Menorah | Charr Cat | Some Cat Thing
Still running my old RRR build because why not
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
“RRR” stands for Roaming Regen Ranger. For more details on the build, click here —> My general build is discussed in this thread.
RRR Roaming 1
RRR Deaths Montage: To Kill a Ranger
Silly Uplevel
Ranger 1vX Compilation (new)
I use sword/torch and axe/dagger. I’ll make another video of fight club duels just so people can get a better idea of how it fights against various classes.
I don’t stick to a conformed set of traits, slot utilities, or even pets. Those all just depend on what I feel like running at the time, so I can’t give you a precise build for what I’m using in these videos because it’s constantly changing. Everything recorded was on WvW reset (or slightly before) this last Friday, but I was running different traits throughout the night (even different armour colours).
The only thing you can rely on is that I use a 0/0/30/10/30 build with the specific traits outlined in the link above. Regeneration takes priority over all else in my traits, but the food in WvW is generally more condition based than survivability. Otherwise, there’s no way to kill d/d elementalists or other rangers.
(edited by Faux Sheaux.6179)
Might want to provide a link to your actual build, with an explanation of gear, sigils, runes, food, whatever.
Get Cyberlink Director 11 easy to use and pumps out HD videos in no time for youtube.
Thanks Sol
15 characters
I was just introduced to the healing/regen ranger, its not melee though…The thing is it seems to me -and correct me if I’m wrong- its an OP archetype -if it could be called an archetype.
When we can have about 2k power and 1k healing which yields about 1,000 HPS and between 40% and 70% mitigation and from there play between Healing Power and Precision its a power house from small groups and 1vX.
You went with the classic Sword which is our highest DPS weapon and the rest comes from a bit of Conditions and pets…Others have focused on pets and bows and so on but the ALL have between 9xx – 1xxx healing!
I wounder how many other professions can build that way?
In any case, this kind of Ranger will annihilate any DPS and any bunker 1v1 and will face trouble only against 1v2 and higher…
It costs over 100g and hours of karma and wvw farm to get that kind of gear, but once done its OP time…
Good song, can barely see anything on that video sadly but I’ll check out the next one
I’ve actually running apothecary gear which isn’t power-based at all. Since I don’t rely on any precision or power (I’m a 0/0/30/10/30 build), I focus enemies with sustained conditions. I can rack up to seven unique conditions at once on an opponent. Combine that with 1700+ healing power, and you get some ridiculous roaming ability.
I’d like to point out though that this is not a DPS build. It has high conditions, but only medium damage ability. The strength of this build comes not from its healing power or conditions, but from the player’s ability to utilize the built-in evades as intended when they are needed. If you can read your opponent, nothing will beat you in small skirmishes. I tried to emphasize the evades in this video since there are plenty of times when stealthed opponents will try to burst me and a simple weapon skill will thwart the attempt.
Good song, can barely see anything on that video sadly but I’ll check out the next one
Yeah I’ll make a new video.
Might want to provide a link to your actual build, with an explanation of gear, sigils, runes, food, whatever.
Good song, can barely see anything on that video sadly but I’ll check out the next one
I remade the video with another software and reuploaded it. Quality should be much better now.
Might want to provide a link to your actual build, with an explanation of gear, sigils, runes, food, whatever.
The OP has been changed to provide a link to an earlier post detailing the foundation of this build. Since it’s dynamic and changes based on my mood, I can’t give you specifics, so this is probably the best place to start.
Appove of the new video, for some reason the music got me hooked + I’m using same build almost in TPvP duels lol.
It’s good to see how you have your weapons setup and what pet combos you use smart way of looking at it same way I look at it.
But I run the 0/10/30/10/20 build just for that extra pet crit damage.
Allot of BM builds use the Signet of Hunt but don’t put it in use I recommend you train when you petswap to use it on there F2 you will destroy allot faster. The 30 second CD is nothing when it comes to a duel.
(edited by Sol.4310)
Also what software did you end up using.
Really nice vid!
Good stuff Faux Sheaux. I have been playing around with your build since you smacked my Warrior and Ranger around with it.
I haven’t lost a 1v1 since…which is amazing since i kinda suck
My healing doesn’t get as high as your 1700 so still have to play with it a bit.
