Druid Speculation
Sorry to say, it is almost certain we will have the pet.
There are still too many pet traits, even outside of beastmastery as well as several weapon skills buffing pets and utility skills (shouts) depending on them as well.
I am very curious what they’re going to do with it.
Maybe a single pet, but f4 becomes revive/heal and counts as a swap?
Maybe an overhauled pet menu where you can select stats and skills, but otherwise no difference?
Maybe a single pet, but it can’t die?
Special event on pet death?
It’ll be pretty hard to come up with something good.
Druid will be a shape shifter. There will be no pet. It has been foretold!
Druid will be a shape shifter. There will be no pet. It has been foretold!
Bull. The druid in the announcement trailer had an alpine wolf with him, and “shapeshifter” is too WoW for Anet to go for. Besides, Tyrian druids are plant mages, not animal mages.
Druid will have mantras or glyphs that damage enemies and buff pets
Druid will be AoE Support, therefore Consecrations. It is known.
Probably a single pet and that we can control the second ability. The pet would probably be beefed up in HP though.
My speculation is Pet Swap changes functionality so you play as your pet and the AI takes over your Ranger.
Jokes aside, I don’t know what to speculate. All I can do is hope “it doesn’t suck.”
Will update once Path of Fire releases.
Probably a single pet and that we can control the second ability. The pet would probably be beefed up in HP though.
That’d actually be really cool – Roll maybe half the stats of the second pet into the first one, and F4 heals the primary pet rather than swapping. It’d let you choose a tank pet as your primary, and then give it damage.
My speculation: the druid will be ultimately useless in PvE, and only marginally useful in wvw/pvp. After all, we can’t have rangers becoming “meta” now can we?
Now you’re just being bitter, Quark.
Now you’re just being bitter, Quark.
I set my standards low so I’m never disappointed. When it comes to Anet, I’m still occasionally disappointed.
The spec will add an F5 skill that allows us to meld with the pet. Behold I give you – MOA BOY! And lo, it’s like polymorph moa but forever and self-inflicted.
Or how about… again you get an F5, but this allows the pet to stow the ranger. You get to run around as your pet! Ok so that’s useless too.
A bow that fires jaguars?
The spec will add an F5 skill that allows us to meld with the pet. Behold I give you – MOA BOY! And lo, it’s like polymorph moa but forever and self-inflicted.
Or how about… again you get an F5, but this allows the pet to stow the ranger. You get to run around as your pet! Ok so that’s useless too.
A bow that fires jaguars?
Pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls pls
Anet HIRE this guy!
Now you’re just being bitter, Quark.
I set my standards low so I’m never disappointed. When it comes to Anet, I’m still occasionally disappointed.
I’m mostly the same, learned from experience. I’m curious about how terrible it will all be.
1. The trailer shows the druid with a pet using some sort of charged up vineblast.
2. This isnt WoW or DnD, Shapeshifters are norns.
3. Read up on GW druids on their wiki, they have very little to do with animals, if they get a shapeshift it is into some sort of treeform :P
i actually said a staff using “viney” CC/support ranger would be cool long long before the HoT announcement :-3
i think thats how it will play,
loads of CC from tangling roots, maybe some area denial from deployable toxic spores and some sort of “healing spring” ability.
also for the new utilities i’d put my money on either Stances (rangers had them in GW1) or Venoms (which would mesh well with the whole nature vibe of druids.
i can see ranger getting with druid either shape-shifting into plant like mordrum like creatures as kit skills, or maybe as a shroud.. though doubt latter one. If not shape-shifting maybe summon plant based creatures and be able to tame plant based creatures and have the ability to summon plant based creatures like say a terragriff like a necro minnion used in conjunction with our ranger pet(s). Maybe add in a grandmaster trait that allows you to use a animal based creature at the same time as plant based creature. We know there plant based and nature themed, that follows lore, just saying oakhearts are not the only plant creatures in game now.
i think Heimskarl Ashfiend is right. Seems like we are getting consecrations, just i hope they don’t suck so much as the guardian’s that are really terrible with such a long CD.
I hope the staff is melee, we don’t need another ranged weapon and our melee ones aren’t great.
I would love to have just one pet, but they allow us to change their stats/skills to some extend. Right now we have like 4 different pets with many different skins.
Pet swap we could use it to “gain some pet hability”, we don’t have almost any access to stealth, reveal or resistance.
Druid will be a shape shifter. There will be no pet. It has been foretold!
Bull. The druid in the announcement trailer had an alpine wolf with him, and “shapeshifter” is too WoW for Anet to go for. Besides, Tyrian druids are plant mages, not animal mages.
That means nothing! If they wanted to resolve this: Druid starts in normal humanoid(charroid) form with a pet & then uses a druid f[x] skill & they will fuse with each other, the pet out before the transformation determines the form & the skills on staff are all supporty things that can be cast pre fight. Also about the pet related traits they could just add a line to every single one of them starting with “while shapeshifted”. One can only hope, probably the posters above me are right & I’ll be disappointed :-P
Druid will be able to control its pet, and on pet swap the pet will control you. This will last till the next pet swap is off cd, and your character will autofollow the nearest enemy target for its duration. You will gain swiftness and the “Pet Synergy” buff which will click 1-5 of your abilities at a random order without cooldown.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Speculation :
Weapon : Druid will have a staff (I’m pretty sure I’m right here!)
