Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Pooka.3420



Obviously speculation, but like lots of people, im thinking the staff – druid line will be more support/group assist.

Using that as a baseline, what would your second weapon set be?

Sword / War Horn for group buffs and some mobility / evade
Sword / Dagger less speed more mobility
Great-sword – DPS
Ax / Torch – aoe dps / May have synergy with staff – if boon converter mechanic is involved.

I know there are a few more combinations – but was wondering what people thought?

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582

GS is more utility than DPS, although with Remorseless and 2HT, it will do some very good DPS. So, I’ll be using those lines with Druid and GS I believe, we shall see what the Druid traits are…

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Pooka.3420


Yea – I agree about GS. It has some nice escape (swoop) and disrupts/daze/slow plus the vuln.. I was thinking that would be the best option also.

Highbeams(Druid) Pooka Pook(Ranger) – Yaks Bend

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Skullface.7293


I personally don’t like the idea of taking an axe with the staff as it will make you a very slow player to move around the map.

I think on berserker builds I will most likely use Greatsword for secondary weapon while Sword will work better for tanky variants with the warhorn buffs. Hopefully they will improve Hunter’s Call, because it’s just not good enough at the moment.

Hiro || Talgo
Main: Ranger
Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/hirothebeast

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Ehecatl.9172


Hard to say without knowing what the staff skills or druid utilities do.

That being said I’d favor the greatsword. It gives me more mobility, strong defense, and a decent melee burst that will be easier to land with the staff’s control skills. Imagine using a utility for a buff to damage, then following that up by ensnaring the enemy in vines and hitting them with a quick Maul critical.

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


I am guessing here but staff might have a bunch of CC on it like bind, blind, chill, and weakness. Range may be medium though. Sword or axe would probably help it.

Edit: To explain, some lockdown on targets to help the pet and reduce mobility would help.

(edited by Anchoku.8142)

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


Depends if the Staff or new utilities give any sort of mobility or not.

It’s expected that the Staff will be sort of a midrange cleaving weapon/AoE-ish weapon, but my personal consensus is:

  • If the staff and utility mobility is tolerable, use bow
  • if not, use blade (GS, S/X)

I’m also curious whether or not it’s going to be power based or condition based. Guardian surprised me by not getting a condition based option (expected the bow to be more like Warriors which is condition hybrid), and so far, not a single condition heavy weapon has been revealed, so either ANet is forgoing that route entirely, or somebody is going to be the lucky (unlucky) winner of a brand new condition weapon.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player
www.twitch.tv/itsJROH For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Anchoku.8142


Keep in mind there are two types of conditions; one does damage and the other is CC. Ranger can already perma-burn, stack vulnerability, and knock-back. Bind, blind, cripple, weakness, chill, those are things that help close range fighting and also synergize with a pet.

It feels like Ranger is strong at ranged fighting but there could be more options for melee.

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


depends, but likely longbow or horn.

Druid Weapon Swap - Other Than Staff

in Ranger

Posted by: nacario.9417


As a lb gs zerker ill be trying out variants by swapping out gs for staff, it could work depending on what abilities and trait options we get.

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore