Feeling useless as a Ranger
Roll a different class for dungeon running.
I never take my ranger into dungeons, however, WvW is fun on it.
We bring alot of rez abils and group heals (compared to most other classes). Spirit of nature, search and rescue, healing spring. Not to mention the other spirit buffs. And you can have your pet tank while you rez. Your pet is basically another party member for free! And don’t let anyone ever tell you that rangers are useless, I did the TA story the other day and took down the second bosses last 30% solo while my party, a guardian, necro, mesmer and ele laid down and had a break for 5 mins.
Warrior of GOLD
(Whiteside Ridge)
I play my ranger exclusively (I really don’t like alts), and while I do fine in dungeons I do get the feeling that we don’t really bring anything to groups. Our dps is lacking, pets are just useless (either you have problems with f2s working, cough wolves cough, they die before they can do anything, or a combination of the two), our support specs don’t really help either…
One thing I can say though, is that I do prefer the aesthetics of the ranger skills over all the other classes and the feel of the ranger skills is definitely good (I just wish you could use dodge to cancel out of sword 1…).
I was in a party with almost all warriors once for AC and they downed everything before I could even attack =_=’
Well, to answer your question a bit more directly; we bring nothing to dungeon runs that isn’t sub-par and done better by another class. I mean you won’t really ever hear “Prefer a ranger” in looking for group messages…
Oh, oh! But, according to anet we are good at open world! Those easy mode enemies, and super zerged events where it doesn’t really matter if your class is good or not!
(edited by Sollith.3502)
My usual roles in dungeons: support dps, combat healer, and waterboy (Healing Spring).
I play my ranger exclusively (I really don’t like alts), and while I do fine in dungeons I do get the feeling that we don’t really bring anything to groups. Our dps is lacking, pets are just useless (either you have problems with f2s working, cough wolves cough, they die before they can do anything, or a combination of the two), our support specs don’t really help either…
One thing I can say though, is that I do prefer the aesthetics of the ranger skills over all the other classes and the feel of the ranger skills is definitely good (I just wish you could use dodge to cancel out of sword 1…).
I was in a party with almost all warriors once for AC and they downed everything before I could even attack =_=’
Well, to answer your question a bit more directly; we bring nothing to dungeon runs that isn’t sub-par and done better by another class. I mean you won’t really ever hear “Prefer a ranger” in looking for group messages…
Oh, oh! But, according to anet we are good at open world! Those easy mode enemies, and super zerged events where it doesn’t really matter if your class is good or not!
You are my idol lol. Exactly what I think.
It’s incredible how much of a difference there is between a WOW hunter and GW2 ranger. In WOW dungeons I could finish # 1or 2 on dps meter with my hunter and NEVER have my pet die, but in GW2 dungeons NO one wants a ranger with them due to how little they bring to the fight.
I realize this game was meant to be completely differant from WOW in all respects, but cmon!!!!! Anet has basically eliminated this class from certain areas of the game and simply does not care. I dare say that Anet dev. team does not play rangers due to how little they respond to threads.
Luv the graphics though.
lvl 80 Ranger
That’s news to me after 300 dungeon runs (at least) on ranger, dungeon master before the simin nerf (used to be a hard DPS check now it’s cheesy easy) in a group made up of engineer, ranger, elementalist, warrior, and guardian, and now playing high level FOTM. Read my post history to learn about my dungeon build.
Regardig ranger brings nothing to the table: group wide stun break / condition removal of ALL conditions in Signet of Renewal, search and reacue for when PUGs go sour, healing spring—the best water field in the game—up literally 50% of the time with blast finisher AoE heal with drakes on swap for tons of health to the whole party…you guys need to open your minds a little and forget this profession vs profession nonsense.
It’s incredible how much of a difference there is between a WOW hunter and GW2 ranger. In WOW dungeons I could finish # 1or 2 on dps meter with my hunter and NEVER have my pet die, but in GW2 dungeons NO one wants a ranger with them due to how little they bring to the fight.