Question for you. I use same weapons but combine them differently. I use Axe/Torch for my ranged and Sword/Dagger for my tight fights. What is the strategy behind your combination ?
Good stuff Faux Sheaux. I have been playing around with your build since you smacked my Warrior and Ranger around with it.
I haven’t lost a 1v1 since…which is amazing since i kinda suck
My healing doesn’t get as high as your 1700 so still have to play with it a bit.
Question for you. I use same weapons but combine them differently. I use Axe/Torch for my ranged and Sword/Dagger for my tight fights. What is the strategy behind your combination ?
Axe/Torch offers more dps, but Axe/Dagger has a built in evade. If I am in a crunch, I weapon swap and pop the evade skill to avoid taking massive damage. Since I can’t control when my opponents will immobilize, daze, stun, and/or burst me, I prefer the age old “better safe than sorry.”
I noticed you also used cats at times. I am using Fern + Hyenas atm but was thinking of switching out Fern for Panther to have a little more burst at times …plus the bleeds.
I also like the idea of Hyenas + Wolf fear which combines for a lot of CC
I just like panther for surprising enemies. It’s especially effective at 1v2 because people get overconfident and don’t dodge as much.
The wolf fear is awesome too. I just find it more effective on classes that require being close to me to do damage (I don’t count d/d eles to be part of this category… they are some enigmatic thing to considers on its own). Otherwise, I’m scaring a medium-long range enemy away from me, and it’s tough for me to deal damage to them when they are far away.
This man knows how to exploit our strengths, Bravo…well done!
Be advised as this will be the result when you encounter a Regen Bunker Ranger!
Also what software did you end up using.
The one you recommended
In any case, this kind of Ranger will annihilate any DPS and any bunker 1v1 and will face trouble only against 1v2 and higher…
For the most part, 1v2 isn’t an issue either unless there is a mesmer involved. Mesmers require 100% of my concentration, so I will end up running most of the time from a 1v2 if the mesmer has a shred of skill.
Otherwise, it’s not an issue really. I usually target warriors or engineers first. Thieves have become such a non-issue for the most part now that I don’t even bother trying to hurt them if they are a stealth build.. at least until their buddy is down. They are predictable and well-timed evades will mess up anything they try.
I can’t 1v3 very much unless the players are just downright bad. This build still isn’t as good as a d/d elementalist in 1vX.
which pets do you consider best for your build? And whats your opinion on birds?Hawks/owls
I don’t like birds. I think some combo of panther, snow leopard, lynx, fern hound, or juvenile wolf would work best. That’s just my style of play though. I don’t think any combination works best 24/7, so my rotation is usually based on my mood.
I also sometimes retrait for “20% reduced cooldown on offhand skills” over the “regeneration on burn/bleed/poison” in wilderness survival. I run fern hound F2 to make up for the loss in duration. Again, it’s really situational.
In any case, this kind of Ranger will annihilate any DPS and any bunker 1v1 and will face trouble only against 1v2 and higher…
For the most part, 1v2 isn’t an issue either unless there is a mesmer involved. Mesmers require 100% of my concentration, so I will end up running most of the time from a 1v2 if the mesmer has a shred of skill.
Otherwise, it’s not an issue really. I usually target warriors or engineers first. Thieves have become such a non-issue for the most part now that I don’t even bother trying to hurt them if they are a stealth build.. at least until their buddy is down. They are predictable and well-timed evades will mess up anything they try.
I can’t 1v3 very much unless the players are just downright bad. This build still isn’t as good as a d/d elementalist in 1vX.
I think you are 100% correct and also think that once people realize that ranger is at its best focusing on healing and toughness and for the third stat a mix of power/precision Anet may nurf Ranger a bit.
The thing is out side of 30% extra pet crit damage the top 2 trait lines are of far less value then the bottom 3.
White Sylvari Ranger, running apoth gear, Axe+Dagger/Sword+Torch instead of the more common Axe+Torch/Sword+Dagger, and fighting Anvil Rock / Borlis Pass …
… Hey Menorah!
Excellent video, bud
I’m curious if anyone has figured out a way to be successful in the power (Cleric) version of the build? I’ve had some success, but it seems to pale in contrast to what you can do with Apothecary since direct damage seems to desire power, crit, and crit damage as opposed to simply condition damage.
