Empathetic Bond and Signet of Renewal stack?
Every 10 sec SOR (passive) removes 1 condition, EB does the same(every 10 sec) only that your pet has to be alive (Im not 100% that it removes ALL conditions or just 1 havent played ina bit.)
9/3/13 rip
Every 10 sec SOR (passive) removes 1 condition, EB does the same(every 10 sec) only that your pet has to be alive (Im not 100% that it removes ALL conditions or just 1 havent played ina bit.)
Thanks for the post, but are you reading the descriptions for me or have you tested this out with a friend who hits you with a condition, then waits 2 seconds and hits you with another, to see if both get removed or if the first condition put both skills on cooldown?
Every 10 sec SOR (passive) removes 1 condition, EB does the same(every 10 sec) only that your pet has to be alive (Im not 100% that it removes ALL conditions or just 1 havent played ina bit.)
Thanks for the post, but are you reading the descriptions for me or have you tested this out with a friend who hits you with a condition, then waits 2 seconds and hits you with another, to see if both get removed or if the first condition put both skills on cooldown?
You can try it yourself if you’d like to be sure, but yeah I tested SOR.
EB (again have not played ina while…so not sure if it does more than 1 condition or not)
Forgot to mention SOR passive removes condition in 10sec’s, Activating it removes the condition ASAP then its on CD.
9/3/13 rip
(edited by thrice.9184)
Empathic Bond removes all conditions. Signent of Renewal removes 1. To answer your question: yes, but it would be redundant to use both.
Instead, you should consider the pros and cons of both. Emphatic Bond has a max range and requires your pet to not be downed, as well as 30 points in Wilderness Survival. Signet of Renewal requires a skill slot, only removes 1 condition every 10 seconds OR can be used to remove all conditions for a cooldown.
Tarnished Coast
(edited by deepwinter.9015)