Am I good?… I’m good.
Eura - Current Build
Am I good?… I’m good.
Is oakheart adding any survivability? Or do you go down just as fast regardless?
Space Marine Z [GLTY]
oakheart is silly.
Am I good?… I’m good.
oakheart is silly.
Hi, How so?
I heard it on WP channel.
from 7:30 minYay nerfs every 2 weeks! /sarcasm
Seriously though, we should be talking damage buffs. We still only have one, rather easy to avoid burst skill.
We need improvements to GS damage and ability to land hits.
More condition application.
Offhand training…
The DPS of Rangers is one of the highest. From PvE point of view.
Rangers were designed as “stable DPS” class. So I’m not sure if burst will come into the question. Our survivability was addressed accordingly (We got a huge bunch of things).
If the meta didn’t make a 180% turn into 2second fights we would have been in a solid spot. And frankly, I don’t want all classes to be same.
I’d rather have Ranger similar to our current state… If we were able to fit the bloody game. With things we have. Let’s say – Spirits are a potent place to do that – but they need a long way to go.
If we get 33% resistance uptime, we are set to enter the game. But as long devs believe 33% regeneration and 33% 1 might is any useful, we are doomed. Especially when we can get 100% Regen with BM adept trait that also grants 100% swiftness. And yes, you need only 1 utility slot for this to happen.
Where in the Ranger lore do they evolve into Druids. I still don’t understand how druids and Rangers can be placed under the same category.
Where in the Ranger lore do they evolve into Druids. I still don’t understand how druids and Rangers can be placed under the same category.
Where should they be placed then?
Where in the Ranger lore do they evolve into Druids. I still don’t understand how druids and Rangers can be placed under the same category.
Ranger already had the Nature Magic traitline. They already had spirits or skills like healing spring. Druid moves further into that direction with more spiritual/magical focus for the class.
Also we have this distorted picture of druids from most fantasy RPGs but they are actually something that historically existed and those were certainly not capable of magically spawning roots or morphing into animals. They were using herbs and tracking animals though. Ranger already has skills like Troll Unguent. Lore wise it kind of makes sense imo.
(edited by Dojo.1867)
“Druid — Revealed during the PAX South panel where Heart of Thorns was revealed, it was confirmed that the ranger elite specialization will allow them to wield a staff and feature more nature oriented magic attacks.”
Well, it was already stated supposedly, so no point in going against it.
oakheart is silly.
Hi, How so?
5% isn’t going to help a ton. It’s just a trait to take because the others aren’t good and it helps theoretically… but in practice I bet there will be few times someone will say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!”
Am I good?… I’m good.
You could say that about any trait though (except some of the grandmasters which are game changing). It’s the cumulative effect of all of them that make your build (weakness, barkskin, protection, signet of stone, etc.) Toughness isn’t overrated afterall, and what’s 150 points of toughness do?
That’s why you go zerker! If you’re gonna get hit… Might as well let them hit you hard!
Am I good?… I’m good.
Dont you all forget the regen side of the trait, not all builds have access to prema regen uptime and this trait helps. And ya you can look at it as extra free toughness. Its not a game changing trait but i’ll take it any day over the vigor on evade trait.
oakheart is silly.
Hi, How so?
5% isn’t going to help a ton. It’s just a trait to take because the others aren’t good and it helps theoretically… but in practice I bet there will be few times someone will say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!”
You should look at it as an increased hp pool. 5% less direct damage on 25k hp are 1250 hp. Because you heal during fights and often take more than those 25k damage it is actually more. Doesn’t consider condis but the regen itself add quite some hp as well. A shame that they kept useless pet traits spread across random traitlines though and the stats on those are still way too low given that pets start at 0 condi damage (especially since the scaling part of condi damage got increased pets really need a base stat here).
(edited by Dojo.1867)
@ Dojo, I agree with you. Which is why sometimes someone might say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!” because they could make it out of a fight with like 200 hp. Most of the time that isn’t the case though. It’s not a bad pick up but with what its compared too, its the only pick up.
Am I good?… I’m good.
@ Dojo, I agree with you. Which is why sometimes someone might say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!” because they could make it out of a fight with like 200 hp. Most of the time that isn’t the case though. It’s not a bad pick up but with what its compared too, its the only pick up.
The thing is Eura, on that spot, nothing compares to Oakheart. Making it the only choice.
That WS line is so uninspiring for me.
@ Dojo, I agree with you. Which is why sometimes someone might say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!” because they could make it out of a fight with like 200 hp. Most of the time that isn’t the case though. It’s not a bad pick up but with what its compared too, its the only pick up.
That regen saves you at least from time to time.
The other traits you won’t ever benefit from regardless of situation.
That’s exactly my angle of view.
@ Dojo, I agree with you. Which is why sometimes someone might say, “Phew, that oakheart salve 5% just saved me!” because they could make it out of a fight with like 200 hp. Most of the time that isn’t the case though. It’s not a bad pick up but with what its compared too, its the only pick up.
The thing is Eura, on that spot, nothing compares to Oakheart. Making it the only choice.
That WS line is so uninspiring for me.
I’m not a huge fan of WS atm, but given the way mesmer has insta cast stuns, shared anguish isn’t a bad pick up. Also, i’m taking it now because I need the condi clear from the GM since HS is behaving so oddly since 7/7.
Am I good?… I’m good.
Oakheart doesn’t have to outright save you, you also play differently based on your current health. You might start blowing cooldowns and LoSing if you’re nearly dead, and the ranger with 3k more health from regen and damage reduction is playing more aggressively.
Oakheart doesn’t have to outright save you, you also play differently based on your current health. You might start blowing cooldowns and LoSing if you’re nearly dead, and the ranger with 3k more health from regen and damage reduction is playing more aggressively.
The main point is that, anyone could say its a great trait, even if its bad, there is nothing you can slot over it.
Muddy Landing thingy anyone?
Pets Expertise anyone?
Well they are tier 1 after all, and it’s one of the more solid ones I think. Clarion Bond and GFtEs are the only 2 better tier 1 traits off the top of my head.
GFtEs is so good I wish it was tier 2, so I could take shout reduction with it.
Am I good?… I’m good.
I take GFTE with my condi celestial bunker because I sit in one area and spam blinds, and shouts always for LB/GS (WHaO and SotP)