Mechanism : Druid will be able to chose which one of the 3 pet’s utility skill he want on F2. (maybe not OP but a lot of potential here)
Utility : Druid will have access to a new complete set of 6 wells. (Because nobody expect this)
It’s been six months since we got to know that rangers will be druids, and people still haven’t looked up what druids are/were in the guild wars universe?
It’s not shapeshiftning. Seriously.
also for the new utilities i’d put my money on either Stances (rangers had them in GW1) or Venoms (which would mesh well with the whole nature vibe of druids.
Save stances for our hammer bunny thumper elite specialization.
It will be glorious.
also for the new utilities i’d put my money on either Stances (rangers had them in GW1) or Venoms (which would mesh well with the whole nature vibe of druids.
Save stances for our hammer bunny thumper elite specialization.
It will be glorious.
or touch rangers spamming 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 XD
My speculation is Pet Swap changes functionality so you play as your pet and the AI takes over your Ranger.
Jokes aside, I don’t know what to speculate. All I can do is hope “it doesn’t suck.”
Lol’d so hard lol
main Druid ~~Adalyn Del Rayna~~ [SIGH]
[Ehmry Bay]
I can imagine many things for a elite-specs-mechanic.
- With F2 you will transform yourself to your pet and another pet will come in. So three pets attacks and nobody knows who are you and who is AI.
- With F2 your pet will lurk for your enemy. So your enemy will gain slow and you lose your weapon skills and get a bow, crossbow, slingshot or throwing knife with new skills especially for interrupting. If you interrupt the enemy, the pet will start a mighty leap. After a few seconds you will change weapons.
- With F2 you will camouflage and get control of your pet. If you receive damage or your pet get killed or after 30 s, you will leave camouflage and get control of your ranger.
- Your F1-F4 keys will summon temporarily different pets. F1 summons 2 birds or a moa. F2 summons a porcine, feline or canine. F3 summons a drake or bear. F4 summons devourer or spider. (You can select pet-type for each F-skill)
- You ride your pet and get a break bar (you fell down, if you get enough disable skills at a time). This mechanic is already in hot for enemies and the developer talked about a class, that get this feature. [But i think, this will be a feature for a warrior :P]
But just a few will work for druid setting from the trailer.
(edited by Aleksander Suburb.4287)
Ele got the break bar.
Other then that, utimately, the F2 and the pet will remain in a similar form then what we got now because of relative traits.
My speculation is Pet Swap changes functionality so you play as your pet and the AI takes over your Ranger.
Jokes aside, I don’t know what to speculate. All I can do is hope “it doesn’t suck.”
An AI Ranger sitting back at 1500 rapid firing while you rush in mauling your enemies would be pretty cool.
It’s been six months since we got to know that rangers will be druids, and people still haven’t looked up what druids are/were in the guild wars universe?
It’s not shapeshiftning. Seriously.
all the wiki says is that they were servants of melandru, went to live in the maguma jungle and they became spirits similar to the oakhearts
back to topic, i asume it has either something to do with shapeshifting as people says (though they have been wrong before; tempest/sword) or pet related since the trait icon shows an animal https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ranger
(edited by Tora.7214)
My predictions:
One pet. Pet swap replaces the pet with an aura that buffs you and allies. The buff is determined by the pet class you have equipped (cat aura gives dps buff, bear aura gives defense buff, etc.). This allows “on swap” traits and pet-specific traits to remain relevant. This also helps alleviate situations where keeping pets alive is nigh impossible (certain pve bosses, wvw zerg front-lining, etc.). Also, one of the devs pitched this idea in the Ranger CDC topic way back when.
Staff will have ally support and CC. I think it will contain group condition cleanse, a water field, and a “wall of vines” that cripple and immobilize enemies that try to cross.
Utilities will be Consecrations. These will alter the environment where placed and give buffs to allies in the area and debuffs to enemies.
The Druid will be the last elite specialization Anet releases.
Some kind of nature magic group port would be great.
Slightly like the Revenant and DBZ Fusion – The Ranger becomes one with the pet (pet is stowed and stats/ skills are boosted/ affected according what pet was fused)
Slightly like the Revenant and DBZ Fusion – The Ranger becomes one with the pet (pet is stowed and stats/ skills are boosted/ affected according what pet was fused)
this reminded me to FFXI Dragoon 2 hours ability (elite ability) it was called Spirit Surge, and it dissmised your pet (a cute small wyvern) and gave all the pet stats to the Dragoon for the duration of the skill
You become your PET! Your Character become your minion! Muhahaha!
When you press F4 there are no Pet swap, but your “minion” just doing weapon swap. xD