Druid is Meta
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
Kitten – Zerker Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitten
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitty%20Smallpaw
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
with the right build, druid is near-impossible to kill and pin down. took me a while to figure it out. the heals and cc are real.
For pvp maybe. No evidence of that in pve as of yet.
Title of this thread should be “Druid is PVP Meta” so I wouldn’t have had to click it. I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
Problem with druid tho is the healing ratio for Healing Power
There is not much benefit at all for even the slightest bit of socketing Healing Power
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
With no stability and not great self survival they are easy to focus down/deal with.
Kitten – Zerker Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitten
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitty%20Smallpaw
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
With no stability and not great self survival they are easy to focus down/deal with.
not at all. mind you, I run with celestial amulet and protective ward. getting focused is an issue sometimes, but it’s so easy to just staff #3 out of there, heal to full and go back in. we have so much sustain.
that being said, I feel we need at least one small source of on-demand stability.
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
With no stability and not great self survival they are easy to focus down/deal with.
Not if Team follow the plan…
A good druid can hold down a point with a few tanks nearby doing what they “should” be doing….
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
With no stability and not great self survival they are easy to focus down/deal with.
not at all. mind you, I run with celestial amulet and protective ward. getting focused is an issue sometimes, but it’s so easy to just staff #3 out of there, heal to full and go back in. we have so much sustain.
that being said, I feel we need at least one small source of on-demand stability.
Cele Druid has 21k health, a good burst class like a mesmer can go through that nearly instantly. You are easily locked down with CC. Against a competent team you won’t be about to survive or you will be made ineffective. This is due to a few facts – Healing isn’t that strong in general in pvp, you offer nothing else significant to the team like boons, stun breaks or stab.
Kitten – Zerker Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitten
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitty%20Smallpaw
sorry, that hasn’t been my experience.
Just did a match and had great tanks doing what the plan was. Love Rev when they tanking for me.
Give it time and you guys will realize that druid, while an improvement over ranger, is not even close to the other elite specs in PvP. Scrapper has ridiculous tankiness and sustain, way above our level. The aoe that tempest craps out with the overloads is insane. The gravity well from chrono cannot be stun broken so you will just insta die. The damage from dragon hunter is absolutely OP as kitten.
Druid is Meta……
Meta for what? Being useless and badly designed? Sure.
Give it time and you guys will realize that druid, while an improvement over ranger, is not even close to the other elite specs in PvP. Scrapper has ridiculous tankiness and sustain, way above our level. The aoe that tempest craps out with the overloads is insane. The gravity well from chrono cannot be stun broken so you will just insta die. The damage from dragon hunter is absolutely OP as kitten.
this has been the case for me as well. now imagine a DRUID healing all those guys and locking people down. also if played well, youre virtually unkillable.
(edited by mistsim.2748)
Give it time and you guys will realize that druid, while an improvement over ranger, is not even close to the other elite specs in PvP. Scrapper has ridiculous tankiness and sustain, way above our level. The aoe that tempest craps out with the overloads is insane. The gravity well from chrono cannot be stun broken so you will just insta die. The damage from dragon hunter is absolutely OP as kitten.
this has been the case for me as well. now imagine a DRUID healing all those guys and locking people down. also if played well, youre virtually unkillable.
Druid is Meta……
Meta for what? Being useless and badly designed? Sure.
again I dont know what Druids you all been playing with. But I can lock down any cap point from 5 people with decent tanks. my team won a match outnumbered 4 to 5.
Druid is far from useless.
Play it right and it pays off.
I dont go into each fight trying to Medi-Guardian my way through enemies.. no. I play my role. And I been successful.
Trying it out and the pointholding potential is insane, but I find that any class with a modicum of CC combined with burst ends you instantly.
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..
Trying it out and the pointholding potential is insane, but I find that any class with a modicum of CC combined with burst ends you instantly.
Which happens to be most classes.
