Easy finishing for rangers
I’ll take Thief’s stealth finishing over quickness finishing any day of the week.
Hell, how could it be op when thieves can stealth finish, engi can invulnerable finish, and ele can mist finish. I have 5 points in BM just for this.
I guess you could say that about thief’s finishing, but some classes can counter it, such as us with our aoe daze. Other classes however…
all classes can lol. guardians necro theif engi ele. no where close to op. i’ll take the theif or necro’s downed #2
nah, I’d rather let my jaguar eats their face off while continuing shooting arrows endlessly to their struggling body. Yup, I’m a saddist and I do enjoy adding salt to the injury :P
nah, I’d rather let my jaguar eats their face off while continuing shooting arrows endlessly to their struggling body. Yup, I’m a saddist and I do enjoy adding salt to the injury :P
This is what i do to everything but a warrior. What? you wanna get back into the fight and help your team? Not on my watch you aren’t!!
@OP We are THE strongest down finishers yes, thieves can go invis (as can mesmers) but that’s not really that bad, because most profs can still interrupt that (a lot of people don’t realize you don’t need a target to use your interrupts). And as for the other finishers, that causes them to waste a CD they could be using for defense, and all of them are a hell of a lot longer than 15-20s so even comparing it to them is just pretty stupid.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
nah, I’d rather let my jaguar eats their face off while continuing shooting arrows endlessly to their struggling body. Yup, I’m a saddist and I do enjoy adding salt to the injury :P
This is what i do to everything but a warrior. What? you wanna get back into the fight and help your team? Not on my watch you aren’t!!
@OP We are THE strongest down finishers yes, thieves can go invis (as can mesmers) but that’s not really that bad, because most profs can still interrupt that (a lot of people don’t realize you don’t need a target to use your interrupts). And as for the other finishers, that causes them to waste a CD they could be using for defense, and all of them are a hell of a lot longer than 15-20s so even comparing it to them is just pretty stupid.
Sorry shroudstomping is definitely better then a quickness stomp.
nah, I’d rather let my jaguar eats their face off while continuing shooting arrows endlessly to their struggling body. Yup, I’m a saddist and I do enjoy adding salt to the injury :P
This is what i do to everything but a warrior. What? you wanna get back into the fight and help your team? Not on my watch you aren’t!!
@OP We are THE strongest down finishers yes, thieves can go invis (as can mesmers) but that’s not really that bad, because most profs can still interrupt that (a lot of people don’t realize you don’t need a target to use your interrupts). And as for the other finishers, that causes them to waste a CD they could be using for defense, and all of them are a hell of a lot longer than 15-20s so even comparing it to them is just pretty stupid.
Sorry shroudstomping is definitely better then a quickness stomp.
How? you can be interrupted easily while shroud stomping, and in most cases causes them to waste a utility (because for what ever reason a lot of thieves are to good to shroud stomp via cloak and dagger stealth), for a ranger with quick stomp? Unless they have a quick cast aoe interrupt (oh wait? just rangers?) they can’t stop you from stomping them and it’s GG.
NOTE: Stand behind your pet, the lawlz of watching them fail to get you is hilarious.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
quick stomp for us is better then the thief’s shroud stomp, for the simple reason that thiefs don’t always have the possibilty of stealthing, and they can be interrupted by it.
IF u were to get interrupted in your quick stomp (very unlikely if done well), then u still win because u forced the downed person to use his only utility and is probably gonna die before getting his 3rd skill.
quick stomp for us is better then the thief’s shroud stomp, for the simple reason that thiefs don’t always have the possibilty of stealthing, and they can be interrupted by it.
IF u were to get interrupted in your quick stomp (very unlikely if done well), then u still win because u forced the downed person to use his only utility and is probably gonna die before getting his 3rd skill.
This, on my engi I was able to burn through every one of a thieves stealths and was able to get back up (ally to the rescue) because he kept trying to be sneaky about his finishing and not just be quick, I can not say I’ve done that on my engi vs anyone who uses quickness to finish though…
PS: Ive done it on my ranger too, just not as often because I don’t suck as much as I do on my engi, thus not always downed xD.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
PS: Ive done it on my ranger too, just not as often because I don’t suck as much as I do on my engi, thus not always downed xD.
I feel bad for engineers atm, they suck so bad, they need buffs compared to other classes, they get destroyed so easily by warriors, thiefs, mesmers and even us xD