Druid Healer UI change suggestion

Druid Healer UI change suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: LegallyBinding.4937


It would be really nice to be able to toggle on ally health bars. It would be very helpful for a druid healing. It gets really annoying to have to mouse-over allies to see their health.

I am actually kind of surprised that this is not already in the game. It would be a really great addition to the UI.

Druid Healer UI change suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: Gilgalas.7860


I concur, same request on my side. Let us bump this UI thread, that is a serious question which has as much importance to proper healing as improved druid.

Link to my own druid UI thread.

Druid Healer UI change suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Yes! This is one of the first things I noticed when playing druid in PvP. It could be much easier to see who needs healing/who in your party is near you if we had party/friend hp bars, possibly different colour from enemy ones.

I think that would make it a lot more fun to play the druid, especially in using the healing skills with small are of effect.