Error in class mechanic

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


I apologize in advance for my bad English. I will do my best )

Today I want to talk about ranger’s mechanic. Just want to say that the idea itself is very interesting. Pets are diverse, easy to controll. Useble f2 ability is also good. Talking about another. Namely, the distribution of damage ranger/pet. For any of the rangers is no secret that pet deals minimum of 40% of all damage. While improving beastmaster traits thos percentage increases to 60%. I will be a little choise on the 80th level, because without beastmaster pet will dies in battle with 2 mobs. If we compare the Ranger with other classes: their mechanics give them an average of 0 to 15-20% of damage. Ranger’s mechanics, I think, takes away half. Think about it: warrior’s adrenaline or thief’s steal can’t… hm… just die in battle. And I have seen many fights in which the pet does not live more than 10n seconds. Besides control, though easy, but it is not enough. Pet not ordered to attack his own target, it attacks only yours. And with fast switching between far standing enemies damage gone again. Pets can not attack from walls. And can not attack thou who standing on the walls. Therefore, in www ranger have only half damage of another class. Should pay attention to vaunted unique “active” combat style. With dodges and rolls. Pet can not do it too. And to you, when it tanking, this is usually not necessary. So most of the fights very “normal” and even boring. But at high levels pet often dies because of AoE of strikes from which you want to dodge. And half of your damage with him.

I sincerely believe that damage should be strongly shifted to rangers. Make it similar to other classes. And leave to pets 10-15% of the total damage and interesting f2 ability. What do you think about it?

(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: riku.2091


That kinda shafts people who WANT to focus on their pet. We have all the choices we need to make pets work, and to be able to work without focusing on our pets. People just have to learn to use them. Avoid combat, heel, proper timing of abilities, traiting, etc.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Fluffycalico.2715


Not sure what you mean about your pet dieing to 2 regular mobs at 80 unless you are full beastmaster. I have 10 points in beastmater and my pet can usually hold off 2-3 silver mobs at same time let alone regular ones.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Valk.4013


That kinda shafts people who WANT to focus on their pet. We have all the choices we need to make pets work, and to be able to work without focusing on our pets. People just have to learn to use them. Avoid combat, heel, proper timing of abilities, traiting, etc.

It wouldn’t shaft people who want to focus their damage into their pet, they would have to trait for it. The same advice you gave him. A pets base damage unless traited for should be lowered and that damage transferred to the ranger himself. That way the ranger should have the option of focusing his damage into his pet or himself. Right now regardless of how you trait your pet is a large portion of your damage.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


I don’t say “full”. Just glossed sense for more drama ) But yep. If u have 0 in BM – it can. So u have no choise, but spent at least 10 points in BM

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

What pet are you using that has survivability issues? The bears are so tough I just keep 2 and enemies never get to me. one dies I switch to the other and by the time its about dead my swap is back up.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


All except bears, i guess ) . The necessary use of the bear is a minus for customization. Don’t your agree? And minus to your damage.

(edited by MeGaZlo.9516)

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Kailthir.6384


Although I love the way the polar bear and brown bear can soak up alot of damage… I do feel that I am hamstringed into only having these 2 pets qued for use.

Most of the other pets I have just do not have the survivability. They are too squishy. They die quickly. The wild version, I asure you, didn’t die that quickly.

So with that being said it stands to reason to use the only 2 pets (bears) that can take some hits and still be viable in a fight. Underwater you have 3 pets that do well… both bears and the shark. I use the shark. It can soak up a good amount of damage and give a good amount. Plus it has the bleeding dot that is a nice feature.

Anyways i think that other pets need to be looked at. I am not saying make them all tanks and whatnot. But give them some desent survivability. Right now all i got to really choose from is 2 bears…. and that sux.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


For any of the rangers is no secret that pet deals minimum of 40% of all damage.

You are wrong, so wrong on so many levels. I don’t know where you got all that arrogance to make that highly ignorant and misguided assumption.

Rangers deal ~90% of the damage of both the ranger and the pet put together.

