Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
[Update: May 9] Before reading, please note that the build has a stacking signet on each weaponset. This is not an error. This is just a personal preference where I will make my first kill on a new map with whichever sigil I feel like stacking at the time. Feel free to take some liberty on the other stacking sigil if you’d like.
[Update: May 30] Settler’s gear works fine too. In fact, I’d suggest using it over apothecary since it is so cheap and utilizes the toughness major with hp/condition minors rather than hp major with toughness/condition minors. You get more defense, so unless you’re being conditioned down to death, your heals are worth more.
[Update: June 4] Changed weapons and armor to “Settler’s” stats. Keeping ascended trinkets as “Apothecary”, but if you use exotic trinkets, it is recommended to swap to “Settler’s” for everything.
[Update: June 25] The patch hurt the pets pretty bad. I’d say it decreased the damage efficiency of this build by 10-15%, but it is still very viable. I still don’t usually die in 1v1s, and the other person will still die. Just takes slightly longer now.
“RRR” stands for Roaming Regen Ranger. It’s a build I made up, but it’s not really new to the game. It’s a twist on your general BM/WS builds with an emphasis towards healing. The particular way I play it is with Sword/Torch and Axe/Dagger which is the recommended weapon set.
Video demonstrating how the regeneration stacks throughout a fight
Link to WvW PvP videos
Link to build
How a ranger can heal 100,000 hp/min and more
1331 healing power (before stacks) | 1581 healing power (when stacked)
3151 armor
Runes of Dwayna
Wilderness Survival: III VIII XII
Nature Magic: III
Beastmastery: IV V XII
Exotic Settler’s armor/weapons
Ascended Apothecary trinkets
25 Stacks of Life
Food: Mango Pie or Veggie Pizza
Nourishment: Recommended to use Quality Tuning Crystal (adds ~150 condition damage for a fraction of the price of the lvl 80 tuning crystal)
After only a couple seconds in a large fight, you can stack 40s+ of regeneration boon. I consider the regeneration to be constant passive because while fighting, it pretty much stacks up infinitely on its own from your traits.
From regeneration: 130 + 0.125*(1581) = 328 hp/s
From signet of the wild: 62 + 0.06*(1581) = 157 hp/s
From beastmastery XII grandmaster trait: 180 hp every 3 seconds = 60 hp/s
From mango pie: 85 hp/s
So, you basically have something like 630 hp/s on average of passive regeneration while in battle (545 hp/s without mango pie)… and even moreso in zergs from the soothing mist boon (ele) and rejuvenation boon (guard). For more information on heals, please refer to my 4th link up above ^^^^^^^
It’s obviously not for everyone’s playstyle. Keep in mind that – by definition – it is a roaming build. That means it is not for large group play. Emphasis is placed on the built in evades in sword and dagger while spreading the conditions and said evades over both weapon combos rather than your traditional Sword/Dagger and Axe/Torch which does little to emphasize weapon swapping.
Weapon swap often, dodge at good times, remember to use your pet, and heal away.
Go get em
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
if you’re so survivable how come you have so much damaged armour? Cool build.
if you’re so survivable how come you have so much damaged armour?
Cool build.
Eh, it happens. I haven’t repaired since before WvW reset, so that’s a good sign.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
An Apothecary Bunker build, basically, just… all the way. :P I’ll give this a shot once passion flower drop rates aren’t best expressed in scientific notation.
I have same armor and runes and get about this healing on my character… Unfortunately there is some eles out there that I have dueled and they just out last me water attune ent is lame
I often run something similar and enjoy it but I focus more on the heals it gives the pet and the added support I can give my allies through healing spring, runes, and sigils. High healing + 30 BM + 25 Masters Bond + Signet of the Wild + shared Regen + Carnivorous Appetite + Compassion Training = the pet is having a good time and healing far more than you.
I often run something similar and enjoy it but I focus more on the heals it gives the pet and the added support I can give my allies through healing spring, runes, and sigils. High healing + 30 BM + 25 Masters Bond + Signet of the Wild + shared Regen + Carnivorous Appetite + Compassion Training = the pet is having a good time and healing far more than you.
I usually run healing spring when in a group. My favorite part is how the ~60% regen duration bonus is applied to them as well.
An Apothecary Bunker build, basically, just… all the way. :P I’ll give this a shot once passion flower drop rates aren’t best expressed in scientific notation.
