Event farming
Then have a cigarette.
Then collect your loot.
To add to Yak’s impressive description, it also helps to trait into high Marksmanship and pick up “piercing arrows”. This allows your abilities to punch through multiple targets at once, so you can score multi-kills and tag more mobs with less work.
All in all.
Auto-attack the furthest mob in the group for max devastation.
Have a drink.
Collect moar loot.
Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts (MMAC)
1) Swap pet for speed buff throw barrage again and rapid fire the furtest mob.
2) Go to the bathroom
3) come back and loot some more
Yv Ilthi lvl 80 human Mesmer
All I’m seeing so far is;
1. Use AoE
2. ???
3. Profit
He did ask for a gear setup and build, not just “kill mobs get loot l0lz”.
I don’t know about build but for gear, if you’re looking to farm loot from mobs with event farming, try and go for a full set of Explorer’s Prowler gear. It gives power and precision for killing mobs, while also giving magic find so you get more / better loot. That’s what I use at the moment anyway and it seems to work very well for my income.
Hope that helped a little bit for you. It’s just what I use, I don’t know if it’ll suit you / if it’s the best!
If you are really farming in the spirit of the first few answers (lol) then even killing doesn’t mean a whole lot, just tagging. If I was to go farming purely to build a cash supply, I’d stack every bit of Find Magic I could in every place I could. Then tag everything once and let the mob (presuming a good event farmer is running with a pack) do most of the heavy lifting. That’d just seem awfully boring to me.