R_E_J_U_V_E_N_A_T_I_O_N (non-celestial)
Heal yourself and allies around you. The healing potency on yourself is increased by 7% per allies around you.

  • Self-Healing: 4750
  • Allied Healing: 1400
  • Bonus per Targets: 7%
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 400
    So this skill had a rather low healing value, so my suggestion is to give bonus healing per allies around you by 7% per allies, to a potential bonus of 35%. Also added a bit more radius, from 300 to 400.

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__A_L_I_G_N_M_E_N_T (non-celestial)
Damage and apply conditions to nearby foes. Apply 1 stack of vulnerability per foes around you.

  • Damage: 400
  • Crippled (4s)
  • Weakness (4s)
  • Number of targets: 5
  • *Vulnerability (8s)
  • Radius: 400
    Radius upped from 300 to 400 and added vulnerability to targets, 1 stack per target, base duration of 8s.

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__E_Q_U_A_L_I_T_Y (non-celestial)
Daze nearby foes and break stun on yourself.

  • Damage: 400
  • Daze: 2s
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 400
  • Breaks Stun
    Again more radius, and made it stun breaker to yourself. The celestial form will keep its ally stun break effect and something else. Adding stunbreak to this skill can create interesting dynamic in combat; you get daze, POOF you’re not dazed anymore but the foe is in return. (Darn Hammer Warriors)

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__T_H_E__T_I_D_E_S (non-celestial)
Push nearby foes away from you with a powerful tidal blast.

  • Damage: 400
  • Knockback: 320
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 400
  • Combo Finisher: Blast
    More radius, slightly more knockback, but becomes a blast finisher! Some argue the ranger lacks some on-demand blast finishers, well, that could give it a boost. Sublime conversion >> Ancestral Grace >> Glyph of the Tides (as blast finisher) = Omnomnom

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__E_M_P_O_W_E_R_M_E_N_T (non-celestial)
Increase outgoing damage of nearby allies.

  • Damage: 150
  • Glyph of Empowerment (7s): 15% damage
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 400
    So this one sounds cool but when you do the maths, its very small damage boost. Make it last a bit longer, but up the value from 10% to 15%. Also make sure to read about the celestial form of this glyph.

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__U_N_I_T_Y (non-celestial)
Tether yourself to nearby foes and deal damage every second. Deal additional damage whenever you are struck.

  • Damage every second: 220
  • Damage if Struck: 150
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Duration: 7s
  • Radius: 400
    This one sounded so cool in the stream, and it is, but in PVE environment, foes don’t attack that often. And in PvP, they just stop attacking. My suggestion is to give a base damage per second to tethered foes, and of course keep the damage when struck effect. Also, make it 1s longer. Because.

Read on for the Celestial Counterpart!


Druid Glyph Skills Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: ProtoMarcus.7649


Okay the Celestial Form of the glyphs. I reaaaally love the ‘reverse’ theme, so it still applies to my suggestions

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__R_E_J_U_V_E_N_A_T_I_O_N (Celestial)
Heal yourself and allies around you. The healing potency on allies is increased by 7% per allies around you.

  • Self-Helaing: 1400
  • Allied Healing: 4750
  • Bonus per Ally: 7%
  • Number of Allies: 5
  • Radius: 400
    Much like the non-celestial glyph suggestion, add a bonus per target. But since this reverse celestial form deals higher heal to allies, apply the bonus to that value. Radius +100

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__A_L_I_G_N_M_E_N_T (Celestial)
Heal and remove conditions from nearby allies. Remove 1 additional condition per ally nearby.

  • Healing: 2500
  • Conditions Removed: 1
  • Conditions Removed per Ally: 1
  • Number of Allies: 5
  • Radius: 400
    So my non celestial suggestion mentionned +1 stack of vuln per target to every target. The reverse is -1 condition per ally for every ally. +100 radius

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__E_Q_U_A_L_I_T_Y (Celestial)
Break stun for nearby allies and grant stability.

  • Number of Allies: 5
  • Radius: 400
  • Stability (5s): 2 Stacks
  • Breaks Stun
    So, remove the condition cleansing from this one, but add some team stability, 2 stacks, 5 seconds. The break stun effect applies to allies, but not yourself (its part of the non-celestial version of this skill)

C_L_Y_P_H__O_F__T_H_E__T_I_D_E_S (Celestial)
Pull enemies towards you.

  • Healing: 400
  • Pull: 350
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 300
  • Combo Finisher: Blast
    Much like its non-celestial counterpart, make it a blast finisher, but also make it a heal skill to allies. +50 pull distance.

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__E_M_P_O_W_E_R_M_E_N_T (Celestial)
Decrease incoming damage to nearby allies

  • Healing: 150
  • *Glyph of Empowerment (7s): -15% Incoming Damage
  • Number of Targets: 5
  • Radius: 400
    Reverse of the non-celestial form. Instead of dealing with healing efficiency, make it an even more defensive skill by reducing incoming damage to allies. Duration of 7s, also a small burst heal on trigger.

G_L_Y_P_H__O_F__U_N_I_T_Y (Celestial)
Tether yourself to nearby allies and heal them every second. Give additional healing to tethered allies whenever you are healed.

  • Healing per second: 250
  • Healing: 320
  • Number of Allies: 5
  • Duration: 7s
  • Radius: 400
    Much like its non-celestial counterpart, apply a base pulsing effect. Heal all tethered allies per second for a base 220 health, and extra healing whenever you are healed. +1 second duration, +100 radius.


Druid Glyph Skills Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Lome.8239


There isn’t enough compromise in these changes (leaving them overpowered), and I don’t know why these changes would be necessary in the first place. Glyphs have been seeing a lot of use in the beta so far, and I think we should let the expansion settle before looking them over like this.

Everyone thinks they are a class developer these days.

Druid Glyph Skills Feedback

in Ranger

Posted by: Wondrouswall.7169


Nice shouts.

Will update once Path of Fire releases.