I didn’t even bother with passiflora drops. Just got the ascended gear through guild missions, daily laurels, and fractal runs.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
Perhaps I am mistaken, pretty sure I tried it for fun and needed to use spring to get that though.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
Perhaps I am mistaken, pretty sure I tried it for fun and needed to use spring to get that though.
I uploaded a video on youtube. Ignore the talks of cats and such… didn’t realize my mic was open. It’s currently being processed, but you should be able to see it in a little bit. It should help demonstrate how quickly regeneration stacks on its own.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
Faux Sheaux,
Instead of Saffron Mango Ice Cream you should use Mango Pies. Not only are they dirt cheap but you will get more passive regen despite having a lower healing power (662 vs 602 — this accounts for the adjustment in healing power). Additionally, the passive from Mango Pies increases with WvW bonuses and you get an extra 700 health to boot.
I uploaded a video on youtube. Ignore the talks of cats and such… didn’t realize my mic was open. It’s currently being processed, but you should be able to see it in a little bit. It should help demonstrate how quickly regeneration stacks on its own.
Cats, you say?
Faux Sheaux,
Instead of Saffron Mango Ice Cream you should use Mango Pies. Not only are they dirt cheap but you will get more passive regen despite having a lower healing power (662 vs 602 — this accounts for the adjustment in healing power). Additionally, the passive from Mango Pies increases with WvW bonuses and you get an extra 700 health to boot.
I’m a sucker for the karma boost :x I do swap to those pies though if I’m in a pinch (like defending in a keep against larger number), but generally that karma booster is pretty nice and adds up after a while. I’ll change the description to this post though because you are right, it’s a great food.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
This is probably the kind of builds whose existence justifies the massive burst professions like theives enjoy. Is this build on the compilation thread? Thanks for sharing.
If only the apothecary wasn’t so expensive
If only the apothecary wasn’t so expensive
Yeah, it’s a shame ANET hasn’t tweaked the drop rate of passion flowers. I even go to southsun from time to time to try my luck and I never get any.
Yeah, it’s a shame ANET hasn’t tweaked the drop rate of passion flowers. I even go to southsun from time to time to try my luck and I never get any.
Going to Southsun every day for a month, I’ve gotten 4 or 5. That being the case, I can totally understand why passiflora trinkets cost as much as they do. It still sucks, though.
This is probably the kind of builds whose existence justifies the massive burst professions like theives enjoy. Is this build on the compilation thread? Thanks for sharing.
Nah, I just felt like posting. I was running with a 5-man group… a ele, guardian, and two mesmers. Being close quarters at all times with the ele and guardian gave me almost 900 passive regeneration and I had to double-take and say “HOLYWTFBBQ”. Did the math, tweaked things a little, changed traits to focus a little more on beastmastery than nature magic and boon duration, and this was the result. Thank you for your interest.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
When the opponent has any form of boon stripping? You’re stacking cooldowns, but the boon is gone in one fell swoop.
A mesmer with boon removal on shatter alone will remove the regen faster than you can put it up.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
When the opponent has any form of boon stripping? You’re stacking cooldowns, but the boon is gone in one fell swoop.
A mesmer with boon removal on shatter alone will remove the regen faster than you can put it up.
Between the regeneration activating every few seconds in a fight and boon stripping being a very situational thing to worry about, boon removal is pretty much a non issue.
You’re right though, it’s something to look out for. I guess that part relies on the player’s ability to dodge.
Yeah, it’s a shame ANET hasn’t tweaked the drop rate of passion flowers. I even go to southsun from time to time to try my luck and I never get any.
They did though.
Increased the drop rate of Passion Flowers from Passiflora Vines.
It’s obviously not for everyone’s playstyle, but I do like staying alive and being able to tag the red names in the enemy zerg. I just thought I’d share, because it’s a fun build.
Since you’re talking about zergs, I presume you’re using this most often in WvW in which case I’d say use of Healing Spring is even more important. A 15 second water field every 30 seconds makes a huge difference, especially on rams when you’re taking down a door.
Yeah, it’s a shame ANET hasn’t tweaked the drop rate of passion flowers. I even go to southsun from time to time to try my luck and I never get any.
They did though.
Increased the drop rate of Passion Flowers from Passiflora Vines.
Ah, good eye. To the…well read?…goes the spoils…
needs spirit of nature.
needs spirit of nature.
