Entangle Roaming #1

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Here is a video of my first attempts at really using Entangle while roaming:


Effectiveness seems to vary greatly. That is, either it is quite effective or not effective at all (but at least it removes conditions!).

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Kolisch.4691


being rangers, we have the luxury of knowing that we can technically just walk away from the entangle vines, but I still bring it because I always seem to find bad players who get stuck in it. ripley’s believe it or not!

tips for those new to ranger entangle

-condi duration runes/food would let u walk out of it, yes just walk
heal spring or remove condi with something (signet/bear) at the moment the vine pulsed…
time your evades so that it would end right after the start of the next pulse, then walk away…

and other power classes can just kill the vine and they’re free… or shadow step/teleport …

I wish ANET would make a much more competitive elite and not keep it as an elite that makes us pray that bad players get stuck in it

HoT = Grind Wars 2
HoT = WvW players forced to PVE

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Yeah, they can also stealth out (thief did this). I tried to compensate by bringing Krait runes…so if they walk out or get out by other means than condi-removal, hopefully the torment will stick and still hurt.

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I thought its sole purpose was triggering krait or lyssa runes :P

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


Entangle isn’t that horrible. Just have to be very careful when using it. Although, if RAO wasn’t on such a terrible cooldown I would probably take it over Entangle every time, just for the stability.

I haven’t really tried RAO with Krait runes. It may work a bit better since the root on Entangle kind of messes with torment. Although, it won’t remove conditions and is on that terrible CD…so I’m not really sure.

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Cufufalating.8479


Aaah the old Entangle debate.

I’m still a die hard supporter of it, but there’s not much point in spending ages trying to convince everyone to agree.

But go Team Entangle!

Cufufalating – Ranger / Part-Time Mesmer
Gunnar’s Hold

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Indoles.1467


As a player who played a ranger from the headstart, My opinion on Entangle has changed for the better since I started playing again last week. Here is what I use to make Entangle a viable skill. Note that I was a strong advocate against using Entangle for over year (then quit for a year).

Krait Runes – They apply nice condition coverage and make all your bleeds last an extreme amount of time on anyone not running -condition duration food.
Wilderness Survival Trait VI Wilderness Knowledge – Reduces the cooldown on Entangle to 48s.
Nature Magic Trait XIII Survival of the Fittest – Entangle grants me Fury and removes 2 conditions on use.

I basically treat is another skill now rather than an Elite. Rampage as One is still tempting, but a 48s Entangle that applies 4 conditions initially and cleanses you of 2 can be devastating when used properly. I still see way too many rangers blow Entangle way too early. Save it until your enemy has burnt through their energy and follow it up strong.

I’ve been testing out a new condition burst build with great success recently, but really want to try out these new trapper runes later. I’m going to link my current build (I hear it is fairly standard now) for those who may be interested. If you (the reader) have any questions, feel free to reply or PM me.

(edited by Indoles.1467)

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Tricare.2946


You didn’t use your entangle enough, stopped after engi fight. Which you didn’t even use it against the thief or engi.

It’s on a 46 second CD, imo use it as an opener or 5-10 seconds into a fight, it will be back up quick and they will have used a condi clear.

It’s unblockable, remember that. That engi was reflecting your shots, should have popped entangle on him while he thinks he’s safe.

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Simon.3794


I thought its sole purpose was triggering krait or lyssa runes :P

no dude, even alone its op as hell

it’s unblockable immo with bleed..

when engis pop their block after using healing turret you can just use that and they are pretty much done if paired with krait runes

and it even tracks enemy in stealth, insane i would call it lol

but in wvw idk, people can get 93?% immo immune? it’s ridiculous

(edited by Simon.3794)

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Gotejjeken.1267


You didn’t use your entangle enough, stopped after engi fight. Which you didn’t even use it against the thief or engi.

It’s on a 46 second CD, imo use it as an opener or 5-10 seconds into a fight, it will be back up quick and they will have used a condi clear.

It’s unblockable, remember that. That engi was reflecting your shots, should have popped entangle on him while he thinks he’s safe.

Thanks for the advice.

I did actually use it against the thief, they just stealthed out of it and were smart enough to stay out of it. I didn’t use it against the first engi (there is another later) as I felt a little bad for them.

I do use it later against the second engi to better effect. That is an overall better fight, but it seemed more fitting to end the video with.

I also wouldn’t call it anywhere near OP…at least in WvW. I too mostly use it as a condition clear rather than an elite. The rooting and stuff is a bonus, but most people worth anything don’t get trapped in it.

Ironically enough, I find 80% of Rangers getting stuck in it…which makes me sad.

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: mistsim.2748


entangle is a 48s aoe immob when traited. it also gives fury and removes 2 condis when traited. it’s amazing, especially for condi builds where it allows you to setup your condi burst.

Entangle Roaming #1

in Ranger

Posted by: Sube Dai.8496

Sube Dai.8496

I thought its sole purpose was triggering krait or lyssa runes :P

no dude, even alone its op as hell

it’s unblockable immo with bleed..

when engis pop their block after using healing turret you can just use that and they are pretty much done if paired with krait runes

and it even tracks enemy in stealth, insane i would call it lol

but in wvw idk, people can get 93?% immo immune? it’s ridiculous

I think its great with krait runes, traited, but its pretty average otherwise.

John Snowman [GLTY]
Space Marine Z [GLTY]