At the post concerning the cost of the gear:
It does not take that long to farm the gear for apothecary gear. When I finally got the achievement for killing 500 karka, I had almost the 180 karka shells needed to craft the 6 pieces of armor.
I do hate that it is 30 shells per piece of armor/weapon though … ridiculous.
Trinkets aren’t bad with the introduction of the Laurels, pristine fractal relics, and guild commendations.
I play a similar build—slightly different—with great results. I wonder if SoR and BG are sick of being killed by a cute, pink haired ranger yet.
White Sylvari Ranger, running apoth gear, Axe+Dagger/Sword+Torch instead of the more common Axe+Torch/Sword+Dagger, and fighting Anvil Rock / Borlis Pass …
… Hey Menorah!
Excellent video, bud
I’m curious if anyone has figured out a way to be successful in the power (Cleric) version of the build? I’ve had some success, but it seems to pale in contrast to what you can do with Apothecary since direct damage seems to desire power, crit, and crit damage as opposed to simply condition damage.
At the post concerning the cost of the gear:
It does not take that long to farm the gear for apothecary gear. When I finally got the achievement for killing 500 karka, I had almost the 180 karka shells needed to craft the 6 pieces of armor.
I do hate that it is 30 shells per piece of armor/weapon though … ridiculous.
Trinkets aren’t bad with the introduction of the Laurels, pristine fractal relics, and guild commendations.
Someone in my guild plays that armor. As far as I know, the way you play is pretty similar. What troubles did you encounter?
It’s not so much “troubles” as it is:
“it doesn’t feel as offensively threatening to my foe(s) as the condition build”.
With the condition build in apothecary gear, I can kill another bunker. With the power build in cleric gear, other bunkers and I eventually just stop and bow to each other as we run off to kill glass cannons.
If that guildie is willing, I’d love to run with you guys somtime and observe. Best way to learn how someone else is using it.
It’s not so much “troubles” as it is:
“it doesn’t feel as offensively threatening to my foe(s) as the condition build”.
With the condition build in apothecary gear, I can kill another bunker. With the power build in cleric gear, other bunkers and I eventually just stop and bow to each other as we run off to kill glass cannons.
If that guildie is willing, I’d love to run with you guys somtime and observe. Best way to learn how someone else is using it.
Well, yeah, in WvW people think stacking toughness is the best. So what you find is that power is typically negated while conditions are more powerful than they should be. Are you in JQ?
Yep. It’s why I’m surprised Osicat’s builds, straight from the forum without any changes, are so popular … 0 condition removal. Also why the Engineer HGH condition build is so powerful right now.
looks down at own signature … Ehmry Bay here. I only visit JQ when I want to use karma for something in Orr. Often to try out something before spending laurels, guild commendations, etc. on it for one of my 80s.
I’ve been trying this build out for a bit in sPVP. It’s interesting, and definitely survivable. However, main hand sword is still far too crippling to use for me personally. It disrupts the flow of combat, and self-roots you way too often. Have any of you had any success trading out the sword/torch combo for GS or SB?
I really REALLY want to like my ranger again, and I had hopes for this build. But until Anet fixes some of the glaring, fundamental problems with the class and it’s weapons and such, no matter how good the build is, it’s still going to be too frustrating to play.
(edited by Eliteseraph.4970)
You can fix the sword root by deactivating autoattack
So the answer is to just not use sword 1? That’s not right.
No..What hes saying is that you just deactivated the auto-attack so it doesnt root during the chaina nd you can evade, you just have to continuously hit the #1 attack..
Yeah ^
Just shift+right click your #1 skill to deactivate. The two arrows that create a loop around the box will disappear, and then you’ll know it’s working right.
Huh…been playing GW2 for awhile, didn’t know you could do that. I always assumed it would automatically go to the next in the chain. I’ll give it another shot.
That doens’t mean Anet shouldn’t still fix the attack chain, tho.
EDIT: Hmm….I tried it but it’s still progressing the attack chain, meaning that spamming 1 still self-roots. It’s going to be easier for me to just not use sword in the mainhand.
(edited by Eliteseraph.4970)
yes it does , but u can control the number of attacks and can stop the chain
Probably being blind/ignorant but can’t quite work out the pets. I am guessing fern hound and snow leopard?