As far as I know—due to limited testing last night—spirit of nature is bugged and does not revive fallen allies. Have you seen this behavior? It has been confirmed by two people to bug in wvw although one person reportedly had it work in a dungeon.
needs spirit of nature.
As far as I know—due to limited testing last night—spirit of nature is bugged and does not revive fallen allies. Have you seen this behavior? It has been confirmed by two people to bug in wvw although one person reportedly had it work in a dungeon.
don’t know about WvW, but I rezzed myself in spvp countless times by popping it right before I went to downed state. Also, like similar skills, it only resurrects players in downed state.
Basically, they down you, bam, you are back on your feet at half health and start regenerating like crazy again.
That and the group support. I just can’t bring myself to get entangle or rao on my GC longbow/gs ranger, when I can have that self-rezzing mechanism(or for rezzing others, for that matter)
I just recommend, popping it before you drop to 5k health. There is nothing more shameful than popping a spirit and going down before being able to tell it to rezz.
You can’t use Troll Unguent and get perma regeneration.
Troll unguent stacks 8 seconds of regen on you on top of its heal (25s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). Getting hit by a damaging condition gives you 8 seconds of regen (20s cooldown from traits). Going below 75% hp gives you 8 seconds of regen (30s cooldown from traits). 5% chance of gaining 16s regen from being hit (30s cooldown from Runes of Dwayna). 10s regen from fern hound (20s cooldown).
Runes of Dwayna are pretty handy. 20% regen duration from runes + 33% duration from traits + 10% regen duration from 10 points in nature magic gives an overall +63% duration bonus to all regenerations applied.
So, tell me… where does the perma regeneration not happen when you are in battle?
When the opponent has any form of boon stripping? You’re stacking cooldowns, but the boon is gone in one fell swoop.
A mesmer with boon removal on shatter alone will remove the regen faster than you can put it up.
It won’t remove TU which would still heal like a truck.
With the frequency in which regeneration stacks and how little mesmer boon removal is an actual problem, I still think it’s a nonissue.
Plus signet of renewal combined with the grandmaster wilderness survival trait that rips three conditions off you and transfers it to pet every 10 seconds makes for some even greater survivability. I think the other grandmaster isn’t quite as useful with this build just due to the relatively small amount of time you will spend under 25% hp.
If you want to get even higher regen, run with an ele and a guardian for soothing mist and rejuvenation. Pop that mango pie food and the regeneration booster. Now you’ve got 1000+ passive regeneration, cheers.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
This is BM bunker build, only its focusing a bit more on Defense with more Regens.
I always found my damage suffered somewhat when doing this so I focused a bit more on offense (Superior rune of nightmare, rare veggie pizza)
You do heal for a crap load though with that setup.
Better start saving laurels/relics if you want to run this build because good luck paying for the trinkets.
I’m just bumping this coz I still want to see the vid. I clicked on the link but it says it’s not available
The only trait that may work to your benefit is Nature’s Bounty. The thing is, any regen that has 100% up time will not be affected because they already never end. I also tested this trait against Troll Unguent and was disappointed to see that it did not bump the time to 13 sec from 10 sec.
The only thing I see Nature’s Bounty working with is the Salvari hound’s regen howl (I have yet to test this) which makes it a good combo with Commanding Voice which you said you use. Assuming it works.
Edit: Just compared the pets howl with and without Nature’s Bounty. No difference and I reconfirmed Troll Unguent as no difference.
Edit2: It works on Healing Spring and Healing Seed but only for the regen part. It won’t increase the up time of the skill itself. This works really good. By default the pulse is almost synced with the regen timer but with Nature’s Bounty, the regen timer is about 2 seconds longer. This causes whatever time left to be added to the refresh. By the time the skill is done, leaving 15 seconds of CD, you have 10 sec worth of regen on you. If you take the trait that allows your pet to have any boon you get, then your pet can benefit from the Healing Spring without even being in it itself.
(edited by Deamhan.9538)
The only thing I see Nature’s Bounty working with is the Salvari hound’s regen howl (I have yet to test this) which makes it a good combo with Commanding Voice which you said you use. Assuming it works.
Edit: Just compared the pets howl with and without Nature’s Bounty. No difference and I reconfirmed Troll Unguent as no difference.
Question for Feaux and Deamhan: Nature Magic III “Nature’s Bounty [NM]”- Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer); What specifically does this trait extend??