Kitten – Zerker Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitten
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitty%20Smallpaw
Trying it out and the pointholding potential is insane, but I find that any class with a modicum of CC combined with burst ends you instantly.
Given that many of the avatar form skills are 1200 range, I really don’t like to play the druid as a point holder. Sure it can hold point. But I can’t find it overtaking dd ele.
I would rather go squishy and provide damage, cc and healing to the team from distance
As a mostly solo/casual player in PvE and PvP I hate Druid. Healing is not fun for me, I chose RANGER as a Range Burst class, for hunting down, and kiting bosses while doing GOOD DPS (not best DPS but good enough for simple casual playing ). Now I have heavy Support Elite Specialization… useless for me, staff no fun.
Its looks like arena goes for Trinity..
(edited by Alarih.5279)
People talking about the trinity on this forum are completely forgetting what the concept MEANS. I mean for gods’ sakes, it has “trinity” in the name. PvE doesn’t understand the word ‘tank’. Maybe PvP does (It did in WAR, so it’s not categorically impossible), but just having healers is insufficient to talk about the ‘trinity’. It’s Tanks, Healers, DPS. You have HEalers and DPS. What part of that is ‘trinity’ for you?
I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
It still amuses me how people complain about this. Offensive support can be a forced role all day every day (and it is – the whole point of the PvE meta is they put out high self dps while improving group dps), but the second any form of defensive support is potentially required, you macho man-wannabe kids cry.
(edited by Rutee.1058)
As a mostly solo/casual player in PvE and PvP I hate Druid. Surviving is not fun for me, I chose RANGER as a Range Burst class, for hunting down, and kiting bosses while doing GOOD DPS (not best DPS but good enough for simple casual playing ). Now I have heavy Support Elite Specialization… useless for me, staff no fun.
Its looks like arena goes for Trinity..
People already came up with good range burst druid builds. I have been playing power druid whole night and it works pretty well.
It is really yourself, like many others, limit your own horizon to that druid being a pure healing support.
Title of this thread should be “Druid is PVP Meta” so I wouldn’t have had to click it. I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
It already is.
Raids have mechanics of AoE damage auras that can’t be avoided. Healing it yourself is not really possible. Unless you are an Ele. Everything is possible with Ele.
As a mostly solo/casual player in PvE and PvP I hate Druid. Surviving is not fun for me, I chose RANGER as a Range Burst class, for hunting down, and kiting bosses while doing GOOD DPS (not best DPS but good enough for simple casual playing ). Now I have heavy Support Elite Specialization… useless for me, staff no fun.
Its looks like arena goes for Trinity..
People already came up with good range burst druid builds. I have been playing power druid whole night and it works pretty well.
It is really yourself, like many others, limit your own horizon to that druid being a pure healing support.
Well, yah you still can have fun untill you start comparing Druid to other Elite specialization, where Druid really fall short. Druid has bad synergy with rest renger specialisations (I would say no synergy at all exept healing ), Selestial form is pretty good but compered to Death Shroud mechanics, its a joke (its very short, you can go in to it only when its full, if you get out of form all energy gone )
(edited by Alarih.5279)
As a mostly solo/casual player in PvE and PvP I hate Druid. Surviving is not fun for me, I chose RANGER as a Range Burst class, for hunting down, and kiting bosses while doing GOOD DPS (not best DPS but good enough for simple casual playing ). Now I have heavy Support Elite Specialization… useless for me, staff no fun.
Its looks like arena goes for Trinity..
People already came up with good range burst druid builds. I have been playing power druid whole night and it works pretty well.
It is really yourself, like many others, limit your own horizon to that druid being a pure healing support.
Well, yah you still can have fun untill you start comparing Druid to other Elite specialization, where Druid really fall short. Druid has bad synergy with rest renger specialisations (I would say no synergy at all exept healing ), Selestial form is pretty good but compered to Death Shroud mechanics, its a joke (its very short, you can go in to it only when its full, if you get out of form all energy gone )
Druid gives the the most of any elite specialization in terms of new play style compared to the rest of the Elite specializations
Not really, until core ranger is fixed they will only fill niche roles.