For every pet attack, a ranger can attack 3 times with a shortbow. Average damage of a shortbow autoattack is 400 damage. Pets deal ~400 damage with each autoattack.

So for every 400 damage a pet does, a ranger would deal 1200 damage. Looks like it’s ~40% right?

But wait, shortbow autoattacks have a secondary effect – bleeds.

For each cast of Crossfire, a good ranger places 1 stack of bleed, and on a critical, a ~50% chance to place another with the right sigil and trait.

Now, my ranger sits at 1.2k condition damage, so each bleed lasts 4 seconds and deals 100 damage per second per stack.

With 3 crossfires, I place ~4.5 stacks of bleeding. That adds 1800 damage.

So a ranger dishes out 1800+1200 damage for every 400 damage a pet can deal.

3000/3400 * 100% = 88.2%(3 sig fig)

A ranger, properly traited, built and played, does a whooping 88.2% of the total damage of the ranger and pet put together. Not to mention, pets die a lot more often than the ranger himself, skewing the calculations in a practical setting in favor of the ranger even further.

So either you are trolling, or you are absolutely clueless. I daresay the latter is about right.

P.S. This is not counting the other attacks, utility slot and elite slot skills the ranger has, most of which increases the ranger’s dps even further.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: fervor.6491


Whenever there is a discussion about pets’ effectiveness, there is always a big disagreement because it’s quite different at level 1 vs level 80.

At low levels, pets are seriously overpowered and do the majority of the damage. With each level, the power shifts more and more to the ranger.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: MeGaZlo.9516


I do not know what kind of pet does hits by 400. It is more like on 2×400 shortbow hit against his 1×650. You have dot, he have abilites which hits by 1500. And eah… many rangers believe shortbow is the most powerful ranger weapon.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


I do not know what kind of pet does hits by 400. It is more like on 2×400 shortbow hit against his 1×650. You have dot, he have abilites which hits by 1500. And eah… many rangers believe shortbow is the most powerful ranger weapon.

Yeah sure, if you are misguided enough to put points into beastmastery, and yes, I also counted how many hits in game I can put out before a pet makes an attack, and that number is actually closer to 4 hits to 1 pet autoattack.

Next, the only 2 viable types of pets are the bears(highest vit) and the ranged pets(spiders, devourers etc). The rest die too quickly to even mention. None of them deal 1.5k damage with abilities to begin with. Even if they did, those abilities tend to be on a very long cooldown and have a huge startup delay(see list of ranger bugs thread).

So yeah, pets deal so little damage, 40%? What are you high on and where can I get some of that stuff?

Well anyway, moving on because the OP hasn’t actually played the ranger enough to comment, much less QQ, about it.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Ravina Gray.4719

Ravina Gray.4719

You are wrong, so wrong on so many levels. I don’t know where you got all that arrogance to make that highly ignorant and misguided assumption.

Rangers deal ~90% of the damage of both the ranger and the pet put together.

For every pet attack, a ranger can attack 3 times with a shortbow. Average damage of a shortbow autoattack is 400 damage. Pets deal ~400 damage with each autoattack.

So for every 400 damage a pet does, a ranger would deal 1200 damage. Looks like it’s ~40% right?

But wait, shortbow autoattacks have a secondary effect – bleeds.

For each cast of Crossfire, a good ranger places 1 stack of bleed, and on a critical, a ~50% chance to place another with the right sigil and trait.

Now, my ranger sits at 1.2k condition damage, so each bleed lasts 4 seconds and deals 100 damage per second per stack.

With 3 crossfires, I place ~4.5 stacks of bleeding. That adds 1800 damage.

So a ranger dishes out 1800+1200 damage for every 400 damage a pet can deal.

3000/3400 * 100% = 88.2%(3 sig fig)

A ranger, properly traited, built and played, does a whooping 88.2% of the total damage of the ranger and pet put together. Not to mention, pets die a lot more often than the ranger himself, skewing the calculations in a practical setting in favor of the ranger even further.