I realize this game was meant to be completely differant from WOW in all respects, but cmon!!!!! Anet has basically eliminated this class from certain areas of the game and simply does not care. I dare say that Anet dev. team does not play rangers due to how little they respond to threads.
Luv the graphics though.
The dungeon designer, Robert Hrouda, mains a ranger. Honestly, to be honest, I think you need more practice with ranger especially if you main warrior. It’s just a completely different style of play. In short, your opinion is based on misperceptions purpetuated by players who bring no data to the table—just anecdotes.
It’s incredible how much of a difference there is between a WOW hunter and GW2 ranger. In WOW dungeons I could finish # 1or 2 on dps meter with my hunter and NEVER have my pet die, but in GW2 dungeons NO one wants a ranger with them due to how little they bring to the fight.
I realize this game was meant to be completely differant from WOW in all respects, but cmon!!!!! Anet has basically eliminated this class from certain areas of the game and simply does not care. I dare say that Anet dev. team does not play rangers due to how little they respond to threads.
Luv the graphics though.The dungeon designer, Robert Hrouda, mains a ranger. Honestly, to be honest, I think you need more practice with ranger especially if you main warrior. It’s just a completely different style of play. In short, your opinion is based on misperceptions purpetuated by players who bring no data to the table—just anecdotes.
lvl 80 Ranger
Okay…wow thx for response. I guess i’ll stick with open world pve on my lvl 80 ranger and get more practice killing risen and such.
lvl 80 Ranger
Okay…wow thx for response. I guess i’ll stick with open world pve on my lvl 80 ranger and get more practice killing risen and such.
Don’t do it too well or we could all be nerfed because you are too good at killing risen.
^ This is the real problem, they need to segment the rangers between dungeon/Open PvE/WvW/sPvP however this is more effort than they have to make for any other class so it probably will never happen.
Rangers = sustained ranged DPS
You have skills that increases group DPS by 10% And one that does burning (spirits are kitten useful) This is a massive boost for the entire party and overall DPS. In a party or group based environment, who cares about personal DPS? 10% damage boost group wide is better than buffing yourself 20% dmg. Think about it.
Rangers = Masters of crowd control
You have skills that interrupt, cripple, root, knock back, stun etc etc AND you can use most of them at range. Rangers are shut out kings. learn how to use these skills. It is not just about DPS. What good is a party of warriors if they are all dead? even if 1 dies the reduction in DPS is massive for the entire party. You use your skills to control the mobs.
I stopped taking my Guardian into Dungeons. It is far more fun on the ranger and I actually use spirits for dungeons. Spirits are very powerful. Learn to use them and you will see the difference. Normal utilitiy set up for dungeon for me is slot 7 and 8 for spirits (swap them when needs arise) and 9 for search and rescue.
Oh and 1 more thing. Your LB at maxed range with eagle eye is outside of bosses attack range. Think about it.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Unfortunately the only dungeon viable ranger builds rely on condition damage, which initself needs to be addressed/fixed across all professions, etc. If you want MAX dps, then a Ranger is currently not the way to go. They do, however, offer great utility, bear tanks, buffs for groups via pets, crowd control, etc.
Unfortunately the only dungeon viable ranger builds rely on condition damage, which initself needs to be addressed/fixed across all professions, etc. If you want MAX dps, then a Ranger is currently not the way to go. They do, however, offer great utility, bear tanks, buffs for groups via pets, crowd control, etc.
My ranger is most definitely not a condition ranger, and I do better in dungeons than most warriors I’ve encountered recently.
I never feel useless in a dungeon nor have a had time finding parties. I use my bears to tank often in dungeons and with a guardian my bears hold out very well most bosses. Maybe you need to play around with your build and find one that is comfortable to your play style. I DPS, group heal, tank, and remove conditions in dungeons. How can that be useless?
That’s news to me after 300 dungeon runs (at least) on ranger, dungeon master before the simin nerf (used to be a hard DPS check now it’s cheesy easy) in a group made up of engineer, ranger, elementalist, warrior, and guardian, and now playing high level FOTM. Read my post history to learn about my dungeon build.