I disagree. Its been very powerful. In fact, with a well coordinated team that follows the plan, a good Druid can lock down a spot.
With no stability and not great self survival they are easy to focus down/deal with.
Signet of Stone/G.Equality/L.Reflexes and gs#3 staff#3 should allow you to escape from any focus and then heal yourself. Also you can block projectiles and immob backwards with staff, and another block with gs, making it easier to run from a fight, and if using the right trait, stealth+superspeed after CA so you can reset your position easily.
Title of this thread should be “Druid is PVP Meta” so I wouldn’t have had to click it. I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
It already is.
Raids have mechanics of AoE damage auras that can’t be avoided. Healing it yourself is not really possible. Unless you are an Ele. Everything is possible with Ele.
So, it’s meta because it’s required for raids?
Title of this thread should be “Druid is PVP Meta” so I wouldn’t have had to click it. I mean, after hours of play on the Druid it is abundantly clear Druid won’t be in PVE meta until healing is a forced role.
It already is.
Raids have mechanics of AoE damage auras that can’t be avoided. Healing it yourself is not really possible. Unless you are an Ele. Everything is possible with Ele.
So, it’s meta because it’s required for raids?
IT is not. Guardian and ventari has much better healing and sustained than druid. And better support and DPS.
It already is.
Raids have mechanics of AoE damage auras that can’t be avoided. Healing it yourself is not really possible. Unless you are an Ele. Everything is possible with Ele.
So, it’s meta because it’s required for raids?
Not a single word about being PvE meta.
It will most probably, though, become a Raid meta.
Or not at all.
There are already like 74 options (number made on spot) how to make a Raid Group with close to the same result.
People are totally blindfolded by the meta without any sense at all. Get over yourselves people. PvE Brain-dead people will always be terribad regardless of what they play and skilled players can play naked and still do their job.
Druid is there to fill a certain role that 5 other classes with 17 different builds can do. I mean what the hell! Some acquaintances already spend more time searching for braindead meta while I do a whole AC run in 50 minutes with 2 necros, 2 rangers and a Warrior.
Get your stuff together already. Use your head instead of reading through wikipedia. Even MetaBattle is like 3/4 year behind in efficiency.
It’s not an offense. It’s an annotation for everybody who clings on others to do the job for them. Because whether you like it or not – no one will give you everything he knows for free. If you want the results – the best way is to get them yourself.
Maths of GW2 can be done through elementary school basics.
Shield/Aura healing tempest will be raid meta, not druids
I wonder how many of you guys actually tried healing Druid or Ventari/Glint Revenant for real in PvP/Raid and saw the numbers before throwing laughable statements that something doesn’t work. Let me guess, the previewed Raid is easy, too?
Git gud, then we talk.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144
I wonder how many of you guys actually tried healing Druid or Ventari/Glint Revenant for real in PvP/Raid and saw the numbers before throwing laughable statements that something doesn’t work. Let me guess, the previewed Raid is easy, too?
Git gud, then we talk.
The raid was actually much easier than it was promised.
Any raid group made with logic could get it down. If you weren’t 9 Zerks and 1 druid, but had a balanced group of Condi,Offensive/Defensive support and Zerk classes you could have made the raids without a problem.
It was a challenge for people who never saw Fractals with double digit level, but definitely not for veteran players.
It already is.
Raids have mechanics of AoE damage auras that can’t be avoided. Healing it yourself is not really possible. Unless you are an Ele. Everything is possible with Ele.
So, it’s meta because it’s required for raids?
Not a single word about being PvE meta.
It will most probably, though, become a Raid meta.
Mah bad. Didn’t know we were talking PVP still.