Will be starting my ranger properly tonight so will be the start of this type of build/playstyle
If you don’t take runes of Dwayna or find that even with them you aren’t keeping 100% up-time on regen in combat, then a Fern Hound is a good choice. If you are getting 100% up-time on regen (or are simply happy with its up-time), I’d recommend using a different pet as the Fern Hound’s regen won’t be doing you any additional favor.
Ok, makes perfect sense. I guess it will just be a case of time and testing
Ok, makes perfect sense. I guess it will just be a case of time and testing
Exactly! Welcome to the difference between the Ranger class and others :-)
As shown by many videos, we can be quite good. It’s just not stupid-simple.
Experiment. Test. Practice. Learn. Improve. Have Fun. Name your pet silly things that make you (and others) smile.
Ranger is a blast.
Like “Im With Stupid”
Like “Im With Stupid”
Faux, is your Charr a Commander?
Or send money to those that do all that and are nice enough to post their findings for the rest of us saps who were stupid enough to get married & have a mess of kids. :P
BTW, I run a similar build to this and it really works as advertised. Hard as heck to kill. Enough DPS to kill most given enough time to get the job done. “Enough time” is the challenge though.
Like “Im With Stupid”
Faux, is your Charr a Commander?
No, but I roleplay with it in WvW like I’m a commander sometimes by speaking in all caps and starting each command as “CHARR CAT SAYS” or “CHARR CAT THINKS”. Got a nice little zerg that follows me around too hah.
My wife told me my ranger looks like Jesus (due to his hairstyle and beard).
I tried to name my pet “I Am With Jesus”, but that was denied. However, “Red Rocket” (for a Red Moa) did work. I was quite confused by this.
I’ve gotten a bunch of requests to make more videos… like the response to these two threads has been kind of ridiculous. I almost can’t keep up with all the messages haha.
I’ll try to though, so you’ll see more videos from me in the future. I won’t be bumping this thread every time though, so make sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel or check back here every day or two. I’ll have new videos tagged at the top of my post.
I wonder how this would work with;
Cleric’s Gear
30 Marksmanship (IV, VII, XI)
5 Wilderness Survival
5 Nature Magic
30 Beastmastery (IV, VII, XII)
Troll Ungent
Signet of the Hunt
Signet of the Wild
Signet of Renewal or Signet of Stone
*Note: I’d hate to give up a stun break.
Weapons would most likely be;
Sword+Axe / Sword + Horn
You could slot Superior Sigils of Force to up your attack.
I wonder how this would work with;
Cleric’s Gear
30 Marksmanship (IV, VII, XI)
5 Wilderness Survival
5 Nature Magic
30 Beastmastery (IV, VII, XII)
Troll Ungent
Signet of the Hunt
Signet of the Wild
Signet of Renewal or Signet of Stone
*Note: I’d hate to give up a stun break.
EntangleWeapons would most likely be;
Sword+Axe / Sword + HornYou could slot Superior Sigils of Force to up your attack.
I wouldn’t recommend it. You are combining a condition build with a power build while still trying to keep it tanky. If you build too broad, you are mediocre at everything and excellent at nothing. There is no need for precision since you aren’t traited for it, so your Marks VII trait is wasted. You shouldn’t be activating your signets if you want to build tanky, so there’s no need for the grandmaster you chose or the 20% reduced cooldown on signets. You do hardly any condition damage, so there’s no need to use a shortbow. You don’t regenerate well (not traited for either wilderness survival or nature magic), so you’re wasting 300 healing power traited into the beastmastery tree.
The only thing this build has going for it is the fact that the pet hits hard. Other than that, there’s not much to say. You’re putting all your marbles into your pet, but there’s nothing here that makes you – the actual player with the brain – worthwhile.
Which makes me wonder why you are asking on this thread… the only thing our builds have similar is high healing power but you don’t have the regeneration abilities to accompany it. Stacking all that healing power into troll unguent and signet of the wild while ignoring the major role that regeneration plays into a build like this is like traiting for precision and +crit dmg without power.
Good luck with your theorycrafting though.
My wife told me my ranger looks like Jesus (due to his hairstyle and beard).
I tried to name my pet “I Am With Jesus”, but that was denied. However, “Red Rocket” (for a Red Moa) did work. I was quite confused by this.
You should name your pet Judas for all the times he didn’t lick your wounds
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