So either you are trolling, or you are absolutely clueless. I daresay the latter is about right.

P.S. This is not counting the other attacks, utility slot and elite slot skills the ranger has, most of which increases the ranger’s dps even further.

Finally!! Thank you for an informed post.

The balance between Ranger and pet is just about right IMO. Personally I’d prefer my pet not to be nerfed down to the usefulness of a chocolate fireguard.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


You are wrong, so wrong on so many levels. I don’t know where you got all that arrogance to make that highly ignorant and misguided assumption.

Rangers deal ~90% of the damage of both the ranger and the pet put together.

For every pet attack, a ranger can attack 3 times with a shortbow. Average damage of a shortbow autoattack is 400 damage. Pets deal ~400 damage with each autoattack.

So for every 400 damage a pet does, a ranger would deal 1200 damage. Looks like it’s ~40% right?

But wait, shortbow autoattacks have a secondary effect – bleeds.

For each cast of Crossfire, a good ranger places 1 stack of bleed, and on a critical, a ~50% chance to place another with the right sigil and trait.

Now, my ranger sits at 1.2k condition damage, so each bleed lasts 4 seconds and deals 100 damage per second per stack.

With 3 crossfires, I place ~4.5 stacks of bleeding. That adds 1800 damage.

So a ranger dishes out 1800+1200 damage for every 400 damage a pet can deal.

3000/3400 * 100% = 88.2%(3 sig fig)

A ranger, properly traited, built and played, does a whooping 88.2% of the total damage of the ranger and pet put together. Not to mention, pets die a lot more often than the ranger himself, skewing the calculations in a practical setting in favor of the ranger even further.

So either you are trolling, or you are absolutely clueless. I daresay the latter is about right.

P.S. This is not counting the other attacks, utility slot and elite slot skills the ranger has, most of which increases the ranger’s dps even further.

Finally!! Thank you for an informed post.

The balance between Ranger and pet is just about right IMO. Personally I’d prefer my pet not to be nerfed down to the usefulness of a chocolate fireguard.

Naturally, the calculations are based on a lvl 80 ranger with at least half a brain not to put in more than 5 points into beastmastery(quickness trait is good, really good), requirements of which isn’t fulfilled by our really clueless OP.

Also, the number of shortbow autoattacks you can put out in between pet attacks is closer to 4 than 3, but for prudence and ease of calculations I rounded it down to 3. Naturally, if I were to go into the exact number of hits the % of damage a ranger puts out actually increases yet again.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Lorithias.2873


OK for the damage but our pet are really an important part of our gameplay for dev and we just can’t use it in keep siege … we are the only one class with this problem.

And serioulsy … competence F2 reactivity are HORRIBLE they MUST change that things .. my lynx wait 2,5s before jumping on his enemy ! so easy to dodge u just have to run a little bit away .. and the OP is right, pet die way too fast ! sometimes a warrior or a thief just don’t target him make 2 aoe sword and pet is dead .. sound like stupid …

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

I agree completely, Im tired of 40% of my damage being killable, and so easily too. Or bugged, or just not able to attack because I chose an amazing sniping spot and pet cant go attack because pathing. I think they really need to shift the damage as well, make a trait that shifts like 30% of the pets damage to the ranger, something called like Alphas command or some kitten, and then it gives longbow rangers the option to be competetive.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Terkov.4138


I don’t agree. Me devouer can easily tank 3-4 normal mobs. He is ranged, so, as long as I move him out of AoE, he doesn’t die on boss fights. He hits like 2x 200-250 dmg.

I have 0 traits in pet tree.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Any pet works in open world pve. It’s dungeons and harder content that matters.

Also, I still see people saying ridiculous stuff like 40% of a ranger’s damage comes from pets. They don’t.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: Dante Dragonhand.2538

Dante Dragonhand.2538

Devourers are good but not amazing, and in pvp they are good for when pets cant path down into melee but still not amazing, and you lose utility that other pets bring just for the ability to use range with pets. Its dumb.