Regardig ranger brings nothing to the table: group wide stun break / condition removal of ALL conditions in Signet of Renewal, search and reacue for when PUGs go sour, healing spring—the best water field in the game—up literally 50% of the time with blast finisher AoE heal with drakes on swap for tons of health to the whole party…you guys need to open your minds a little and forget this profession vs profession nonsense.
Who needs group stun break (everyone already brings their own)? Guardian does that+stability and retal on a 30 sec cd. Search and rescue doesn’t work half the time — on Lupicus the pet will go rez the npc even if the dead players is next to you and your pet and you have him targeted.
How long do you need a water field? If your group is worrying too much about damage it’s because it’s not killing fast enough. What’s your highest lv fractal?
You’re not the only one who’s had to beat simin prenerf. We’ve all done it — doesn’t make you special.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
You may feel useless because of two (main) reasons…
1.) Many other people have no idea what they are talking about and say that Rangers are 100% crap
2.) see reason 1
It’s really simple… most people think that burst dps is the most important thing when going dungeons. It may apply in some (few) situations, but overall the Ranger would be a good addition to many groups, when played correctly.
Sadly… many Rangers don’t do that. Their pet dies often, they themselves die often, they do lousy support (or even none at all) and deal hilariously low damage.
But that’s not the class’s fault.
People see classes like Warrior in PvE and think “OMG that’s just sick!” and actually… they are right ^^ I got a Warrior too, because I like big numbers. It’s scary how little effort is required to max out dps on a Warrior… Rangers can only dream about that few complexity.
Rangers have to be good players to be efficient. More often than not… those are hard to find —-> class get a bad reputation.
With my Ranger I >can< out-dps players of any profession… but that’s simply because I almost never die and got 100% uptime where other people consistently fail…
The Ranger got many short-comings – even the devs acknowledge this. But if you are skilled enough and practise you can compensate for these short-comings and still be better than most of the “ololol faceroll build” players you usually encounter.
The Ranger needs a buff in many areas and roles to be really equal to other classes in those perticular roles… but he’s not “useless”. The rep of Ranger as a whole being “useless” just comes from people being ignorant – on the internet! How utterly unexpected…
For people talking about spirits! LOL if they were invulnerable like banners and I didn’t have to waste 30 points in a useless tree to make them useful then maybei could see myself using them
You have to use your brain when using spirits. Don’t place them in combat range. Then they don’t need to be invincible.
Also the trait that makes them move with you says to me that the initial idea is, rangers never get in to actual combat range so your sports move from point to point. Tactical placement. It’s not that difficult.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
You have to use your brain when using spirits. Don’t place them in combat range. Then they don’t need to be invincible.
Also the trait that makes them move with you says to me that the initial idea is, rangers never get in to actual combat range so your sports move from point to point. Tactical placement. It’s not that difficult.
Not that difficult? Then why do people complain about pets dying? It’s the same problem and if u “tactical place a spirit” their range isn’t that great so then the effect is useless. You can be as far as possible with them following doesn’t negate aoe still hitting you
You may feel useless because of two (main) reasons…
1.) Many other people have no idea what they are talking about and say that Rangers are 100% crap
2.) see reason 1It’s really simple… most people think that burst dps is the most important thing when going dungeons. It may apply in some (few) situations, but overall the Ranger would be a good addition to many groups, when played correctly.
Sadly… many Rangers don’t do that. Their pet dies often, they themselves die often, they do lousy support (or even none at all) and deal hilariously low damage.
But that’s not the class’s fault.
I main a ranger but also have a guardian. For half of the dungeons I use ranger and the other half I use my guardian. If played right and BUILD right (very important) we are very good in dungeons. My pet rarely dies and in fights where I know it’s going to die no matter how great my micromanagement is , I swap to a tanky pet so they can survive long enough for me to swap for quickness. I find that I grab aggro alot in my parties and that made me learn to kite and dodge everywhere while it allows my party members to dps without being attacked.
I’ve seen alot of rangers stay with their weapon set through out the whole dungeon runs and I believe that is the worse way to play a ranger. We are versatile so we should play like it. I swap weapons so often, swapping traits and skills as I run to the next battle.