1. “Troll Ungent” – Regenerates health over time for ranger and pet but wiki says “Does not apply regeneration” so NM provides no extension.
2. “Signet of the Wild” – applies regeneration to you and pet, but the regeneration is constant while the signet is passive so again NM provides no extension.
3. Nature Magic minor “Rejuvenation” – You gain regeneration when your health reaches 75%—Grants regeneration for 5 seconds—so this is extended by 1.65 seconds from NM and further extended by Rune of Dwayna (+20% Regeneration Duration) for 1 second?
4. Beastmastery III “Compassion Training” – according to wiki, At level 80, this grants 350 healing power to your pet—so again NM has no affect on it.
5. Fern Hound (howl to grant regeneration to nearby allies) NM does not affect this regen according to Deamhan’s testing.
6. Nature Magic minor “Fortifying Bond” – Any boon you get is shared with your pet;
wiki says “regeneration is 5 seconds and is affected by boon duration and Nature’s Bounty”.
7. “Healing Spring” – Create a spring that heals you, your pet, Grants a 3s Regen every 3s for 15s; NM extends this.
8. “Natural Healing” Beastmastery XII- Your pets have natural health (this is a constant regen for you and pet).
Summary: Nature’s Magic appears to only extend Healing Spring, Rejuvenation, and Fortifying Bond (only 1 of which you have in your build Feaux). Please let me know if this incorrect.
Great build Feaux, thanks for posting but I dont understand your statement “after only a couple seconds in a large fight, you can stack 40s+ of regeneration boon” unless you are referring to the Signet of the Wild and Natural Healing that are constant.
Parts of post repeated from Akatriel in an earlier thread:
(edited by glock.2089)
If you’re feeling really bunkery. Double moa will heal you for about 7k.
Question for Feaux and Deamhan: Nature Magic III “Nature’s Bounty [NM]”- Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer); What specifically does this trait extend??
It does exactly what it says, it extends regeneration that you apply wich can be from traits, runes or healing spring to yourself, pets or other players, in his case from the minor natures magic trait and runes of dwayna.
Question for Feaux and Deamhan: Nature Magic III “Nature’s Bounty [NM]”- Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer); What specifically does this trait extend??
It does exactly what it says, it extends regeneration that you apply wich can be from traits, runes or healing spring to yourself, pets or other players, in his case from the minor natures magic trait and runes of dwayna.
Wow that really cleared it up a single sentence vague generalization. Do you even bother to read full posts? The trait applies in some cases of regen and not others (that is the whole point of examination/clarification “wich” seems to be lost on you).
(edited by glock.2089)
Question for Feaux and Deamhan: Nature Magic III “Nature’s Bounty [NM]”- Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer); What specifically does this trait extend??
It does exactly what it says, it extends regeneration that you apply wich can be from traits, runes or healing spring to yourself, pets or other players, in his case from the minor natures magic trait and runes of dwayna.
Wow that really cleared it up a single sentence vague generalization. Do you even bother to read full posts? The trait applies in some cases of regen and not others (that is the whole point of examination/clarification that seems to be lost on you).
It applies in all cases of regeneration. If the heal isn’t the regeneration boon then it doesn’t apply, simple.
Question for Feaux and Deamhan: Nature Magic III “Nature’s Bounty [NM]”- Regeneration you apply lasts 33% longer); What specifically does this trait extend??
It does exactly what it says, it extends regeneration that you apply wich can be from traits, runes or healing spring to yourself, pets or other players, in his case from the minor natures magic trait and runes of dwayna.
Wow that really cleared it up a single sentence vague generalization. Do you even bother to read full posts? The trait applies in some cases of regen and not others (that is the whole point of examination/clarification “wich” seems to be lost on you).
It actually does. Troll Unguent is not a Regeneration boon, it’s a Troll Unguent Boon. It also only affects the Regeneration that comes from your Ranger, not from other sources (which unfortunately also includes the Fern Hound’s howl).
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s like the forums are a separate game where you’re only allowed to theory-craft instead of actually playing the builds.
