Druid, longbow/staff
Most of the druid builds you’ve seen are probably PvE ones. In PvE Melee dps >> Ranged. There are a few exceptions (e.g Ele staff) but on the whole this hold’s true.
LB/Staff may be a decent option in WvW though, where ranged dps has a much larger role.
true enough, i hate the whole melee centric nature of this game, its one thing i dont like. we dont all like melee
Unfortunately CA form and glyphs are all about stacking in melee range so a melee weapon in the build seems like a good choice to have most of the time. So back line Druid with staff. Move in and heal in CA. Hold ground with melee then pop out when clear. Also, we can cover a lot of ground with gs/staff so that’s a plus too.
Lb/staff will be fun for back line zergs and stuff, but to be a decent healer we will have to be in the frontline too.
221 hours over 1,581 days of bank space/hot pve/lion’s arch afk and some wvw.
(edited by Swagger.1459)
This is my asura druid’s spec :
Its primary focus is around healing, but also put out a little DPS as well hence zealot’s set.
For utility skills i used traps because staff has such good range that really more focused on things that might try to get me due to healing aggro, and i want to make there attempt to kill me met with a less then pleasant reception. pain inverter is just more of the same , since it adds both confusion and retaliation in aoe, but could just be another trap like spike trap or something. i was thinking of also for heal using Heal as One which certainly would make alot of sense since any time you gained a boon your pet gains the same boon from fortifying bond, then use the heal to get it back twice, would work really well with Strength of the Pact, which i tell you was a very thought about option as path to go there, and had this build been focused around pet or even had beast mastery to make it worth while i would have,…. But its not. though i did take advantage of fortifying bond with sigil of luck, and i have 35% boon duration bonus( and i think 50% if applied by pet, though may be 65% if pet gets my bonus boon duration from items and consumables, not sure there.) I went with the glyphs for the heal skill and elite skill because its more healer focused, and if traited they both give an aoe heal and reduced cd, but in celestial mode if needed really pump out a ton of healing to group with healing glyph, and the elite glyph also really nice heal when there all tethered up. I was playing with the idea of using the power suit as elite skill to drop for group to use or me if i was in a fight that needed more damage then healing, but when you weigh a 240 cd for power suit VS. 16 sec cd for glyph of unity, thats where glyph of unity starts to shine as an elite skill.
Pets: Yes, Yes the wyverns looks cool as hell, and the bristleback goes godzilla , but pushing past the fluff I went with smokescale and tiger. The reason is smokescale has reverant sword #3 attack which just looks cool and is really tanky pet right now almost as tanky as a bear and more so then a devouerer. Now the fun part and this may change during changes til release, but the real pet advantage comes from the often over looked tiger pet. Tigers have a F2 skill called Furious pounce which after a 1 1/2 sec charge up does damage and gives aoe fury to group and self( like feline pets needed more crit chance right ?lol) which will reset opening strike if you have remoreseless trait, and here is the best part, its only a 10 sec cd. For me the fury from pet lasts 18 secs, so perma fury. It also means if you have traited in invigorating bond trait your giving a aoe heal from pet every 10 secs as well.
Some more fun stuff with this build is it gets a 52.5% outgoing healing bonus between consumables, sigil, runes, and druid minor trait. i am not sure if heals can get crits, but if it did that would make it like double healing on a crit, though i don’t think they do. In either case for the outgoing healing is like slightly above base crit damage would be for direct damage, except in healing on EVERY hit, thats huge.
i have seen it net around 2k healing per sec , per target just off of solar beam auto attack and astral wisp, and that is before healing skill or anything else healing wise., during beta weekend i was able to solo 2 veteran karka and one of the juvenile ones at the same time , and not letting me or pet drop below 90% health at any point.
anyways hope you like it and would love feed back what you all thought.