Just the other night, 4 rangers (myself included) inside CoF path 1. Was major fun and final boss went down pretty fast. Would have been faster if they realize sword/XX was the better weapon for it. Melts final boss like butter. Four sword rangers, 4 Healing Springs and 8 Drakes = OP on that boss. I’ve tried it, major fun and add in a Mesmer for Timewarp, haha.
Well I don’t feel useless at all. Well placed spirits don’t usually die and give huge benefits to the group. Today I were in CoF and my pets didn’t die even ONCE. Not a single time they were dead. Also you can youse moas to buff the party, healing spring, which is the best water field in the game, elite spirit to heal and revive allies as well as Search and Rescue. It is a bit bugged atm but when it will be fixed ( I hope so ) this will greatly contribute to ranger’s importance in the group. Yes we lack dps in terms of numbers but we can provide party with some unique opportunities on the orher hand.
I don’t wont to say that rangers dodn’t need to be fixed at last, but HEY – we are not useless.
In this game dungeon bosses are just big walking health-pool. Dps is what really matters and we are not on par with other professions. You may need a run to learn the fight but after that it’s a breeze.
The Ranger’s strength is the ability to be in two places at once. You should use this to your advantage, by utilising pet management, Shout or Signet skills, and changing pets for different F2 skills. Next to that you have a lot of traps with the Ranger, that allows you to snare foes consistently. You have Healing Spring that gives regeneration and condition removal to allies, plus Signet of Renewal that removes conditions from allies as well. And finally the Ranger has some great elite skills, that each does something different; party wide reviving, AoE snaring, or stability and extra damage. If you’re fighting against a boss that’s not moving, or casting AoE damage, the spirits can be somewhat useful..
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope
Roll a Guardian or even better, a Warrior.
Delusional people will try to convince you otherwise with hundreds of words but that wont change anything. It has been like that from the start of the game.
It’s always the easiest way to give up and roll to other professions. And then the game will consist only of Warriors and Guardians. Yes, it may be true if you enjoy the numbers under mobs’ heads. But if you dig deeper into the mechanics and you enjoy something slightly more difficult than clicking one button – just stick with Ranger and resist the temptation to play other classes cause that will just signal your loss.
I would never suggest to someone that they stick with a class they dont enjoy playing.
Rangers really can be effective as part of a team, though I cant offer much advice as far as dungeons go (I am waiting for good AI to give me a PvE challenge, not arbitrary mechanics).
Things like healing spring though… are absolutely incredible. Your spirits can be extremely useful, but I have found in PvE that they do tend to get targeted constantly. In WvW though, they are almost always left alone if put outside of the AoE storm. Their range should allow you to place them (PvE or PvP) behind an obstacle to block LoS. Their buff does not require LoS, so this can be used to your advantage.
Other things, like traps, can be used to reduce the damage that the mobs can dish out as well as laying down combo fields. As I have played my ranger more and more, I have found that their ability to access combo fields is actually pretty substantial. Putting down fields HUGELY benefits the group and will make everything they do more powerful. Learn them and love them, because regardless of PvE or PvP, they are massively useful. Learning placement of the fields for best effect is also paramount. You can also study what attacks from different classes do as far as finishers. If you pay attention to rotations, you can time your fields to be put down right about when the groups CDs are up for their finisher skills. This knowledge also transfers to every class you might play, so I find it pretty useful.
Different pets also provide some great group support. Ones like the moas can provide relatively decent healing, as well as buffs like fury, protection, etc. In the case of the Red Moa, the fury it provides is very long and if used in conjunction with a mesmers time warp and a healing spring, can really wreak some havoc.
I’m glad there are rangers out there who know what they are doing nit will make the game far more interesting.
I am having so much fun on the Ranger I barely play my guardian anymore.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
I am having so much fun on the Ranger I barely play my guardian anymore.
That has been my experience too. I have a level 80 ranger, engineer, necro, ele, and had a level 80 thief (deleted for the ranger!). I also have a level 60 (?) mesmer.