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s like the forums are a separate game where you’re only allowed to theory-craft instead of actually playing the builds.
i’ve played hunter a lot since first beta event. and have just noticed that i have a small passive regeneration too) funny^^
you could just say normally to me :“hey dude, you are wrong, you receive regeneration too with this trait”
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s easy to miss I did too before someone pointed it out to me but it also gives you regen, you miss it cause it ticks every 3 seconds instead of once per second like it does for your pet it’s unaffected by your healing and other bonuses you have to boons and regens though, it’s a separete regen that can only be increased with the trait that gives your pet more healing power.
edit: you already noticed it, oh well…
(edited by Manekk.6981)
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s easy to miss I did too before someone pointed it out to me but it also gives you regen, you miss it cause it ticks every 3 seconds instead of once per second like it does for your pet it’s unaffected by your healing and other bonuses you have to boons and regens though, it’s a separete regen that can only be increased with the trait that gives your pet more healing power.
edit: you already noticed it, oh well…
Thank you for answer!
You said : can only be increased with the trait that gives your pet more healing power.
So, as i understood Beast Mastery IV also boosts this heal(beast mastery XII) on me. Does it correct?
p.s. where could i read some tricks about this? Because i didn’t know about it just because of wrong description of traits.
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s like the forums are a separate game where you’re only allowed to theory-craft instead of actually playing the builds.
i’ve played hunter a lot since first beta event. and have just noticed that i have a small passive regeneration too) funny^^
you could just say normally to me :“hey dude, you are wrong, you receive regeneration too with this trait”
You must be thinking of WoW, which actually explains a lot.
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
It’s easy to miss I did too before someone pointed it out to me but it also gives you regen, you miss it cause it ticks every 3 seconds instead of once per second like it does for your pet it’s unaffected by your healing and other bonuses you have to boons and regens though, it’s a separete regen that can only be increased with the trait that gives your pet more healing power.
edit: you already noticed it, oh well…
Thank you for answer!
You said : can only be increased with the trait that gives your pet more healing power.
So, as i understood Beast Mastery IV also boosts this heal(beast mastery XII) on me. Does it correct?
p.s. where could i read some tricks about this? Because i didn’t know about it just because of wrong description of traits.
Compassion training increases it yes, not sure what you mean with tricks there’s not much more to say about either of those traits but any information about traits you’re wondering about can be found on the official wiki wich will generally explain them in detail as opposed to our tooltips and you can also find information about bugs on certain traits and/or equipment.
I’m surprised to see this thread bumped, sorry for the late replies… thought it died.
Great build Feaux, thanks for posting but I dont understand your statement “after only a couple seconds in a large fight, you can stack 40s+ of regeneration boon” unless you are referring to the Signet of the Wild and Natural Healing that are constant.
In a large fight it is very easy to have 25%+ of your health disappear in an instant. This triggers a regen with a fairly short cooldown. It also triggers if you are below 75% hp and the cooldown resets. Bleeding, burning, and poisons will trigger a regen as well. Again, short cooldown. Healing will stack a regen as well. Also, in big fights, it’s very easy to be hit many times by “small attacks”. I don’t know what else to call them. They don’t do much damage, but they hit an area and they hit OFTEN. So while you may not notice the damage, your combat log will tell you that a midget is punching your shins. There’s a 5% chance for a regen to stack from being hit (very long regen), and it also has a short cooldown (like half a minute). Between one thing and another, the regen reapplies itself fairly often.
This is BM bunker build, only its focusing a bit more on Defense with more Regens.
I always found my damage suffered somewhat when doing this so I focused a bit more on offense (Superior rune of nightmare, rare veggie pizza)
You do heal for a crap load though with that setup.
I’ll often swap out my food with rare veggie pizza… honestly though, with 1000+ condition damage, there isn’t much of an issue with damage. Sure, it may not be the highest out there, but it’s far from suffering.
Guys, Beast Mastery XII applies passive regeneration only to your pet as i see…Could someone tell me why do you also calculate this?
Applies to your pet every second. Applies to you every two seconds. It’s always good to refer to the official wiki for skill clarification. Lots of them have nice little hidden goodies.
PS: I’ll fix the video in the morning. It’s just me standing still in Orr as several undead beat at me to no effect. Shows the regens stacking to like a minute pretty easily.
PSS: Regen duration bonuses do not apply to fern hound despite the skill showing an increased regeneration time. It’s a simple 10s regeneration, despite the time showing as something like 13s on the hound’s skill bar. This is a bug.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
Any updates or further observations on this build? Also, the video link still doesn’t work
We’d seriously have the best babies, Menorah. Y U NO HAVE MINE YET?!
Oh and yay builds and stuff.
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