Druid Ward Spells?

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


I think I figure out what we are getting with druids. We recently received the trait “protective ward”, it’s very possible this is a glimpse of what druid will bring (hopefully on a larger scale).

I would very much like to see the return of some of the GW1 ward spells like http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ward_Against_Foes causing slowness in the area, http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Ward_Against_Melee giving 50% chance top block melee in the area, and maybe one of the ones that causes health degen.

This would provide amazing team support and make rangers fantastic point holders in PvP, and it seems to fit the druid theme pretty well.

What do y’all think, would you be happy with this and if so what wards would you like to see?

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

I thought about this a while back and it is a very good possibility for Druid, imo. It could be exactly what we are missing for group support, well, it is in fact perfect for Druid thematically. As well as having debuffs for foes, they could have buffs for allies at the same time. Skill type wise, they could be consecrations easily and fit with those already in existence. I would love to see this happen for Druid.

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Sounds like support/cc versions of necro wells, which is what Chronomancer got. It’s possible that Anet will repeat skill types and themes but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

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Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: HotHit.6783


Wells are simply a name for ground targetted AoEs. Consecrations, glamours, Marks and (although a stretch) Elixirs all can be used to describe similar skills. Wards are a specific skill type used by guardians that draw lines foes, projectiles or both are unable to cross. Currently not a utility type, but you get the idea.

Personally I would love to see the Druid get wards or ward-like abilities as they alter the terrain of a battle, which is easily my favourite combat style. Huge AoEs that affect how both teams play is the thing I’m hoping for the most though.

Never Fight Alone” – Sunspear Creed
There, it’s dead and it’s never coming back!” – Famous last words

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Harnel.6810


I personally find consecrations to be more likely, but given Wards are almost the same as consecrations, that’s a semantics thing.

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


I don’t wanna see “blob down huge aoe buff” type gameplay. Needs some interesting gameplay aspect, unlike banners.

Having spirits already for ranger kinda puts a limit on how they can do AoE buffing without making spirits complete fail.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a mishmash of Conjure Weapons, Banners, Spirit weapons, Necro minions melted into a unique druid skill type.

Healing skill
Insightful Bond: You and your pet are healed. For 5sec each sec allies between you and pet are healed for a small amount.
-Clairvoyance: End insightful bond and for the remaining duration enter your pets mind and gain control of it and its skills (special improved pet skills). the druid is invulnerable for the duration of clairvoyance.

Tarantulas: Target area is covered with tarantulas for 10seconds. Periodically the spiders randomly strike foes in the area for minor dmg and poison.
-Marked: Target your foe so that all tarantulas move to your target and deal their damage to only that target for the remaining of 10seconds.

Summon a Thorn Stalker. http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Thorn_Stalker
Thorn Stalker sends piercing bolts at enemies that cures conditions on allies they travel through. If a bolt hit an ally and a foe the allies gain protection and the foes are weakened.
-Send your Thron Stalker to target area knocking down and immobilizing nearby foes as it unsummons.

Hedge Row: Create a wall of thorns that foes cannot pass. Foes that touch the thorns suffer bleeding for every second they are in contact with them. Foes that push through with stability suffer heavy poison aswell.
-Reclaim: Hedge row unsummons leaving behind a branch that gives druid special weapon skills. Branch lasts for 60sec or 10skill uses.

Wisteria: Make your weapon toxic for 10sec. Struck foes are poisoned. When you apply poison, nearby foes are poisoned aswell for 5sec.

Druid Ward Spells?

in Ranger

Posted by: Ganathar.4956


I suspect that druids will get wells instead since they can also fit the theme of the druid imo. All current elite specs except herald (because of how legends work) got skills from an already existing type of utility. While I don’t think that all of the rest of the elite specs will follow this pattern, it is likely not a coincidence. Both traps and shouts have runes that are associated with them. It is possible that druids will get wells and that a new rune for wells will be implemented.