Not only do I have more fun on my ranger, but I feel there is SO much more to learn on it. I absolutely love that. Even though I am quite effective on the class, I feel like I am just a padawan. Well, I am at least effective when compared to when I play other classes. When I was sub-80, taking on 6+ mobs that are 5+ levels above me is pretty decent at least for me. I have no doubt many can do it with their eyes closed, but its a real challenge to me. There is so much more to get better at, and learn, and practice that I think I will be occupied by the class for quite some time.
My only regret is not giving ranger more of a chance earlier!
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
No matter how much you keep telling yourself that your ranger brings so much group support and utility, it just isn’t true. Other classes are simply better, more fleshed out and bring more to the table.
Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t play it if you enjoy it. However a spade is still a spade, whether you want it to be or not.
Well I made this thread so others could educate me. I’m looking for strategies and ideas which could actually make me a decent member of my team which isn’t better done by my alts.
No matter how much you keep telling yourself that your ranger brings so much group support and utility, it just isn’t true. Other classes are simply better, more fleshed out and bring more to the table.
Which isn’t to say you shouldn’t play it if you enjoy it. However a spade is still a spade, whether you want it to be or not.
While that may be true for you, it isnt for me. Like I said, I have multiple level 80s and since the ranger “jives” with how my mind works better than any other class, I bring more to the table with it than I would with another.
Rangers have good group support. I see your line of thought quite a bit with these types of games though. When it is harder to use, or slightly less effective overall, things are considered “completely useless.” You can see this most clearly in the ele forums, where it is claimed the ONLY effective build is x/x/x/30/30. The truth is that it is only one of the most effective, not the only effective build.
Of course, I have never been one for ultra min-maxing, or perfectly assembled experienced groups, etc. So, that may be a fundamental difference I have. I dont feel either one is the “right” way, just different. Though, inherently, the min/max way will consider any other way to be worse/wrong. The ranger has all of the tools to be effective. Perfectly on par with other classes in specific areas? No. I would agree with you there. But to imply that they offer nothing to a group is a bit disingenuous. Some, like me, dont really care about speed runs and things like that. I do care about succeeding, and having a ranger in the group will not prevent that. We undoubtedly have to put more effort in though, and it could be said it doesnt necessarily show in the output. The amount of combo fields we have, alone, is fantastic. At least for me though, those combo fields are the lynchpin of my playstyle. Ideally, I constantly have a field down to be fired through at the opponent. And the way they are put down works better for me than on my ele. Though, I do feel that utilizing them is more important to the ranger than it is the ele. Maybe even imperative.
So, it boils down to this: Will having a well-played ranger in a group prevent it from succeeding? If the answer is no, then the rest is just subjective.
I am more effective on my ranger than I am on my ele. And the predicted response might be that I just dont know how to play the ele, but the inverse would be true as well. I remember when the ele was considered the worst and most underpowered class in the game. I disagreed at that time, and it eventually came to light how powerful they can be. I feel the same way about the ranger, even if I do think the class has some fundamental things that need to be fixed.
Like you say though, when it comes down to it.. its a game. The purpose is to have fun. If you arent having fun on the ranger, definitely try another class. You might find your perfect one, like I have with the ranger. Getting frustrated about feeling ineffective is no way to spend free time. Thats what a job is for!
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Well I made this thread so others could educate me. I’m looking for strategies and ideas which could actually make me a decent member of my team which isn’t better done by my alts.
How familiar are you with combo fields and finishers?
While they are extremely useful with every class, I have found some real strength in the ranger with their use. Especially when I time them with the rest of the group. Like I said in an earlier post, one of my favorite things is to lay down healing spring and a red moa fury in the middle of a mesmer time warp. I also tend to lay down a radiation field either before or after, but that is an asura racial and isnt accessible to all rangers. The same could be accomplished with traiting for ranged traps though!
One of the most important things to consider with fields though is that a finisher will apply to the first field it touches. So, you wont get all of the field effects at the same time. Because of this, its sometimes better to stagger things out. You can lay down a healing spring behind the time warp, or to the right/left of it, etc. so the team can move into whichever field they want to apply. Or, have someone do a blast finisher to just do area healing instead of stacking regen (which is what projectile finishers do).
Remember too, for healing, you can use leap finishers through your healing spring for some ok healing. This can be done most easily with either greatsword 3 (swoop) or sword 2 (hornet sting->monarchs leap). Neither of them require a target, so pretty handy.
(edited by Tuluum.9638)
Well I made this thread so others could educate me. I’m looking for strategies and ideas which could actually make me a decent member of my team which isn’t better done by my alts.
While you are asking for strategies and tips, you’re also asking with a classist qualifier at the end. I’m more than happy to provide tips and strategies for dungeon play that’s specific to my Ranger and not my alts. I’m not interested in doing so by participating in the forum’s hissing contest over a theoretical skill-ceiling speedrun in CoF path 1.
Will you accept one of these things, without the other?
/edit: is it considered cheating the forum filter, if I made it work thematically with the censorship word?
(edited by Vox Hollow.2736)
Which class can bring 60 minutes of protection and 10% dmg boost AND burning on attack whilst specing for Damage? not to mention the massive healing from healing spring and pets.
That right there, is a support style that requires NO TRAITS. Which class can do that?
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
You can build however you want and still be able to use most of the utilities without reduction. You can change skills and play style at will mid way through dungeons. Without having to be forced into 1 build.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
I know what you mean, time for the Power Rangers! In all seriousness however I do believe this profession should be buffed in some way for dungeons as this profession does the worst there, although pvp is good.
It’s always the easiest way to give up and roll to other professions. And then the game will consist only of Warriors and Guardians. Yes, it may be true if you enjoy the numbers under mobs’ heads. But if you dig deeper into the mechanics and you enjoy something slightly more difficult than clicking one button – just stick with Ranger and resist the temptation to play other classes cause that will just signal your loss.
LOL what is difficult about ranger? The weapons are simple, and 1/3 to 1/2 of your damage is delivered automatically by AI. If you think babysitting a pet makes the class more challenging than a well played elementalist or engineer, I don’t know what to tell you. Even a hammer guardian takes finesse to play to control mobs properly.
Which class can bring 60 minutes of protection and 10% dmg boost AND burning on attack whilst specing for Damage? not to mention the massive healing from healing spring and pets.
That right there, is a support style that requires NO TRAITS. Which class can do that?
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
You can build however you want and still be able to use most of the utilities without reduction. You can change skills and play style at will mid way through dungeons. Without having to be forced into 1 build.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
60 minutes? You do realize that the effects have a 10 second internal cooldowns, the prot buff is 3 seconds long every 10 seconds, except it’s less because it’s a 35% proc chance, so it won’t be immediately up after the internal cooldown ends.
The prot uptime is not even close to 30% of the time. A hammer guardian can permanently keep protection on his melee with larger symbols. An elementalist gives his group 5 seconds of protection every 10 seconds he switches to earth attunement. Without using up utility skills.
You go make a video of the spirits staying up in high level fractals and then we’ll talk. You are so full of it.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Yeah that MEGAHUGE burning damage totally makes this so much more effective than a simple blast finisher for AoE 3 might stacks.
Which class can bring 60 minutes of protection and 10% dmg boost AND burning on attack whilst specing for Damage? not to mention the massive healing from healing spring and pets.
That right there, is a support style that requires NO TRAITS. Which class can do that?
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
You can build however you want and still be able to use most of the utilities without reduction. You can change skills and play style at will mid way through dungeons. Without having to be forced into 1 build.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
About what game are you actually talking?
You have to use your brain when using spirits. Don’t place them in combat range. Then they don’t need to be invincible.
Also the trait that makes them move with you says to me that the initial idea is, rangers never get in to actual combat range so your sports move from point to point. Tactical placement. It’s not that difficult.
Not that difficult? Then why do people complain about pets dying? It’s the same problem and if u “tactical place a spirit” their range isn’t that great so then the effect is useless. You can be as far as possible with them following doesn’t negate aoe still hitting you
Not standing in the fire isn’t that difficult yet people still can’t that concept, focus the called target isn’t that difficult yet people still can’t do that, interrupt the mobs heal isn’t that difficult yet people don’t grasp that, GET IN THE kittenIN BOSS ROOM! Isn’t that difficult yet people can’t grasp that on more fights than I can count…
Point is people are stupid and often struggle with things that “aren’t difficult”.
That being said spirits have a 900yd radius by default, Natures Vengeance boosts that range to the point I can stand back in Narnia with my longbow and pew pew as my pet and everyone Inbetween get the spirit buffs. So you’re whole “their range is bad” argument is just plain wrong.
As their mother, I have to grant them their wish. – Forever Fyonna
You have to use your brain when using spirits. Don’t place them in combat range. Then they don’t need to be invincible.
Also the trait that makes them move with you says to me that the initial idea is, rangers never get in to actual combat range so your sports move from point to point. Tactical placement. It’s not that difficult.
Not that difficult? Then why do people complain about pets dying? It’s the same problem and if u “tactical place a spirit” their range isn’t that great so then the effect is useless. You can be as far as possible with them following doesn’t negate aoe still hitting you
You get these buffs on hit. Which means that the person is either 1, using a ranged weapon to stay within range of the spirits buff in which case they are fine and wont be hit. 2, they kite the boss (who face tanks a boss these days?..well apart from Guards) so they eventually will run into the range of the spirits.
Most people aren’t tactically minded and can only think kill kill kill. kill in the fastest way possible. DPS DPS DPS. That’s a warrior, NOT a ranger.
This is why a hell of a lot of people are crying about the Ranger. They just don’t understand the class. Hell, some people even go as far as to say there is no synergy in the traits and builds. That’s hilarious.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Rangers = sustained ranged DPS
You have skills that increases group DPS by 10% And one that does burning (spirits are kitten useful) This is a massive boost for the entire party and overall DPS. In a party or group based environment, who cares about personal DPS? 10% damage boost group wide is better than buffing yourself 20% dmg. Think about it.
Rangers = Masters of crowd control
You have skills that interrupt, cripple, root, knock back, stun etc etc AND you can use most of them at range. Rangers are shut out kings. learn how to use these skills. It is not just about DPS. What good is a party of warriors if they are all dead? even if 1 dies the reduction in DPS is massive for the entire party. You use your skills to control the mobs.
I stopped taking my Guardian into Dungeons. It is far more fun on the ranger
and I actually use spirits for dungeons. Spirits are very powerful. Learn to use them and you will see the difference. Normal utilitiy set up for dungeon for me is slot 7 and 8 for spirits (swap them when needs arise) and 9 for search and rescue.
Oh and 1 more thing. Your LB at maxed range with eagle eye is outside of bosses attack range. Think about it.
Your post is about PVE, no??because if you are fighting against a normal player, you cant kite him, all melee classes have an ANTIKITE skill/button in GW2 .
Let me tell you a simple combo that you may want to use. Use the torch 5, then use LB2 and fire into a group of people. Make sure you have piercing arrow and eagle eye traited. Watch the numbers
each shot adds burning duration. Same with other combo fields.
Rangers are so versatile. Not all people who play them are. This is the issue.
Yeah that MEGAHUGE burning damage totally makes this so much more effective than a simple blast finisher for AoE 3 might stacks.
Can you calculate the difference between the damage of adding 3 might stacks and 5 stacks of burning?
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Rangers = sustained ranged DPS
You have skills that increases group DPS by 10% And one that does burning (spirits are kitten useful) This is a massive boost for the entire party and overall DPS. In a party or group based environment, who cares about personal DPS? 10% damage boost group wide is better than buffing yourself 20% dmg. Think about it.
Rangers = Masters of crowd control
You have skills that interrupt, cripple, root, knock back, stun etc etc AND you can use most of them at range. Rangers are shut out kings. learn how to use these skills. It is not just about DPS. What good is a party of warriors if they are all dead? even if 1 dies the reduction in DPS is massive for the entire party. You use your skills to control the mobs.
I stopped taking my Guardian into Dungeons. It is far more fun on the ranger
and I actually use spirits for dungeons. Spirits are very powerful. Learn to use them and you will see the difference. Normal utilitiy set up for dungeon for me is slot 7 and 8 for spirits (swap them when needs arise) and 9 for search and rescue.
Oh and 1 more thing. Your LB at maxed range with eagle eye is outside of bosses attack range. Think about it.
Your post is about PVE, no??because if you are fighting against a normal player, you cant kite him, all melee classes have an ANTIKITE skill/button in GW2 .
Yes this is talking about dungeons and PvE. In WvW and PvP the strategy and tactics are slightly different. In WvW and PvP its either you spec for melee or hybrid and use ranged as an optional weapon or you max out your range and hang back away from the fight and just shoot into the crowd.
However, you can kite a Guardian. They are next to useless against someone who actually knows how to kite. please note, use minus condition duration runes and food. No one can catch you. Use GS as a gtfo weapon and not a kill kill kill weapon and you can kite very well.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Rangers = sustained ranged DPS
You have skills that increases group DPS by 10% And one that does burning (spirits are kitten useful) This is a massive boost for the entire party and overall DPS. In a party or group based environment, who cares about personal DPS? 10% damage boost group wide is better than buffing yourself 20% dmg. Think about it.
Rangers = Masters of crowd control
You have skills that interrupt, cripple, root, knock back, stun etc etc AND you can use most of them at range. Rangers are shut out kings. learn how to use these skills. It is not just about DPS. What good is a party of warriors if they are all dead? even if 1 dies the reduction in DPS is massive for the entire party. You use your skills to control the mobs.
I stopped taking my Guardian into Dungeons. It is far more fun on the ranger
and I actually use spirits for dungeons. Spirits are very powerful. Learn to use them and you will see the difference. Normal utilitiy set up for dungeon for me is slot 7 and 8 for spirits (swap them when needs arise) and 9 for search and rescue.
Oh and 1 more thing. Your LB at maxed range with eagle eye is outside of bosses attack range. Think about it.
Your post is about PVE, no??because if you are fighting against a normal player, you cant kite him, all melee classes have an ANTIKITE skill/button in GW2 .
Yes this is talking about dungeons and PvE. In WvW and PvP the strategy and tactics are slightly different. In WvW and PvP its either you spec for melee or hybrid and use ranged as an optional weapon or you max out your range and hang back away from the fight and just shoot into the crowd.
However, you can kite a Guardian. They are next to useless against someone who actually knows how to kite. please note, use minus condition duration runes and food. No one can catch you. Use GS as a gtfo weapon and not a kill kill kill weapon and you can kite very well.
if you use a GS against a guardian, you will die…he is a pure melee class, he have “less” dps than other classes, but he can absorb a high amount of damage and conditions, and GS damage is bad…
You don’t use it AGAINST him. You use it to GET AWAY FROM HIM. That is the usefulness of the GS.
If you look at the skill set for it it has a movement skill. a block skill. a stun skill.
2 skills that do pretty much NO damage. its not a DPS weapon.
Sophia Theos Beast Master
[Fissure of Woe]
Healing Spring alone makes me love Rangers as my Thief. :P
It’s fun to splash in and keeps me clean, hydrated and healthy. <3
(edited by Doggie.3184)
Rangers contribute vulnerability, up to 20 stacks when properly traited. I think this gets overlooked a lot and is definitely underused.
I almost never see people running birds in dungeons. Is this just me?
If everyone complains about pets dying, then use a pet that will actually do a bit of damage before it dies…the swiftness will help out your melee as well.
I also think more Rangers need to be in melee range and use GS or Sword more often because it’s a pain to run back 900-1200 yds to rez someone especially at TA wurms and COE Subject Alpha
You don’t use it AGAINST him. You use it to GET AWAY FROM HIM. That is the usefulness of the GS.
If you look at the skill set for it it has a movement skill. a block skill. a stun skill.
2 skills that do pretty much NO damage. its not a DPS weapon.
it is easy to kill a ranger in WvW with a guardian, you can run all you want with your GS……